Wednesday, 26 August 2015

How to lose weight quickly?

 How to lose weight quickly?


  • What you should know those who want to lose weight quickly
  • Do I have to starve to lose weight quickly
  • A few secrets of how to lose weight fast to ten kilograms

How to lose weight quickly and safely? The question of how to lose weight - a constant headache almost every woman. Rare-rare exception. Well, one wonders why one can without any restrictions to absorb unlimited quantities of cakes and pastries, and they could not care less, while others recover from even a leaf of lettuce? Why this injustice! It turns out the whole thing in your biotype. But first things first.

What you should know those who want to lose weight quickly

If to you for any reason, the question arose of how to lose weight fast for a week, before deciding how to do it, you have to understand what the results will give you those or other measures taken. So, let's begin. Let's start with the fact that the best way to lose weight - it's nothing to eat. Well, that is nothing! You can only drink only water. A simple, non-carbonated. Better yet mineral.

Then, with more or less success you will lose somewhere up to a kilogram a day. Especially in the early days. Because the body during starvation, experiencing stress load starts to work more intensively. And due to this, not only will burn the accumulated fats in the body, but also actively removes fluid from the cells. This notice anyone who has ever sat on a rigid diet.

The first three or four days the weight steadily declining per kilogram and a half. After this time, the scales becomes short. Or almost as short. Weight, of course, is reduced, but not as intense as the first. Now, when the body to install a new water balance, weight loss is already itself by burning fat, but this process is slow and long. Such as long as the process of accumulation. The laws of physics are respected everywhere: action equals reaction.

Do I have to starve to lose weight quickly

But not all of us can make yourself, your favorite, go hungry at least a week. Yes, and not all can. And I must admit, it is not necessary. Why is that? Because fasting is also necessary to correct. Improperly organized starvation can lead to tragic consequences - the emergence of diseases, metabolic disorders and so on. Having decided to starvation it is necessary to consult a doctor. This is the first.

And secondly, the radical weight loss through hunger often ends with another round of weight gain. And sometimes it becomes even greater than it was. Again, for different reasons.

The first is psychological. Hungry a week, it is necessary to adhere to the already achieved results and restrict your diet permanently. And this is not all turns out. Wondering how to lose weight quickly, many are ready to dare the deed and starve once a week. Hardly waiting for the end of this week, coming to the euphoria of progress, joyfully celebrated the end of the hunger strike.

Well, just think: one cake! So think. The fact that a stressful situation, the body of which was for the hunger strike, reconfigures it to actively replenish the lost reserves. And if you do not limit yourself to food, the weight will come back very quickly. And even in excess. And here it is - the second reason.

 How to lose weight quickly?

  A few secrets of how to lose weight fast to ten kilograms

Therefore, if you are faced with the question of how fast to lose weight 10 kg, this should be done wisely. There are more sophisticated, but less violent ways of an emergency weight loss. As we have said, with the rapid weight loss through unsustainable. But what if a couple of weeks desperately need to be in shape. If, for example, a trip on the nose of the sea or a wedding, you do not have to choose.

And then, and more can be considered quite a good reason to use extra ways to lose weight. But just keep in mind that to use them constantly is not necessary. Lose one, try to keep yourself in shape constantly. After all, our body - not the accordion: stretch here and there without any consequences could not. The skin can not withstand such loads, losing elasticity, stretch marks appear on it - the next problem. Well, now list themselves how fast weight loss.

  1. Exclude zhirySpetsialisty nutritionists for quick weight loss is primarily recommended to limit the consumption of fats. Minimum, which can afford a day is 25 grams. In theory, this is too little, because the body to replenish vitamin D you need a certain amount of fat. Therefore, such a diet can not sit long. But as a temporary measure, you can use this technique. For two or three weeks, nothing terrible proizoydet.V this case you have to erase from your menu, meat dishes, especially fatty meats, sausages, margarine, animal and vegetable oil, egg yolks, pastries, muffins, in general, any sweets, nuts and other products where fat rolls. To compensate for the body's need for fat, buy cod liver oil, and take it.
  2. Exclude "harmful" product list includes products such as pasta, chips, Coca-Cola, and indeed all carbonated soft drinks, canned food, plant juices, canned fruit drinks. All these products are very harmful for the body and double contraindicated for those who want to lose weight. The fact that, for a long storage of these products is added to many preservatives, such as nitrate or glycerol. All you have to buy in a store - it is rice, oatmeal and beans.
  3. UglevodovPri losing weight reduces the amount should be significantly reduced daily rate of carbohydrate intake. This will result in the loss of body fluids, which significantly reduce the weight and volume. This shock therapy can be used only when in front of you a very acute problem as quickly pohudet.Postoyanno sit on a low-carb diet is impossible. You run the risk of greatly hurt yourself. Until the most severe consequences. Fatigue, drowsiness, depression - that's not the worst thing that awaits you. In the worst case, puzzled energy deficit the body, may fall into lethargy in order to save power. Therefore, at least some oatmeal and rice have a need.
  4. Grace and plastikaDlya precipitous weight loss diet alone is not enough. The need for daily fitness classes. The most effective way - a half-hour workout at the break: morning and evening. Training should be intensive, active tempe.Esli engaged twice a day does not work, then in the evening to arrange a jog or exercising in a gym. Here you can work out for twenty minutes on the treadmill, then twenty minutes on an elliptical trainer and another twenty minutes on the rowing.
  5. Proteins - the basis osnovBelki - the building blocks for muscle building. In order not to lose muscle mass, you need to increase your protein intake per day to one and a half grams per kilogram of your body weight. The problem is that most meat products contain a lot of fat, so they can be replaced by vegetable proteins or protein powder. Still, a couple of times a week should eat boiled or steamed lean fish.
  6. Without water - and not amplitude, and not syudyBolshoe water - is stressful for the body. Therefore, the more you drink, the more work your kidneys, and the more will develop adrenal hormones. Namely, these hormones stimulate the burning of fat in the body. So the fight against excess weight water - an indispensable komponent.No it's not just that. In the process of fat burning in the body produces toxins that you want to display. That water washes them. Therefore it is necessary to increase the daily rate of water consumption by at least 2, 5 liters. Please note, it should be a normal non-carbonated water, better mineral.
  7. Arithmetic in the fight against excess vesomSchitayte calorie diet. Of course, the need to spend time on the estimates. But it's worth it. Get a table of caloric content of products, and constantly consider the energy value of the diet. A good method for rapid weight loss with calorie calculation - zigzaga.Uchityvaya a way that the daily requirement of an average woman is 1800-1900 kcal, set yourself for example the regime. Three days of 1500 kcal, then lift one day daily caloric to 1900 Kcal, and then again three days of 1500 kcal. If Takai diet you feel fatigue and lethargy, reduce the number of hungry days from three to two.

Here are some tricks to help you lose weight quickly. But be aware that if you use these methods consistently, they can lead to the opposite result. The body, receive less calories, your metabolism will slow down, which will lead to a decrease in fat metabolism. And there's no training will not help. So grow thin with the mind!

 How to lose weight quickly?

We recommend that read: Calculating calories

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