Saturday, 26 March 2016

What to do with urinary incontinence in children

 What to do with urinary incontinence in children


  • What should parents do if a child wets the bed more often than every 3 weeks
  • What not to do

Urinary incontinence (enuresis) - a problem with which the deal about 80% of parents of preschool children and 10% of the parents of those children who have attained the age of 7-10.

Views of pediatricians in this regard agree on one thing: incontinence in children 5-6 years old - is not a disease, but the result of an immature work of the brain that is responsible for "inclusion" function of bladder control. It has been observed that children often wet the bed in 3-5 hours in the morning, because at this time of the human sleep is deepest. If a child wets at night, it is simply not aware of the processes that occur in his body, and up to 6 years of talking about the problems of a physiological nature is not necessary.

97% of all cases of urinary incontinence in children of preschool age have taken on a strictly psychological reasons.

Only 3% of the children can not delay the urine of organic causes (inflammation of the sphincter, etc.). This means that parents need to pay attention to the psychological atmosphere in the family, find out whether the little man is experiencing stress among peers, not any lurking inside him jealous (for example, due to the emergence of new family members).

 What to do with urinary incontinence in children
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What should parents do if a child wets the bed more often than every 3 weeks

  1. Do not drink before going to bed. If the baby will drink tea 3 hours before bedtime - this will be the normal time to bedtime to go to the bathroom and stay dry at night.
  2. If doshkolenok night worrying about urinary incontinence, then support him, explain what mom and dad, being his age, too, is sometimes described.
  3. Tell me, what in the world there are many people who are experiencing bedwetting.
  4. Ask your toddler to hold urine in the daytime. If you can tolerate a little man, the night incontinence - the result of inner feelings.
  5. If a child complains of pain, burning sensation when urinating - show it to the pediatrician - he will tell you what to do if bedwetting not only cause trouble.
  6. Talk to a kindergarten teacher that your child needs a special approach in the organization of daytime sleep. Mentor in any case should not publicize the problem of urinary incontinence the other guys, obscure mattress oilcloth for other pupils. If the actions of the teacher will be an additional stress point - feel free to go to the manager, complain to the district education department.

 What to do with urinary incontinence in children

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What not to do

  1. In no case can not be shamed child. Children who are worried about incontinence, experiencing enormous stress, and if also the closest people are they blame and shame for what they can not control, you guys can even fall into a deep depression and for many years to lose confidence in their native language.
  2. No need to share experiences about bedwetting with friends in the presence of children themselves experiencing such a problem - it is very hurt them and cause worry. Speak Better problem enuresis where children will not hear your conversation.
  3. Do not talk about the problem of urinary incontinence in the presence of other children who may tease the child then, and mocked him.
  4. Do not delay visit to the doctor if you have something disturbing behavior, mood and well-being of your children.

Remember! Urinary incontinence - is often a psychological aspect, which is plagued by both children and parents. Only love, mutual trust and good relations can solve the situation with the "Night puddles." If you will support the children in their quest to wake up dry, then for your common endeavor, you will surely achieve this goal!

 What to do with urinary incontinence in children

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