Friday, 9 October 2015

Rice diet - 9 days to perfection

 Rice diet - 9 days to perfection


  • Rice - based diet
  • Rice diet - what to choose
  • Gentle rice diet of nine days

In the medieval capital of Japan - Kyoto - on the hill is the sacred altar. Guard this place two stone fox. People come to the sacred stone to pray rice deity. Popular rumor says that if you pray according to the rules, the rice goddess perform fondest wish. And what a long cherished desire of most women? Of course, to lose weight. And then, just what we needed, we will help what protects an ancient Japanese god - the most ordinary rice! Or rather rice diet.

Many ancient peoples believed figure gift from the gods. Rice was a symbol of health, longevity and beauty. The ancients attributed magical properties of different rice - the ability to heal many diseases, charged with vital energy and protect from evil spirits. Ancestors were far from the truth, because rice - a real storehouse of valuable substances. The rice contains iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iodine. If you regularly a few days a week, include in your diet rice, it can boast not only smooth skin and healthy hair, but also to show off intelligence. After all of the rice includes the B vitamins that are beneficial to neurons - brain cells.

Therapeutic diet, which is prescribed for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, includes in its membership rice broths and soups. The fact that the starch part of the rice, protects the stomach from the harmful effects, enveloping mucosa. Also Fig recommend that people with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Rice has another remarkable property. It absorbs and removes toxins, toxins and poisons. Therefore, doctors, nutritionists believe that the rice diet is well-suited for cleaning the body. It should be noted that the most useful is brown rice. He undergoes minimal processing. With this saved the outer shell of grain. Namely, it contains most of the vitamins and minerals.

Rice - based diet

You have already seen that the figure is a valuable source of essential trace elements, and it can and should include in your diet? Then we go further. What else can help a grain of rice? Oh, and most importantly - rice excellent tool in the fight with the hated kilograms. Let's see why the diet, the basis of which is rice, can be a real lifesaver in the fight against excess weight.

Figure consists of complex carbohydrates that are slowly digested, long saturate the body and provide it with energy. At first glance, rice cereal enough calories - 100 grams contains about 300 calories. But do not jump to conclusions. We are talking about dry cereals. During cooking rice swells and increases in volume. Of the 100 grams of dry rice obtained 300 grams of finished product. Energy value of the finished rice is about 140 calories per 100 grams. And this is, you see, quite a bit. The lowest calorie from brown rice. The same species and is considered to be the most useful.

 Rice diet - 9 days to perfection

Rice diet - what to choose

Diet based on rice, there are vast. So which one to choose? How many days should last rice diet? And how many times a day should eat rice? The question remains too much - let's try to understand. The first thing you need to remember - any diet, even the most gentle, is a strong stress for the body. So before you decide to take this step, be sure to consult with your doctor. Only a specialist can properly assess your condition and give necessary recommendations. If the doctor finds contraindications, the rice diet can be a great tool in the fight against excess weight.

If you want to lose weight as soon as possible, then you will approach the rice mono-diet. It is very hard - throughout the day there is only boiled unsalted rice. It is necessary to drink mineral water and green tea. Such a diet should last no more than three days. This rapid method is suitable if you need to urgently bring the figure in order - for example, to any holiday. But be careful - it is not necessary to resort to such radical way too often. This can lead to serious health problems.

Of course, there are other diets which include the Fig. For example, the diet of nine days, which is credited with authorship of the famous in our country dietician Margaret Queen. However, in this case the figure should be used, only the first three days. The next three days to eat chicken. The last three days - vegetables. And all this without salt. If strict compliance with this menu, the assurances of Queen Marguerite, you can lose weight 5-7 kg.

 Rice diet - 9 days to perfection

Gentle rice diet of nine days

Monodiets bring quick results - it's a fact. However, to hold even a few days on a diet is not easy. And the result is often retained for long. Therefore it is necessary to consider other options. For example, look for a more balanced diet, which lasts for nine days. The daily diet should be about 500 grams of boiled rice. Combine rice can be non-starchy vegetables and fruits. It should reduce the consumption of salt. Best of salt ready meals - so you avoid peresalivaniya food. During the day you should drink up to two liters of non-carbonated mineral water. You can also drink tea without sugar. Better - green.

Below is a menu rice diet for 9 days.

The first day:

  • Breakfast. Rice porridge, boiled in water without butter. You can add apple slices.
  • Lunch. Rice soup with mushrooms, salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers.
  • Dinner. Risotto with corn and green beans.

Second day:

  • Breakfast. fruit salad
  • Lunch. Vegetable soup, salad vegetables, 200 grams of boiled rice.
  • Dinner. Rice, steamed, with zucchini, onions and peppers.

Day Three:

  • Breakfast. Rice casserole with prunes.
  • Lunch. Rice soup with tomatoes.
  • Dinner. Vegetable stew with rice.

Day Four:

  • Breakfast. Rice porridge on the water, one pear.
  • Lunch. Vegetable soup, rice, stewed with mushrooms and onions.
  • Dinner. Vegetable salad of cucumbers, green leaf lettuce and tomato, 200 gr. boiled rice.

Day Five:

  • Breakfast. Apples stuffed with rice and nuts.
  • Lunch. Rice soup with Brussels sprouts.
  • Dinner. Indian rice salad with apple and pepper flavored fat-free yogurt and curry.

Day Six:

  • Breakfast. Rice porridge with raisins in the water.
  • Lunch. Bell peppers stuffed with rice and mushrooms, steamed.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup, green leaf lettuce with olive oil.

Day Seven:

  • Breakfast. Fruit salad.
  • Lunch. Stuffed with rice and mushrooms, flavored nonfat yogurt.
  • Dinner. Risotto with tomatoes.

Day Eight:

  • Breakfast. Rice, steamed, with dried fruit.
  • Lunch. Rice soup with spinach, cucumber salad and sweet pepper, seasoned with a little olive oil.
  • Dinner. Rolls with cucumber and avocado.

Day Nine:

  • Breakfast. Rice porridge, cooked on skim milk. You can add a spoonful of honey melenko.
  • Lunch. Rice soup with onions, salad of green vegetables
  • Dinner. Vegetable risotto.

Thanks to a delicious and varied menu to stay on this diet for nine days is a snap. It's not so long! But, after these nine days, you can with justifiable pride and without fear stand on scales - from 3 to 5 kilograms of excess weight you have got rid of exactly! But in order to achieve the result is preserved for a long time, you should know that the rice diet requires the correct output.

Over the next few days there should be small portions, while adhering to the principles of a separate food. Try to avoid too much high-calorie foods, reduce the consumption of meat and confectionery. If you did everything correctly, the rice goddess and fulfill your heart's desire - dumped kgs will never come back. What we are worse than the Japanese?

 Rice diet - 9 days to perfection

We recommend that read: Diet Queen Margaret

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