- The benefits of early breakfast
- Menu healthy breakfast
Have you ever wake up in the morning and decide that today - this is the day that you begin to lose weight? That's enough to have extra kilos that you are a strong woman and will be able to overcome their desire to have everything? Surely such a moment in the life of every woman at least once, so it happened (as it may seem, but the slender girl lose weight even more than full). And how does such a remarkable day flows? In most cases, determined young lady, with a contemptuous glance disclaims breakfast, proudly content with apple at lunch and neuro kefirchik revels in the afternoon. Well, in the evening ... What night? Finally, the hot soup, burgers and chips and pie that my mother baked. God is with him, with losing weight as some other times. Common situation?
If so, what could be called the exact moment when things went awry. No, no, the decision to lose weight was correct (if your weight does not border with children), a bug lurking later. Your main puncture that you so imprudently refused lunch. Determined to reduce the amount of food intake to a minimum, you have forgotten about what the evening still want to eat. And tormented himself all day long, you avenged your body the most ruthless manner: eaten on an empty stomach daily calories. Well, that breakfast for weight loss is not just permissible, but necessary, you probably did not know or had forgotten.
The benefits of early breakfast
Of course, breakfast is possible and necessary. If you decide to lose weight, then you have a wonderful opportunity to saturate the body with calories in the morning and spend it quietly during the day. In the morning you can afford, and sweet, and pastries - in the evening of excess calories and no trace remains. Of course, we should not go overboard and eat a two-tier cake with whipped cream for breakfast - so you only will type a few extra kilos. But to use the right breakfast to lose weight you simply must!
So, what is the use of a breakfast for weight loss and why it is so important for the body? Surely you know that metabolism plays a very important role in weight loss: the higher the speed, the faster melting extra kilos. At night, when you sleep, your metabolism is also sleeping, metabolism running at minimum speed (it is not recommended to overeat at night). Waking up, the metabolic rate increases, but here in full force, he starts to work only when your digestive system will work. Conclusion: The sooner you utrechka breakfast, the faster metabolism will burn calories.
In addition, to give up breakfast is very harmful for health. The fact that in the morning the blood sugar level is minimal, and the body is simply necessary food. Denying yourself food, you punish your body, depriving it of energy and nutrients. Even if you are accustomed to do without breakfast, if you are sick at the thought of eating in the morning - overpower you. It's just a bad habit, which must be addressed.
And thanks to the morning meal increases blood levels of leptin - a substance that is responsible for appetite suppression. Scientists have proved that those women that, for whatever reasons, skip breakfast, during the day eat a lot more food than those who are accustomed to the morning meal. Therefore, decide to start losing weight and at the same time refuse from breakfast - stupid and short-sighted, so you put herself spoke in the wheel.
Menu healthy breakfast
Few of us have the opportunity, and most importantly, the desire to stand early in the morning at the stove and cook breakfast for the right weight loss. Therefore, the usual sausage sandwiches and a cup of instant coffee - it is a familiar sight on most kitchen early in the morning. Of course, it's better than nothing, but if you decide to lose weight, then to the menu of his morning meal should be taken seriously.
So what is there to eat for breakfast, so that was helpful, and a lot of time for cooking do not leave? The ideal breakfast should be balanced. Introducing useful morning menu, main idea - "cheap and cheerful".
- The quickest and most rewarding morning dish was and still is oatmeal. If you want to get the maximum benefit to the body, the fresh fruit, low-fat milk and oatmeal - the best solution. Yogurt and milk provide the body with essential nutrients securities, bread and cereal - fiber, and fruit - vitamin C. oatmeal and fruits contain a lot of soluble kletchatki.Prichem not forget that cooking oatmeal - simple. Take oatmeal, pour boiling water over them and go to wash, brush your teeth and get dressed. As long as you finish your "morning" of the case, your breakfast is ready!
- Thin, flat pita bread - ideal for a proper breakfast. In preparing such a pita does not use yeast, and therefore overweight with it just do not get. Wrap it in a piece of chicken breast, turkey cutlets, or two hundred grams of boiled beef. Please be assured that, together with fruit and freshly squeezed juice, you get a perfectly tasty and healthy breakfast.
- The most popular, the most hearty and healthy breakfast - eggs. Not so long ago the doctors called to remove the eggs from the diet, explaining that high cholesterol. But now biologists have found that cholesterol is "bad" and "good", and that the eggs it contains "good" cholesterol.
Chicken eggs are easily digested by the body, they comprise twelve essential vitamins and many nutrients that help save women's beauty. American scientists conducted an experiment: one group was given slimming breakfast muffins bagels, others - eggs. Slimming second group went on sixty five percent more efficient.
The English proverb says: "it is necessary to have breakfast like a king, lunch like a lord, as a beggar to dinner." And if we want to find a truly royal figure, it is necessary to listen to the ancient wisdom and enable healthy, delicious breakfasts for weight loss in your daily diet.
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