- Foot terms acupuncture
- The foot in terms of modern medicine
- Contraindications to acupuncture foot
Acupuncture (also igloukalyvaie, acupuncture, reflexology) - direction of the non-traditional (alternative) medicine, in which the effect on the body is carried through the singular points of the body through the introduction of these needles and subsequent manipulations. It came to us from China, Japan, but also a long time (more than 4 thousand years) is used in India. The points on the human body are located on meridians, which circulates the energy of life. They call these biologically active points. There are about 150 basic points on the human body. The method is designed to normalize the functioning of all body systems.
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Foot terms acupuncture
One of the varieties of acupuncture - a foot acupuncture.
Foot special place in acupuncture as it is rich in nerve receptors and therethrough get access to any part of the body. Of all the biologically active points on the foot is approximately 60. The soles of the feet is considered as a small map placement of internal organs. Points are connected to all internal organs.
If this is taken as a basis, then it is possible to easily affect the whole body by using acupressure or acupuncture using needles. It is known that the human foot - is the basis, the foundation, which receives and distributes the load of the whole organism, when we move. Ankle assembly - one of the most unique perpendicular to the body. A large cluster of nerve endings and weave creates a lot of reflex points that are used in acupuncture and foot. The inner edges of the foot are responsible for the spine, the outer surface - for the front part. The ends of the fingers are connected with the head. The sole of the foot corresponds to the rear side of the torso. Heel part is responsible for the buttocks and the lower part of the heel of the genitals.
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The foot in terms of modern medicine
Modern medicine looks at the stack as an important network of blood vessels (microcirculation). On foot a lot of nerve nodes, it responds well and has a beam transmission. It has a more complicated structure than the surface of the hands. Muscle is more dense layer. When walking, due to muscle activity, the blood vessels expand and contract. At the time when the blood vessels are dilated, the downward flow of blood is easy and feeds the foot. When muscles contract, blood vessels, blood is pushed into the upper part of the body. Consequently, it becomes possible movement of blood from the most distant places of the heart. Pump operates on the principle that normal circulation is accelerated. Stops are sometimes referred to as a second heart.
Due to the fact that modern people walk less and less, to reach normal operation of the pump is not possible. Therefore, there are obstacles to the circulation. Modern people, on average two-thirds of their time sitting or standing. No effect on the active points. A consequence of this becomes that the harmful substances which are found in the body, under the influence of gravity settle in the human foot. This leads to poor circulation.
Not surprisingly, the aging of the human body starts with the feet. In an age of progress, when the development of technology, engineering, people are less and less often go on foot. As for the women, walking in high heels increases the load on the foot. And the further, the less opportunities to use their feet to the destination.
Therefore, from the point of view of modern medicine, reflexology foot markedly improves microcirculation and helps enrich the body with oxygen.
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Contraindications to acupuncture foot
Many studies conducted by scientists have shown that reflexology of the foot has a positive effect at any age. We remember that this method can not replace necessary treatment of classical medicine. But successfully used as a supplement. But if anyone can carry out such treatment? Note that when such treatment the doctor uses a needle, improper administration of the skin which can be painful and cause a number of complications.
Without experience and sufficient skills to practice acupuncture is not recommended. Before you begin treatment, you should check whether you have contraindications. This is primarily bleeding disorders, pregnancy, acute infectious diseases, severe disorders of the liver, chronic infectious diseases in acute, venous thrombosis, embolism at the time of exacerbation, the presence at the site in terms of skin pathology.
In the acupuncture points can be influenced by self-massage . This type of massage is recommended to perform for 10 minutes. It is possible to use a cream or oil. This massage will remove the tension in the leg muscles and tones the human body. In summer, as soon as possible try to walk barefoot.
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