Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Deep bikini - hair removal intimate zone

 Deep bikini - hair removal intimate zone


  • Types of hair removal bikini. Waxing
  • Hair removal in the salon. Process and preparation
  • Hair removal at home. Cold wax
  • The benefits of salon procedures

Hard to believe that the process of getting rid of hair from intimate places is very ancient. She created and invented by the ancient Egyptians and Romans. And if now in modern interiors deep bikini - is quite common and widespread procedure, in ancient times, intimate epilation, tweezers and scissors were carried out and processed bikini was not so deep. Drawings of same hair color and then making natural dyes. In Europe, epilation, which is then made only in the home originated in the Middle Ages.

Naturally, epilation deep bikini became popular in the 20th century, as the vogue narrow and open swimwear. Today, in the 21st century, waxing intimate places is a very popular procedure in all beauty salons. Deep bikini waxing means complete hair removal as pubic and some of the external genitalia. And most women have resorted to this procedure on a regular basis, even though the cost of hair removal bikini deep in expensive salons. Perfectly smooth and velvety skin intimate places gives the ladies a special confidence in his own beauty and sexual attractiveness.

Types of hair removal bikini. Waxing

In general, there are two types of hair removal intimate places - this is a common and deep bikini waxing. Some believe these procedures are hygienic, while others - aesthetic. For example, deep hair removal gives you the opportunity to subsequently present the bikini-design, corrective hair in intimate areas in a picture. From depilation procedure deep epilation bikini characterized in that it destroys the roots of the hair epilation and depilation removed only at their upper part.

Do hair removal intimate place at home is quite real. For example, waxing. Especially in the home, it is most effective. It should be noted that waxing is one of the oldest methods of hair removal. She came to us from ancient Egypt, when all known beauty queen Cleopatra and removes unwanted hair (including with intimate places) in this way.

After the process of epilation deep bikini hair can easily be forgotten in three weeks. When waxing unwanted hair removed by various cosmetic waxes. This procedure is suitable for many different types of hair. The only recommendation - wait until the hair grow back, because their length should reach one centimeter. We must remember that the maximum good effect is achieved when the maximum length of the hair. The minimum length of the hair by waxing bikini zone is five millimeters.

 Deep bikini - hair removal intimate zone

Hair removal in the salon. Process and preparation

In fact, deep bikini waxing is recommended to still do in the cabin - its cost is not as high quality as you are sure to please. This procedure is very simple interiors and a little painful. At waxing has a name - waxing. During this procedure in the area of ​​skin first to apply a special preparatory lotion. And it is done as follows: a zone bikini cosmetic wax is applied, which must be hot (about 60 degrees) or warm (40 to 50 degrees).

Wax thickens, gradually cooling down. Warm wax gets into the hair follicle, and envelops it freezes. Once the wax has cooled, impose special strips of paper, which is removed with wax and hairs abruptly. As a result, the hairs are pulled out with the root and dead skin cells. At this point, you can feel a slight tingling. Of course, it is best to show how the waxing bikini reviews. If you are afraid of this procedure, you can read reviews on Internet forums, or to consult with friends.

Do not want to learn about other methods of hair removal intimate places. By the way, many of them virtually painless. For example - laser hair removal, hair removal using the epilator, and tips for bikini zone, Elos hair removal and photo-epilation, which is made only in salons. It is best to get complete information about epilation deep bikini: a description of the procedures, reviews, tips and tricks. Although to accurately choose the best method for you deep hair removal procedure is best to consult with an experienced technician. Because you are choosing a method of hair removal, the master always take into account the stiffness, thickness, and even hair color. So, the correct way to pick up.

It is recommended not to sunbathe or take a hot bath before epilation. Pubic hair is trimmed to 5-7 millimeters, and it is necessary to take a refreshing shower. Deep bikini hair removal is performed in the supine position. Required tools it is necessary to handle disinfectant. Hands also disinfect the gloves or protect.

After a deep hair removal in the bikini area on the skin it is necessary to apply a moisturizing, softening and healing cream. Sometimes it is used instead of a special almond oil that has high softening properties. Because the skin at this moment very angry, she needed time to recover their function. It is recommended to cancel at any time, and solarium, and sunbathing.

Hair removal at home. Cold wax

If you carry out this procedure periodically and correctly, the hairs become softer and softer and a little thinner. There is a gradual almost complete freedom of intimate places unnecessary hairs. And this is another plus in favor of the procedure - waxing is more than compensated the lack of spending on more expensive or, conversely, very low-cost ways of epilation deep bikini. After the first nearly as effective, and the second, if we compare almost ineffective.

Furthermore epilation at home with hot and warm wax, there are a method and a cold wax. It uses a cosmetic wax that you can just warm up in the hands. The unquestionable advantages of this method include the fact that the cold wax is very convenient to take in any trip and independently carry out the procedure until the next salon visit.

Cold wax is usually sold in tubes. It appears as a finished strip of nonwoven fabric or cellophane. Such strip is simple and easy to warm in the palms. After that heated wax strip should be pressed quickly to the desired area of ​​the skin and a sharp movement to disrupt. Deep cold wax hair removal will relieve you of unwanted hair for four weeks. It is believed that this method of hair removal is best suited for hair removal bikini zone deep and legs.

However, waxing bikini has contraindications. These may be the following factors: a variety of skin diseases, hypersensitivity to ingredients in the composition of cosmetic waxes, various forms of herpes, infectious disease, varicose veins and diabetes. In carrying out this procedure in any case can not be hurt warts and large moles on your skin.

 Deep bikini - hair removal intimate zone

The benefits of salon procedures

In fact, self-waxing so intimate zone is fraught with unpredictable consequences. And no matter what is carried depilation - waxing or epilator. Firstly, doing it yourself is not very convenient. Second, use the epilator or wax strips, you must first learn and practice on Me gentle places. Thirdly, you are still not a specialist to determine exactly what kind of depilation suits you best.

However, many women before visiting the salon stops elementary shyness - still baring intimate places in front of strangers. That's why they torment their BUILD adalnuyu zone bikini epilator or wax, and then pull out the hairs with tweezers. But doctors do not hesitate to visit you? So, take to the salon procedure properly. In general, such a constraint is called false.

Still, professional hair removal will be of much higher quality than hair removal at home, even if you're doing the right thing. Besides salon treatment is usually less painful than self-wax hair removal and even epilator. And opportunities for Master incomparably greater. So think before experimenting on his body.

Do not forget about contraindications, deciding on a deep epilation bikini zone. In the end, health is much more important desire to look fashionable and sexy. Remember, the woman has the capacity to always remain beautiful and against all odds.

 Deep bikini - hair removal intimate zone

We recommend that read: Brazilian hair removal at home

Enlarge easily bust without surgery

 Enlarge easily bust without surgery


  • Natural tightened his chest - it is fashionable!
  • Breast augmentation in meditation
  • Step-by-step instruction
  • The increase by the physical exertion
  • Training at the gym
  • Breast augmentation with massage
  • Apparatus and method drugs

How to enlarge breasts without surgery, many people are interested in today's girls aspiring to be attractive, trying to achieve the ideal form all parts of the body. If one of us has generously endowed nature, then over another sometimes has to work himself, putting in this effort is not enough. Tighten and firm breasts beautiful shape - is a source of pride and an object of admiration of women men.

It is not necessary to think, of course, that men are primarily interested in the chest, but its importance should not be underestimated, because it is an important component of an attractive female figure. Elastic shape, albeit small, guarantee attention of the opposite sex, but most importantly - a female self-esteem, which will undoubtedly be higher when a woman sees and knows that she is irresistible.
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Natural tightened his chest - it is fashionable!

Some of the girls on the nature of the small size of the breast, so some of them, trying to figure and seductive appearance, dare to go under the surgeon's knife. Today surgery, including plastic, has reached unprecedented heights, but reached the same heights and the prices for these services, and the risks associated with them. There are cases when the girl, trying to improve himself, as a result experienced a bitter disappointment, do not get the expected results.

Some time later, after breast surgery can be asymmetrical, does not take the form that promised the surgeons and the patient wanted. There have been precedents when silicone implants are rejected by the body, there is a severe allergic reaction and had to remove them, making a second operation. This article answers the question of how to enlarge breasts without surgery.

To breast increased, there are many proven methods.

There are entire systems and complexes of various physical exercises aimed at strengthening and developing the pectoral muscles, the regular performance of which always gives a positive trend. The result, of course, not be the same in its inflated silicone typically increase ranges from 3, 5 to 5 cm, but these changes will be of natural origin. There is a technique of breast augmentation through meditation.

Both a big plus, given that now in fashion came in the cult of natural and natural beauty, at least makeup, natural hair color, refusal to build and silicone. It became fashionable to follow the right diet and attend gyms or just work on improving his body home. Enlarge your breasts, making it firm and taut help gradually painted technique and tips.

