All of us long ago, at school, it is known that the human body is 80% water. And thanks to the maintenance of optimal water balance in the body, our skin remains fresh and toned, strengthened immune system, normal metabolism, regulates body temperature through sweating, "lubricated" the joints and more. Also worthy place taken water for weight loss, as a loyal aide to fight toxins.
Water and weight loss are closely linked. After all, with weight loss, whether diet or exercise in the first place "out" water. A lack of water in the body is fraught with complications with his health. For example, only 5% of body water loss can lead to increased body temperature and increased heart rate.
What is the water diet?
The basic principle of this diet is quite simple: we often confuse hunger with thirst. And instead to eat a sandwich or a candy bar, you need to drink a glass of water. That is why nutritionists recommend to always carry a bottle of water on the desktop, on the nightstand, purse and, of course, near the refrigerator. Quite often our desire to eat something easily neutralized by a glass of cool clean water. That's the whole secret. In order to lose weight just simply do not confuse thirst with hunger.
Here's how this diet looks like in practice, developed on the advice of nutritionists
Morning, immediately after waking up, you must start with a glass of water, drinking on an empty stomach. He not only fill the stomach, but will start the whole body. Plus, it will eat less portion of the breakfast. It is also helpful to drink a glass of water before going to bed, allowing normal functioning kidneys during sleep. And during the working day, the urge to eat something harmful, just drink a glass of water, and if it was the thirst, the desire to snack disappears. But if after 30 minutes the feeling of hunger arises again, then there is need to submit to the body, and the urge to eat something.
Studies have confirmed that reducing water ingress into the organism results in an increase of body fat. If insufficient quantities of water in the kidneys begin to function poorly, and because the load with which they can not cope "take over" the other organs. In this case it is the liver. The main task of the liver to metabolise fats for energy, which is used by the body. But if the liver takes over some of the load of kidneys, accordingly can not cope with its original mission, and as a result fat is stored, and this leads to excess weight. So, if the body is constantly lacks water, it begins to "set aside" in reserve, holding the liquid in the cells, resulting in the legs, arms, face swollen. Water is indispensable for the maintenance of muscle tone that makes the muscles have the ability to contract, which prevents sagging skin while losing weight.
Water with a diet should be:
- cool or at room temperature;
- not carbonated;
- drinking, or else slabomineralizirovannoy;
Slabomineralizirovannaya water, perhaps to suit everyone. Calcium contained in this water is very good for bones and teeth, magnesium is necessary for normal blood circulation and the heart, and it helps to absorb calcium. Another useful element contained in the water are sulphates. They help in the digestion of proteins and vitamins, as well as a positive effect on the hormonal balance of the body. But too much sulfate can lead to formation of blood clots. What should be avoided in the diet, so it is an excess of sodium which retains water in the body, which does not contribute to weight loss. Sodium neutralizer is potassium, which is also involved in the water balance and prevent the pressure increase. Here is the mineral composition useful for the body of water.
But let's also look at other beverages are consumed often enough to quench your thirst. As would be sad and paradoxical as it may sound, juices, coffee, tea, soft drinks, fruit drinks, alcohol, on the contrary, lead to dehydration, mainly due to the fact that they have a diuretic effect.
Also, juices enough calories, such as a glass of orange juice contains 100 calories, which is comparable with the one eaten banana or egg. Carbonated drinks cause bloating and cellulite. But of course in everyday life is hard to give up all at once. How, for example, do without a cup of coffee in the morning or fresh juice, if it developed a habit of lifelong learning? In this case, nutritionists recommend juices diluted by half with plain water, and in the case of coffee, which causes dehydration, drink before or after half a glass of water. But if you do decide to lose weight, you have to give up on juices and useful vitamins to get their fresh fruits and vegetables.
Do not forget that everything should be in moderation. This also applies to water. If you overdo it, the water is more likely to cause the opposite result than you expected. Firstly, an excessive consumption of water can cause swelling, i.e. the kidneys will not have time to recycle the water, it will accumulate and promote weight gain. Secondly, a large amount of water consumed can stretch the stomach wall and the larger the size of the stomach, the more need food for its "filling", which again leads to overweight. Third, in any case, can not drink ice water, it is on the contrary, slow down the metabolic processes in the body and their elimination, that just is not conducive to weight loss. Fourth, excessive consumption of water can lead to leaching of useful minerals from the body, which can lead to toxicosis and increase intracranial pressure.
How and how much to consume water to lose weight?
- It should drink no more than 1, 5-2 liters of water a day, but if the present exercise, the amount of water should be increased;
- Drink necessary small doses, not more than 250 ml per one time;
- It is necessary to drink a glass of water immediately after waking up that helps cleanse the body;
- Drinking a glass of water just before eating, it allows a fully digest solid food;
- It is not necessary to drink during the meal, this leads to gas formation and increase in stomach;
- After the meal, you can drink the water no earlier than an hour;
- Drinking a glass of water before going to bed, you can substitute herbal tea;
- If you are overweight, you need to increase your water intake: 1 glass for every 8 kg of excess weight.
Water for weight loss is very important, because if you open any diet, it is always fundamental in it will be sufficient fluid intake, namely clean water. So drink enough water, and the body will reward you with shiny hair, glowing skin and a fit body!
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