Tuesday, 6 October 2015

How to get rid of scars

 How to get rid of scars


  • Removal of scars in modern medicine
  • Using laser
  • Mechanical removal of scars
  • The use of steroids and cryotherapy
  • Application of grinding and peeling
  • Folk remedies to combat scars

There is a famous expression that the scars adorn men. For any woman scar - a cause of reduced self-esteem. It does not matter, where it is located. Scar becomes the main purpose of the women suffered.

Scars or scarring (this is the same) occur after burns, injuries, diseases and various surgical operations. When healing the wound edges are beginning to shrink, change the shape of the tissue. If the scar is compacted over time, it fades and becomes invisible, you are dealing with normotroficheskie scar. If the scar is below all of the surrounding tissue - it is an atrophic scar. When scar protrudes above the surface of the skin - a hypertrophic scar. The most difficult scars occur after burns. In medicine, they are classified as keloid scars.
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Removal of scars in modern medicine

There are different ways of dealing with the scars, but before you start the fight, you need to realize that to save people from the scar is completely impossible, you can make the scar imperceptible.

In order to understand what method of scar removal is more effective, determine its type.

Atrophic scars normotroficheskie and does not operate. To delete them using other methods.

Hypertrophic scars are successfully removed by surgical intervention.

Keloids can not operate as it provokes growth.

If atrophic scars need to start working as soon as possible, then with keloid and hypertrophic you can start when they come to rest.

Remove atrophic scars can with chemical peels and in filling the lack of tissue spetspreparatami using hyaluronic acid.

To remove hypertrophic scars applied laser resurfacing.

The most complex - keloids - require a gradual application of different ways. Widely used electrophoresis Lydasum, hydrocortisone. In the area of ​​the scar to inject hormones, exposure to cold, and radiation therapy is used.

 How to get rid of scars
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Using laser

Today it is the most effective way to remove any scars. Laser nanoperforatsiya consists of multiple sessions. If you decide on this method, you will be surprised that the sessions are virtually painless and after they have a long recovery period.

Treatment starts with exposure to scar tissue. It must be removed. This procedure uses the erbium laser, which vaporizes the scar gently layer by layer. Erbium laser is also used for rejuvenation, removal of wrinkles. With it removed the effects of acne and various benign.

Following comes the technology of contactless laser coagulation of blood vessels that feed the rumen. It stops the growth of scar tissue and healthy tissue surrounding the scar grows and, thus, the scar begins to contract.

To stop the growth of scar is often used mesotherapy. It is often called "targeted delivery of youth." Since the drug is administered by injection into the problematic zone and gradually over 7 days, provides all the necessary tissue regeneration agents. Mesotherapy face often use cosmetologists for anti-aging treatments. To the patient did not arise pain, special anesthetic cream and the injection takes place in a comfortable environment. Such cocktails contribute to a more rapid resorption of scars. Age restrictions for the use of mesotherapy is not.

To work with atrophic scars apply contour plastic scar. Recall, atrophic scar is below the skin, and to him you can work, you must "remove" him. To do this, made a special injection-fillers, which are based on hyaluronic acid is included. Filler, filling the cavity, "pushes" a scar on the level of healthy skin. Hyaluronic acid increases the density of the tissue and is opposed to the re-ceasing. Also, these injections beneficial effect on the overall condition of the skin, making it toned and hydrated. Very often they are used for age-related changes of the skin.

When using laser chemical and mechanical peelings does not apply. Under certain circumstances, peels can cause growth of scar and have unpleasant consequences such as hyperpigmentation around the scar tissue.

The use of laser removal of scars is extremely effective .

You will notice an improvement after the first session and passed the entire course, you will forget about this problem forever. This method has no contraindications for age and is completely safe.

 How to get rid of scars
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Mechanical removal of scars

Dermabrasion mechanically - microdermabrasion - is to ensure that the scars become less noticeable. Thus removed the upper layer of the skin with abrasive particles having a microscopic size. The most commonly used alumina. Use this method to remove the scars formed after surgery.

This method is popular because in addition to combat scars, it is used in violation of pigmentation or age-related changes of the skin.

If we consider this method as a means of removing the scars, it is not efficient enough. Not all scars, for medical reasons, can be handled in this way. Recovering from such sessions takes a long time.

The skin actually becomes more flat and smooth, but it takes 4-6 weeks for the skin to return to its natural state.
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The use of steroids and cryotherapy

Remove scars with injections of steroids is considered very effective as steroids strongly inhibit the growth and activity of the structural component of scar tissue. Scars decline over time and become less noticeable. But the effect of this method can only occur if these injections occur regularly.

The frequency of injection is 30-40 days. It's a long way to deal with scars. In this method, the side effects of this bit. The most common - the site of injection may change the pigmentation of the skin.

The impact of cold on the skin with the help of liquid nitrogen, or cryotherapy - an independent trend in cosmetics and medicine. Liquid nitrogen freezing scars, softens them.

The combination of the two methods simultaneously, namely steroid injections using liquid nitrogen gives anticipated effect.

After a session of cryotherapy skin can peel off scratch, but these symptoms pass quickly.

 How to get rid of scars
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Application of grinding and peeling

Laser resurfacing - a traumatic way of dealing with the scars. Tripe layer by layer is destroyed by laser, but the patient within 14 days subsides swelling and pain is felt in the area of ​​the scar.

When these procedures are prescribed antibiotics and medications that improve blood circulation. This is due to the fact that there is a risk of getting an infection.

Usually after grinding appoint peeling. First the superficial peeling, when the skin is treated with fruit acids. The skin becomes more elastic, its relief is leveled. The scar becomes less noticeable.

Only after this is assigned to a chemical peel. It is directed against the proliferation of scar tissue and improve the metabolic processes in the skin.

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Folk remedies to combat scars

Folk remedies can help if the scar is not deep and fresh. But the popular recipes beneficial effect on the skin, nourish it and help make the scars softer and more pliable.

  1. Very good helps infusion of marshmallow root and mint. Acquire grass preferably in a pharmacy, it guarantees quality. The required amount of root (follow the instructions) must be filled with cold boiled water and leave for 7-8 hours. Scars should handle this infusion 5-6 times a day for 2 months. Instead, you can use mint marshmallow.
  2. Good help ointment made from any vegetable oil with beeswax. Heat the water bath and any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 1 add wax. After keeping the fire 8-10 minutes, remove, cool and smear scars on the morning and evening for 2 months.
 How to get rid of scars

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