Thursday, 29 October 2015

Self-confidence and ways to develop

 Self-confidence and ways to develop


  • Factors that prevent the emergence of self-confidence
  • Basic principles of confidence
  • People who have achieved success thanks to the work of a
  • Conclusion and outcomes

Self-confidence is fundamental to modern society. Insecure people often wonder how to develop self-confidence? This quality is necessary for both men and women, but not every individual is capable of self-sufficiently. This is due to the peculiarities of society, which is home to the majority of Russian citizens, and personal characteristics. To understand the roots of the lack of this skill, turn to an analysis of the nuances of the examples.

For a long time Soviet ideology did not encourage people who could give us something different from the rest. It can not all believed, not only out of place in a society of equals, but also dangerous. Stories and cinema of those years are filled with a variety of examples that differ from the masses - it means to be an outcast and a white crow. In these rather rigid installation is automatic limitation of the individual. Personality can only be developed with an eye to public opinion, often neglecting their bright talents.

Another factor influencing the development is the family environment. Its members have formed translate your child behaviors and otherwise adjust them in accordance with generally accepted concepts. Thus, the child is exposed to the process of socialization from birth to death. If the parents have the wisdom to promote the harmonious development and to maintain a good psychological atmosphere in the house, it is a good chance that the person will grow a full, confident in their abilities. If it does not, then chances are that you have to pretty to work on the appearance of the desired qualities.

Fortunately for many of us, self-confidence is a learned quality. To say that you believe in yourself, you must feel it.

To this feeling came once and did not leave you in a variety of situations, it is necessary to maintain and cultivate every way. Typically, this condition is not easy, but it can and must be developed.

 Self-confidence and ways to develop
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Factors that prevent the emergence of self-confidence

There are several factors that can interfere with the cultivation of such qualities as self. In order to select them and to make a specific list, it is enough to observe themselves and their actions, thoughts for the day. If you notice that you tend to give a negative assessment of his actions and the actions of colleagues, this is the first sign that this aspect should be addressed. Otherwise, you do not allow yourself to grow, continuing to use the negative attitudes.

The opinion of other people can be a serious obstacle to the emergence of self-confidence. When a person evaluates himself, trying on the wrong measurements, it will never get a stable result. It is known that people tend to cultivate in others the qualities that is beneficial to them, so a measure of people's opinions will be completely unsuitable for the emergence of confidence.

Every man there is a certain comfort zone, which is its rear, but not a place for development. To grow and develop, you must leave it. In order for this example was the obvious, you need to give you another. When you come to the man on the street to ask for the time, it is a common practice, part of your comfort zone. Agree, it would be much more difficult if you come to the passer-by for the purpose of dating. But that is exactly what will be the bridge that allows to get out of your comfort zone.

It is important that the general physical condition can also affect self-esteem. A man with a straight posture and calm confident gait faster will be the repository of well-being and positive self-esteem than one who does not follow their physical condition.

 Self-confidence and ways to develop
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Basic principles of confidence

In order to develop the confidence necessary to observe a few basic rules.

  1. External corresponds to the internal, and vice versa. Thus, if you watch your posture, movement and manner of talking, eventually begins to develop a certain line of conduct, which will be characterized by the state of confidence. Just the opposite effect: if you already master the skills of confident behavior, it will slip into everything related to the look.
  2. Planning their activities. It helps to plan activities consistently increase the level of confidence. If a person has any concerns, and he constantly postpones the case until later because of fear of failure, it is necessary to do what is the most contradictory feelings in the beginning. It is noticed that the things that cause the greatest concern should be done in the morning, then to the end you will feel an increase in energy levels and greater confidence.
  3. Refusal of negative thoughts and feelings. The sooner you stop criticizing yourself, the faster you will form a positive image of himself. Negative thoughts are forced to concentrate solely on the fact that is not successful, while positive thoughts allow direct activity in the right direction. Feelings tend to follow the thoughts, so you can set yourself in a positive way with the help of positive thoughts.
  4. Confidence also comes in the growth of competence in any issue. If you want to understand music or different varieties of wine products, it is necessary to make efforts towards the research and acquiring this skill. Seeing your competence, people will start to talk to you about the various nuances and you will be able to purchase not only the confidence, but also new friends.
  5. The ability to isolate and cultivate its advantages and achievements is an important factor in the formation of self-confidence. Everyone makes small achievements every day, but not everyone knows how to identify, record and praise yourself for it.

 Self-confidence and ways to develop

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People who have achieved success thanks to the work of a

We know that the stars of the screen and heroes are not born, they become. Giving an answer to the question of how to develop self-confidence, true examples of famous people who have become such only through their own efforts.

Few people know, but the French actor Gerard Depardieu much stuttered as a child. But he had an overwhelming desire to play in the theater and in the movies. The boy himself outlined the steps that could lead him to the desired result, and began to deal with on a daily basis with a speech therapist. Very soon he got his role and, thanks to further efforts, was able to win the right to make movies.

Madonna Louise Ciccone, or says: "I myself pulled herself for her bra straps." This is true, because the music critics of that time she prophesied a great career. Only through the power of his personality she moved forward, combining singing and dancing direction. Many tests had to be overcome before it began to be taken seriously, and before that she took any job and protested his appearance and behavior.

Another story is connected with Jim Carrey. The boy from the very beginning was an unusual and parodied everything and everyone. Very soon, his father decided to find him a good use on stage, but when Jim made his first few appearances, he was booed by the crowd. He did not dare to speak for a few years after the events, but then found the courage to start all over again.

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Conclusion and outcomes

Confident people are living much easier and more interesting. They have no time to think about the many difficulties, but they have them, as well as all other people. Confidence makes a man interesting allows him to easily find a common language and to express mutual sympathy. In a world where every day we are faced with thousands of different people need to know how to position themselves. It depends on many points. Learning to become a good companion confidence every day, and these recommendations will help to acquire these skills.

 Self-confidence and ways to develop

How to succeed in the art of communication

 How to succeed in the art of communication


  • Personality Types
  • How to communicate with certain people?