 Enlarge easily bust without surgery
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Breast augmentation in meditation

Breast enlargement without surgery is possible to achieve if the master the technique of meditation. This is a difficult process, it needs to learn gradually and stock up with the patient. The benefits of meditation for the body proved doctors have long observed significant improvements in the nervous, immune, digestive system, improves sleep and anxiety go away. There is a clinically tested method through which you can enlarge your breasts without the intervention of the surgeon. Gradual application of this technique will help you learn to control your body, causing breast growth, namely breast, of which it is composed.

Explanation of how to enlarge breasts without surgery through meditation, is as follows. When meditation releases a hormone responsible for breast growth. In a hypnotic trance is activated by the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the circulation of blood and fluids, temperature and body weight within the specified parameters. The hypothalamus releases neurotransmitters that stimulate the pituitary gland, which in turn, promotes the production of growth hormone.

In adolescence, this hormone is released, and mammary glands increased, this process was in the "memory" of the body, only the process, but not the parameters achieved in the breast growth. Therefore, this memory can "revive" through meditation, entering into a state of trance and stimulating hormone.
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Step-by-step instruction

  1. To enter into a state of absolute rest, you should not interfere with anybody, otherwise it will be impossible to concentrate, because we are talking about the power of thought. It is necessary to meditate in a place where you can be alone with him in a room where there are no distracting noise, the atmosphere, the temperature it should be as comfortable as possible. You can meditate while sitting, taking the lotus position, with the back straight, but the body and the muscles relaxed.

    Hands decided to keep his hands up to the flow of your energy to circulate. You can meditate while lying on a hard surface or just on the floor, using a special mat. This leg should be together, arms close to the body, palms up, under the neck, you can put a small cushion.

  2. Get rid of all the thoughts that you might disturb. This stage of meditation Some come to study for a long time, but the result is stunning. And every time there is a desire to improve this ability. All other thoughts will only detract from the visualization of the desired result and stop focusing on it. Some time clearly visualize your mind in a clean white sheet on which you are going to draw what you want.
  3. It is necessary to cause a rush of blood to the breast, imagining the warmth fills your body, then his chest, heartbeat quickens, and the breathing should be smooth and quiet. Breathe in deeply through your nose. We need to see in your imagination as growing breasts, increasing in volume, and the real you will learn how to present its growth and feelings associated with it, the greater will be the result.

    Visualize the image of the breast is very clear, if you are considering it in the mirror from all sides, touching, wiggle it, try how to securely attach the image to life in mind.

  4. Exit from this state, slowly opened his eyes. Some time is necessary to be in a state of tranquility and not to shoot down the correct breathing. Then, even after the state of meditation you will experience a feeling of warmth and tingling in the chest. This is the result. You have to understand that at the first session, you likely will not notice any changes, but over time, when you learn how to do it right, feel your body and to control thoughts, it will have an effect.

    We must not stop lessons, motivate yourself by what you strive for. It is important not only visualization during meditation, but also confidence in the reality of the result which you wish to achieve.

 Enlarge easily bust without surgery

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The increase by the physical exertion

Because the breast is composed of mammary glands, fat and connective tissue, then pump it into the gym to the desired size you can not. But it is possible to pull up, make it more flexible and attractive. Working to strengthen the pectoral muscles, which are located at the bottom of the ore cells can visually enlarge the breasts, lifting her.

Exercise will help avoid ugly sagging breasts, which with age are not insured even holders is not too lush forms. There are whole sets of exercises aimed at maintaining and improving the appearance and health of the breast that can be performed not only on special training in the gym, but also at home in familiar surroundings. You should perform 2-3 sets of three times a week, and the result will not take long.

  1. Clenching hands

    This exercise should be done in a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart and keep your hands in front of you at chest level. Fold hands together, and on three strongly push their bases at each other while holding a hand position for at least 5 seconds, then slowly lower your arms. Repeat 10 times is necessary.

  2. Bracing

    In the same position, wherein the gripping palms, hook the fingers and force them to try to dissolve the sides. Keep hands in this position for 5 seconds, then slowly lower them. Repeat the exercise 10 times is necessary.

  3. Dips in the supine position

    This exercise is taken from yoga, it works fine, strengthening the pectoral muscles. Lie down on your stomach, pulling the feet and toes, hands, put his hands on the floor while bending at the elbows so that his hands remained at the level of the shoulders. Carry the weight on his hands and slowly lift your upper body, looking at the ceiling. In this position, the thigh should slightly up from the floor, you will rely solely on the hands and toes. Hold this position for 15 seconds, then sank to the floor. Exercise needs to be repeated 10 times.

  4. The wall

    This exercise should be performed while standing near a wall. It should rest against the wall of a wide grip, his arms, and press on it with force. Hold the position for 15 seconds, do 10 reps.

  5. Pushups

    This exercise gives especially difficult for beginners to perform it must be properly, there will be noticeable results. Push-ups correctly should be based only on the feet and hands, keeping the body straight. But you can start, and leaning on his knees. It is necessary to do 15 reps.

  6. Dumbbells

    Dumbbells should be taken with a weight of 0, 5 and 2 kg, depending on your physical fitness. Lie on your back, raise your arms perpendicular to the floor and plant in hand. Do 15 repetitions, alternating with exercise in a standing position. But it is necessary to raise his hands in front of you until they are parallel to the floor.

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Training at the gym

Very effective set of exercises performed in the gym, has increased the volume of pectoral muscles all those who faithfully and correctly implement it. The gym is the main place where to do it - it's the simulator Cheast-press, which with the help of the weight bench swing pectoral muscles and hand muscles. The important point is that doing in the gym, doing static exercises you need a special sports bra, especially if you want to pull up the chest. This underwear is sold in specialty sports stores. For workouts, choose bras with strong support, and for running, dancing or yoga to stay on the middle support.

In addition to the classes in the hall at the gym, an ideal workout for all muscle groups, including infants, will be swimming. Training in the pool, you can start with two or three heats and then usually increase the number to five. Especially developed muscles under the breast, arm, and at the exit you get a chest that you will be proud of.

 Enlarge easily bust without surgery

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Breast augmentation with massage

There are several effective breast massage techniques to increase it. The fact is that during the massage stimulation occurs breast, blood flows to the chest, and in the case of meditation, induces the production of growth hormone. In addition, regular breast massage significantly reduced the risk of her tumor, the skin is tightened, the breast becomes firmer.

Very useful water massage. To do this, you must direct a jet shower in the chest and making a circular motion. It should be alternated with cold warm water at intervals of 5-10 seconds, check it is necessary to douche with cold water. Douches - the best assistant in the fight for the elasticity of the skin, getting rid of spider veins, stretch marks and sagging. Massage should last at least 5 minutes. It is important not to make too strong jet to avoid injury to the chest, and give up too much hot water, because it contributes to the weakening of the connective tissue.

Sitting in the bathroom, you can perform massage hands. To do this, gently lather your hands and perform a circular motion clockwise and counterclockwise. Then, stroking the chest upwards. Avoid the nipples and perform stroking about 5 minutes. Perform this massage can also use the cream for breast enhancement.
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Apparatus and method drugs

Pharmacies sell a variety of gels and creams to help with an increase in breast volume. It contains phytoestrogens, accelerate metabolism and blood flow to the breast. But to use such creams should be regularly since effect of volume is kept only in this case. Before using, apply a small amount of cream on a small patch of skin and leave on for a couple of hours. This kind of test for allergies, since breast skin is very sensitive. On many forums also allow "smart" tips, which states that iodine mesh or mustard will help increase the bust. It is not, you will only get irritated and burned skin.

Very popular among women who want to enlarge breasts, hardware method. His practice in almost all beauty salons. Special vacuum cups, worn on the chest, stimulate powerful blood flow and an increase in breast volume, which lasts about a month. The procedure is absolutely painless, even enjoyable, useful when you want to show off a perfect cleavage at the party. Vacuum massage makes the breast more taut and lifts it.

There is a great variety of hormone pills containing estrogen, which stimulates breast growth. The drug is very effective, its action is directed to the fact that the female figure regained feminine features curvaceous. But prescribe such a drug you must be a doctor after you pass all the tests, including hormones, because the side effects can have serious consequences.

To have a beautiful natural breasts, you just make an effort and work on your body, and you'll not only trim the elastic bust, but also burn calories and strengthen other muscles of the body.

 Enlarge easily bust without surgery

The narrowing of pores on the face

 The narrowing of pores on the face

Owners of oily skin knows that it has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of oily skin include its ability to keep for many years young youthful appearance. However, the main problem of oily skin are enlarged pores, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing and spoil the mood of the fair sex. So far, the restriction on the person with oily skin is the number one problem at any time of the year.

