Friday, 9 October 2015

Discharge day for porridge

 Discharge day for porridge


  • On oatmeal
  • What oatmeal choose?
  • Discharge day for porridge: Options diets
  • Contraindications
  • Oat fasting day: Results
  • Life after unloading: Recommendations

There is a category of women who are not struggling with the weight. Some of them eat and not get better, and some extra weight does not interfere with life. They do not even consider wrinkles and swelling superfluous. What more! A good man should be a lot. And this, of course, happy people, because any dissatisfaction own body deeply hurt women. They are trying to hide the tummy, when sit down, try not to look at myself in the mirror in the bathroom and starve themselves at the earliest opportunity.

Namely - the weekend (you can sit at home hungry slight dizziness), on holidays, in the summer (for fruits and vegetables). And it is also great. Because I try to be better than you are - this is the first sign of human growth. However, all you need to do it right. And to lose weight as well. After an unsuccessful diet can not only act, but also harm the health. Therefore, our advice to you if you have free time and you want to throw off the extra kilos, arrange a fasting day on porridge. Firstly, it is one of the most sparing diet (you practically will not feel hunger). Secondly, oatmeal - a very useful product that can not only adjust the weight, but also to improve health.

On oatmeal

By the way, about the benefits of oatmeal. Before starting unloading, is to find out what a rich usual oatmeal. No wonder it is already more than one century the British cook for breakfast. And they are absolutely right. Since, according to doctors, oatmeal perfectly restores the digestive tract. And all thanks to the starch, which envelops the intestinal wall. Further work accepted vegetable fibers, whose task is to excretion of toxins, toxins and metabolic products. Vitamins E, C and A saturate the body, and beta glucan provides a feeling of satiety (due to this substance you will not really feel a sense of hunger in fasting days). Convinced? Then let's move on to the selection of cereals for diet.

What oatmeal choose?

Before starting oat fasting day, you need to decide what kind of cereal to choose from. Modern industry offers a porridge fast food that you just pour boiling water. Of course, such a product - a great temptation for women. No need to cook, to wash. However, in the instant Hercules virtually no nutrients, so it would be better if the unloading of the day you choose whole grain oats, the least exposure to treatment. And on such a regular breakfast cereal is more useful than a bag of cereal with fruit pieces.

 Discharge day for porridge

Discharge day for porridge: Options diets

It may seem that there is nothing complicated about oatmeal diet. Making yourself porridge, and eat all day. However, fasting day on oatmeal has a lot of options. About the most common of which we describe in more detail.

  • Porridge

This method of dealing with excess weight for those who are accustomed to the porridge in the morning. We need a cup of oatmeal and three cups of water. Fill rump, leave for half an hour to infuse. After this cook liquid oatmeal without addition of salt and sugar (in a ratio of 1: 3). Divide the entire volume of cereals into five pieces and eat during the day, drinking porridge tea, water or coffee. Naturally, no tea, no coffee can not sweeten. As well as you can not drink carbonated soft drinks during the day.

  • Broth

Have you ever eaten oatmeal soup? If you choose this option the diet, you can not just try a new dish, and eat it all day. Soup recipe is simple. It is necessary to boil 2, 5 cups of skim milk, add the 0, 5 cups of oatmeal and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Bring to a ready and have oatmeal soup throughout the day as of hunger. Drink in this case can be herbal teas or broth hips. In the rare case of - low-fat yogurt.

  • Muesli

To this day the discharge is necessary to prepare in advance. Take muesli long cooking. Sprinkle 2, 5 cups of cereal with a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and warm in the microwave for 30 seconds. After that, pour a glass of yogurt or skim milk, leave overnight in the refrigerator. The next morning muesli divide into five parts. Eat during the day, drinking tea, yogurt or water without gas.

  • Biscuit

Yes, we were not mistaken. This cookie. Fasting days - it's not just salads, soups and porridge. In rare cases, the menu includes a cookie. Do not butter, store, and baked their own hands oatmeal. Cook it will be as follows:

2 \ 3 cups rolled oats grind in a coffee grinder, add a tablespoon of honey, half a chopped banana, 3 egg whites, a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Dilute all the boiled water to the consistency of sour cream. Pour in the pan, the laid paper baking. Bake for 20 minutes until tender. The finished cookies divided into five portions, there is during the day with pleasure, drinking tea or low-fat yogurt.


Discharge day oatmeal has virtually no contraindications. We can say that this is one of the healthiest diets. Even Hercules, a well-liked by dieticians, can hurt. Especially if you stretch the discharge for a few days. Victims can people suffering from constipation. Everyone else on the thin porridge is not only possible, but necessary. So throw away all the excess out of the fridge, buy cereal and prepare courageously stand the test of hunger.

 Discharge day for porridge

Oat fasting day: Results

It is believed that one fasting day can lose weight by half a kilo. And it provided that you regularly eat oatmeal. You want to throw greater weight loss? Then drag the diet on the weekend or holidays. This step will help you not only to become slimmer, but also cause the digestive tract to normal. And do not say that your intestines are working like clockwork. According to doctors, only 15% of the world's population boasts a good digestion. Everyone else there is latent or manifest form of disruption of the digestive tract. Therefore, we recommend eating oatmeal for breakfast and after the diet.

Life after unloading: Recommendations

Many women after the effective discharge relax and start eating everything, explaining their behavior in that favorite pair of jeans already fastened at the waist, and the arrow on the scale is no longer shocking. Ladies, if you expose your stomach a sharp change of diet, then you will face not only the weight, but also a hospital bed with all the ensuing trouble in the form of long-term treatment and painful injections. You need it? I think not. Therefore, our advice to you: if on the eve of your stomach just took half a cup of porridge without salt and sugar, do not need to stuff the next day his bratwurst and fries. Continue zaparivat Hercules, and soon you will forget that this extra weight and how hard to fight with him.

It happens that the fasting day on oatmeal does not bring the promised results, and she remained with her weight. And it's not in oatmeal or a lack of willpower from losing weight. Sometimes the extra weight - a genetic predisposition of the body, and to deal with it is simply useless. Do not despair. Learn to love your body. Touted as a lack of dignity. Dress so that excess weight was hidden in the folds of clothing. After all, happiness is not synonymous with thinness. And if you become slimmer, it is possible that your life will not change anything (except the size of the clothes). So it is just the way you are. And eat oatmeal because of its gastronomic qualities, and not as part of a regular diet.

 Discharge day for porridge

We recommend to check out: The most effective discharge

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