What a strange term - the art of communication? Many people heard him wonder: Is this you need to learn? It seems there is nothing difficult to talk, to tell each other about what is happening, expressing feelings and emotions. Another question is how perceived hear different people.

How interpersonal problems would not have arisen if people were able to communicate properly.

People are divided into several types, and each characterized by its own style of communication. Knowing how to build a conversation with a counterpart having a particular type of temperament, misunderstanding and related misunderstandings can be avoided.
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Personality Types

Consideration should be given basic personality traits in more detail and give them a description.

  1. Introverts: they find it difficult to communicate. Their experiences, they are deep in yourself, avoid unnecessary contact.
  2. Extroverts: they need to communicate maximized. They constantly put notify others about their experiences arising, convey their views on the circumstances in any situations are new acquaintances.

Of course, such psycho pure rare. Rather, in certain characters dominate certain features.

 How to succeed in the art of communication
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How to communicate with certain people?

The first thing to figure out your character type.

If it is closer to the quality specifications of the extroverts, in order to make it easier to build a dialogue with others, should try not to talk about yourself all the time. More listen to the opinions of others, not to express openly disagreement. Once the communication will develop in this way, people will start to drag. Leadership positions in the team will be easy to win at the expense of the nature of the pledged openness. Emerging resentment at the apparent disregard disappear.

To learn how to properly communicate the introvert is more important than the extrovert. That is difficult for people to make new friends and acquaintances. This affects the professional sphere. Therefore, despite the difficulties, it is necessary to overcome itself and to move closer. The result will be surrounded by people who appreciate the tacit approval and participation.

Entering into a dialogue, it is necessary to try to analyze to what psycho is the person with whom you communicate. For introverts? It should try to introduce it in the course of the case, listen carefully to the rare replica, to express how is the situation from different perspectives. His silence in the future can lead to serious misunderstandings. It will help to understand its relation to the subject facial expression, facial expressions, tone - all these need to be considered.

Extroverts can not allow itself to speak. With it always have to keep an eye on. If he tries to deviate from the topic, it is necessary to translate the firm interviewed for the channel. Giving it is necessary to speak, but firmly with the report, and their point of view. You can even do it with a certain degree of rigidity. Such people are usually thick-skinned, and if this feature is present in the character and then othodchivy.

Talking with someone, you want to show interest in socializing. Very good intonation to emphasize important points.

Argue not. If the arguments are inconclusive, it is better to finish the conversation on a friendly note and continue at a more appropriate time. You can not raise the tone switch to scream.

Only friendly, quiet dialogue promotes mutual understanding.

 How to succeed in the art of communication

What is video game addiction and how to fight it?

 What is video game addiction and how to fight it?


  • Who are "gamers"?
  • When should I start to sound the alarm?

Until a few decades ago, mankind was not aware of the existence of the computer and such a problem as video game addiction. Now, with advances in technology changed all that. People are less communicate with each other, they go to the theater, read books, and more and more immersed in the world of virtual reality. For general note, video game addiction can comprehend not only the child or adolescent, but also a man of the older generation.

Many believe that's addiction - it's just a hobby and do not suspect that this is a serious disease, which consists, along with drug and alcohol addiction. In fact, to cure this disease, take years. The severity of the situation is due to the fact that the patient does not understand the seriousness of the problem.
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Who are "gamers"?

It is believed that among the so-called "gamers" more men than women. However, the dependence of the game is determined not social status or gender, rather it is a certain type of man. As a rule, it is lonely, notorious, insecure people who have some problems in terms of adaptation and social interaction. In order to assert themselves, they are immersed in the world of virtual reality, where it is possible to establish their own rules where everything is easy and affordable. The unfavorable situation in the family, loved ones misunderstandings, problems at work - all this also contributes to the care Virtual.

Psychologists have long seen a link between gambling and violent behavior in real life.

Often, these people no longer distinguish reality from his illusory world of computer games, and they are beyond the scope of acceptable behavior.

 What is video game addiction and how to fight it?
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When should I start to sound the alarm?

The problem reaches its climax when a person devotes all his time playing computer games, losing touch with reality, without a computer becomes sluggish, irritable, in contact with him as, on the contrary, experiencing joy, does not notice his friends and relatives of people. "Gamers" can sit at the computer for days, forgetting food and sleep. In addition to psychological disorders, they "cashing" and a number of diseases (hemorrhoids to a heart attack). Because of the passion for computer games break up the family, and adolescents did not perceive they need social skills with peers.

Such people should be required to help realize the depth of this problem. Now there are a variety of psychological rehabilitation centers, where experienced specialists using a variety of training, hypnosis and other techniques to help cope with the disease. In this difficult period it is important for the patient support and care of people loved him. As often as possible, and greater attention should be paid to those passions that have nothing to do with the computer. It can be anything you like, reading, collection, meeting with friends.

The main thing that people are gradually abstracted from his illusory world of games and poured into the usual measured life. It is advisable to start a family to be active, to join the sport, a joint trip. This will not only help to escape, but the mentally closer to each other. Communication with the computer should be kept to a minimum of 45 minutes - 2-3 times a day.

It is important to understand what's disease - is not just a bad habit, but a real addiction problem, which is still possible to decide if the time to see a specialist and be taken seriously in this situation. Most importantly - do not give up and do not despair.

 What is video game addiction and how to fight it?

Identification of hypertrophy of the cervix and treatment

 Identification of hypertrophy of the cervix and treatment


  • Chronic inflammation
  • Technique scarification

Hypertrophy of the cervix - the increase in the size of the body, which develops gradually, on a roll or omission of the uterus.

Hypertrophy and cervical elongation reaches often larger sizes. If hypertrophy occurs when the omission or loss of genitals, then it has no independent value.

Sometimes there are cases when patients complained of loss, but when viewed from the facts do not support. Meanwhile hypertrophied part cervical still protrude from the genital slit. If hypertrophy is lengthened, the front lip of the vagina performed on the back, slightly covering it.

If the hypertrophy of the vaginal part causes the patient a feeling of loss, but the bottom of the uterus is not omitted, it is a direct indication for the removal of a hypertrophied cervix.

