Wednesday, 26 August 2015

How to protect your hair during the cold season

 How to protect your hair during the cold season

In the cold, many notice that the hair loses shine and volume, become dull and brittle. It is not surprising, because in autumn and winter a whole army of stressors threaten the beauty of our locks. How and why did this happen? And what to do to preserve the beauty of your hair at any time of the year?

What is bad for our hair

Late autumn and winter - a nightmare for any hairstyle. At this time in such a traumatic procedures such as drying, heat styling and combing, added dry air of heated space and adverse weather conditions:

  1. Frost.
  2. Wet snow.
  3. Sudden temperature changes when entering the street.

Why is that bad

Our hair is three quarters consist of keratin - this is their main structural element. As a result of daily damage and the negative impact of environmental content of keratin in the hair falls every day. That leads to fragility, loss of volume and gloss.

Low content of keratin also entails thinning the lipid layer. This waterproof protective layer keeps moisture in the hair. Due to the destruction of the hair loses its moisture and cold are often whipped and electrified. If you begin to notice that, in contact with clothing or a comb, they crackle, it's time to give them a more intensive nutrition and hydration.

 How to protect your hair during the cold season

What to do

A good solution to the problems with the hair in the cold season's Skin can become a means of liquid keratin. It restores the structure of the hair, giving it elasticity. Furthermore, this component feeds hair follicles, whereby the hair grow better and more effectively withstand the environment.

It is contained in a liquid keratin Rinser "Effective volume" from NIVEA .   He restores hair structure and returns tresses soft, thanks to the extract of bamboo.

How else to help hair

  • during the cold season before going out, always wear a cap or hood covers her hair with a handkerchief;
  • Use a conditioner every shampoo, but do not forget that it should be applied only on the ends of her hair;
  • Choose a brush with natural bristles;
  • rarely expose your tresses to heat treatment;
 How to protect your hair during the cold season

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