Sunday, 20 March 2016

How to cook green coffee

 How to cook green coffee


  • Getting to the preparation of green coffee
  • Properly cook green coffee with spices

Green coffee in itself unique. It's the same coffee beans, but they are not fried. A very long period of time, for this product no one showed an interest, but in recent years the properties of these grains were studied in detail. It found a lot of properties, which previously did not know. It promotes weight loss and rejuvenation of the body.

By purchasing green coffee, the questions arise: Do I need a certain capacity for frying? how to cook it?

Green coffee is easy to fry at home, it needs to use a simple frying pan.

Roast it in the image of peanuts or sunflower seeds to the desired degree of roasting. The smell of fried green beans significantly different from the aroma of black coffee, so do not worry and be ready for this, to taste the drink will grassy sour.

In order to grind the coffee beans, you can use a coffee grinder. Should it fail, then take the meat grinder. In modern meat grinders have special additional knives for grinding spices. You can also try using a blender.

 How to cook green coffee
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Getting to the preparation of green coffee

Swara green coffee french press. We need to fill it to the rate of three heaped tablespoons per 100 ml. The mixture is poured boiling water, and then infused. Twenty minutes to press the coffee grounds and pour coffee into cups.

Cook green coffee Turk, previously holding it in the fire, but not more than a minute. It is necessary to heat the bottom of this flavor is richer. If you do not really taste like, you can cook with black, you get spicy and unusual drink. Once warmed up the bottom, it is necessary to fill the ground coffee, it is better to put a lot of that flavor has become even brighter, and then add water. No single rule can pour boiling water, it will shorten the cooking time, you can also heat the water in Turku, and only then add the milled grain.

Also, the ground coffee is poured with cold water, in which case it is considered that it will be even more useful. After you choose your favorite way to put Turk on fire. Fire to do less when you are on the surface of the crust. Turk is removed from the heat when the liquid zaburlit. This is done in order not to destroy the crust. Now we need to wait until the crust has settled, then the heating can be repeated again in the same manner. Then flip the Turks on the table and pour in half a teaspoon of cold water. You can throw an ice cube, because of this, the process of settling the crust will be faster.

Cook green coffee and geysers. To do this, pour water in the lower reservoir and cover the metal filter. Milled grain green backfilled into the recess filter. The upper part is rolled up and put on a slow fire. When starts to boil, beverage enters the upper compartment of the geyser. You have to wait until the beverage flow into the tank, and then remove it from the heat.

 How to cook green coffee
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Properly cook green coffee with spices

In Arab countries, you can try the green coffee with cardamom. This drink is a greenish-gray, with a thick foam, sweet taste, but not like a regular. Cardamom makes a strong drink, tart, saturated.

We expect that each serving of beverage should be no more than two grains of cardamom. This is very important because it has a strong smell of spice, overdoing can ruin the drink. Pour the mixture in Turku and cover with cold water, cook need to slow until tender.

You can make coffee in the classical way. But before you'll put it on the fire, to add to the water a little box cardamom. Before serving, they need to be removed. Do not forget that green cardamom boxes vary in smell and taste of brown.

Additionally, you can add a bit of cardamom cloves. Green beans with the addition of spices - not really drink coffee with flavor, but it has more benefits.

Cooking Green coffee and ginger, this take ginger root and a few mint leaves. First, prepare a coffee drink in a familiar way. Next, rub on a grater or grind in a blender piece of ginger root. Approximately need for a small cup of grated ginger 1 g. Coffee is ready, pour it into a cup and add the ginger. All this is necessary to mix, and then add the chopped mint leaf.

You can cook green coffee just the usual mug. In one cup, take three teaspoons of powder and pour boiling water. We must leave it to infuse for ten minutes, then strain through a sieve or cheesecloth.

You can not fry grain, this drink is very useful for the organism. When frying lost many nutrients and valuable properties contained in the beans. But roasted grain can not be called useless, they have other advantages: the unique aroma and rich flavor.

The method of cooking one chooses for himself. Most people choose the classic methods of cooking in Turku. With this drink retains its rich taste and aroma.

 How to cook green coffee

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