Quite often there is a feeling that the uterus is omitted. It looks like an isolated phenomenon, accompanied by sensation, and later its actual loss. This case requires a more complex operation.

 Identification of hypertrophy of the cervix and treatment
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Chronic inflammation

Hypertrophy, or thickening of the uterine cervix - it is the result of chronic inflammation. In most cases, the cervix along its body simultaneously impressed inflammation. Thickening, which is caused by an inflammatory process, can be seen as follicular hypertrophy of the cervix. In place of the inflamed mucosa (cervical canal) are glandular moves that turn into retention bubbles containing mucus and clogged.

Grow and stromal inflammation provokes otshnurovanie glandular follicles. Next, they have to grow a cyst the size of a grain of millet. In some cases, they can reach the size of a pea, and then - Nabothian testicles.

Nabothian testicles especially penetrate deep into the tissue at the site of erosion. They can lead to a thickening and a large increase in the cervix as a whole.

The indications for surgical treatment of hypertrophy, which occurred due to chronic inflammation, is a form of follicular hypertrophy unless it is preceded by hyper- and polimenoreya, whites, sacral pain. Sometimes conventional scarification cervix can give a satisfactory result.

Contraindications for scarification:

  • acute and subacute inflammation in the pelvis,
  • chronic inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum, fiber appendages.

 Identification of hypertrophy of the cervix and treatment

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Technique scarification

Vaginal part and the vagina itself must first be disinfected with tincture of iodine and alcohol in the mirror. Bullet forceps grip and fix the vaginal part of the uterus. Not recommended relegate much of the vaginal, so as not to hurt. You can not grasp the cervix with forceps, but only expose mirrors. After re-lubricating the vaginal part of tincture of iodine visible Nabothian testicles pierced with a pointed scalpel and make a small incision around the uterine mouth and angular cuts to it, which penetrate into the fabric of 0.5-1 cm.

So Nabothian made emptying testicles and bloodletting. If bleeding after scarification is not very strong, you can not achieve its full cessation. Later, it will stop itself. If the bleeding does not stop, then the vagina tamponiruyut sterile gauze, which is sprinkled with powder streptotsita. This tampon is in the vagina for 12-24 hours. It is recommended that you observe bed rest for 1-2 days. Since the cause of the disease - inflammation, after scarification, after 1-2 weeks, it is necessary to continue the treatment with iodine-glycerin swabs.

 Identification of hypertrophy of the cervix and treatment

Women's Issues - cervical disease

 Women's Issues - cervical disease


  • Causes of cervical disease
  • The classification process of the cervix in women
  • On the diseases that occur most frequently in women

Cervical disease are among the most pressing women's issues. Many women are aware of the fact that the body is exposed to diseases such as dysplasia, erosion and even cancer, but few know exactly what these diseases are and what dangerous. Since it comes to health, everyone will be out of place to get acquainted with this information.

Despite the fact that this body is accessible to visual inspection, as few the reproductive organs of women, cancer of the cervix is ​​located at one of the first places among the cancer of women after breast cancer.

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Causes of cervical disease

Diseases of the cervix may develop for the following reasons:

  • Infections (cocci, chlamydia, mikolazmy, trichomonas, etc.) that cause inflammation;
  • Injuries (after childbirth, abortion);
  • Hormonal imbalance (progesteronodefitsitnoe state);
  • Viruses (Human papilloma viruses, combined with herpes virus type II);
  • Violation of local immunity.

 Women's Issues - cervical disease

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The classification process of the cervix in women

Diseases to classify as follows:

  • the background of the disease;
  • precancerous;
  • cancer.

For background processes include polyps, ectopia (pseudo), leukoplakia without atypia, warts. In themselves, they do not lead to cancer, but may be a backdrop to the top of pathological changes.

Precancerous process, otherwise known as dysplasia, divided, in turn, mild, moderate and severe dysplasia. As the name implies, a precancerous condition precedes the transition to cervical cancer in women.

In addition to these three states, are allocated inflammatory processes that are no longer referred to as sexually transmitted infections.

 Women's Issues - cervical disease
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On the diseases that occur most frequently in women

Described disease often linked, one illness can develop in another, especially if the woman does not receive proper treatment.

The disease, which affects many women, is the erosion. This disease is characterized by damage to the mucous body. Simply put, this wound, which could see with the naked eye when viewed from the gynecologist as a red spot on a flat pink background. This pattern can be observed no more than 2 weeks, followed by erosion or completely cured, or goes into pseudo which is often taken by women in the first.

Pseudo is, in turn, is not fully healed erosion, that is, the healing process has begun, but then something went wrong. As a result Nabothian cysts may form on which is quite difficult to get rid subsequently. They are clogged ducts and glands look like blisters filled with fluid. Sometimes Nabothian cyst fully tested after women manage to get rid of the causes of erosion.

Widespread today leukoplakia, which manifests itself in the form of a white seal. This disease is usually preceded by erosion, it may progress in combination with precancerous states.

Another disease that can be ill woman - polyps (growths of different structures). They appear, usually due to hormonal disruptions or inflammatory processes.

If we talk about women at risk, they include those who have early sexual debut, was repeatedly subjected to intrauterine interventions often change partners, and those who have suffered many times natural childbirth. All these ills easier to treat in the early stages, so it is important to visit a gynecologist.

 Women's Issues - cervical disease

What is the cause of menstrual disorders?

 What is the cause of menstrual disorders?


  • What is the norm?
  • What caused failures?

The work of the female body is genetically set up so that a woman could carry and give birth to a child. The program, established by nature, sometimes strays and formed the menstrual cycle.

The norm is considered having a length of 24 to 38 days menstrual cycle, the established after the first (menarche) menstrual period during the year.

When these figures are proof of deviation, it is cause for seeking medical attention.
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What is the norm?

If the cycle of monthly normal, in its first phase is dominated by the hormone FSH, increases secretion of estrogen, follicle matures and increases the endometrium. By the middle of the menstrual period, FSH is minimal increases luteinizing hormone, when it reaches peak occurs release of an egg (ovulation). Further, the amount of estrogen decreases and increases progesterone. If there is no fertilization, the falling number of hormones, the endometrium is rejected, and the menstrual cycle ends.