The most common problem is how to narrow the pores on the face care of women with mixed or greasy skin types, which generates a large amount of sebum . Excess secretions accumulate in the pores, gradually forming comedones - grease tube. Under the action of plugs the pores are stretched and become very noticeable. Much rarer enlarged pores for dry skin, but it happens.

Since then, work on narrowing

How to narrow the enlarged pores, where to begin producing the correct procedure? Working through these issues is very important to achieve a positive effect.

  1. Rule number one: a thorough cleansing of the skin chime every day and evening, as well as regular cleaning of the person in the office of a professional cosmetologist.
  2. Rule number two: be sure to use after cleansing milk or gel special tonic for facial pores. The structure of such funds include various binders - hawthorn, rosemary, lemon, calendula.
  3. Rule number three: Use to narrow pores on the face scrub for oily skin, which may best be used after the evening cleanse the skin 1-2 times a week. Using scrub, do not forget to wipe the skin followed by a special tonic.

Perhaps the most efficient means for narrowing the pore - a lotion containing zinc oxide, which not only makes smaller pores but also helps to remove from the skin the surplus fat.

Domestic procedures for narrowing pores

One only daily care for combination and oily skin can not achieve the magnificent shining and healthy looking skin. For the full results is necessary to use a face mask to narrow pores.

Experts considered the most effective way to narrow pores of the clay mask. If you are preparing the clay to narrow pores in the home, it is best not to plant it with plain water and aloe juice, green tea or tonic for the face.

The mask tightens pores of the clay prepared in containers of any material except metal. Before applying a face mask necessarily cleared. Clay pores constriction is applied for about 20 minutes, preferably wherein the clay did not dry the face. If you have to face mask tightens pores enough fluid, and it starts to dry out ahead of time - apply on top of the wet marlechku, or just carefully sprinkle water. After 20 minutes the mask rinse with cool water.

To provoke a narrowing of pores traditional recipes recommend the use of fruit masks of apricots, apples, strawberries, plums, peaches. These folk remedies to narrow pores is applied to the skin in the form of mashed about half an hour, then remove with a cotton swab dipped in milk.

With very advanced stages yielded positive results mask of lemon juice and whipped egg white. It is worth remembering that such a mask to narrow pores face quite good for dry skin.

Help in a beauty shop

 The narrowing of pores on the face  Modern cosmetology has a lot of money tightens pores, intended not only for domestic use but also for professional help employees of cosmetologists.

To give the skin a fresh healthy look, as well as for deep pore cleansing, required periodically fairly complex procedure to narrow pore - cleansing of the skin comedones by direct mechanical action. For these purposes, a person previously steamed and disinfected and then fingers clean sterile gloves squeezing blackheads from the pores.

Mechanical cleaning person in the cabin has proved you can quickly narrow pores and get the desired result. Modern technology offers more advanced procedures for narrowing pores - the impact of ultrasound and darsonvalization.

In addition, the master beauty salon can offer you service cryomassage face surface with liquid nitrogen. Cryomassage allows you to instantly solve the question of how narrow pores on the cheeks and nose.

If the home and salon facilities pores still do not achieve the desired, we can recommend the use of chemical peeling fruit acids. Finally, a fundamental solution to the problem as a narrow pores on your face - laser skin resurfacing. However, this procedure has side effects, which is available in advance.

Cleansing and exfoliation - the basis for narrowing the pores

The main and the best means of narrowing far - it is their timely cleaning. Regularly every day in the morning and before going to bed wash your face gels and foams according to their skin type. Use skin care full program that includes not only a cleanser and toner, as well as the cream of narrowing far.

Among the members have proved their best cosmetics to narrow pores brands such as Garnier, L'Oreal, Vichi and other companies.

Cosmetics for narrowing pores, in addition to fixed assets, also includes auxiliary preparations for deep cleaning person - gommazhi and scrubs.

Unlike scrubs gommazhi represent funds to exfoliate dead skin cells in the cream base. How to properly use such cosmetics to narrow pores? Scrubs is better to use for oily, thick skin, while gommazhi ideal for sensitive and combination skin.
But if you need to quickly narrow pores, it is best to consult a professional beautician.

Cosmetics for narrowing pores

The modern market offers a variety of cosmetic products to narrow pores. What a tonic can provide the most effective help your skin? What cream pores? Specialists recommend cosmetics to choose to solve these problems makeup, which contains acid, including nordigidrogvayaretovuyu acid (NDGA), which is the sebaceous glands.

It will not be superfluous to stock up on cosmetics care cosmetics line one in which there is a complete course of care - gel for washing, tonic or lotion to narrow pores, cream tightens pores, as well as a facial mask tightens pores.

In the summer of sebum usually increases, so in this period it is important to use cosmetics regulating sebum secretion. Such cosmetics pores can include gels, creams, tonic pores, base makeup. As an example, a base for make-up from Sephora and gel contraction far from Body Shop.

If the skin is exposed to age-related changes, but the pores are expanded, better use of matting agents to prevent cell aging. An excellent example of this cream to narrow pore - fluid Aquamatt brand Lancaster.

Before you decide what facial cream tightens pores to give your preference is to consult a professional dermatologist.

Face masks pores

 The narrowing of pores on the face  Face masks pores - this is the best means of narrowing the pores. The most effective ones contain basically white clay, for example, Deep Cleansing Emergency Mask Clinique brand or "Megamyatnaya mask" from Lush.

Cosmetic clay has long been considered the best way to narrow pores. She draws wonderful and absorbs oil from the pores and skin all the pollution has an excellent bactericidal effect, tones and tightens pores effectively. Funds on the basis of clay works great as a facial mask to narrow pores.

White and blue clay is ideal for the preparation of folk remedies to narrow pores. Clay previously diluted in a liquid (water, green tea, tonic, aloe juice) until the consistency of thick cream. For oily skin facial mask tightens pores, you can add 3-5 drops of lemon juice.

Lemon-protein mask tightens pores prepared from 10-15 drops of lemon juice and one egg protein. The components are thoroughly mixed, the mass is applied to the skin for 10 minutes and then thoroughly rinsed with cool water. With much greasy or porous skin mask, you can add ½ teaspoon of alum. Lemon juice excellent substitute the juice of red currants.

Another option gorge pores mask: a mixture of whipped in a cool foam egg whites with a liquid gruel of freshly cut plantain leaves. The ingredients are cooked cream tightens pores bright green color and is applied to the skin as a mask.

You can also prepare a mask to narrow pores of persons on the basis of whey or sour milk. In 3 tablespoons liquid bred a couple of pills crushed into powder aspirin and ½ teaspoon of lemon juice.

No less effective mask narrows the pores based on bran. Rye bran bred cucumber juice to a thick slurry. If you wish, you may use any other cut. Instead, you can use cucumber juice beaten egg white.

Narrowing long popular recipes can also be performed using the mask of cucumber juice and low-fat cottage cheese, which is prepared from a liquid slurry.

Some consider the best means of pores sauerkraut. On the face as a mask can be applied as whole cabbage leaves and sour cabbage juice, which are separated oat or any other bran.

Any mask rests on the face 20 minutes and then washed with cold water. Each cosmetic product is applied to narrow long as necessary. On the protein masks worth mentioning separately - if there is no special need, they should not be used more than 2-3 times a month.

Masks, we probably paid enough attention. Now it is necessary to reveal to you the secret lotion to narrow pores homemade.

Lotion to narrow pores

You kept asking how narrow pores on the nose? For your wonderful nose and skin of all persons in general, we have in store an exceptional recipe pores lotion.

For its preparation you need 80 g of pure water, 2 g alum and 20 grams of honey. The water is mixed thoroughly until completely dissolved honey, and then added to the alum. Ready lotion you can wipe the face 1-2 times a day.

Pores lotion on this recipe is best used for porous oily skin. It deep cleans and perfectly narrows enlarged pores, making them less visible to others. Lotion on the basis of alum and honey gives the skin a matte sleek look.

In essence, the alum is a powder for external use, which is quite easy to find in a normal pharmacy. Alum is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Just enough of them are actively used in cosmetics pores.

Essential oils to narrow pores

Essential oils are used to narrow the pore and bleach dissolution secretions that clog the pores on the face, as well as for normalizing the hormonal balance of the body as a whole. Oil for narrowing since among other things strengthens the immune system of the skin.

It is best to use essential oils to narrow pores, combined with facial massage. This significantly improves metabolic processes at the cellular level, increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells. However, it should be prepared for the fact that the first sessions of the use of oils to narrow pores produce a physiological response - start active treatment of the skin, in which there is an active release of fat from the pores and maturation of abscesses. Do not be afraid - it is absolutely normal reaction of the skin.

Most effectively tightens pores essential oil of lemon or lavender.

Masking enlarged pores

When the facial skin is cleaned and well maintained, it is possible to apply makeup. If you have advanced far, the main task is to make them with the help of make-up less visible, the skin look smooth and even. Various cosmetic products are designed to assist you in solving the problem of how to narrow enlarged pores through visualization.

