Thursday, 29 October 2015

What is video game addiction and how to fight it?

 What is video game addiction and how to fight it?


  • Who are "gamers"?
  • When should I start to sound the alarm?

Until a few decades ago, mankind was not aware of the existence of the computer and such a problem as video game addiction. Now, with advances in technology changed all that. People are less communicate with each other, they go to the theater, read books, and more and more immersed in the world of virtual reality. For general note, video game addiction can comprehend not only the child or adolescent, but also a man of the older generation.

Many believe that's addiction - it's just a hobby and do not suspect that this is a serious disease, which consists, along with drug and alcohol addiction. In fact, to cure this disease, take years. The severity of the situation is due to the fact that the patient does not understand the seriousness of the problem.
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Who are "gamers"?

It is believed that among the so-called "gamers" more men than women. However, the dependence of the game is determined not social status or gender, rather it is a certain type of man. As a rule, it is lonely, notorious, insecure people who have some problems in terms of adaptation and social interaction. In order to assert themselves, they are immersed in the world of virtual reality, where it is possible to establish their own rules where everything is easy and affordable. The unfavorable situation in the family, loved ones misunderstandings, problems at work - all this also contributes to the care Virtual.

Psychologists have long seen a link between gambling and violent behavior in real life.

Often, these people no longer distinguish reality from his illusory world of computer games, and they are beyond the scope of acceptable behavior.

 What is video game addiction and how to fight it?
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When should I start to sound the alarm?

The problem reaches its climax when a person devotes all his time playing computer games, losing touch with reality, without a computer becomes sluggish, irritable, in contact with him as, on the contrary, experiencing joy, does not notice his friends and relatives of people. "Gamers" can sit at the computer for days, forgetting food and sleep. In addition to psychological disorders, they "cashing" and a number of diseases (hemorrhoids to a heart attack). Because of the passion for computer games break up the family, and adolescents did not perceive they need social skills with peers.

Such people should be required to help realize the depth of this problem. Now there are a variety of psychological rehabilitation centers, where experienced specialists using a variety of training, hypnosis and other techniques to help cope with the disease. In this difficult period it is important for the patient support and care of people loved him. As often as possible, and greater attention should be paid to those passions that have nothing to do with the computer. It can be anything you like, reading, collection, meeting with friends.

The main thing that people are gradually abstracted from his illusory world of games and poured into the usual measured life. It is advisable to start a family to be active, to join the sport, a joint trip. This will not only help to escape, but the mentally closer to each other. Communication with the computer should be kept to a minimum of 45 minutes - 2-3 times a day.

It is important to understand what's disease - is not just a bad habit, but a real addiction problem, which is still possible to decide if the time to see a specialist and be taken seriously in this situation. Most importantly - do not give up and do not despair.

 What is video game addiction and how to fight it?

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