 What is the cause of menstrual disorders?
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What caused failures?

Violation of the menstrual cycle is caused by:

  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • abrupt changes in weight;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • menopause;
  • stress;
  • use of hormonal drugs.

When monthly pregnancy disappear, and all the forces of the body aimed at childbearing. In the pathology of the ovaries, pituitary adrenal glands occurs unbalancing the hormonal system, and the need to treat the causes of violations. If the cycle is broken, the doctor is required to appoint a survey to help identify the underlying disease.

The reason for failure are often the diet on which body weight drops sharply. Estrogen production falls sharply (since they are partly produced by adipose tissue), which serves as a stress-causing irregular menstruation. Here we must first establish a food and gain weight, then you can expect the resumption of menses.

Violations can cause gynecological problems:

  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • endometriosis;
  • polyps;
  • chronic inflammation of the uterus.

In these diseases, the monthly get off, because No normal functioning of the ovaries and endometrial maturation.

At the age of 40 begin preclimacteric changes, menstruation may become heavy and not cyclical. In addition to the drugs prescribed by your doctor to correct the violations of the cycle used in the diet foods high in phytoestrogens (soy, grapefruit, sunflower seeds flax), which improves the hormones. In response to the regular lack of sleep and tension increases prolactin, and monthly disappear because In such situations, the body is under stress, initiating the menstrual cycle.

Failure cycle is possible with some drugs and:

  • antidepressants;
  • anticoagulants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • digitalis preparations;
  • corticosteroids;
  • hormone replacement therapy;
  • IUD.

Cancel these drugs, as well as assign them may only doctor.

Women are often in violation of the month do not dare to visit a gynecologist for fear of supplies to treat hormone that does not always happen. After examination with the help of modern diagnostic tools, find out the true causes of menstrual disorders, efforts should send it to their elimination. Then we can expect the resumption of normal menstruation, which serves as a "litmus test" of women's health.

 What is the cause of menstrual disorders?

The main diseases of the mouth

 The main diseases of the mouth


  • Diseases of the mucosa and the oral soft tissues
  • Disease prevention

If you remember about oral diseases that immediately comes to mind? Only stomatitis.

In fact, disease associated with inflammation of the oral cavity, a lot. Some of these infections are caused by other indicator are problems occurring in the body.

Painful inflammation of the mouth and significantly impair quality of life.

 The main diseases of the mouth

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Diseases of the mucosa and the oral soft tissues

To classify these diseases as follows. Inflammation may relate to:

  • teeth and gums;
  • larynx;
  • oral mucosa.

In turn, they can be divided into groups.

To gum disease and tooth decay include:

  • periodontal disease and the accompanying periodontitis;
  • pulpit - the defeat of the dental tissue;
  • caries;
  • gingivitis;
  • cyst tooth.

The majority of this group of diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria clusters in the oral cavity.

The diseases associated with pathological changes in the area of ​​the larynx:

  • sore throat;
  • sore throat;
  • tonsillitis;
  • infection alveoli and many others.

Their appearance is due to introduce into the body pathogens: staphylococcus, streptococcus and other pathogens.

Directly oral mucosa in the case of inflamed soft tissue diseases, are in the mouth, tongue and pathology of the mucosa.

This may be due to various causes. They arise when:

  • burns - thermal, chemical and mechanical;
  • bacterial, fungal infections and infectious;
  • various forms of allergic reactions;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • irregularities in the work of the hematopoietic system;
  • vitamin deficiency.

The most common stomatitis of various forms. And Hale - trophic inflamed portion of the lips and dry mouth - the defeat of the salivary glands, causing permanent drying and dry mouth and galvanism. The latter disease is associated with an unsuccessful prosthesis.

 The main diseases of the mouth
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Disease prevention

It is important to carry out preventive measures to prevent diseases of the oral mucosa.

The prevention includes the implementation of hygiene and prompt treatment of medical care with the appearance of the characteristic symptoms.

  1. Toothache - do not wait for the destruction of dental tissue and refer to the dentist.
  2. There were a rash on the mucous in the mouth, incomprehensible raid - to go to the same doctor.
  3. Throat - to Laura.

If the disease is not recovered, she held her, and the moment favorable to the pathogen occurs aggravation of infection.

To determine the pathogens do special tests - swabs from the throat. As a result of this analysis is carried out and targeted therapy. To identify the causative agent is very important. Ulcers and erosive lesions in the mouth and may be indicative of such dangerous diseases such as syphilis and tuberculosis . Diseases of oral cavity - an indicator of the health of the organism as a whole.

 The main diseases of the mouth

Why the bladder can be hyperactive?

 Why the bladder can be hyperactive?


  • Reasons for frequent urination
  • During menopause or pregnancy in women
  • Treatment syndrome

Very often, people are watching urination through small intervals. Of course, it is possible to associate with a history of stress or use of diuretic drugs or medicinal teas for weight loss. But how to understand, when overactive bladder occurs without apparent reason and lasts for over a month?

Then you may well emerge syndrome called overactive bladder.

Symptoms of it are such that a person always want to use the toilet, if he drank a lot of fluids. But in fact nothing of the sort happened. And when urinating out a small amount of liquid, which is a healthy person does not want to use the toilet.

 Why the bladder can be hyperactive?

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Reasons for frequent urination

The causes frequent urination that could eventually lead to this syndrome, can be set. Common for all the reasons are: hormonal disruptions, impotence in men, the shock in children after severe fright, as well as diabetes or cancer, which concern all people.

One reason for the frequent urge to the toilet is excitement. But as a rule, it is shown only after sexual intercourse or to its occurrence. By and large it is not even the syndrome, since this condition can not last more than a few hours, if all other parameters person is healthy.

In addition to these reasons, overactive bladder may be temporary. In this case, it is not due to any serious violations. Simply, it is perceived as a natural phenomenon in certain situations. These situations usually referred menopause or pregnancy. It is clear that this could be only the female half of the population.

 Why the bladder can be hyperactive?