We offer you a conditional division of funds into two groups - masking creams and serums. Masking cream tightens pores can be used as a foundation, since they have a slight effect of toning. Sera largely pores, thus preparing the skin for application of powder or foundation. Serum is applied before applying makeup to clean skin.
We wish you that you were beautiful and confident. To do this, just make a little effort and you will be the most compelling!

 The narrowing of pores on the face

We recommend to check out: the best foundation

Spectacular tan at home, or how to do without Resorts

 Spectacular tan at home, or how to do without Resorts

Swarthy body - it's beautiful. But not all nature has awarded olive skin. And if the summer with this drawback can be overcome perfectly on the beach, in the cold season tan becomes an elusive goal. But is this objective is not available? And if you can get a spectacular tan at home when the street drifts and blizzards? Can. And the time you will need much less than in the summer when you are striving for pleasant weeks swarthiness substituting body sunlight.

Types of tanning at home

Tanning. This is perhaps the simplest means for obtaining a dark color. But before applying self-tanning on the body, listen to some advice on its use. Otherwise, you run the risk of uneven tone of the skin, and, instead of being proud to exhibit a fresh tan, the body will be forced to hide from others.

  1. Before applying bronzer make sure you are not allergic to the agent. Apply the cream (or spray) in the crook of the elbow and wait for reaction. If in the morning the skin is covered with a rash, and looks quite a healthy, feel free to use this tool.
  2. Do not rush to open the tube. Before you make the right skin color, to do body scrub. This will ensure a smooth and stable color. So take a body scrub, and the march to get rid of dead skin cells! Just do not immediately thereafter applied tanning. Give your body a rest for 6-8 hours, and only then carry out the operation "tanning at home."
  3. Thus, the test for the absence of allergic reactions is passed as "excellent", the peeling is made. It's time to become a charming mulatto. Take out your tube of tanning and begin to gently apply it to the skin. Start with the forehead. Do not spend a sponge on one and the same place. Try to apply an even layer of cream, and be careful with the eyebrows.

    That's where self-tanning effect is unpredictable and can give a much darker shade claimed. Once the spray has been dispersed completely in the skin, it is desirable to provide a means of slightly absorbed. Do not dress for a while. Do not touch the face (and other body parts) hand. Stay still. Then thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water (otherwise bright hands of "a la Negro" are guaranteed) and put on long-sleeved clothing (it protects the skin from contact with other areas covered tanning).

  4. Remember that each means a lifetime. Some sprays Sun begin to give the skin a nice dark shade of only 4 hours. Therefore, if you just do not see the desired effect, do not rush to repeat the procedure.

 Spectacular tan at home, or how to do without Resorts

Solarium: Lights with pleasure. If you are afraid to experiment with tanning, you can try to achieve the desired skin tone in the solarium. We recommend to use tanning booths for vertical type, as they are more modern, and stay in them more hygienic, because in the course of the procedure is not in contact with the cabin body (as opposed to vertical tanning salons, where a person has to go completely in the capsule).

With regard to time exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays, it depends on your skin type, so before you buy a subscription to the solarium, consult with an employee of the cabin, how many minutes you will need to give the skin the necessary shade. If you urgently need to get a tan, but get out of the house to the solarium does not work, do not despair. There are many ways to achieve the desired swarthiness traditional methods.

  • The first method - a tan by using potassium permanganate. Dilute the disinfectant in the bathroom with hot water and lying in a pink liquid as long as the skin is smuglet. Just do not like after a bath towel. It's not even that you have to spoil it. Simply it is likely that you are wiping, greased newly acquired tan. But what is really a pity, because it is the bathtub. After a strong solution of potassium permanganate darken not only you, but also enamel plumbing. So please be detergents advance.
  • The second method is to become seductive "chocolate" - is iodine. Add it in a bottle with a spray of water and gently apply a mixture of water and iodine in the body. Unhappy shade? Repeat the procedure or try another way to achieve swarthiness.
  • The third option would have the usual bathing. Only this time, steam will not permanganic mixture, as in a conventional black tea. Brew-leaf tea leaves in a large kettle. Pour the resulting chifir in a hot bath, add the sea salt - and can "tan".

Of course, it is best to seek a swarthy skin tone in the cold winter days are not at home or in the solarium, and in the resort. The warm sea and gentle sun overseas better cope with giving your skin the necessary sun. Another nice bonus this pastime - it's a good mood. How else can you feel if, instead of running early in the morning to work, bent under gusts of icy wind, you soak up the warm sand, soft drinking mojitos?

 Spectacular tan at home, or how to do without Resorts

We strongly recommend to read: How to apply self-tanning right?

Top 5 salon treatments for an Autumn 2012

 Top 5 salon treatments for an Autumn 2012


  • Combined pedicure
  • Spa manicure
  • Peeling fruit acids
  • Mesotherapy
  • Lymphatic care
  • SPF - protection

Today, beauty salons offer a huge variety of treatments for face and body. Not surprisingly, you can easily get lost. Each procedure has its positive qualities. And to help you understand them, we have decided to tell you about the most popular.

Combined pedicure

After a long summer walks in open sandals and flip-flops is probably familiar to many problems such as corns and cracks on the feet, and the question arises, how to bring order to his feet at one time? Then come to the aid of a miracle procedure - combined pedicure. Its main advantage - it is universal, because It includes different technologies pedicure (classic trim, hardware and Spas). Experienced master will select the program individually for the client, depending on the condition of the skin on different parts of the foot. The whole procedure takes no more than 2 hours, and the result is fun and will surpass all expectations! You will only within one month to the next procedure, regularly lubricate the legs cream, which the master is required to recommend for home use.

Spa manicure

Leisure at sea, work on the dacha, or simply staying in the summer sun, of course, you pretty dry skin and nails. And it was the hand is always in sight and that the hands give first age of any woman. And therefore require particularly careful care, and anxious care. Do not limit yourself to just a hygienic procedure, be sure to treat yourself to a spa manicure! Peeling, nourishing and moisturizing mask with paraffin and, of course, massage with aromatic oils - this is what will make your hands pretty, soft, skin smooth, soft and well-groomed and nails - healthy and strong.

 Top 5 salon treatments for an Autumn 2012

Peeling fruit acids

As the name implies, it is performed using acids of the fruits of .  The idea itself is not new, but the procedure is very effective and useful, especially in autumn when the period of summer vacation ended, with all its positive emotions and stress for the skin (and that really must admit - for the whole body) effects .  Like the ancient Egyptian technology, and now peeling is based on 5 types of acids: glycolic, Rush, lactic acid from milk, lemon-out of all citrus, apple and grape-wine and fermented from grapes .  With acid peels can achieve incredible results - tighten the skin, get rid of wrinkles, cleanse the pores, lighten freckles and age spots, and all because acids have the ability to penetrate down to the dermis - the deepest layers of the skin .  Depending on the complexity of the problem, peeling done in one or two or more steps, and always under the supervision of a beautician .

Acid peeling procedure can not be performed in a sunny time of year - spring and summer, but autumn and winter - it's time to please his skin to fruit acids!


Young skin you want to keep for years to come, and to resort to surgery, not every dare, and a great number of contraindications. To help those who seek to maximize young people without operations and created mesotherapy. In fact, this stimulation of metabolic processes at the cellular level by injection mezokokteyl - pharmaceuticals, rich complex of vitamins and active substances that derive excess liquid, toxins and stimulate cell renewal. Mesotherapy, thanks to the introduction of deep into the skin, can give a very stable result and help get rid not only of the aging of skin, but also from small scars and even deep wrinkles! The frequency of treatments depends on many subjective factors, so cosmetologist himself will tell you how often and in what doses must be administered mezokokteyl.

 Top 5 salon treatments for an Autumn 2012

Lymphatic care

This procedure is aimed at eliminating the stagnation of lymph in the body and correcting the contours of your body. The procedure involves wrapping various cosmetic products, based on algae and medicinal mud, chocolate and aromatic oils under a special film, followed by thermal exposure and modeling massage. The entire procedure takes about an hour. During this time, improves blood circulation, lymph flow, increases skin turgor - all this helps to significantly rejuvenate your skin and adjust the silhouette. Lymphatic drainage maintenance program should include such procedures 6-8 and independent choice of fat-burning or pull-up cosmetics.

Talking about the effect of the salon procedures, we must not forget that it is only temporary, if not keep it at home. Legs should be sure to lubricate the cream - moisturizer in the summer, in the winter - a nutrient for the night, and means to prevent sweating - after the morning shower. Hands must be lubricated cream after each wash and be sure to wear gloves during any household work using household chemicals!

