Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Farewell, double chin!

 Farewell, double chin!


  • The main causes of double chin
  • The benefits of home remedies
  • Exercises

The accumulation of fat under the lower jaw and neck contributes to sagging tissue that creates the appearance of a double chin. This annoying cosmetic defect can develop in anyone, and the reasons for the fact there may be several. To many people, the presence of loose sagging skin seems a sign that they are not in the best physical shape, and therefore certainly raises the question of how to remove a double chin. And the answer is simple: get rid of it quite possibly enough to make a little effort on a regular basis.

Although there are such drastic methods like surgery and liposuction, it is best to start with lifestyle changes and the use of home remedies that will reduce the visible signs of a problem. To decide on the method of how to remove a double chin, you must first find out the reasons for its occurrence.

 Farewell, double chin!

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The main causes of double chin

  • genetics,
  • aging,
  • excess weight.

The genetic cause

Principles of fat deposits and water retention in the body are resolved at the level of genes, so that if many members of your family had a double chin, then his appearance you will be linked to a genetic predisposition. Many people mistakenly believe that if there is a predisposition to the appearance of double chin, it is almost impossible to remove. This is not entirely true. Everything is possible, it is enough to make the necessary changes in diet and lifestyle.


Another cause of the double chin - offensive adulthood. Body fat, loss of muscle mass and a weakening of the carcass skin - all this is due to aging. Exercises to strengthen the facial muscles, have proven themselves in the fight against age-related changes in the expression of his face.

Excess weight

This cause is considered to be the most common. If you are overweight, it is natural to expect a double chin. In this case, only to get rid of fat deposits in the body, you can remove the unnecessary and chin.

So, how to remove a double chin

For this purpose, there are some ways:

  • Cosmetic procedures such as lipolysis, liposuction and face lift will help to completely remove the double chin, but they are expensive and not everyone can afford them.
  • A healthy lifestyle that involves eating right, prevents the deposition of fat in the body and prevents the appearance of visible signs of this problem.
  • Exercises that help keep your body in shape, and specific exercises for the muscles that support the chin, give guaranteed results.
  • Incorrect posture and slouching affect the muscles of the chin they are weakened. If you keep an eye on your posture, sitting alone with a straight back and straightened his shoulders, then double chin no chance the appearance.
  • There are many home remedies that have long been successfully used to address this issue.

 Farewell, double chin!

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The benefits of home remedies

  • These tools are safe to use, as most of them are based on natural products and tested by long practice.
  • Continuing their use will certainly give you the desired result.
  • Most of these tools are cheap and readily available.
  • No need to visit a beauty clinic.
  • You have nothing to lose by trying to remove any of the chin home methods.

Below is a selection of the most interesting and effective ways to get rid of double chin.

  • Sugarless gum

Surprisingly, it effectively helps to maintain the muscles of the face and neck in shape, being for them a great trainer. If you are overweight, the lack of sugar in the gum - a necessary condition for the observance of which will help remove all the excess and return to the oval of your face to its former shape.

  • Wheat germ oil

Another home remedy that can remove the problem. Doing daily ten-minute neck massage with this oil before going to bed, you will be fed with nutrients the skin, and as a nice complement this ritual tighten the skin of the chin. Massage pat must begin with the bottom of the neck and go to the chin. Leave the oil on overnight and wash it off the next morning. If you do not remember to do it regularly, this method will bring the best result of all the above.

  • Egg white

Face mask using this ingredient can quickly remove the excess. To prepare the masks must be white two eggs mixed with a tablespoon of milk, add one teaspoon of peppermint oil, and one tablespoon of lemon juice and honey. Whisk all ingredients and apply the mask to the chin and neck. The mask must be kept on the skin for an hour. After this time, rinse it with warm water and dry the skin. Egg protein provides good nourishment to the skin and helps to reduce water retention in the problem area. For faster results, apply this mask once a day.

  • Vitamin E

This vitamin is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Turning it into a large number of your diet reduces the chances that the skin can droop. Vitamin E improves the elasticity of the skin and, therefore, removes the second chin. The main sources of vitamin E are considered leafy vegetables, brown rice, dairy products, beans, corn, apples, liver, and so on. D. Include them in your menu, and soon you will notice how the problem will begin to recede.

  • Cacao butter

Chin and neck massage using cocoa butter increases blood flow to the chin and helps keep skin healthy by maintaining its elasticity. Take two tablespoons of cocoa butter and slightly warm it. For quick results chin massage should last at least 10 minutes.

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This method is most useful when there is a second chin. You need to learn a few simple exercises that will help you achieve the fastest results when performing several times a day.

  • Turn the neck in a circular motion clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Craned his neck forward, then press your chin to your chest. Keep this position for at least 5 seconds. Then, tilt your head back as far as possible, it is necessary to stay as 5 seconds. The breath is when the head receives a vertical position, and exhale - when it is in the front and rear positions.
  • Pull the neck to one side and try to touch your chin shoulder. Hold this position for 5 seconds and repeat approach on the other hand. Make exercise 3 times.


It is necessary to drink plenty of water, if you want as quickly as possible to remove the double chin. Consumption of large amounts of fluid contributes to the proper removal of fat from the body. It is necessary to drink at least 8-10 glasses a day and limit your intake of beverages such as coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Green tea

Green tea has the ability to accelerate the metabolism, that helps to burn the excess fat in the body. Antioxidants contained in green tea, helps to eliminate toxins. So a few cups of green tea instead of coffee to help you get rid of extra calories and get closer to his goal.


Pets wraps are very good helpers in the fight against the hated second chin. Recipe compress you can continuously modify, mixing various basic and essential oils at its discretion. Apply the resulting mixture should be as follows: soak her cotton swab, apply to the chin, wrap with plastic wrap and a towel Insulate. Leave the mixture to soak for 45 minutes. This method provides instant improvement in appearance and can be used as a rapid means of "exit." In the absence of imagination or desired components is perfect, and anti-cellulite cream.

If you can devote to the care of the problem area of ​​the chin just a few minutes, but every day, the surrounding very quickly notice the results. Be beautiful!

 Farewell, double chin!

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