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During menopause or pregnancy in women

During menopause there are significant changes in hormonal sphere, and in the microflora of the internal genital organs. As a result, a woman can appear frequent desires in a toilet connected with active processes that take place in her body. Generally soon when menopause comes to normal, everything is getting better by itself. But if such a syndrome very much gives great discomfort, consult a doctor. He will prescribe certain vitamins that will certainly help to cope with this problem.

Now, with regard to pregnancy. Overactive bladder syndrome manifests itself in 95% of pregnant women. It is not a disease, and for the most part do not even hormonal changes. Here the emphasis is on the physical changes the size of the uterus. It appears syndrome, when the uterus is already beginning to increase in size. Accordingly, there is pressure on the internal reproductive organs and organs of urination, which is reinforced with the development of the fetus. This is the reason that the bladder just constantly have to be reduced.
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Treatment syndrome

In the case of this type of syndrome haunts you constantly and you can not live a normal life with this, you should see a doctor, so as to treat it on your own is meaningless. It is necessary to overcome the fear, the more that this disease is not terrible, and it is not always considered a disease. The doctor you appoint vitamins or drink, or assign a simple treatment.

Moreover, it is noted that serious treatment medication is prescribed only in the case where the bladder wall weakened and require toning. In other cases, if you do not run, everything is solved much easier and faster.

 Why the bladder can be hyperactive?

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

The best recipes cabbage soup diet

 The best recipes cabbage soup diet


  • Recipe for cabbage soup diet with beans
  • Recipe soup diet cabbage and mushrooms
  • Recipe soup diet cabbage and rice

Diet is an important part of the life of the modern woman.

This can be explained by the fact that in recent years the requirements for the female sex increased significantly. Now, not enough to be just a good housewife and mother. In modern society, a woman should be held as a person, to make a career, to be an interesting conversationalist, and, of course, beauty shine. However, many women look beautiful hinders the fullness of it. Diet - an ideal way by which you can lose weight very quickly.

Today, there are many power systems for weight loss. One of the most effective is the Cabbage Soup Diet - namely, the cabbage soup diet. Soup recipes can be modified depending on the preferences of women. However, the important thing is that any of them can be used in any desired time and thus lose weight.

 The best recipes cabbage soup diet
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Recipe for cabbage soup diet with beans


  • White cabbage - 1 kg
  • Beans - 0, 5 kg
  • Onions - 6 pieces.
  • Fresh tomatoes - 3 pieces.
  • Green celery - 1 bunch
  • The cube of vegetable broth
  • Green bell pepper - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

In a saucepan of boiling water put a bouillon cube. After dissolution add shredded cabbage, chopped tomatoes, onions and green peppers. Beans boil separately and add to vegetables. Celery finely chopped greens and put at least. Cook until vegetables are tender. This recipe is considered the most simple and fast. Beans can be boiled in advance, then the cooking time significantly reduced. Soup cooked this recipe, contains no fat and carbohydrates to lose weight so it can be used very quickly.

 The best recipes cabbage soup diet
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Recipe soup diet cabbage and mushrooms


  • Cabbage - 0, 5 kg
  • Mushrooms - 300 g
  • Chives with onion - 6 pens
  • Green bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Canned tomatoes - 1 can
  • Carrots - 3 pieces.
  • Green celery - 1 bunch
  • Vegetable broth - 12 glasses
  • Season soup
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

Bow cleanse, wash and finely chop. In a saucepan with a thick bottom pour vegetable oil (just a little, you can just sprinkle) and put a bow. Fry until clear. Green pepper mine, cut off the tails, cut in half, chop finely and place in a pan with onions. With cabbage remove the top leaves, cut in half and one half shinkuem. Put in a saucepan. Carrots cleanse, wash and rub on a grater or chop finely. Also, put in a saucepan with vegetables. Green celery my slightly obsushivayut, chop and add to the other vegetables.

Mushrooms (mushrooms can be used) Cleans, thoroughly wash and cut into large pieces. Add them to the pot with the soup. There also put chopped canned tomatoes. You may want to put a little hot pepper. All vegetables are put out until half. Then add 12 cups of vegetable broth. It can be replaced with the same amount of water dissolved in it two bouillon cubes. When the soup comes to a boil, add salt and spices. Cook like a cabbage soup for weight loss should be about one and a half hours, to seethe all the vegetables thoroughly and become soft.

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Recipe soup diet cabbage and rice


  • Cabbage - 300 g
  • Brown rice - 20 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Red or green bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 small head
  • Fresh tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • Celery - 1 stalk
  • Pepper
  • Sol - not more than 6 g
  • Water - 1 liter

Cooking method:

Vegetables, clean, wash and finely chop. Then all the ingredients (except rice), put in a saucepan with cold water and bring to a boil, then cook for a quarter of an hour on low heat, without covering the pan with a lid. Then set aside a pot of soup, cover with lid and allow to infuse for about an hour. Figure cooked separately (this can be done in advance) and added already when the soup good infusion.

Eat cabbage soup diet, cooked in this recipe should be at least five times a day in small portions. In addition it can be eaten within a day or one green apple, or 50 g of bread or 40 g hard cheese. Alcohol, sodas and sweet are completely eliminated. Drink unsweetened green tea is allowed. Water during the day should drink at least 2 liters.

 The best recipes cabbage soup diet

Quick ways to gain weight in the past month

 Quick ways to gain weight in the past month


  • Eat to Gain Weight
  • Products that help you to gain weight in the past month
  • Do exercises to gain weight

While most people are trying to find ways to reduce your weight, and there are people who can be difficult to put on weight. The people have a saying, "Do not feed a horse." That's just such people suffer from shortage of weight: they seem to be eating enough, but do not recover. The issue of weight gain is mainly interested in people with a fast metabolism. This category includes mainly boys and girls in their teens, since at this time the most actively consumed calories.

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that the weight gain in the past month is not very difficult. It all depends on what kind of weight gain you want to achieve. To get a positive result, you should pay attention to diet and the diet pitaniya..Zhelatelno not skip meals and to include calorie foods in your daily diet. But this does not mean that you need to run headlong to the refrigerator or in a store, picking up tons of high-calorie, but nutritious food. You want to gain weight, not fat swim.

