Sunday, 23 August 2015

How to drive a car: grasp the intricacies of this art

 How to drive a car: grasp the intricacies of this art


  • Transmission - what is it and why is it necessary?
  • Smooth starting - the key to the "health" of the engine
  • Tips correct driving

Certainly the question of how to drive a car, to get up in front of every woman who wants to learn all the nuances of a complex science driving. Of course, today there are all possibilities in order to make learning more accessible and quality, such as driving school instructor and personal services during the first independent trips. But there are so-called proper driving technique. And often it has to learn from personal experience. What you need to know to make as little mistakes?

Before you get behind the wheel, you should be guided perfectly in a large number of traffic signs, because they indicate the direction of movement, speed limit and warn of the dangers. The road does not love those drivers who ignore traffic regulations in the study of traffic flows. Only when you understand the value of a sign, you can begin to learn the practical skills to drive a car.

It is worth noting that people who can control their emotions, as well as those who are by nature endowed with the speed of reaction, it will be easier to get used to the role of the driver. Excessive courage - this is more a minus than a plus, in that case, as to assess the situation can only be a person with a healthy sense of danger. If you are afraid to drive a car, do not worry - it's a matter of habit. The main thing - keep calm and not to panic at the wheel. So, the correct lead those who are not at risk for nothing, so do not neglect the safety belt. Such levity, as the statistics show, it is the main cause of deaths in road accidents. So take care of your life and money.

Transmission - what is it and why is it necessary?

Under the transmission or gearbox is a set of mechanisms responsible for the process of transition torque from the engine to the wheels of cars. It can be either manual or automatic type. And here it should be noted that one of the most difficult moments in the process of learning to ride properly, for both men and women, is the smooth start of movement. This is a little bit easier, if the car has an automatic transmission, but the car smoothly on the mechanics budge many possible not the first or even the fifth time.

Indeed, the novice is difficult to deal with both the gas and brake pedals, include the transfer, at the same time squeeze the clutch, but still perform all smoothly, almost automatically. Of great importance here is the synchronization in the movement of arms and legs novice drivers - without soft start drive fail. You can bring the algorithm to automatic when train cars with the engine off. This method will get rid of excessive nervousness and help it clear workflow.

To learn the art of smooth way from a place, it is important to understand exactly what is happening with the car engine when you perform the above steps. What is a box of mechanical and automatic transmission? Why in the first case, in addition to gas and brake pedals there is one?

This is due to the fact that in the automatic transmission main role is given to the torque converter, and a mechanical - linkage. In the converter driver is not required to act by additional manipulation: the gear shift takes place with the participation of the brake band and clutch, and the direct control of the electronic control system is carried out. Work mechanical box depends on the difference between the two serrated wheels, which determines the level of transmission: increase, decrease or neutral. Process Control manual transmission entirely depends on the driver.

 How to drive a car: grasp the intricacies of this art

Smooth starting - the key to the "health" of the engine

Now that the principle of work all became more or less clear, try to master the smooth starting for cars with manual transmission. Here is the algorithm required for this manipulation:

  1. The left leg should depress the clutch pedal.
  2. The gear lever must be converted into the position corresponding to the first speed, and squeeze the hand brake.
  3. Slowly release the clutch should be trying to capture the moment the so-called "curing". This will help the arrow on the tachometer display - shake it gently.
  4. As soon as the time of "setting" come, you need to move your right foot on the gas pedal and slowly add momentum to the car began to move.
  5. Feeling like a car starts a move on, the clutch can be slowly released and added gas, moving the gear lever to position the second speed.

What to do, you should not:

  • dramatically throwing the clutch pedal, since, instead of a smooth movement will ryvkoobraznym;
  • too early and apply pressure to the gas - it immediately affect the operation of the engine - hear a hoarse roar;
  • slowly gaining momentum and at the same time very let grip - it can lead to a situation where the engine "stall".

Certain nuances of the issue of how to start moving there and the automatic transmission. For example, in this case the motor should be run in a parking position (P). If this is done in a neutral position (N), it is desirable to use the handbrake. The basic algorithm is as follows:

  1. Right foot presses the brake pedal.
  2. The gear lever is moved to the motion (D).
  3. At the same time slowly released "hammer" and the brake pedal.
  4. When the car is in motion, momentum is added using the accelerator.

This embodiment, of course, easier, since the transfer switch automatically, without the driver in the process. However, this apparent simplicity, because in one and in another case should be strictly defined sequence. Just then the car will begin to move from place smoothly, and you, as a driver and the immediate "culprit" of this, feel joy and pride. But do not worry if the first time something does not work out. The main thing - do not leave attempts show persistence - and then you are sure to reach the desired.

 How to drive a car: grasp the intricacies of this art

Tips correct driving

In order not to spend a lot of time on the road and not to become a frequent visitor service centers, you need to remember a few basic rules governing car. After all, they adhere to the people who drive for a long time and successfully.

  1. Do not hesitate to stick on the back window of his car sign "New Driver" or "The Apprentice." This will allow other traffic participants adequately treat you.
  2. To parking was the most convenient and departure - hassle-free, carry it in reverse.
  3. If you have a car with front wheel drive, the extra load on the flexible suspension components may damage them. To avoid such do not enter into a turn, the way to removing the wheel.
  4. Parking is, including the transfer. This will allow not pull the hand brake, which in turn will increase the life of the cable.
  5. "Speed ​​bumps" to move, braking with a margin of a few meters, releasing the brake is in the immediate vicinity. Your car can easily overcome an obstacle, and the suspension is not affected.
  6. If you like speed, then during braking or turn off the transmission, so as not brought, especially in icy conditions on the asphalt.
  7. In case of sudden braking and lack of auto ABS, strong, but intermittent, depress the brake pedal. Such a process helps to avoid the uncontrolled skidding.
  8. Adhere to the required distance while driving.

Remember that proper riding is primarily a safe. If you are driving, be careful, be careful on the road and not be distracted by conversation. Novice drivers is better to stick to speed not exceeding 60 km per hour. This will continuously monitor your car. When changing lanes, do not forget to include the turn signals and look in the rearview and side view.

Drive a car, so that as little as possible to repair it, can learn only those people who adhere to a correct driving style and do not forget that courtesy and punctuality has never stopped anyone, especially when it comes to roads. No nails, no wand you, dear avtolyubitelnitsy!

 How to drive a car: grasp the intricacies of this art

We strongly recommend to read: How to drive a car

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