Thursday, 29 October 2015

Identification of hypertrophy of the cervix and treatment

 Identification of hypertrophy of the cervix and treatment


  • Chronic inflammation
  • Technique scarification

Hypertrophy of the cervix - the increase in the size of the body, which develops gradually, on a roll or omission of the uterus.

Hypertrophy and cervical elongation reaches often larger sizes. If hypertrophy occurs when the omission or loss of genitals, then it has no independent value.

Sometimes there are cases when patients complained of loss, but when viewed from the facts do not support. Meanwhile hypertrophied part cervical still protrude from the genital slit. If hypertrophy is lengthened, the front lip of the vagina performed on the back, slightly covering it.

If the hypertrophy of the vaginal part causes the patient a feeling of loss, but the bottom of the uterus is not omitted, it is a direct indication for the removal of a hypertrophied cervix.

Quite often there is a feeling that the uterus is omitted. It looks like an isolated phenomenon, accompanied by sensation, and later its actual loss. This case requires a more complex operation.

 Identification of hypertrophy of the cervix and treatment
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Chronic inflammation

Hypertrophy, or thickening of the uterine cervix - it is the result of chronic inflammation. In most cases, the cervix along its body simultaneously impressed inflammation. Thickening, which is caused by an inflammatory process, can be seen as follicular hypertrophy of the cervix. In place of the inflamed mucosa (cervical canal) are glandular moves that turn into retention bubbles containing mucus and clogged.

Grow and stromal inflammation provokes otshnurovanie glandular follicles. Next, they have to grow a cyst the size of a grain of millet. In some cases, they can reach the size of a pea, and then - Nabothian testicles.

Nabothian testicles especially penetrate deep into the tissue at the site of erosion. They can lead to a thickening and a large increase in the cervix as a whole.

The indications for surgical treatment of hypertrophy, which occurred due to chronic inflammation, is a form of follicular hypertrophy unless it is preceded by hyper- and polimenoreya, whites, sacral pain. Sometimes conventional scarification cervix can give a satisfactory result.

Contraindications for scarification:

  • acute and subacute inflammation in the pelvis,
  • chronic inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum, fiber appendages.

 Identification of hypertrophy of the cervix and treatment

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Technique scarification

Vaginal part and the vagina itself must first be disinfected with tincture of iodine and alcohol in the mirror. Bullet forceps grip and fix the vaginal part of the uterus. Not recommended relegate much of the vaginal, so as not to hurt. You can not grasp the cervix with forceps, but only expose mirrors. After re-lubricating the vaginal part of tincture of iodine visible Nabothian testicles pierced with a pointed scalpel and make a small incision around the uterine mouth and angular cuts to it, which penetrate into the fabric of 0.5-1 cm.

So Nabothian made emptying testicles and bloodletting. If bleeding after scarification is not very strong, you can not achieve its full cessation. Later, it will stop itself. If the bleeding does not stop, then the vagina tamponiruyut sterile gauze, which is sprinkled with powder streptotsita. This tampon is in the vagina for 12-24 hours. It is recommended that you observe bed rest for 1-2 days. Since the cause of the disease - inflammation, after scarification, after 1-2 weeks, it is necessary to continue the treatment with iodine-glycerin swabs.

 Identification of hypertrophy of the cervix and treatment

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