Monday, 7 March 2016

Discharge day on the water - reliable help in losing weight

 Discharge day on the water - reliable help in losing weight


  • What is a fasting day on the water
  • How to properly conduct discharge day on the water
  • What kind of water is better to drink in the fasting days on the water
  • How to deal with hunger during fasting day
  • The result of the discharge of the day on the water
  • Contraindications

It is well known that in order to maintain harmony need to eat right, exercise regularly and take care of your body. But what if the weight still increased? How to lose 3-5 kilos quickly and painlessly? To help you come fasting day on the water. But first you need to understand how to hold it, to work out in advance what nuances to achieve the most effective weight loss.

What is a fasting day on the water

Discharge day means eating some particular product throughout discharge. Held these days often do not, for example, after a long holiday or a hearty meal. Discharge day on the water will allow your body to rest a bit, because the process of digestion takes a lot of time and effort, so getting rid of toxins and elementary clean it simply does not remain. A discharge - a good way to help the body and get rid of a few extra kilos.

Discharge day on the water is not suitable only for those who decided to lose weight, but also slender girls who resort to such methods, not for weight loss, but for health improvement. The main thing that discharge was not too onerous and did not cause any discomfort. After constant thoughts about food and hunger will not allow you to focus on business, and the mood is hopelessly flawed.

How to properly conduct discharge day on the water

Terms of unloading slimming water do not differ from other rules of fasting days. Only instead of the food you need to eat at all times only water. One day, on average, you should drink 3-4 liters of water used to clean, and it is very important to drink properly. To do this, the entire volume evenly spread, for example, drink 1 glass of water every 40-45 minutes.

It is not necessary for the time to drink 500 ml of liquid, as this is harmful for the stomach and puts a heavy load on the kidneys. If the fasting day on the water have sharply increased thirst, do not panic - it is absolutely normal. The body is cleaned, and for detoxification it requires liquid, so be sure thirst quencher.

 Discharge day on the water - reliable help in losing weight

What kind of water is better to drink in the fasting days on the water

Many girls who have decided to hold regular fasting days on the water, ask this question. Of course, you can drink and plain water from the tap, but it is quite hard and also contains a lot of additives. So the best option - spring or well water. If this is not possible, we can restrict high-quality mineral water from the store. If you do decide to use water from the tap, then the pre-filter the it, or let stand.

How to deal with hunger during fasting day

Discharge day for weight loss - it is always a serious test of willpower and endurance, and the more water starvation. To stay on the right path and to sustain all day, you must learn to be distracted from thinking about food and hunger. Oddly enough, it's not hard to do if you follow simple tips:

  • Tune in to a positive and try to look at the unloading, as a way to help themselves, rather than the deprivation of your favorite dishes. Tomorrow you eat the delicious apples, but today you were purified from unnecessary ballast.
  • When a fixed idea about the food, try to escape. This is a purely psychological hunger that should not fool you. Take something interesting and exciting or just take a nap.
  • Make things that have long been put off for later. So you kill two birds at the same time.
  • Take a contrast shower or a cool bath. This will not only relax and get away, but also accelerate the process of cleansing the body.
  • Drink water in small sips. If you drink a glass of liquid in one gulp, you feel saturated.
  • Walk around the city, just try to avoid places where you may be tempted by the flavors.
  • Meditate, listen to relaxing music or simply read an interesting book.
  • If hunger unbearable, before going to bed, spread the floor with warm water spoon of honey and a little lemon juice. This drink will not only help get enough of, but also help the kidneys to cope with the excretion of waste.

  The result of the discharge of the day on the water

The results you can achieve using the fasting day on the water for weight loss depends primarily on the individual, the initial data and your mood. But you feel better and you'll notice some changes pretty quickly, especially if you practice regularly unloading times a week. The level of energy and vitality increase several times, also will be plenty of free time, which can and should be used sensibly.

Contrary to popular belief at the time of discharge of the day on the water body is not exhausted. Rather, the cells begin to grow faster, and the processes of assimilation of nutrients in them are accelerated. This means that thanks to this one-day fasting starts the update process, and tissue recovered and purified.

The most pronounced changes occur with skin: smooth fine lines, and acne pimples disappear and complexion becomes much healthier. You will notice that freshened up, and on the cheeks will blush. Even the look will be brighter due to the discharge day if the course to practice it regularly.

Positive discharge day water not only affects the skin but also the joints. Drinking plenty of fluids to help the body to bring the salt of urea, which are deposited in the joints and limit their mobility. It's no wonder it is the fasting is recommended for patients suffering from mild forms of arthritis.

In addition, listed above, you can lose 4-6 kilos a month, if you once a week to unload water for weight loss. It is certainly not too much, but a lot. Doctors do not recommend too fast to lose weight, the norm is 3-5 kg ​​per month. But it is worth remembering that people with higher body weight lose weight faster than the slender, which is necessary to get rid of only 5 kg, appeared for the holidays or vacations. So all the data on, the speed of weight loss depends on your level of physical activity and metabolism.

 Discharge day on the water - reliable help in losing weight


In any diet there are contraindications. And fasting day for weight loss is no exception. Be sure before you arrange unloading on the water, consult your doctor, as even a one-day fasting can be dangerous. Also, water fasting days are contraindicated:

  • Without medical supervision to people of retirement age and adolescence;
  • In the presence of cardiac or renal disease;
  • If low blood pressure;
  • In diabetes;
  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • During menstruation;
  • With the weakness and frequent dizziness.

If you are contraindicated fasting days for weight loss on the water, do not despair. You can choose another type of discharge, a mild and gentle, but no less effective. After all, a lot of variants, and thus, the choice is always there. The main approach to this procedure, the maximum responsibility to do no harm to your health!

 Discharge day on the water - reliable help in losing weight

We recommend to check out: The most effective fasting days

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