Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Deep bikini - hair removal intimate zone

 Deep bikini - hair removal intimate zone


  • Types of hair removal bikini. Waxing
  • Hair removal in the salon. Process and preparation
  • Hair removal at home. Cold wax
  • The benefits of salon procedures

Hard to believe that the process of getting rid of hair from intimate places is very ancient. She created and invented by the ancient Egyptians and Romans. And if now in modern interiors deep bikini - is quite common and widespread procedure, in ancient times, intimate epilation, tweezers and scissors were carried out and processed bikini was not so deep. Drawings of same hair color and then making natural dyes. In Europe, epilation, which is then made only in the home originated in the Middle Ages.

Naturally, epilation deep bikini became popular in the 20th century, as the vogue narrow and open swimwear. Today, in the 21st century, waxing intimate places is a very popular procedure in all beauty salons. Deep bikini waxing means complete hair removal as pubic and some of the external genitalia. And most women have resorted to this procedure on a regular basis, even though the cost of hair removal bikini deep in expensive salons. Perfectly smooth and velvety skin intimate places gives the ladies a special confidence in his own beauty and sexual attractiveness.

Types of hair removal bikini. Waxing

In general, there are two types of hair removal intimate places - this is a common and deep bikini waxing. Some believe these procedures are hygienic, while others - aesthetic. For example, deep hair removal gives you the opportunity to subsequently present the bikini-design, corrective hair in intimate areas in a picture. From depilation procedure deep epilation bikini characterized in that it destroys the roots of the hair epilation and depilation removed only at their upper part.

Do hair removal intimate place at home is quite real. For example, waxing. Especially in the home, it is most effective. It should be noted that waxing is one of the oldest methods of hair removal. She came to us from ancient Egypt, when all known beauty queen Cleopatra and removes unwanted hair (including with intimate places) in this way.

After the process of epilation deep bikini hair can easily be forgotten in three weeks. When waxing unwanted hair removed by various cosmetic waxes. This procedure is suitable for many different types of hair. The only recommendation - wait until the hair grow back, because their length should reach one centimeter. We must remember that the maximum good effect is achieved when the maximum length of the hair. The minimum length of the hair by waxing bikini zone is five millimeters.

 Deep bikini - hair removal intimate zone

Hair removal in the salon. Process and preparation

In fact, deep bikini waxing is recommended to still do in the cabin - its cost is not as high quality as you are sure to please. This procedure is very simple interiors and a little painful. At waxing has a name - waxing. During this procedure in the area of ​​skin first to apply a special preparatory lotion. And it is done as follows: a zone bikini cosmetic wax is applied, which must be hot (about 60 degrees) or warm (40 to 50 degrees).

Wax thickens, gradually cooling down. Warm wax gets into the hair follicle, and envelops it freezes. Once the wax has cooled, impose special strips of paper, which is removed with wax and hairs abruptly. As a result, the hairs are pulled out with the root and dead skin cells. At this point, you can feel a slight tingling. Of course, it is best to show how the waxing bikini reviews. If you are afraid of this procedure, you can read reviews on Internet forums, or to consult with friends.

Do not want to learn about other methods of hair removal intimate places. By the way, many of them virtually painless. For example - laser hair removal, hair removal using the epilator, and tips for bikini zone, Elos hair removal and photo-epilation, which is made only in salons. It is best to get complete information about epilation deep bikini: a description of the procedures, reviews, tips and tricks. Although to accurately choose the best method for you deep hair removal procedure is best to consult with an experienced technician. Because you are choosing a method of hair removal, the master always take into account the stiffness, thickness, and even hair color. So, the correct way to pick up.

It is recommended not to sunbathe or take a hot bath before epilation. Pubic hair is trimmed to 5-7 millimeters, and it is necessary to take a refreshing shower. Deep bikini hair removal is performed in the supine position. Required tools it is necessary to handle disinfectant. Hands also disinfect the gloves or protect.

After a deep hair removal in the bikini area on the skin it is necessary to apply a moisturizing, softening and healing cream. Sometimes it is used instead of a special almond oil that has high softening properties. Because the skin at this moment very angry, she needed time to recover their function. It is recommended to cancel at any time, and solarium, and sunbathing.

Hair removal at home. Cold wax

If you carry out this procedure periodically and correctly, the hairs become softer and softer and a little thinner. There is a gradual almost complete freedom of intimate places unnecessary hairs. And this is another plus in favor of the procedure - waxing is more than compensated the lack of spending on more expensive or, conversely, very low-cost ways of epilation deep bikini. After the first nearly as effective, and the second, if we compare almost ineffective.

Furthermore epilation at home with hot and warm wax, there are a method and a cold wax. It uses a cosmetic wax that you can just warm up in the hands. The unquestionable advantages of this method include the fact that the cold wax is very convenient to take in any trip and independently carry out the procedure until the next salon visit.

Cold wax is usually sold in tubes. It appears as a finished strip of nonwoven fabric or cellophane. Such strip is simple and easy to warm in the palms. After that heated wax strip should be pressed quickly to the desired area of ​​the skin and a sharp movement to disrupt. Deep cold wax hair removal will relieve you of unwanted hair for four weeks. It is believed that this method of hair removal is best suited for hair removal bikini zone deep and legs.

However, waxing bikini has contraindications. These may be the following factors: a variety of skin diseases, hypersensitivity to ingredients in the composition of cosmetic waxes, various forms of herpes, infectious disease, varicose veins and diabetes. In carrying out this procedure in any case can not be hurt warts and large moles on your skin.

 Deep bikini - hair removal intimate zone

The benefits of salon procedures

In fact, self-waxing so intimate zone is fraught with unpredictable consequences. And no matter what is carried depilation - waxing or epilator. Firstly, doing it yourself is not very convenient. Second, use the epilator or wax strips, you must first learn and practice on Me gentle places. Thirdly, you are still not a specialist to determine exactly what kind of depilation suits you best.

However, many women before visiting the salon stops elementary shyness - still baring intimate places in front of strangers. That's why they torment their BUILD adalnuyu zone bikini epilator or wax, and then pull out the hairs with tweezers. But doctors do not hesitate to visit you? So, take to the salon procedure properly. In general, such a constraint is called false.

Still, professional hair removal will be of much higher quality than hair removal at home, even if you're doing the right thing. Besides salon treatment is usually less painful than self-wax hair removal and even epilator. And opportunities for Master incomparably greater. So think before experimenting on his body.

Do not forget about contraindications, deciding on a deep epilation bikini zone. In the end, health is much more important desire to look fashionable and sexy. Remember, the woman has the capacity to always remain beautiful and against all odds.

 Deep bikini - hair removal intimate zone

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