Ahead of a wave of the magic of holidays: New Year, Christmas, and there to close to Valentine's Day. So, it's time cheerful corporate parties, romantic dates and noisy friendly parties. Many girls have already signed up to the beauty salon and attended to buy festive attire, as at corporate wants to look stunning as ever. To be the most beautiful on the holiday - the natural desire of a woman! But what if the store you've found "the very" Your dress, but the figure still allows bundle up only "yonder balahonchik"? Or "what is the" dress for the second year hanging in the closet, waiting for "the release of", and the output is delayed and postponed all ... In this article we'll show you how to quickly reduce weight, cleanse the skin and improve the tone of the body.
How to start losing weight?
Raids in the gym 3 times a week, and the rule of "do not eat after 6," give an excellent chance of success in the fight against excess weight. But it so happens that the corporate parties to remain less than 2 weeks, and the weight is in no hurry to leave, despite diet and more exercise. Sport and diet do not always work as efficiently and quickly as we would like. The reason for that - the accumulated body toxins. The body - alive. And over time, it becomes clogged. The reasons can be many - from malnutrition to a bad environment around. To help rid the body of unnecessary waste, to normalize the metabolism and accelerate the process of losing weight - that's our number one task on the way to a perfect body.
It has long been known beneficial properties of activated carbon. This time-tested and generations natural remedy for poisoning, and after all the accumulated body toxins - is not nothing but a chronic poisoning, which manifests itself, including in the form of orange peel. Activated carbon - a powerful adsorbent, it removes toxins, heavy metals, harmful bacteria and accumulated cholesterol. This is especially true for people who are overweight.
The second element of harmony - the regular consumption of fruits and vegetables. Since childhood we have heard that eating fruits useful. But why is this so? In addition to vitamins and minerals, all fruits, herbs and vegetables contain fiber necessary for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. First of all, it eliminates the use of constipation - the main enemy of cleansing the body. Most fiber found in fresh fruits, especially apples, green vegetables and nuts. Those who wish to lose weight, you must consume 30-35 grams of daily fiber.
The third secret of health and perfect figure - pectin. The benefits of pectin recently say leading nutritionists. Most are rich in pectin parsley, beets and carrots. Cooking pectin is known as a binder for making jelly, ice cream, jellies and other sweets. Useful properties of pectin is very relevant for dieters: it effectively binds and removes from the body carcinogens and prevents toxins from being absorbed into the bloodstream.
Regular use of pectin accelerates metabolism, and normalizes the bowels, removes excess cholesterol. Furthermore, pectin is a natural prebiotic - component responsible for the restoration of intestinal microflora. During dieting and grueling athletic training decreases the body's immunity, exhausted supply of nutrients in the intestine, so the period of weight loss simply must take pectin.
Lose weight properly and permanently store the result
A good helper on the path to harmony is the development of Russian specialists -enterosorbent triple action Karbopekt. Preparation created exclusively of natural ingredients and includes three valuable components as mentioned above: microgranulated activated carbon, dietary fiber and pectin. Karbopekt quickly and gently bring the body of toxins and wastes, normalizes metabolism and restore the intestinal microflora.
To obtain stable results need to undergo purification Karbopektom - 14 days 4 capsules 3 times a day.
As a result, purification of the correct weight loss is much faster, but the result holds ten times longer!
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