Thursday, 22 October 2015

The most popular methods of cooking adzhika

 The most popular methods of cooking adzhika


  • Usefulness adzhika with horseradish for the body
  • Crude Adjika with horseradish
  • Adjika with horseradish and herbs
  • Adjika with carrots and apples
  • Adjika with eggplant

Adjika with horseradish - a popular relish.

Externally, it looks like a bit of ketchup because of its red color. But no ketchup can compare with her. The taste is completely different, aching bright and juicy. This seasoning is prepared for a long time, but the result is worth the effort. There are many cooking recipes. Each family has its own recommendations for the preparation of this dish. Cooks love to experiment, it is possible that you will be able to devise their own unique recipe adzhika with horseradish.
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Usefulness adzhika with horseradish for the body

Adjika with horseradish is not only tasty but also very useful. Firstly, all the components of the natural seasoning. Secondly, the presence of horseradish pepper and improves blood circulation, prevents the formation of thrombi. Thirdly, there a variety of vitamins and minerals. Adzhika has good antiviral properties: kills harmful bacteria in the body, useful for colds.

It is believed that this spice can improve potency. It really is. There is improvement in blood circulation throughout the body, the genitals are no exception. Therefore, men who want longer keep yourself in good shape, it is recommended from time to time to eat spicy adjika.

In addition, this spice helps to cope with the lack of appetite. To do this, before a meal to eat a teaspoon adzhika and appetite return. But you can eat spicy food is not all. They can not only benefit, but harm. For example, adjika can not eat for people suffering from stomach ulcers, heartburn and other intestinal diseases. Spicy seasoning ingredients may cause irritation of the mucous weakened walls of the stomach and lead to complications. Also, be aware that this seasoning contains a lot of salt, so people with diseases of the genitourinary system, also should avoid excessive consumption adzhika.

 The most popular methods of cooking adzhika
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Crude Adjika with horseradish

For adzhika with horseradish will need the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes;
  • peppers sweet and bitter;
  • garlic;
  • horseradish;
  • vinegar;
  • salt;
  • sugar.

Follow this simple recipe. You will need a large number of tomatoes, as it is the main component of the dish. First we need to grind in a meat grinder with tomato pepper. Pepper seeds need to pre-cut. Horseradish need to peel and also scroll in a meat grinder. This is a very pungent root, so to avoid burning the eyes, it is recommended to put on a meat grinder package, then the process will not cause any trouble. The milled horseradish add peeled, finely chopped garlic. You can also scroll through a meat grinder.

Now you need to mix all the chopped ingredients. Salt and sugar are added to taste. If someone does this seem too spicy seasoning, you can add more vinegar. Vinegar "extinguishes" excessive sharpness. Ready adjika with horseradish can roll up to the banks and treat it all winter. Store jars in the refrigerator is best.
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Adjika with horseradish and herbs

Cooking adjika various ways. Here is another very popular recipe. List of required products:

  • horseradish;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • Bell pepper;
  • sugar, vinegar;
  • salt.

This recipe is similar to the previous one, but the taste is somewhat different. To make such adjika, you need to scroll through a meat grinder horseradish, garlic and tomatoes. Parsley and dill finely chop. The best way to break the grass hands into small pieces so it will retain more vitamins. The crushed herb ingredients is added, salt and sugar. Banks seasoning thoroughly sterilized and lay them ready mix. Banks are required to stand in the refrigerator for 3 days and only then they should add the vinegar.

 The most popular methods of cooking adzhika
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Adjika with carrots and apples

To prepare adzhika very original way need the following recipe:

  • tomatoes;
  • apples;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • sugar;
  • Bell pepper;
  • salt;
  • garlic.

Without mincing do not succeed here. It crushed apples, carrots, peppers and tomatoes. It must get mashed. It is necessary to boil the sauce over low heat for 1 hour. Then, in the ready-mix add sugar, salt, garlic and vegetable oil. Once we bring to a boil and season ready. It can be expanded in sterilized jars. This type adzhika perfectly stored in the cellar.

 The most popular methods of cooking adzhika
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Adjika with eggplant

Another variation of this very tasty seasoning. Preparation does not take much time, and it turns out very tasty. Need the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • Bell pepper;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vinegar.

Tomatoes, eggplant and pepper mince. In the resulting puree is added to vegetable oil. All this is boiled for 40 minutes. on low heat. At this time, very finely chopped garlic - you can use chesnokodavilku. Then the seasoning is removed from the fire, it added garlic, salt, vinegar and sugar. After that, banks are allowed to roll.

There is the oldest method of cooking the classic adzhika. It uses only salt, pepper and garlic. It is very easy to implement, but is still popular in Abkhazia. Modern housewife unlikely they will use as an ingredient in many new improved taste adzhika. All submitted recipes can be combined with each other in order to find the perfect preparation of the seasoning. For flavor you can add a variety of herbs and berries. For example, red currant dish does smell just divine.

 The most popular methods of cooking adzhika

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