Thursday, 29 October 2015

What is the cause of menstrual disorders?

 What is the cause of menstrual disorders?


  • What is the norm?
  • What caused failures?

The work of the female body is genetically set up so that a woman could carry and give birth to a child. The program, established by nature, sometimes strays and formed the menstrual cycle.

The norm is considered having a length of 24 to 38 days menstrual cycle, the established after the first (menarche) menstrual period during the year.

When these figures are proof of deviation, it is cause for seeking medical attention.
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What is the norm?

If the cycle of monthly normal, in its first phase is dominated by the hormone FSH, increases secretion of estrogen, follicle matures and increases the endometrium. By the middle of the menstrual period, FSH is minimal increases luteinizing hormone, when it reaches peak occurs release of an egg (ovulation). Further, the amount of estrogen decreases and increases progesterone. If there is no fertilization, the falling number of hormones, the endometrium is rejected, and the menstrual cycle ends.

 What is the cause of menstrual disorders?
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What caused failures?

Violation of the menstrual cycle is caused by:

  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • abrupt changes in weight;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • menopause;
  • stress;
  • use of hormonal drugs.

When monthly pregnancy disappear, and all the forces of the body aimed at childbearing. In the pathology of the ovaries, pituitary adrenal glands occurs unbalancing the hormonal system, and the need to treat the causes of violations. If the cycle is broken, the doctor is required to appoint a survey to help identify the underlying disease.

The reason for failure are often the diet on which body weight drops sharply. Estrogen production falls sharply (since they are partly produced by adipose tissue), which serves as a stress-causing irregular menstruation. Here we must first establish a food and gain weight, then you can expect the resumption of menses.

Violations can cause gynecological problems:

  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • endometriosis;
  • polyps;
  • chronic inflammation of the uterus.

In these diseases, the monthly get off, because No normal functioning of the ovaries and endometrial maturation.

At the age of 40 begin preclimacteric changes, menstruation may become heavy and not cyclical. In addition to the drugs prescribed by your doctor to correct the violations of the cycle used in the diet foods high in phytoestrogens (soy, grapefruit, sunflower seeds flax), which improves the hormones. In response to the regular lack of sleep and tension increases prolactin, and monthly disappear because In such situations, the body is under stress, initiating the menstrual cycle.

Failure cycle is possible with some drugs and:

  • antidepressants;
  • anticoagulants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • digitalis preparations;
  • corticosteroids;
  • hormone replacement therapy;
  • IUD.

Cancel these drugs, as well as assign them may only doctor.

Women are often in violation of the month do not dare to visit a gynecologist for fear of supplies to treat hormone that does not always happen. After examination with the help of modern diagnostic tools, find out the true causes of menstrual disorders, efforts should send it to their elimination. Then we can expect the resumption of normal menstruation, which serves as a "litmus test" of women's health.

 What is the cause of menstrual disorders?

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