It is necessary to eat foods that will help you gain muscle mass and enrich the body with nutrients. By following these tips, you will be able to gain weight for a month without much effort and extra costs.

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Eat to Gain Weight

Eat and eat often.

Despite the fact that all must abide by this rule, it is especially important for those who are trying to gain weight. "There are often" means that you should eat 5-6 times a day and be sure to get a little out of the use of food nutrients.

In your diet should not include junk food and sugar, you need to eat a lot of protein and carbohydrates. Of course, recovering, you want to get a healthy body, not a body with a thin belly. Your snacks during the day should be nutritious. Suit nuts, dried fruit and seeds. Eat sandwiches made with peanut butter or other nut butters; make the filling for sandwiches slices of lean turkey or chicken breast with added caloric cheese or avocado.

You could buy food supplements that promise weight gain and muscle growth. But some of these products may contain hidden ingredients that can be harmful, or compounds which have not been studied and represent a health hazard.

Even if we consider that drinking fizzy drinks and coffee - a good way to gain weight, it is harmful to health. It is better to include in your diet protein (protein) cocktail or just drink milk 2-3 times a day. Regular consumption of whole milk for a month will help you gain weight.

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Products that help you to gain weight in the past month

Whole eggs. This is an inexpensive food, rich in protein, vitamins A, D, E.

Butter. The oil will help increase your weight. However, oil consumption should be in moderation, otherwise it will hurt your heart.

Tuna. It is vitally important fatty acids tuna contain a lot of "healthy" fat, which will not only help with weight gain, but also contribute to the maintenance of physical health.

Natural fruit juice. Healthy and nutritious way to get your kilos - to drink one hundred percent fruit juice, which is rich in sugar and natural nutrients.

Whole wheat bread. You can eat healthy and gain weight by eating whole wheat bread, a piece of which contains about 69 calories.

Peanut butter. Spread, which is spread on bread. This will give you about 192 calories, plus it high protein content.

Cheese. One serving of cheddar cheese contains 69 calories. Cheese - concentrated milk, so it is rich in protein and calcium, fat and, of course, "cheese" calories.

Olive oil. Adding extra fat for cooking is an easy way to add calories. Therefore, olive oil will provide you with the service you want.

Bananas. One banana contains about 100 calories. Not only that, these fruits are rich in carbohydrates and nutrients, they are also perfect for a snack, and always convenient to take with you.

Yogurt. Natural low-fat yogurt can give you as much as 118 calories. Include it in your daily diet, and desired weight typed faster.

Oats. A plate of oatmeal - this is the perfect nutritious breakfast. This product contains a lot of fiber, which provides the body with vital substances.

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Do exercises to gain weight

Strength training. To increase the weight you need to focus on aerobic exercises and strength exercises that are designed to load many muscle groups. Here are some of them:

  • Begin to develop chest muscles using dumbbells.
  • Start the run in the mornings or evenings. You can also go cycling or walking.
  • Hang on a horizontal bar. This will help strengthen the muscles of the arms and abdomen.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and thighs: do squats and alternately stand on tiptoes, then lowered onto the feet.

By performing these exercises, you build muscle, "burn" the unnecessary fats and, of course, will have a good appetite.

In addition to exercise, and remain motionless. Follow the rule: the energy consumed shall be less than reported. It will be very useful to just lie on your sofa near the TV. You can grab a meal, but note that it should not be greasy. It would be the best foods containing iron: the meat (beef), fish, apples, bananas, peaches, walnuts.

Sometimes to get better over the last month is more difficult than losing weight. But it is still able to do each. Do not "throw" on the right-calorie foods, and increase your food intake gradually. Get well and stay healthy!

 Quick ways to gain weight in the past month

Allergy diet during breastfeeding

 Allergy diet during breastfeeding


  • What is prohibited for nursing mothers?
  • Products that can be used to mum

Breastfeeding a newborn baby - a real mystery that takes place between mother and her child. This is the unique moment when the invisible link is established between the woman and the baby. And therefore nothing should spoil the magic.

However, we all know that grudnichki tend to be sensitive, and absolutely everything. They may be exposed to any outside influence. For example, an allergy. It often appears due to the fact that any provoking substance or product is in the mother's milk. This is not surprising, because the composition of breast milk depends on the fact that the mother eats. To avoid the risk of provoking various allergies in the child, the mother should follow a special diet.

It is a hypoallergenic diet for lactating mothers. It will not only help prevent allergies in children, but also will ensure that he will be all right with the stomach and intestines. He will avoid problems such as bloating, cramps, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation. Do these arguments is not enough today to start applying hypoallergenic diet? About what it is made, it will be described hereinafter.

 Allergy diet during breastfeeding
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What is prohibited for nursing mothers?

The essence of such a diet - it is excluded from the diet nursing mother all those products that can cause the baby allergies. The fact is that there are so-called food-allergens. They often provoke different rashes, itching and other unpleasant phenomena. This is based and hypoallergenic diet.

You also need to know that the child's body, his stomach and intestines - this gentle system. He completely lacks the microflora in the gut. To be more precise, it is at the stage of formation. There is a need beneficial bacteria. For this reason it is so important not to disturb this delicate balance.

What should be part of a hypoallergenic diet? Theoretically, any product can cause the body not strong allergy. However, there is a special category of products, which in terms of allergies are so-called "agents provocateurs".

So here they are, allergens, about which should forget for a while breastfeeding: chocolate, citrus fruits, seafood, honey, red and orange vegetables, cow's whole milk, eggs, mushrooms, beans, coffee, cocoa, salt, spicy, smoked, fat confectionery, any carbonated beverages.

Here you can add spices, seasonings, sauces, dried fruits and exotic foods.

Furthermore, it is necessary to avoid all that contain dyes or preservatives. And, of course, about cigarettes and alcohol, and can be no question, because at stake is the health of the child.

Enough impressive list, which also includes all the most delicious for many moms. But around the need to look for the pros. For example, the rejection of these products will not only prevent allergies in the child, but also help substantially to lose weight, formed after birth. Double benefit!

