- Factors that prevent the emergence of self-confidence
- Basic principles of confidence
- People who have achieved success thanks to the work of a
- Conclusion and outcomes
Self-confidence is fundamental to modern society. Insecure people often wonder how to develop self-confidence? This quality is necessary for both men and women, but not every individual is capable of self-sufficiently. This is due to the peculiarities of society, which is home to the majority of Russian citizens, and personal characteristics. To understand the roots of the lack of this skill, turn to an analysis of the nuances of the examples.
For a long time Soviet ideology did not encourage people who could give us something different from the rest. It can not all believed, not only out of place in a society of equals, but also dangerous. Stories and cinema of those years are filled with a variety of examples that differ from the masses - it means to be an outcast and a white crow. In these rather rigid installation is automatic limitation of the individual. Personality can only be developed with an eye to public opinion, often neglecting their bright talents.
Another factor influencing the development is the family environment. Its members have formed translate your child behaviors and otherwise adjust them in accordance with generally accepted concepts. Thus, the child is exposed to the process of socialization from birth to death. If the parents have the wisdom to promote the harmonious development and to maintain a good psychological atmosphere in the house, it is a good chance that the person will grow a full, confident in their abilities. If it does not, then chances are that you have to pretty to work on the appearance of the desired qualities.
Fortunately for many of us, self-confidence is a learned quality. To say that you believe in yourself, you must feel it.
To this feeling came once and did not leave you in a variety of situations, it is necessary to maintain and cultivate every way. Typically, this condition is not easy, but it can and must be developed.
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Factors that prevent the emergence of self-confidence
There are several factors that can interfere with the cultivation of such qualities as self. In order to select them and to make a specific list, it is enough to observe themselves and their actions, thoughts for the day. If you notice that you tend to give a negative assessment of his actions and the actions of colleagues, this is the first sign that this aspect should be addressed. Otherwise, you do not allow yourself to grow, continuing to use the negative attitudes.
The opinion of other people can be a serious obstacle to the emergence of self-confidence. When a person evaluates himself, trying on the wrong measurements, it will never get a stable result. It is known that people tend to cultivate in others the qualities that is beneficial to them, so a measure of people's opinions will be completely unsuitable for the emergence of confidence.
Every man there is a certain comfort zone, which is its rear, but not a place for development. To grow and develop, you must leave it. In order for this example was the obvious, you need to give you another. When you come to the man on the street to ask for the time, it is a common practice, part of your comfort zone. Agree, it would be much more difficult if you come to the passer-by for the purpose of dating. But that is exactly what will be the bridge that allows to get out of your comfort zone.
It is important that the general physical condition can also affect self-esteem. A man with a straight posture and calm confident gait faster will be the repository of well-being and positive self-esteem than one who does not follow their physical condition.
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Basic principles of confidence
In order to develop the confidence necessary to observe a few basic rules.
- External corresponds to the internal, and vice versa. Thus, if you watch your posture, movement and manner of talking, eventually begins to develop a certain line of conduct, which will be characterized by the state of confidence. Just the opposite effect: if you already master the skills of confident behavior, it will slip into everything related to the look.
- Planning their activities. It helps to plan activities consistently increase the level of confidence. If a person has any concerns, and he constantly postpones the case until later because of fear of failure, it is necessary to do what is the most contradictory feelings in the beginning. It is noticed that the things that cause the greatest concern should be done in the morning, then to the end you will feel an increase in energy levels and greater confidence.
- Refusal of negative thoughts and feelings. The sooner you stop criticizing yourself, the faster you will form a positive image of himself. Negative thoughts are forced to concentrate solely on the fact that is not successful, while positive thoughts allow direct activity in the right direction. Feelings tend to follow the thoughts, so you can set yourself in a positive way with the help of positive thoughts.
- Confidence also comes in the growth of competence in any issue. If you want to understand music or different varieties of wine products, it is necessary to make efforts towards the research and acquiring this skill. Seeing your competence, people will start to talk to you about the various nuances and you will be able to purchase not only the confidence, but also new friends.
- The ability to isolate and cultivate its advantages and achievements is an important factor in the formation of self-confidence. Everyone makes small achievements every day, but not everyone knows how to identify, record and praise yourself for it.
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People who have achieved success thanks to the work of a
We know that the stars of the screen and heroes are not born, they become. Giving an answer to the question of how to develop self-confidence, true examples of famous people who have become such only through their own efforts.
Few people know, but the French actor Gerard Depardieu much stuttered as a child. But he had an overwhelming desire to play in the theater and in the movies. The boy himself outlined the steps that could lead him to the desired result, and began to deal with on a daily basis with a speech therapist. Very soon he got his role and, thanks to further efforts, was able to win the right to make movies.
Madonna Louise Ciccone, or says: "I myself pulled herself for her bra straps." This is true, because the music critics of that time she prophesied a great career. Only through the power of his personality she moved forward, combining singing and dancing direction. Many tests had to be overcome before it began to be taken seriously, and before that she took any job and protested his appearance and behavior.
Another story is connected with Jim Carrey. The boy from the very beginning was an unusual and parodied everything and everyone. Very soon, his father decided to find him a good use on stage, but when Jim made his first few appearances, he was booed by the crowd. He did not dare to speak for a few years after the events, but then found the courage to start all over again.
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Conclusion and outcomes
Confident people are living much easier and more interesting. They have no time to think about the many difficulties, but they have them, as well as all other people. Confidence makes a man interesting allows him to easily find a common language and to express mutual sympathy. In a world where every day we are faced with thousands of different people need to know how to position themselves. It depends on many points. Learning to become a good companion confidence every day, and these recommendations will help to acquire these skills.