SPF - protection

How would you try, but aging is irreversible, because its main factors - ultraviolet radiation, alas, it is difficult to avoid .  Especially when during the summer when the skin is oversaturated with ultraviolet light and loose, unpredictable autumn sun can cause great harm to the exposed areas of the body, namely the face, neck and arms .  So, the basic principles of SPF-treatment - is the protection, hydration, nutrition and toning .  Once selection of cosmetics should first determine tsvetotip your skin (there are 6, from albinos to Africans) and exposure pigmentation .  Cells that have received an overdose of ultraviolet light, begin to produce dermal melanin (brown pigment) to protect the upper layers of the skin, indicating that most of the struggle of the human organism with solar radiation than the rest, because prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation usually leads to disruption of the structure of the collagen fibers of the dermis, thereby reducing elasticity of the skin, which promotes the formation of wrinkles

During the summer, your protection factor creams should be at least 35, in the autumn - not less than 25-10.

Thank Expert Training Center "Head-up" in the preparation of this article.

 Top 5 salon treatments for an Autumn 2012

Caramel hair removal at home

 Caramel hair removal at home

  • Pros and cons of "sweet" epilation
  • How to cook caramel hair removal
  • Honey hair removal at home

Advertising in magazines and on television is replete with suggestions of various means for hair removal. And this is understandable - always demand creates supply. After all, every woman wants to be the owner of a silky and smooth skin. In addition, it is fashionable, it is also aesthetically pleasing, because hardly a bikini will look beautiful on a woman who neglects bikini waxing, as well as a short skirt in the presence of excessive vegetation on their feet. That is why for many years struggling with the beautiful hair on the body in all possible ways. History of depilation goes back to the mists of time, different people used different methods of hair removal. In the course were infusions of herbs, resins and more. For many years it has been a popular method of hair removal hair removal with hot wax.

Pros and cons of "sweet" epilation

Recently gaining popularity very quickly caramel hair removal and hair removal with honey. However, as with all updates cosmetology, debating about it, discussed the positive and negative sides, which is waxing with caramel. In order to objectively evaluate all the advantages of this method, you need to learn more about the technique by which hair removal is performed caramel. Better yet, try that hair removal is sweet on their own experience. It's no wonder they say: "it is better to see once ..."

Beauticians emit only a few cases in which the caramel hair removal is contraindicated in:

  • You spent a lot of time on the beach or in the solarium? Before hair removal will be made caramel, carefully inspect the skin at the intended hair removal: if there are traces of UV rays - redness, peeling and bubbles - epilation should not do.
  • If you are a diabetic, you should consult with your doctor about what you will not do harm to your health waxing with caramel.
  • Caramel hair removal is not permitted if the recipe caramel implies the presence of a component such as honey, people who suffer from allergic reactions to honey.

Numerous positive responses of women using caramel for depilation, characterize the procedure at its best. All women are the following advantages possessed even sweet, but still hair removal, which is painful enough by itself:

  • Waxing hair removal honey and caramel at home is very convenient, it does not require the possession of special skills.
  • The caramel used for depilation, is not, in contrast to the wax, fat-soluble. Due to this property, caramel penetrates the hair follicle and pulls it, and not to break off, as wax. Hair grows much more slowly, gradually become thinner over time virtually disappear.
  • Due to the fact that the hair does not break off, almost completely exclude the possibility of ingrown hairs.
  • Very often after waxing bikini women suffer not only skin irritation, and even strong enough tissue swelling that can keep for several days. Caramel hair removal, even at home, less painful and does not cause such a strong reaction of the skin.
  • It is very convenient to the fact that prior to epilation caramel, unlike waxing, without the need for reducing the length of the hair. You can immediately start the procedure of hair removal.
  • Before the advent of caramel hair removal women suffering from such a disease as varicose veins or who have loose skin, they were unable to carry out waxing. Caramel depilation does not require heating to high temperatures, which allows the use of this method in the above groups of women. In addition, if caramel hair removal can not be afraid of the appearance of spider veins on the skin.
  • If you caramel hair removal removes not only unwanted hairs, but the horny layer of the skin, that is doing a kind of peeling. As a result, the skin is not just a smooth and velvety and soft to the touch.
  • To remove the residue after the waxing with caramel skin simply rinse it with water. You can also apply to the places subjected to hair removal, any moisturizer that will help a lot faster to remove redness, resulting from irritation of the skin.

 Caramel hair removal at home

How to cook caramel hair removal

To make sweet waxed, it is not necessary to go to the salon. Caramel hair removal at home will not cause any difficulties, even if you have never done anything like this. We ate you decide that you need the caramel hair removal - recipe of the caramel and the principle of hair removal are described below.

The most important thing you need to know - is how to cook the caramel for depilation. You should not fear that you have something does not turn out. In fact, easy to cook caramel hair removal - the recipe is very simple. In addition, hair removal caramel completely available - the recipe includes low-cost components. You'll need the following ingredients:

  • Sugar - 100 grams. You can use both regular sugar and cane.
  • Water - 100 grams, you can use ordinary tap water.
  • In some cases, when preparing caramel hair removal in the recipe for how to cook the caramel for depilation, included this ingredient as citric acid. Citric acid is used in cases where the produced caramel epilation bikini at home.

All the ingredients are put in an enamel container, carefully using a mixer or a halo, mix until smooth. Then bring the mixture to a boil in a water bath. The mixture must be constantly stirring, until then, until the sugar has dissolved completely.

Once the desired consistency is reached, the mixture must be removed from the heat and put to cool. Once the pasta has cooled, it will resemble gum. You need to put candy on the proposed location of depilation and leave for a minute. After this sharp movement remove the caramel. At the plate candies are removed unwanted hair. During the waxing bikini is not recommended to treat a large area of ​​skin at the same time. It is better to remove the hair, pre-treatment zone dividing into small portions.

 Caramel hair removal at home

Hair removal honey at home

Honey is in demand not only for the sweet tooth. Epilation honey at home has widespread popularity, as well as the caramel epilation at home. Depilation honey based on the same principle as caramel epilation only used in the preparation of paste slightly different components:

  • Natural honey - 200 grams. You can use absolutely any honey - linden, buckwheat, honey from clover.
  • Fresh juice of three lemons.

Honey and lemon juice mix, bring to a boil over low heat. Not polzuёtes neemalirovannoy iron cookware. After that, put the honey cool. Hair removal honey at home along the same technology as the waxing with caramel. Once again, note that the hair removal honey is strictly forbidden for people prone to allergic reactions.

If you do not run the risk of spending caramel hair removal at home, you can do it in a beauty salon. Unfortunately, this method of hair removal has not yet reached such popularity as waxing. So far in any beauty salon is this service. However, if you show a little patience, you are sure to reach your goals and find a beautician who is familiar with the technique of the hair removal. Your persistence will be rewarded with the perfect condition of your skin!

 Caramel hair removal at home

We recommend that read: sugar hair removal

Caring for sensitive skin. Homemade recipes for masks

 Caring for sensitive skin. Homemade recipes for masks

Every third woman in the world of sensitive skin. It is not given at birth, and is dependent on the health status and various external influences. Skin sensitivity is manifested in the following points: the constant feeling of tightness, increased sensitivity to cosmetics, the occurrence of irritation, redness. On such skin can often appear red spots.

Factors appearance of sensitive skin

  1. First of all, there is a sensitive skin due to the fact that the sebaceous glands secrete an inadequate quantity of fat. This causes excessive dryness of the skin and the formation of the protective layer is too thin. Basically sensitive skin types have naturally fair-skinned blondes and redheads.
  2. For skin sensitization, and is also influenced by the external negative impacts: air pollution and frequent stress.
  3. Improper care. The most common is the use of poor-quality cosmetic products that contain alcohol or petroleum products.
  4. In rare cases, the cause of sensitive skin is allergic or infectious diseases, if it has been affected by the immune system. In such cases, you can only restore skin health treatment.

What should be avoided if you have sensitive and delicate skin:

  1. Excessive use of strong tea, coffee, soda and alcohol. These drinks promote increased blood flow, which in turn leads to red spots on the skin.
  2. Try to avoid stressful situations, stress and nervous haste, as a result of which can cause irritation of the skin and some itch. Well relieve nervous exhaustion yoga, meditation and auditory training.
  3. Do not constantly experimenting with new means of skin care, resulting in frequent changes of creams skin becomes more sensitive and reacts negatively to any new products.
  4. For deep cleansing of sensitive skin type is better to use a soft gentle peeling to avoid action exfoliating grains, irritating and damaging the skin, which can later lead to the formation of eczema.

