- The principle of operation of brewer's yeast
- How to use brewer's yeast Acne
- Factors contributing to the increase of the effect of brewer's yeast
The skin condition, its healthy, fresh look not only emphasizes the natural beauty of a woman's face, but also testifies to the general good health. If there is a skin rash, acne on the face and other parts of the body, boils - all symptoms of some internal disorders. Most often, pimples on the face are symptoms of incorrect activity of the digestive or hormonal systems. If the hormonal failure in the body imposed some form of dysbiosis of the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of abundant eruptions of acne simply can not be avoided. Just in this case, can help acne brewer's yeast - preparation sold in a convenient form for the reception and helps restore bacterial balance in the stomach and intestines.
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The principle of operation of brewer's yeast
Brewer's yeast is sold to medical and cosmetic purposes is a complex preparation, ie they have different areas of action on the body. However, the main effect that they produce, of course, is to normalize the intestinal microflora. Since ancient times people have noticed that with drinks made of fermented (kvass, beer, etc.), can be very effective to establish the digestive processes in the body. This happens due to the fact that the very fermentation is only possible thanks to the active mycobacterial activity, which subsequently helps to activate the reproduction of friendly microflora in the gastrointestinal tract.
Modern scientists have nutritionists have decided to use brewer's yeast for acne in a more efficient manner than cooking vzbrozhennyh drinks. Due to special dosage forms the main element of the product - yeast - goes directly into the digestive system and active influence on the normalization of its activities. In addition, the developers of the drug used modern technological capabilities to saturate it with other nutrients - vitamins and trace elements, which also contribute to the healing effect on the skin. For example, brewer's yeast for acne contain large amounts of selenium, biotin, vitamin E, PP, as well as B vitamins and other nutrients that contribute to the renewal and improvement of the skin. Due to the presence of these vitamins and minerals is not only getting rid of many skin problems, but also significantly improves the condition and appearance of hair and nails, which is also very important for female beauty.
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How to use brewer's yeast Acne
Instructions for use of the drug is very simple, because it comes in the form of conventional tablets. Different manufacturers, of course, have their own secrets and nuances in the formation of the composition of their products. Thus, it is possible to acquire barm adding some additional elements, such as sulfur. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the correct way of taking the drug, ie, study the instructions, necessarily attached to each pack of pills.
In general, the use of brewer's yeast against acne is very simple character. You just have to carefully study the instructions of those items, which normalized the dosage, the time of adoption of tablets and duration of the general course of their reception. In addition, you need to carefully examine all possible contraindications that necessarily indicated in the information accompanying the drug. Usually such contraindications are diabetes, kidney problems, as well as some dysfunction or gastrointestinal disease.
Another important recommendation of dieticians is that it is not necessary to interrupt the reception of brewer's yeast, if the first or second week did not significantly marked improvement, ie pimples do not disappear. Moreover, in the first week of the rash may increase, which often scares users of the drug. Doctors emphasize that the increase in acne lesions in the early days of taking the pills yeast is quite acceptable and indicates the body's response to drug use. However, it is best not only to follow the instructions supplied with the tablets, but also to consult a dietitian.
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Factors contributing to the increase of the effect of brewer's yeast
Finally it should be noted that each of us can enhance the effect that produces the anti-acne drug. First of all it is, of course, on the mode of supply. If the main action of yeast producing bacteria to the digestive tract, it is natural that the consumption of large amounts of fat, fried, sweet food will hinder the effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, during its use should be restricted to itself in the consumption nedieticheskih products. This does not mean that you need to sit on a rigid diet. No, you need to eat properly, so that the body gets all the set of essential nutrients that are important including to restore a healthy and beautiful appearance of the skin.
Also, do not interfere with an active and healthy lifestyle. This means that you need to avoid the maximum stress and fatigue, which can be obtained both at work and during unsupervised entertainment (disco, drinks, etc.) But the physical training load will not hurt. Light jogging and exercises contribute to revitalization of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems that improve the body's metabolism and, therefore, will lead to a healthier skin. In carrying out such recommendations, you can really be very effective to fight acne using a special preparation - brewer's yeast.
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