Saturday, 20 August 2016

The most effective discharge day

 The most effective discharge day


  • What is fasting days?
  • The benefits of fasting days and their varieties
  • British diet - fasting days

Effective fasting days always produce visible and tangible results. In order to lose weight, we often "sit" on a variety of debilitating diets. But why make such sacrifices? Quite often we can reduce the weight and with the help of fasting days. You can arrange a variety of fasting days.

Effective fasting days are divided into groups:

  • Carbohydrate Group - a fasting day on rice and watermelon, cucumbers, apples and buckwheat.
  • Protein group - a fasting day on kefir, cottage cheese, kefir, meat, fish fasting days.
  • Fat group - sour cream, fasting days, fasting days in milk.

Fasting days you can hold two times a week and choose their food to taste. To start losing weight is best suited meat, cheese, sour cream or fasting days fasting day on rice, because they are better tolerated by the body. Very effective fasting days on buckwheat. Buckwheat is incredibly useful for stomach and intestines.

What is fasting days?

It is, first of all, compliance with all rules and remarkable strength of will. For those who normally carries the feeling of hunger, fasting days can be combined. For example, to connect Kefir discharge day with another, chosen to your taste. This significantly faster results.

Effective fasting day should be well thought out. If you choose a carbohydrate fasting days, you should reduce the intake of protein and fat. Foods that you eat should consist of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, minerals. It tomatoes and cucumbers, unsweetened berries, fruits and vegetables, watermelons. Such fasting days - very tasty. You have to divide 1500 grams of any product in the form of fresh cheese into five parts, and at regular intervals to eat them.

All of these products contain a large amount of liquid, so if you choose carbohydrate fasting days, it is not necessary to use additional water. By the way - Kefir discharge day refers specifically to the discharge days, during which the amount of liquid is better to limit.

If you want to use mixed fasting days, it is necessary to take similar in composition products. It may be kefir, cottage cheese, apple, kefir, rice, apple and other fasting days. On such days, it is necessary to combine fruits and vegetables, or vegetables and fruit, fish and meat, yogurt and cottage cheese, fruit and yogurt, rice and fruit, etc.

Kefir discharge day will be useful not only for the stomach, but for immunity as yogurt stimulates immunity. Kefir goes well with apples. Apple fasting day can be combined with kefir. Apples can be eaten raw, and, and stewed or baked.

Fasting days on the water have a distinct advantage. During unloading is particularly noticeable anti-aging effect on the skin: disappear not only acne and pimples, but also wrinkles and folds. The skin becomes elastic, fresh, improves the complexion. Even the eyes are brighter.

 The most effective discharge day

  The benefits of fasting days and their varieties

During fasting days are cleaned the whole organism. All the human excretory system during this period focused on the release of toxins. Only through the light output of more than 150 harmful substances. Hunger promotes intensive cleaning vessels, frees the body from uric acid, which is the main cause of arthritis. Suffice 8-10 days fasting recovery to fully recover from a mild arthritis.

Fasting days on the water help to improve memory and healing of many diseases, including cirrhosis, and tumor necrosis. In addition, the sanitary starvation has a preventive effect - after unloading days the human body becomes immune to phenols, nitrates, sulfur dioxide, etc.

Regular fasting days, held at least once a week, immediate impact on the work of the intestine, and the well-being of the whole body, in addition, help to quickly and easily lose weight.

  • Fasting days on tea

We offer a unique - milky tea recipe of the day discharge. Throughout the day you can drink unlimited amounts of green tea made with milk.

Fasting days on green tea has always enjoyed great popularity among the adherents of a healthy lifestyle. The ability of green tea to excrete the accumulated toxins and excess water for a long time attracted the attention of physicians. Because of these properties it is recommended to all those who want to lose weight quickly.

  • Fasting days on watermelon

Watermelon fasting days usually are prescribed for hypertension, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver, as well as circulatory disorders. Such fasting days is recommended that no more than 1-2 times a week, while the number of days of diet depends primarily on the nature of the disease and tolerability of patients.

Observing watermelon fasting days, you need a day for five receptions to eat 300 grams of ripe watermelon flesh.

  • Fasting days on fats

Discharge day for fats are not less effective than apple fasting day. When you use fat fasting days, weight loss will be faster due to increased activity of enzymes that break down fats. The process of converting carbohydrates into fat mass is also slowing.

If you choose sour fasting day, then you have to eat 500 grams of a 20% cream, sour cream or five times a day at regular intervals. Drink only twice a day, unsweetened coffee with milk or broth hips.

  • Protein fasting days

If you want to carry out an effective discharge day without much effort, use the protein group. It may be dairy fasting days that improve the metabolism and accelerates the process of lipolysis. We should eat four servings per day of cottage cheese (150 grams) with sour cream (15 grams) or drink 6 times a day with 250 ml of yogurt. Twice a day you can drink a cup of unsweetened coffee with milk.

Fasting days on meat
Equally valid and fasting days, which consist only of meat. They are very effective. It is necessary to take lean meat and eat only boiled. Eat meat should be five receptions. Total 450 grams. You can drink 2 cups of broth hips and 3 cups of unsweetened coffee with milk.

If you arrange unloading two days in a row, the first to be meat fasting day, then sour cream or vegetable, and you will lose weight at 2 - 2, 5 kilos! In the fasting days should be increased physical and mental stress, not a company, and longer sleep.

 The most effective discharge day

  British diet - fasting days

There is also the English diet, which is precisely unloading days. Comments about the English diet very positive. It is thanks to her real English ladies always stay in shape. British diet implies the existence of some products, such as vegetables, nuts, fruits and some cereals. Comments about the English diet suggest that this diet is incredibly simple and easy to remember. For more information about the English diet, and we will tell you.

Perhaps the best fasting days - on rice. If you are not satisfied with the result of the use of unloading days, you can arrange a week unloading. The basis of the diet in the unloading week is a special soup, which reduces the weight. Brewed soup in a special way from a mixture of vegetables: green pepper, onion, tomato, celery, cabbage. Do it during the unloading of the week can be in unlimited quantities, because it does not add calories. The efficacy did not decrease.

Effective fasting days in addition to the soup even suggest some products. You can eat vegetables, some fruits, beef, rice, coffee, tea, herbs, water in a particular order in the sequence of days. You can not drink alcohol, carbonated beverages, bread, fatty and fried foods. If you follow all the rules, then the 7th day you can lose weight by 9 kg.

Nutritionists recommend that before starting of a fasting day to consult with a specialist. It will help you to choose the most effective fasting days, which will not bring harm.

 The most effective discharge day

We recommend that read: slimming tea reviews

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