Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Deodorant marks centennial

 Deodorant marks centennial

Deodorant - is a special product on the shelf of any girl. It is not just a means of sweat and odor, is the key to comfort in any clothing and self-confidence. History has many improvements deodorants stages, and it is closely linked with the history of scientific discovery.

The first means of sweat and odor NIVEA brand was released in 1914, it was SCHWEISSPUDER - powder, which is applied not only to the armpits, but also on the hands and feet to reduce sweating.

For a hundred years, the formula has changed a lot of deodorant. About half a century ago in the scientific center of the German Beiersdorf researchers discovered ingredient that blokiruyuet bacteria that cause bad breath. Then, even after 30 years it has created a completely new formula deodorant free of alcohol, and there was the first full line of deodorants in the world market. They are available in formats and roll and spray, stick and cream, as well as a spray.

In the last five years of research in the field of protection against sweat and odor is still possible to create some unique formulas:

  • men's deodorant with silver ions that provides maximum antibacterial effect;
  • deodorant line, leaving no stains on the old black and yellow - on a white cloth;
  • antiperspirant, which protects not only from the heat, but also the emotional sweating;
  • antiperspirant for women with kaolin powder, leaves no sticky feeling after application.

During its century-long history deodorant has changed several times, each time more satisfying our needs: anti-bacterial properties, invisible protection without stains on clothes, blocking sweating in stressful situations - in our time, you can pick up an agent for every taste. Also today, the manufacturers began to add more and more caring deodorant components, because the skin armpits regularly traumatized shaving - one of the most delicate areas of the body.

Today the market as deodorants that the ordinary buyer can easily get confused. It is important to remember that the effectiveness of protection against sweat and odor is not their formats, and on the formula used. Select the format (a deodorant or antiperspirant, spray or roll) - it is a matter of personal preference.

Did you know…

  • every sixth Russian uses deodorant brand NIVEA.
 Deodorant marks centennial

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