Wednesday, 26 August 2015

How to get rid of dry skin in the cold

 How to get rid of dry skin in the cold

Many girls say that in the cold condition of their skin and hair deteriorates. As the main problems related to the body during this period, often called dryness. Indeed, in the winter, it seems that not enough moisture and skin of the face and skin of the hands and body, and hair. This is because a whole range of negative factors robs our body moisture. Here are some of them:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • the dry air of heated rooms;
  • thin air during a hard frost;
  • Snow and strong winds.

The entire complex corrosive effects of the environment leads to dryness, and so during the cold season you need to maximize hydration of the skin of the body, face and hands. For starters, you can try to consume more water to provide internal body hydration. Also, if you spend much time in rooms with radiators, you might think about establishing a humidifier. In addition, the need to adjust their cosmetic habits.

Moisturizing Body

The cold is difficult to resist taking a hot bath. It is well relaxes and helps to warm up after a street. It is important not to forget that some of the funds for the bath dry skin, so you need to make sure that their compositions were caring components.   In addition, after the release of the bathroom is better to put on a body moisturizing cream or lotion to the skin to provide deep hydration of the body during the night.

Moisturizing Face

Pay attention to the moisturizer that you use in the winter. If the number of hydraulic components in it will be too large, at the exit of the cold it can cause vasospasm, and the skin cells do not get enough nutrients. Do not forget that access to the frost with bad soak cream on her face fraught with hypothermia skin and try to make a pause between the application of funds and access to the street - at least 15 minutes.

Moisturizing Hand

Your skin is practically devoid of natural protection mechanisms and wetting, particularly suffering in the cold. It can harden and covered with sores, and cold allergy. From lack of moisture your skin can also start to crack, so do not forget that you should always handy to have an effective moisturizer that can restore softness and eliminate dryness.

A good solution in this situation can become a moisturizing hand cream NIVEA . Thanks to aloe vera extract, he makes up for lack of moisture in the skin of hands, and an additional component of caring jojoba restores the damaged areas, restoring skin softness.

 How to get rid of dry skin in the cold

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