 Caring for sensitive skin. Homemade recipes for masks

Special care for sensitive skin morning and evening

Morning Care

In caring for sensitive skin include washing in the morning. It is best to wash with boiled and ostuzhennoy to room temperature, or bottled water. Immediately after washing, should wipe the face tonic without alcohol content. The next step is moisturizing the skin. To do this, apply on face cream with a thin layer. Up to 25 years, you can use any cream, and after the 25th anniversary of the need to use only a special cream for sensitive skin. When buying cream for your skin type pay attention to the packaging, it should be required to indicate that the cream - "hypoallergenic." In no case do not use creams, the main herbal ingredients which are: chamomile, calendula and arnica. These plants are capable of very strongly irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions.

When applying make-up is better to use a light tone foundation or mousse, dry powder use is not recommended. And in general, do not overload the sensitive skin cosmetics. In spring and summer, you need all day to put on the face sunscreen with UVA filters and an SPF of at least 15, so that your skin does not burn sensitive.

Evening care

Clean face of makeup before going to bed should be soft jelly, or foam for washing. Then wipe the face lotion without alcohol. All night the sensitive skin of the face will be well protected if bedtime apply a soothing night cream.

Also for sensitive skin can use a variety of masks. Their choice today is quite extensive. In any store cosmetics can be purchased ready-made face mask that will nourish, moisturize and care for the skin, making it healthy and attractive. When buying any product, better to give preference to that which can be easily removed from the skin. Do not buy a mask film, they make the skin drier and may hurt her. Masks for sensitive skin can be cooked at home.

Face masks

  • Cucumber mask

Cut 1 cucumber skin and apply it on your face for 20-30 minutes. Such a mask can be used 2 times per week. It is well softens the skin and improves the complexion. Cucumber juice is refreshing face and moisturizes the skin, but be careful, because he also whitens it.

  • Carrot Mask

1 medium carrots grate, add the 1 tablespoon of fat warm milk and apply on face for 25-30 minutes. Rinse off the mask should warm boiled water. After that you need to treat the skin tonic and apply a nourishing cream for sensitive skin with vitamins.

  • Potato mask

1 large or 2 medium potatoes boiled in "uniform". Then cool, remove peel and mash. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of milk and add 1 egg yolk. The resulting puree warmed to about 30 degrees in the microwave oven and applied in an even layer on the face. Hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water. The mask makes the skin soft and velvety.

  • Curd Mask

1 tablespoon of cottage cheese mixed with 1 tablespoon of mashed banana pulp and the same amount of carrots, grated on a fine grater. The resulting mixture add 2 tablespoons milk and mix thoroughly. Mask put on face and leave for 20-25 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water.

  • Rice Mask

Mix 1-2 teaspoons of milk and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Then add the rice starch in an amount such that in the end we got the consistency of sour cream. Use a mask with the inflammation and scaling of the skin, applying it on your face at night. In the morning the remnants of the mask should be washed off with warm water.

  • Oatmeal Mask

2 tablespoons crushed oatmeal pour 2-3 tablespoons of warm milk. Leave on for half an hour, then put on the face and neck and leave on your face for 15-20 minutes. When the time to wash off the mask with warm boiled water, and apply to the skin nourishing cream.

  • Peach Mask

1 large or 2 medium-sized peach gently peel, remove seeds, pulp and mash well with a fork. Apply the resulting slurry on the face for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm soft water. This mask not only moisturizes the skin, but also very good for sunburn.

 Caring for sensitive skin. Homemade recipes for masks

Lotions for face

In addition to nourishing and moisturizing masks, sensitive facial skin needs a cleansing and toning lotion that is easy and quick to make yourself at home. Lotion is necessary to wipe the skin twice a day - morning and evening.

  • Lemon Lotion

2 egg yolks grind with ½ teaspoon of salt. Separately, take ½ cup low-fat sour cream or cream and add 1 teaspoon of glycerin and juice of 1 lemon. The resulting mixture is poured into the egg yolks with salt, stirring constantly. This lotion rubbed his face and neck for an hour before applying the cream.

  • Lotion from St. John's wort

50 grams of herb St. John's wort pour 2 cups boiling water and infuse it in a dark place for half an hour, the bank wrapped in a towel. After this time, strain the infusion and remove to a cool place. Used twice a day for one hour before applying the cream or facial masks.

  • Strawberry Lotion

2 tablespoons strawberries knead into mush, and pour 1 cup of cold water. Strain the resulting liquid and wipe face in the morning. Before you apply a lotion, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to strawberry juice, as this may cause the berry time

  • Lotion with Aloe

1 tablespoon of crushed leaves of aloe mixed with 1 tablespoon finely chopped plantain leaves, parsley and the same amount of dried rose petals. The resulting mixture is best kept in the fridge until you want to use.

To prepare the lotion to take 1 tablespoon of ready mix and pour 1 cup boiling water her. Infuse for 2-2 5 hours, then strain and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, orange or grapefruit. The resulting lotion to wipe the face.

  • Peppermint Lotion

3 tablespoons chopped fresh mint leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for half an hour. Strain and wipe face with a cotton pad soaked infusion in the morning and evening. This lotion is good tones and smoothes the skin.

With the right daily use of all means of caring for sensitive skin, moderate use of decorative cosmetics and provide protection from the sun and other negative external factors, you can in a short period of time to achieve positive results. Your skin will be healthy, fresh and beautiful.

 Caring for sensitive skin. Homemade recipes for masks

We recommend that read: Care porous skin

Mechanical peeling facial

 Mechanical peeling facial

Every woman wants to be beautiful, attractive and remain so as long as possible .  A guarantee of a natural attraction - especially healthy, clean, smooth, glowing skin .  And if a young man, almost any woman can boast of perfect skin - the older we get, the harder it is to maintain the natural beauty .  The skin on your face becomes thinner over time, there are fine lines, complexion is not as shining as we would like - and this is only for those lucky women who have managed to avoid traces of pimples, freckles, age pigment changes in the skin, burns and scars .  What to do if you want to be beautiful, and, thus, avoid surgery in its beauty? Come to the aid peels - this exfoliation of skin cells, using a special, easy abrasive, which will help to make every woman beautiful and younger .  Exfoliation helps to even skin tone, reduce wrinkles, remove the traces of pimples, freckles, age marks skin changes, to achieve the effect of lifting and a lot more .  Professional peeling - and home, which she makes herself, twice a week - are completely different things .  You can never get at home is the result which can easily provide you a professional in the cosmetic center .  Depending on the kind of problems you are experiencing skin, dermatologist will select the procedure you need peeling - peeling fruit acids, mechanical or chemical .

The essence of mechanical peeling

 Mechanical peeling facial

What is a mechanical peeling? At its core, mechanical peeling can be compared with how professional polishes any surface - gently and precisely remove all irregularities, leaving the surface extremely smooth and radiant. Special abrasive microparticles are sprayed on the skin under high pressure, cutting off the dead cells of the epidermis. This procedure not only removes the skin aging, but also activates the cellular metabolism, improves microcirculation, increasing skin's defense system. Cosmetologist professional can adjust the degree of pressure of the abrasive particles on your skin - depending on what effect you want to achieve: to make the skin smoother, or completely leveled (remove pimples scars and consequences). Ease of mechanical peeling that you will not experience any pain, and the probability of infection is zero.

Mechanical exfoliation can have varying degrees of exposure to skin: a lightweight peeling - brossazh mask film, exfoliation, ultrasonic peeling; or peeling deep impact - microcrystalline (Mikrodermaobraziya).


Brossazh - a soft, gentle exfoliation, which can be done 1-3 times a month (depending on what your skin type) .  Brossazh is as follows - the special brush with natural bristles gently polish your skin, removing the stratum corneum .  This reduces the thickness of the epidermis, evens the complexion, improves skin .  Gommazh - is peeling on the basis of fruit acids - organic acid papaya, pineapple, figs reduce communication keratinized skin flakes on your skin, and they are easily and painlessly removed with medication .  Such peeling instantly makes the skin smooth, smooth, soft, saturating it with vitamins and microelements .  Ultrasonic peeling - is a completely painless procedure, which will moisturize your skin and make it younger .  The essence of ultrasonic peeling is that the skin is covered with a light special preparation or mineral water, and then treated with a special skin preparation ultrasound, thus the skin and actively aligned saturated moisture I .  This procedure is especially useful in the summer season - if the skin retain moisture sun .

The last and most effective mechanical exfoliation face - it mikrodermoabraziya (microcrystalline peeling) - the latest development in the field of dermatology, cosmetology and aesthetic medicine .  When mikrodermoabrazii, the skin under high pressure are applied to tiny particles of aluminum, exfoliates dead skin layer, leveling it and removing freckles, redness, signs of age-related changes of the skin, pulling it and making it more youthful, healthy and beautiful .  This procedure is performed by a special device, under the control of a professional dermatologist .  This is not a one-time procedure if you want to even out the skin of your face, you should be prepared for what will have to spend a few sessions .  Unlike chemical peeling - a painless procedure, allows to achieve the same result, without damaging the skin, without any allergic reactions and a long recovery period .  Microcrystalline peeling is often called vacuum - is what mikrodermoabrazii apparatus consists of two tubes, one gets the smallest particles of aluminum on the skin, and the other - there is a vacuum treatment removes them with the horny layer of the skin .  The skin after this peeling becomes soft, smooth, supple complexion is leveled, age-related changes are minimized, you become younger and more attractive .  Dermatologist can regulate the impact of abrasive to your skin - from soft to deep peeling .

