Sunday, 18 October 2015

How to treat asthma in cats?

 How to treat asthma in cats?


  • Causes
  • Symptoms and first aid
  • Treatment of asthma
  • Helpful hints owners

It is believed that cats suffer a little. And if you get sick, then cure them quite easily. This is partly true: the cat is actually able to heal itself. However, there are diseases that can not be cured by yourself. For example, a cat or a cat with asthma can not be cured completely, but alleviate the condition of the animal can and should be.

Therefore, treatment of the disease requires not only the intervention of a veterinarian, but competent care for the animals.
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Unfortunately, the causes of such diseases as asthma in cats remain outstanding until the end. However, we can say for sure that the disease is allergic, but the decisive factor - a genetic predisposition. Therefore, most cats suffering from bronchial asthma, found among the Siamese and Himalayans. But the age of the animal or the floor no role here is not played. Nevertheless, as with any allergic diseases, asthma has at its "Provokers".

Among the causes that provoke attacks and acute illness include:

  • acute respiratory infections,
  • dust
  • contaminated air,
  • tobacco smoke,
  • emotional stress,
  • pollen,
  • chemical fumes.

However, any upper respiratory tract infection and any air pollution can be a predisposing factor. And it is very important to recognize the symptoms of asthma is to appeal to the vet and help the animal.

 How to treat asthma in cats?
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Symptoms and first aid

For asthma attacks are characterized by bronchial spasms and dyspnea expiratory. The reason for this becomes pathology mucosal appearance thereon ulcers and erosions, an excess of viscous mucus, edema and inflammation, as well as bronchial smooth muscle hypertrophy. Cats, like humans, this results in shortness of breath, wheezing, and accompanied by wheezing. You may see coughing, it seems that the animal got something in my throat. This cat sits, cranes, opens mouth and starts making rapid intermittent breaths.

So look directly attack the symptoms of asthma in cats. But you should pay attention to other symptoms that should alert you:

  • rapid fatigue after exercise;
  • whistling sounds when breathing;
  • shallow and rapid breathing;
  • hunched back and neck extended in a sitting position.

However, the shortness of breath appears not only in asthma. Therefore, a diagnosis solely on the basis of these symptoms can not be. However, when the first similar symptoms should immediately contact a veterinarian. If this happens during the holidays or in the evening, you should call the emergency veterinary care. In any case, you can not all ride - the attack did not take place, the animal should be assisted.

But also do not need to panic. An asthma attack often looks eerily, and the animal is frightened of this state - a feeling of inability to breathe. Therefore, there is fear of a cat, the animal may start to rush, or vice versa fall into a state of torpor. Your task - to calm the animal. In no case do not try to catch the cat and push it to carry. Remember that at this time your pet is not feeling the best, he is weakened, and the careless handling and excessive agitation will only worsen his condition.

 How to treat asthma in cats?
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Treatment of asthma

Once in the veterinary clinic will be diagnosed with asthma at your cat, the doctor will prescribe medication. Remember that you can not completely cure asthma. Therefore, the whole purpose of treatment is to reduce the frequency and duration of attacks until they complete relief.

Usually asthma in cats are treated the same way as in humans - corticosteroids to reduce inflammation of the bronchi and beta2-agonists for relief of attacks. Of course, the doctor will determine the severity of the disease and, depending on this, prescribe appropriate treatment. But you can not hurt to know that there are several treatment options.

  1. Injection. Pros - easy use of drugs. Cons - the systematic and long-term treatment in this way may develop kidney failure or diabetes.
  2. The drug in pill form. Pros - continuity of care due to a constant concentration of drug in the body. Cons - inconvenience and side effects, as well as intramuscular injection.
  3. Inhalation. The most common variant of asthma in cats. Pros - the impact of the drug directly to the bronchi, the lack of systemic effects on the body. Cons - the need to purchase a special device for inhalation.

Generally, treatment by inhalation may be combined with a dose. The point is that inhaled drug takes effect after about 2-4 weeks after starting treatment. Therefore, at the initial stage of treatment is ensured by means of tablets, and in severe cases - injection.

In addition to the medical treatment of a cat with asthma shows a relaxed lifestyle, lack of stress.   Remember that the most innocuous at first glance, change habitual emotional background cat can trigger her asthma: change of residence, the guests, the appearance in the house of small children or other animals. To calm agitated animal veterinarians are advised to use a special flower essence. It can be soothing to drip into the mouth of the cat or put a few drops on the inside of the ear, and then grind them. Such drugs can be used every 15 minutes to complete sedation of the animal.
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Helpful hints owners

Treat the animal, of course, necessary. But do not neglect the elementary rules of hygiene - this will help cope with the disease of your favorite cat or at least reduce the frequency and duration of attacks. So do the house systematic wet cleaning. In the heating season, try to use a humidifier and use a vacuum cleaner with water filter. Ventilate the apartment, do not smoke in the room, refuse houseplants that can trigger an allergic reaction. As the cat litter, use clumping agent. In no case do not pour into the tray fillers based on chalk or clay, or even better - turn your cat into the tray with the grid.

And most importantly - take care of your pet, be with him affectionate and patient. Remember that we are responsible for those who tamed.

 How to treat asthma in cats?

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