 Allergy diet during breastfeeding
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Products that can be used to mum

What can have a nursing mother? During breastfeeding should eat products such as rice, buckwheat, chicken meat boiled, cucumbers, apples, pears, currants, gooseberries, plums, cereals oat, potatoes, green tea, mineral water, non-carbonated, broth hips, fresh breadcrumbs, zucchini .

With caution, but it is still possible to eat: green peppers, bread, bananas, apricots, cranberries, watermelon, meat products (eg, chicken liver), herbal tea (chamomile, etc.), the rabbit.

With regard to the method of preparation, all food must be made either for a couple or a decoction. We have already mentioned that all fried, smoked, etc. should be excluded.

It looks like the main products that are hypoallergenic diet. Observe it is difficult, but possible. Over time, you can introduce some new products are not in the list, but it should be done carefully, slowly and in very small doses that, in the case immediately clear what was the reaction of the organism. At first, it is better not to risk it.

Let hypoallergenic diet will help your child grow up healthy and cheerful. It is particularly important to realize that in some way his health is in the hands of parents. So why not take this opportunity? Good luck in dieting! A healthy diet and proper feeding - a happy child and mother.

 Allergy diet during breastfeeding

Feeding habits when pyelonephritis and cystitis

 Feeding habits when pyelonephritis and cystitis


  • Why do I need a special diet?
  • On what should be discarded
  • Approximate diet
  • Recommendations on diet

Pyelonephritis and cystitis are urological diseases, widespread in our time. The first disease affects the kidneys, the second provokes inflammation of the walls of the bladder. The peculiar features of the structure of sexual organs leads to the fact that according to statistics, every fifth woman at least once in his life faced with cystitis.
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Why do I need a special diet?

Treatment is required to be carried out under the supervision of a physician, but limited solely to the appointment of medication is not enough. Be sure to perform and advice on nutrition, as some products can be irritating to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. Their exclusion would contribute to a speedy recovery.

Diet with pyelonephritis or cystitis should be treating urologist. Its main goal - to increase the flow of urine. It is achieved by reducing the consumption of salt in the diet of the introduction of alkalizing foods, reduced consumption of protein and fat.

It is recommended to eat at least 4 times a day, but in small portions.

During the breaks should be to saturate the body with plenty of water. When pyelonephritis and cystitis will be useful:

  • porridge, soups,
  • boiled meat, fish,
  • vegetables
  • fruits (except for highly exotic, for the best natural areas)
  • dairy,
  • boiled beets,
  • occasionally eggs and butter,
  • very rare honey, caramel, marshmallow, jam, marmalade, biscuits, if suppress the urge to sweet fails.

Good to include in the diet cranberry juice, or out of it. Berry increases the acidity of urine and its protective bactericidal properties. Frequent consumption of cranberry relieves symptoms of acute inflammation, reduces the temperature normalizes urination, pain stops.

Diet with pyelonephritis or cystitis usually complementary tea from rose hips, black currant, mountain ash. They saturate the body with vitamins C and P, improve immunity. Drink drink 2-3 times a day before meals. However overzealous liquid patients is not recommended, it is better to keep the amount of fluid entering the body throughout the day, in the range 2-2, 5 l. In the first days of treatment longer lean on vegetables and fruits. Will be useful and fruit drinks, cranberry, plum, grape and apple juices. It allows a little tea or coffee unnatural.

 Feeding habits when pyelonephritis and cystitis
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On what should be discarded

In the treatment of cystitis or pyelonephritis should be excluded from the diet:

  • parsley, onion, sharp spices (mustard, vinegar, pepper, horseradish)
  • Rye bread,
  • garlic,
  • legumes,
  • salted, pickled, fried, smoked foods,
  • canned,
  • cauliflower,
  • cakes, chocolates, cakes,
  • celery,
  • alcohol,
  • radish,
  • spinach,
  • nourishing and mushroom broth,
  • soft drinks, coffee and cocoa.

Citrus fruits such as tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, can cause allergies, so better to abandon them. The caffeine in chocolate and coffee causes painful muscle spasms of the bladder. Excess sweets adversely affect the reaction, and urine can contribute to inflammation of the bladder.

Early recovery from pyelonephritis or cystitis provide a diet of high-calorie and well-digestible foods that are rich in vitamins, which are easily digested. During an exacerbation of symptoms is allowed only vegetarian food, as they are introduced into the diet subsided cereals, dairy products. If treatment is successful, it may be cooked lean meat. If you count calories, keep their daily amount does not exceed 3,200 Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw, of heat treatment may be steaming in the oven or provarivaniya.
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Approximate diet

When pyelonephritis or cystitis can use the following variants of the diet.

A simple menu:

  • Breakfast: salt-free bread with butter, protein omelet of one egg, boiled vegetables in white sauce.
  • Lunch: salt-free bread, salad, vegetarian soup, lean boiled chicken with mushroom sauce and roasted vegetables, yogurt.
  • Lunch: mashed potatoes, low-fat boiled fish, sour cream (fat content of 5-10%).
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, fruit sauce, infusion of rose hips.

Easy menu:

  • Breakfast: fruit salad or vegetables, mashed potatoes or porridge, butter, bread, tea.
  • Second breakfast: a cup of yogurt or juice.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled fish or meat, porridge or mashed potatoes, jelly or compote.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, grated carrots with sour cream and baked apple or plum tea.

Tasty menu:

  • Breakfast: vegetable soup and milk porridge, scrambled or boiled eggs, unsalted cheese or cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup or cereal soups, meatballs steamed or boiled fish, steamed vegetables, pasta or cereal, mousse, jelly, juice or juice.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt, baked potato with butter, fruit.
  • Dinner: casserole with cheese, macaroni and cheese and vinaigrette.

Remember that the best thing a professional urologist menu is made based on analysis of the patient. Diet with pyelonephritis or cystitis depends on the stage of the disease, the patient's health, age and other factors, therefore, in the preparation of the diet should be sure to take into account the opinion of the expert.