Why use mechanical peeling?   If you need in a quick time to prepare with any celebration, if you have acne or increased skin pigmentation (the presence of freckles or the appearance of age-related changes of skin pigmentation person) if you want to prepare the code to other rejuvenating procedures (after mechanical peeling anti-aging serum absorbed much better, increasing their effect on the skin), if you want to look younger, you need a mechanical peeling face. If we talk about the benefit that brings the mechanical peeling - reviews skin becomes almost the same as after the chemical, at the same time without a long recovery period.

What will be the effect of mechanical peeling face? Diminish fine facial wrinkles, the skin becomes more smooth and even intensify the microcirculation of facial skin - which will increase its protective properties, remove traces of pimples and - to reduce the likelihood of their recurrence, you will look younger, the skin is tightened, the oval face becomes clearer .

Mechanical peeling ratings "Using vacuum peeling allowed me to get rid of traces of acne, has made my skin more even and smooth, it has become very flexible - and I can finally enjoy a beautiful and healthy skin. I have sensitive skin, prone to allergic reactions, so the chemical peeling is contraindicated in me. But a few sessions of vacuum peeling allowed me to achieve a noticeable effect. "

Mechanical exfoliation at home

 Mechanical peeling facial

It should be remembered that the mechanical exfoliation at home - and professional peeling - are completely different things, if you need a tangible, visible effects of peeling - you should consult a professional cosmetologist. Mechanical exfoliation at home can only keep your skin smooth and soft, without removing freckles, age spots and traces of pimples.

Mechanical peeling facial at home - is primarily scrubs - special formulations containing a abrasives, polishes your skin .  Scrubs can be based on salt, sugar or natural abrasives (such as crushed apricot seeds, nuts, medicinal components of dirt or sand) .  To select a scrub - you need to know what your skin type, and whether you have an allergic reaction to the components of this scrub .  Using a scrub at home, remember that the frequency of use scrubs for different skin types differ .  If your skin is oily, prone to rashes - you need a gentle scrub every day, and more intense for weekly use .  When combined skin - the scrub should be used once or twice a week .  At the same time, it is best to choose a scrub with fruit acids, which are able to reduce the amount of fat produced by the skin .  If you have dry skin use a scrub should not exceed once a month .  With the help of mechanical exfoliation at home remove dead skin cells, polishing it and improving microcirculation of facial skin, so after each use scrub, do not forget that the skin needs hydration .  Moisturizer should be applied to the skin immediately after mechanical peeling .

 Mechanical peeling facial

We recommend to check out how to get rid of acne scars

Bribes in school and kindergarten. How to fight it?

 Bribes in school and kindergarten. How to fight it?

Bribes in school lately, alas, become almost ubiquitous phenomenon. Another 15 - 20 years ago the idea that the school may require money for that - something other than nutrition, no one in the head could not come, but now parents is difficult to imagine a school that is not carried out monthly, and or even weekly fees.

And, despite the fact that teachers and school management refers to these financial burdens euphonic words "the needs of the school," the fact remains - they are totally illegal. Moreover, it is well aware and top management, which, unfortunately, gives its tacit consent to justify these charges that the State is very poorly funded school

However, this is not an excuse, not a reason to "rip off" parents as sticky. Despite the fact that extortion is commonplace for many schools, to deal with this is possible and necessary. Fortunately, in recent years parents have stopped in silence to attribute the money to the school, but largely intensified.

More and more prudent, competent and legally savvy parents struggling to find the truth and to understand how legitimate those or other kinds of financial burdens in each case. In that case, if you are tired and feel like "cash cow" for teachers, this article is written for you.

With the minimum necessary knowledge, you will be able to resist the tyranny of teachers who are demanding more and more cash injections. And the parents of preschool age children, this material can also be very useful, because the money they have to wear no less, and the school probably is not far off.

For what has to be paid at the school?

For what most parents have to pay school? Of course, different schools may have their own peculiarities and nuances, but a common list is still the same:

  • The entrance fee for admission to the first grade

In too many schools, especially those located in prime locations, in order to train the child took it, the so-called need to pay an entrance fee. But that's not all - are often the entry fee is only to pay for something that the child was admitted to the original entrance examinations. Only in the event that their child will pass successfully, it is written in the first class. Very often in a similar situation get those future first-graders who live not in the area where the school is located

But in fact, all of these measures are absolutely illegal. In the event that the school places still is, the child should take without any - any tests and entrance exams. By law, any exams at primary school at all is strictly prohibited. But if the place has not, take the child and, accordingly, the school will not have if they wanted to.

But how to find out if these same places? It is not necessary to conduct the director no oral negotiations - in the event of any - any conflicts you do not have any evidence. Write a formal written request to the principal, and the statement with the request to enroll in the training of the first grade your child. And be sure to notify teachers about what you would expect a written response. In that case you will get a failure, you can always learn whether indeed vacancies in the department of education, to which your chosen school.

  • Additional classes

Second favorite item drawing money from parents - is paid extra lessons with the child in general subjects, mugs and sections. In this case, parents should ask if they have educational institution license. They can be provided only if the school has a license and all relevant permits.

  • Help the school to repair or purchase of basic necessities

This item also is not the last place in the paper collecting money from parents. To give or not - it's here to you. In any case, to exclude a child from school in the event that you will not pay for these costs, no one is allowed. However, if you decide to everything - still help the school and hand over the money, remember the main thing - never transfer money from hand to hand.

Each school has its own checking account, which parents can transfer the money for the needs of the school. As a rule, you can either transfer the money by bank transfer or through a centralized department of the municipal or district education department, where you will be given in the hands of the appropriate receipt.

The school is on your first request you have to show a detailed report, which specify exactly what amount and what was spent. Moreover, all expenses must be supported by appropriate documentation - receipts, warrants and other consumables. This is to ensure that parents know exactly where their money was spent. Otherwise all fees are considered illegal, and the school is violating the law on free education.

  • New Year's Day and graduations

No small item of expenditure are different school celebrations. And if a small amount of the holidays it is required lifting, the prom is a real disaster for most families. This is not surprising - the sociologists thought that last year the average amount of Russian trade-parents for prom, was 10 thousand rubles. Agree, a total of turns rather impressive amount for which you can play an entire wedding, not what prom.

Of course, at the parents' meeting is careful to stipulate this issue, taking into account the financial possibilities of parents. You may want to give up the most fashionable restaurant in the city and opt for a more modest cafe?

And besides, remember that you should always be able to control where your money will be spent. Unfortunately, not all people clean, and sometimes it happens that a considerable part of the collected money ends up in the pockets of the members of the parent committee and the class teacher.

  • Gifts for teachers

The first of September, Teacher's Day. New Year, March 8, again - outlet - in too many schools, the teachers decided to give gifts to these holidays. And a modest bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates long - long gone. Now the value of the gift in the thousands rubles, and in some cases - and the tens of thousands. Donating or not? In principle, it is up to you, but remember that this thing is completely voluntary.

 Bribes in school and kindergarten. How to fight it?

  Requisitions in kindergarten

No less rightly cause outrage among parents and the situation that is going on in kindergartens. Unfortunately, it is no secret that the problem with the presence of places in kindergartens Russia dire, and getting there is a very and extremely difficult. It is this and are extremely enterprising heads of kindergartens, each time inventing new and new reasons for cash bribes from parents of kids. And parents dutifully carry a bribe to a kindergarten.

Moreover, these same fees start from the beginning, or more precisely - it is with them and begins a visit to a kindergarten child. In order for your child could go to kindergarten, you may require a 5 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the region.

Such cases, unfortunately, are not the kind of exception to the rule, but rather a frightening trend. And, unfortunately, the parents themselves encourage its development, obediently carrying money in the kindergarten, if every time the extortion of money for the adoption of a child in kindergarten parents appealed to the higher authorities, then these cases would become less and less.

However, in the event that the child managed to get into the garden without any - any entrance fees, but simply put, without a bribe, parents should be prepared for the fact that the financial burdens will give them a regular service, almost a way of life. And the reasons for having overcome almost the same as in the schools:

  • Needs garden

Often, parents are asked to hand over money for a variety of household items for children - in the bed linen, towels, toys, household goods - soap, powder and so on. And very often parents are frankly puzzled - why take the money on some items of expenditure such as the purchase of bed linen or toys a few times a year?

It is unlikely that - something will happen in a few months with two sets of bed linen for a few months, during which the child slept on it a few hours during the quiet hours.

