- What is prohibited for nursing mothers?
- Products that can be used to mum
Breastfeeding a newborn baby - a real mystery that takes place between mother and her child. This is the unique moment when the invisible link is established between the woman and the baby. And therefore nothing should spoil the magic.
However, we all know that grudnichki tend to be sensitive, and absolutely everything. They may be exposed to any outside influence. For example, an allergy. It often appears due to the fact that any provoking substance or product is in the mother's milk. This is not surprising, because the composition of breast milk depends on the fact that the mother eats. To avoid the risk of provoking various allergies in the child, the mother should follow a special diet.
It is a hypoallergenic diet for lactating mothers. It will not only help prevent allergies in children, but also will ensure that he will be all right with the stomach and intestines. He will avoid problems such as bloating, cramps, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation. Do these arguments is not enough today to start applying hypoallergenic diet? About what it is made, it will be described hereinafter.
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What is prohibited for nursing mothers?
The essence of such a diet - it is excluded from the diet nursing mother all those products that can cause the baby allergies. The fact is that there are so-called food-allergens. They often provoke different rashes, itching and other unpleasant phenomena. This is based and hypoallergenic diet.
You also need to know that the child's body, his stomach and intestines - this gentle system. He completely lacks the microflora in the gut. To be more precise, it is at the stage of formation. There is a need beneficial bacteria. For this reason it is so important not to disturb this delicate balance.
What should be part of a hypoallergenic diet? Theoretically, any product can cause the body not strong allergy. However, there is a special category of products, which in terms of allergies are so-called "agents provocateurs".
So here they are, allergens, about which should forget for a while breastfeeding: chocolate, citrus fruits, seafood, honey, red and orange vegetables, cow's whole milk, eggs, mushrooms, beans, coffee, cocoa, salt, spicy, smoked, fat confectionery, any carbonated beverages.
Here you can add spices, seasonings, sauces, dried fruits and exotic foods.
Furthermore, it is necessary to avoid all that contain dyes or preservatives. And, of course, about cigarettes and alcohol, and can be no question, because at stake is the health of the child.
Enough impressive list, which also includes all the most delicious for many moms. But around the need to look for the pros. For example, the rejection of these products will not only prevent allergies in the child, but also help substantially to lose weight, formed after birth. Double benefit!
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Products that can be used to mum
What can have a nursing mother? During breastfeeding should eat products such as rice, buckwheat, chicken meat boiled, cucumbers, apples, pears, currants, gooseberries, plums, cereals oat, potatoes, green tea, mineral water, non-carbonated, broth hips, fresh breadcrumbs, zucchini .
With caution, but it is still possible to eat: green peppers, bread, bananas, apricots, cranberries, watermelon, meat products (eg, chicken liver), herbal tea (chamomile, etc.), the rabbit.
With regard to the method of preparation, all food must be made either for a couple or a decoction. We have already mentioned that all fried, smoked, etc. should be excluded.
It looks like the main products that are hypoallergenic diet. Observe it is difficult, but possible. Over time, you can introduce some new products are not in the list, but it should be done carefully, slowly and in very small doses that, in the case immediately clear what was the reaction of the organism. At first, it is better not to risk it.
Let hypoallergenic diet will help your child grow up healthy and cheerful. It is particularly important to realize that in some way his health is in the hands of parents. So why not take this opportunity? Good luck in dieting! A healthy diet and proper feeding - a happy child and mother.
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