 Feeding habits when pyelonephritis and cystitis
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Recommendations on diet

When pyelonephritis or cystitis effective will be the diet that uses the following recommendations. Firstly, if the season allows, there should be plenty of melons, squash and watermelons. They have a strong diuretic effect. If pyelonephritis accompanied by anemic syndrome, increase the consumption of the rich in the iron and cobalt products (pomegranates, strawberries, apples, strawberries). Do not get hung up on yogurt and cottage cheese, add to your diet acidophilus, fermented baked milk, yogurt, sour cream, yogurt, soft cheese.

Meat is better to give preference to low-fat beef, chicken and rabbit. In these varieties contain complete proteins, absolutely all essential amino acids in the right ratio for the assimilation, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and other elements. Remember, better to cook the meat in small pieces over low heat to remove extractives. Fish cystitis and pyelonephritis suitable sea and river, the main thing to choose lean or medium fat content. The fish contains digestible proteins and mineral salts.

Cereals, wheat bread, macaroni, confections can be included in the diet, but they should be of high quality durum and in a minimum amount. Good effect in cystitis and pyelonephritis give herbal, typically the result is noticeable after 2 weeks. Recommended teas from:

  • blueberry leaf,
  • white willow bark,
  • knotweed,
  • nettle
  • licorice root,
  • birch leaves,
  • kidney St. John's wort.

If there uremic syndrome should be emphasized in the diet on the sorbents and excrete residues products: fiber in fruits and vegetables, limit protein intake to 25 grams per day. If the patient once manifested allergy allergen should be carefully excluded from the diet since it may enhance the inflammatory process in the kidneys.

If pyelonephritis is accompanied by glomerulonephritis, the limited fluid intake to 600 ml per day in the period of exacerbation. After the dose is gradually increased. Impose restrictions on the consumption of salt to 2-3 grams per day, and protein. Follow the recommendations of your doctor, consume healthy foods and be healthy!

 Feeding habits when pyelonephritis and cystitis

Subtleties power hives

 Subtleties power hives


  • What can and can not
  • How to be and what to do

Hives - extremely unpleasant and actively disturbing external manifestation of an allergic reaction. What is the essence of this phenomenon, how to recognize it? What is taken to ensure that the symptoms quickly disappeared, and it was possible to return to a full-fledged, full of joy of living close to nature?

Urticaria - is a skin manifestation of allergies. Most worryingly, it is not easy diagnosis because it can signal as a contact allergy, and accompany food. The name of this phenomenon is due to the similarity with blistering burns stinging nettles. Feelings are also close, acute rashes itch and do not allow focus. To diagnose allergic urticaria should be a doctor, because the external manifestations are similar to other skin diseases.

After consulting with the doctor it is necessary to plan treatment. It is not only receiving appropriate antihistamine and auxiliary products.

Be sure to review the food as the right diet hives at times increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Particular attention should be paid to diet, if the allergen was not detected and the cause of the rash remains unclear.

The requirements will depend on the age of the person who discovered the allergy.

If the allergy accompanied by hives, found an infant, the actions shall be as follows. It is necessary to remember all the new products that were carried out in solid foods during the last 2-3 days, they should be excluded unconditionally. The best option is to move to an earlier stage of power, in which there were no negative manifestations.

Be sure to exclude this period of entering any new products, even the notoriously non-allergenic. If the baby is still in the partial breastfeeding, it is necessary to increase its stake in the diet. And mother must refrain from eating "hazardous" products, it is quite suitable diet is recommended for adults with allergies.

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What can and can not

If the rash is found in a child older children or adults, they can be powered by the following scheme. Carefully planned hypoallergenic diet will help reduce the production of histamine. Resist the temptation and allow yourself a small slice of chocolate, one such mistake can disturb the course of treatment. It should be fully and unconditionally exclude the following products.

  • Any dishes and foods which contain preservatives, flavorings and artificial sweeteners.
  • All citrus fruits as well as vegetables, fruits and berries red.
  • Seafood and fish.
  • Chocolate, honey and its products, all kinds of nuts.
  • Eggs, milk.

Your diet at the time of acute need to make the following products. If any component in any doubt, it is better to be avoided. Diet for hives may not be just an experiment, and the disease will respond extension of the lesion.

  • Boiled lean meat: it may be beef, rabbit or bird, but you need to be sure before cooking to remove the skin. You need to use the product without the broth.
  • Boiled potatoes, mashed or sliced. At the same time we must remember that you need to cook vegetables in water, adding milk, butter, spices are not allowed.
  • Kashi cereals from anywhere except the manna. Allowed buckwheat, oats, wheat, rice. Pasta made of durum flour. Of course, boiled on the water without the addition of oil.
  • Meatless vegetarian soup without spices, zazharivanie not allowed.
  • Fresh low-fat dairy products. Of course, natural, without dyes and preservatives.
  • Vegetables, except beets and tomatoes, fresh or boiled. Particularly welcome cucumbers and lettuce. Also permitted greens.
  • From fruit is better to restrict green apples, and then baked form.
  • From hot drinks to prefer black or herbal tea without flavorings. Sugar substitute fructose and better to abandon the sweetening.
  • Bread is allowed only bran or whole wheat cookies - savory galetnoe.
  • Because of fats and oils of vegetable only, high-quality sunflower and olive better.

 Subtleties power hives

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How to be and what to do

First of all, one should understand that allergy - this is not a minor deviation from the norm. When careless attitude to his banal rash may be a harbinger of angioedema, and then go through for a minute. Well-written and carefully observe hypoallergenic diet will help quite quickly forget about the unpleasant symptoms.

Its power can be built as follows, changing only the side dishes and the types of products of the above list of authorized products.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with baked apple, tea with a slice of corn bread.
  • Lunch: mashed potatoes, boiled beef, a cucumber or a portion of vegetarian soup and a piece of chicken.
  • Dinner: salad from fresh cabbage with olive oil, pasta, durum, yogurt.
  • Late dinner: tea with wafer cookies or baked apple.

Depending on the wishes, needs and lifestyle diet may vary, but the products and components of the dishes have to be from the allowed list. It is important to remember that a cup of coffee or a small mandarin can significantly lengthen the treatment, and therefore to abandon the joys of life have longer, otherwise the game is not worth the candle.

 Subtleties power hives