And so it is - often some, if not most of the money that parents pass, leaving absolutely clear where. More precisely, exactly - the same clear - parents' committee, teachers, head. Remember that in this case, the same scheme that and in school - do not let the money in hand. They should be transferred to the special account of kindergarten.

If raising money is only an initiative of the parent committee, and you have decided to support it, remember that you have every right to demand a full report - all receipts and disbursement vouchers.

And besides, do not forget that all these contributions are purely voluntary, and in any case should not be charged with the responsibility of parents. In the garden there is no bed linen? nothing will prevent you from yourself to buy two sets of bed linen. No dishes? It can also be bought by and attributed to the kindergarten, is not it?

  • Preparation for school

In the older group often require parents to pay for the preparation of the child for school. However, remember that all training is free. And to prepare for the money at the garden should be a corresponding license. Otherwise, the demand for money is absolutely illegal.

Parents in any case we must not forget that as long as the parents are going to think about how to give a bribe to a kindergarten or school, they will have to pull money. So maybe it is time to stop this financial mess?

 Bribes in school and kindergarten. How to fight it?

We recommend that read: adaptation of children in kindergarten

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Summer clothes for pregnant women: keeping up with fashion trends

 Summer clothes for pregnant women: keeping up with fashion trends

Every girl in every situation wants to look "one hundred percent", because it is representative of the fair sex. Pregnant women bring unique beauty, which can also be stress, so the recent appearance of these girls has changed dramatically. Gone are bulky and shapeless robes that conceal your femininity. But why hide it? After all, the future mother overwhelmed parent, pure feelings, it comes from a certain mystique and unique charm. This light must enjoy the surrounding, so today let's talk about what will be fashionable summer clothes for pregnant women in 2012.

Fashion solutions for future mothers

Absolutely all pregnant ladies, comfort is very important in the clothing, but because every woman is a woman in any situation, she wants to look beautiful, regardless of the gestational age. Modern designers have not paid attention to this category as a summer maternity clothes, a photo which you can view below. Therefore, stylish future moms can find a variety of original and interesting solutions.

Trendy clothes for pregnant women should not necessarily be sold in specialty stores, because this area is also subject to trends, like all the others: maxi dresses, clothing with animals and geometric prints, patterns - all this is a great alternative to traditional outfits for expectant mothers.

 Summer clothes for pregnant women: keeping up with fashion trends

Clothes for every day

The cool summer days and nights are very relevant with long cardigans floors, do not give up fitting turtlenecks that are perfectly emphasize the shape.

Also it is necessary to wear a dress of thick jersey. In it you can feel the charm and feminine.

In future moms look great blouses and shirts with a plunging neckline and waist-free as possible. Small buttons of lightning, patterns and embroidery, stones and crystals, as well as fashionable prints complement the image of a charming beauty.

The romantic image

Drapery - it is the current trend in 2012. Blouses and jackets with flowing folds give your image of tenderness and romance. Such clothing is perfectly combined with pants and with jeans or skirts, and suits it for formal occasions or dinner with friends.

Fashion three-quarter sleeves and a belt at the waist is also perfect for pregnant women who want to look fashionable and at the same time to feel at ease. Soft jersey will not irritate the skin and, if desired, you can throw on the shoulders of a jacket or cardigan.

Regarding the colors is to say that future moms do not have to limit yourself to muted pastel shades - deep blue and bright red color easily cheer up you and others.

 Summer clothes for pregnant women: keeping up with fashion trends

Evening dresses

Pregnant women also attend a variety of activities, so in any case should not wear a dress that resemble bag. Fashionable summer clothes for pregnant women generally has a length maxi, but if you want something shorter - go for it, it's not a strict ban. Evening wear for the future moms suggests bright patterns, bright colors, silk and satin fabrics. Most recent outfits - model under the skin of reptiles. You'll look great in a dress with imitation crocodile or snakeskin. Very impressive look dresses in the Greek style, which make it possible to visually smooth rounded shape and lengthen the silhouette.

Clothing for pregnant women especially should not only decorate, but also be comfortable, which is important in such a special period, so trust your taste and sensations. Do not be afraid to go beyond the conventional scope of the style, it's the most unique time in your life; you are very beautiful and feminine, and it is not necessary to forget or hide it.

 Summer clothes for pregnant women: keeping up with fashion trends

Fashion is getting closer

 Fashion is getting closer

In many countries, the purchase of virtual finally entered into everyday life. Through the network you can buy everything from tickets to the products. For many Russians, this form of trading is still unusual. First, the idea that every right thing you can buy right now, without getting up from his chair, looks adventurous.

But once again try and explore the benefits of a virtual shopping becomes unquestionable. No need to choose between favorite programs and bustle of shopping centers; no one watching your movements; package hope things will be cheaper than in the popular boutique. Residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities have already evaluated the benefit and convenience of shopping online, especially since most online shopping provides express delivery of goods in the city.

Any online fashion store has other obvious advantages.

  1. Reasonable prices. The costs of maintaining an online store at times less than the payment of rent retail space in a busy area of ​​the city. Even the new collection of women's clothing is more accessible than in a huge shopping center.
  2. Free rein. Shop assistant, greets you with a smile on the doorstep of the boutique is nice if your purse is bursting at the seams. If you come only to see, and your ability to pay seems doubtful - the presence of a consultant, and his attitude toward you will be perceived in a completely different light. Choosing a product on the network, you can safely visit the site several times, comparing prices and demand in the range of "neighboring" resource.
  3. Product Information. Assortment and product description are available for viewing at any time. This is particularly attractive for the ladies who like and the process of selecting new clothes.
  4. Payment and delivery. Online stores offer several forms of payment and methods of delivery. If you live in the same city where the online store delivery possibility to pay in cash upon receiving the order. When ordering from out of town usually offered two options: prepayment or payment on delivery. The advance payment can be done by bank transfer, via terminals or just staying at home by means of electronic payment systems. The cost and speed of delivery depends on the chosen method.

Analysts suggest the active development of Internet commerce and life confirms their forecasts. So whether or not to resist if the goods become more affordable and closer.

 Fashion is getting closer

Women's gowns: the most luxurious models

 Women's gowns: the most luxurious models

Babydoll - not just a garment that to someone's light hand entered the female wardrobe even in the sixteenth century. This ladies' outfit, originally intended solely for morning tea and makeup, came to taste not only the fashionable women of the time, but stirred up the minds and a strong half of mankind.

Over the long history of its existence, women negligees conquered a lot of women's hearts all over the world. Try on a few centuries ago, this enticing article of clothing, ladies refused to part with it, despite all the feminist fashion trends. This is not surprising, because no other clothes are not so able to emphasize the charms of the female body, to send favorite eloquent hints, intriguing man and make his heart beat faster.

To date, the choice of dressing gowns in the collections of fashion designers is so broad and multifaceted, just look at first: long and short, transparent and translucent, luxurious and captivating, humble and flirty, sexy and not very candid and romantic - no woman can resist before such an abundance of tempting stuff.

Once refined and captivating costumes of lace and velvet considered a luxury available only to the ladies of high society. Today, such a juicy piece wardrobe can afford every modern woman. Buying another dizzying outfit, you can be sure - it will be an excellent remedy for boredom and monotony of family life. Adding to its collection on a regular basis with new sexy models, depending on your mood, you can always be different: to appear before the favorite in the form of a mysterious stranger, or magically turn into descended from heaven "innocent angel".

 Women's gowns: the most luxurious models

Women's robe: the most current models, fabrics and colors

Fashion designers every year delight the ladies with new collections of lingerie, which are created specifically so they could always feel welcome, charming, charming and more relaxed alone with the opposite sex. What style prefer to win the heart of a man? For these purposes, a better option than sexy female gowns with slits and plunging necklines side, and impossible to think. After all, the main purpose of such an outfit - open, not hidden charms of the female body. Particularly advantageously a stylish gown looks complete with a nightgown, which is in harmony with him in style, styles and colors.

With regard to the length of the article, it can range from mini to maxi. Each option is good in its own way and deserves your attention. Floor-length robe looks very elegant and feminine, while the short - more intriguing and sexy. For tailoring modern dressing gowns in most cases, flexible, lightweight and elegant fabrics. The most suitable ones are lace, lace, silk, chiffon, crepe de chine, satin, batiste, veils and thin jersey.

As for color, usually gowns are available in soothing pastel colors, but on par with muted shades in the designer collections can meet a lot of interesting patterns in bright colors. For example, very impressive, stylish and sexy look for women long red gowns. No less refined and discreet black version, decorated with satin ribbons, lace, ruffles and other decorative elements.

Such exquisite lingerie - robe - takes pride of place in your wardrobe. Every woman surely knows what intimate attire she looks a queen and will be able to bring to mind any man, that it is only a wish.

 Women's gowns: the most luxurious models