Many of us not only in summer but also in any other time of the year goes on vacation at the beach, to the pool and refreshing cocktails with paper umbrellas. But there is the eternal problem - imperfect figure. Women have always fought, are fighting and will fight with him; Fortunately, over the years of intense struggle the most effective methods yet been found. One of the most effective ways to quickly achieve a thin waist and flat stomach is exercise "bicycle". It does not require any auxiliary items such as step platform or feetball very simple in execution and regular practice is very efficient.
How to do the exercise "bike"
In order to complete the exercise for the press "bicycle", it is necessary to lie on the floor or a special mat so that the waist and tightly against the horizontal surface, his hands clasped in an ordinary lock, the most "open" make elbows and palms behind your head. Neck have to be relaxed, it is not necessary to strain. The following raise your legs, your thighs are perpendicular to the body, and the tibia is strictly parallel to the floor, and how to "blow away" the stomach, most flattened abdominal muscles. Here is the basic position.
Trying to press the lower back as close as possible to the floor, begin to "pedal". Take it as slowly as possible, imagining that the abdominal muscles is a brick. Do not arch your back. Make sure to keep your feet did not fall, and not rise waist. Try to relax the muscles of the face and neck.
This is the most simple exercise. Perform two to five approaches, while within each approach twist "bicycle" in different directions. For once, you must perform ten or fifteen full speed. This option makes sense to carry out the exercises, if you do not have any physical training - you can do it regularly three to four times a week for a month and then move on to the more complex version.
If you are in good physical shape and feel the need to complicate the exercise, adding load the abdominal muscles, the "pedal" the most slowly severing blades off the floor, twisting and work out in such a way to touch the left elbow right knee and vice versa. This waist under any circumstances should not come off the floor. After each lifting housing back into the base position. This exercise will be even more effective if in the process of implementation of the right to breathe - twisting should occur in the exhale, return to basic position - on the breath. Remember the slower you are doing the exercise "bike", the greater the load on the abdominal muscles. Advanced version, moreover, is working well obliques, forming a beautiful relief.
During the exercise "bike" should try to avoid the most common mistakes:
- Lifting and twisting the body, not help himself with his hands and do not reduce the elbows; the movement must go from the abdominal muscles, not your back. In the latter case greatly increases the load on the neck, which can lead to injury.
- During the change of the legs is not necessary to rock the pelvis. This will significantly reduce the load on the muscles of the press and will be idle.
- Do not hurry, the meaning of this exercise in exploring the muscles, and at too high a speed of execution in the case enters the inertia. And it means that your press is not working fully.
Of course, no matter how effective was the "bicycle", one of this exercise is not enough. Besides, and this is the main problem that many people have started to engage diligently, quickly lose enthusiasm when the results have to wait even a little long. Our body - a complex system, subject to certain laws. To earn the adjustment mechanisms of muscle, the body must be given time. Exercise "bicycle" really effective and simple, the main thing - to be patient and do it correctly.
Make yourself a detailed schedule of classes, select a comfortable time for you - you need to give this exercise fifteen minutes. With the habit is very difficult to force yourself to do exercises in the morning, in addition to not really awakened the body is largely stress. Recent research experts have shown that morning load are not as useful as it is accepted to think about them. Therefore, to take care of your body take the time in the afternoon. Perform each exercise "bicycle" three or four times a week, and the results will please you soon.
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