- Terms of competent care for anthurium
- Difficulties in the process of growing anthurium
Anthurium - a plant of the family Araceae (aronnikovyh), which refers to one of the many genera, with about nine species. Translated from the Latin name of the plant is the "tail"; Perhaps that is why Anthurium also called "flower-flamingo."
Homeland anthuriums - tropical and subtropical America, north of Mexico, Paraguay and Argentina. The predominant majority of species - erect herbs grown in the rainforest. In the evolution of these plants have become creepers - epiphytes and vines with aerial roots. Today anthurium grown at home, and they are popular due to their covers, which is shaped like a large petal, close-fitting to the inflorescence. In turn form inflorescence cobs as thick tails.
Currently known types of miniature anthuriums, mainly this Flowering subspecies, which today received commercial distribution. In modern culture is used as a garden or anthurium srezochnyh, as well as an indoor plant. However, anthurium, like any plant, has some features and problems in the care of what today we'll talk.
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Terms of competent care for anthurium
The first thing is to say, discussing the rules of care for different color - is that the plant is poisonous. Because it is very important to observe the orderly working with a flower. Get special gloves that are in the process of care will protect your hands from the poisonous sap of the plant. Make it so that small children or animals could not reach with a flower pot.
The main problem in the growth of anthurium - foliage is disease. As a rule, leaves black spots appear, they are dried and curled. All this is due to improper maintenance or due to the effects of pests. To avoid this, we must first ensure that the plant optimum temperature. In this case, sixteen to eighteen degrees in the winter season. In spring and summer, the room temperature may be from twenty to twenty-five degrees.
The plant should not suffer from drafts and wind, he needs to grow in an environment reminiscent of the warm climate of his native land, throughout the year. If you want to anthurium bloom started earlier than usual, then gradually elevate the temperature to twenty-three to twenty-five degrees. It is best to do it in January.
Anthuriums like a good ambient light, great carry pritenenie. Remember that pritenenie from the direct rays is necessary, otherwise the leaves begin to appear dark spots or they will dry up altogether. It is best to place the pots on the windows on the east or north-west side.
Humidity should be increased, particularly in autumn and spring, when the growth of anthurium is most active. At the same time we must ensure that the plant abundant watering. Do not forget to spray the flower, using water at room temperature. This procedure should be repeated twice a day. But do not let stagnant water in the soil!
The mistake many gardeners in the process of watering the plants - it is waterlogging, which provokes rotting of the root system. To prevent decay, certainly fill the pot drainage layer that will control the level of liquid in the container. Anthurium is best grown in a pot is not too deep, but rather wide - the plant has a shallow root system. Due to the aerial roots anthurium receives the necessary moisture from the air, so do not be superfluous to wrap the roots of special sphagnum moss, periodically spraying it.
Wrong watering provokes many problems: there are dry leaves, brown and yellow stains on them, the root system rots. Between watering anthurium top layer should dry out a bit. But we should not allow, and drying earthen coma. If you seek to ensure that the plant bloomed profusely in the winter and fall slightly reduced watering. Use a soft, preferably rainwater. If you use tap water, it is necessary to soften, as in its composition has a lot of lime.
Anthuriums prefer a relatively high humidity of 85 to 95%. Almost all of the plants of this kind suffer from excessively dry indoor air, especially for species with brightly colored, thin leaves (or the majestic Crystal Anthurium). In order to maintain the necessary humidity in the apartment, put a pot with a plant on a tray filled with wet gravel. Instead, you can use expanded clay gravel. Also, the pots can be placed in sphagnum moss, which should also be wet.
Not bad, if you make room for anthurium teplichku. The dust from the leaves is better to wash with a soft sponge soaked in warm water. In summer, you should regularly spray the leaves with warm water, but during the flowering need to be careful with this. Sprinkling anthurium, make sure that the water drops do not fall on the flowers, since because of that they are formed brown spots. Thereby it lost ornamentals.
It is important to know about the proper feeding. Fertilize Anthurium should be in the spring and summer, once every three weeks. Anthuriums are very sensitive to excess and lime, and an excess of minerals. Fertilizers should be thinned. In the form of complex NPK fertilizers it is recommended to use a ratio of 1 g / l by adding potassium humate (300 mg / l). The most effective foliar feeding effect on the leaves.
Very good effect and produce organic fertilizers, but they are not always available. They must be applied directly to the substrate surface. For example, it may be in the form of leaf mold mulch or cow or horse manure (polupereprevshy). Once a month, anthurium need to be watered using the infusion of chicken manure and mullein.
To increase anthurium was successful, you need to pick the right soil. Growing plant in a pot, use a fairly loose substrates, coarse fiber structure. It is important that the substrate was breathable and had a neutral PH, 5, 0 to 6, 0. The substrate must be large particles, which will retain good plant and still maintain all of the moisture and nutrients.
The substrate should not quickly decompose and cake. Also, there should not appear seals. On the bottom of the pot, place the drain layer consisting of a layer of sand and cuttings. Also, the substrate can be made from chopped moss (two parts), peat (two parts) and turf (one piece) or deciduous earth and peat, adding some conifer bark. Because of the poor quality of the substrate may suffer flowers and leaves: they appear yellow spots, they are twisted and lose their shape.
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Difficulties in the process of growing anthurium
Anthurium - not the most demanding plant. It is not subject to the strong influence of pests. The industrial culture of these plants are often attacked by scale insects and mealybug and aphids and mites. Particularly dangerous for anthurium scale insects, which multiplication takes place rather quickly, but to destroy them, it takes a lot of serious effort.
Anthurium ill root and stem rots destructive that provoke waterlogging and substrate temperature is too low. Anthracnose - another plant diseases. What does it manifest itself? On leaves appear dark spots, they shrink from the edges. In case of severe injury and anthurium all exhausted and dies.
Fighting anthracnose - a serious process that requires perseverance and time. Treatment should begin as soon as you notice the first signs, as mentioned above. Process plant fungicides. Experts recommend the use of systemic fungicide varieties.
Problems with plant growth and browning of leaves may be associated with an excess of calcium in the soil. Drafts, too dry air, lack of light or its overabundance can also affect the appearance of the flower. If the tips of the leaves are dry, it is likely, the plant received a sunburn - just pritenit it. If the leaves are dark and dry in the winter, it's all about the lack of lighting.
If you notice black spots on the leaves, it is necessary to raise the temperature, since the plant is obviously freezing. Anthuriums like heat. Problems with the leaves can occur because of the illiterate feeding. Exit - to normalize feeding fertilizers. If small spots and visible on a gleam, it is likely that the plant is affected spider mites.
In addition to the mite, anthurium suffers from frequent scale insects, aphids, mealybugs, Septoria sick. Scale insects can be identified by a sticky discharge on the leaves. Once you realize that the plant is sick, treat it with soapy water. If the infection much, then, for the processing, use Malathion.
Shriveled leaves and yellow spots on them talk about the defeat aphids. It should be used for the treatment or aktellik infusion of tobacco. But mealy bugs can be found on the plant and to the naked eye - his flock is quite clearly seen in the above-ground parts of the anthurium. To get rid of this pest better malathion. If there is abundant on the plant foliage spot, septoria spot it. It is necessary to remove all diseased foliage and anthurium handle conventional copper sulfate solution.
Anthurium - the plant is not the most fastidious, because give him proper care and attention is not difficult, even for inexperienced grower. Observe the necessary temperature conditions, provide the right light and humidity, and then anthurium delight you with its striking appearance.
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