Friday, 25 March 2016

Everything you wanted to know about piercings, but were afraid to ask

 Everything you wanted to know about piercings, but were afraid to ask  Navel piercing, like intimate piercing - A full operation, which is to puncture the skin for the subsequent wear at this location ornaments. To perform this procedure was safe and healthy, and then looked aesthetically pleasing result, the piercing should be done only in the audited stores, where there is a license and certified equipment.

Female Intimate piercing involves piercing of the clitoris and the labia majora, and in the case of male piercing is pierced in the foreskin of the penis or the bridle.

Before the procedure area for piercing scrutinized specialist, selected individual decoration, which would correspond to the anatomical structure of the navel. Typically, inlay navel is 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm. Specialist and the customer previously discussed, a piercing is selected - either primary or secondary. For the primary need of the gold alloy 750 or titanium. For secondary piercing (in case of puncture zazhivshim) can be used earrings of 585 samples and 300 samples of steel. Please note that gold and silver low sample are not suitable for piercing, because they are composed of substances that may cause an allergic reaction or pigmentation.

Intimate piercing It involves the use of local anesthesia when insulin syringe injected anesthetic. For navel piercing pain relief is almost never used.

Preparation for the procedure includes sterilization decoration by placing it in a drying cabinet, or simple UV box lubrication in a special solution. Puncture is performed disposable needle. Pre-master with a special marker making markup for piercing and pierceable place is fixed terminals. At the crucial moment the client should take a deep breath, and quickly master carries a puncture and inserts decoration, screwing it into the hole. After this procedure, a pierceable place is treated antibacterial wipes.

How to care for piercings

Piercing navel piercing and intimate need of special care. The most common remedy for the treatment of wounds after the data manipulation - hlorgeksidinmerimistin. Due to the absence of alcohol as part of the solution, it does not burn wound and takes care of the damaged area. In contrast, the same alcohol or hydrogen peroxide (processing with them leads to a darkening near the wound), it does not burn hlorgeksidinmerimistin epidermis. Caring for your piercing is relatively simple - healed puncture clean every time you receive a soul, earring gently rotates and moves, thus disappears sweat and dirt. Additionally, you can buy a special cosmetics for the piercing.

Note that after the puncture is not recommended to use the swimming pool, sauna, steam room, at the time, should refrain from swimming in ponds. If the piercing tired, you can always remove the earring, and the puncture site formed a small, delicate, pale scar.

If you need to perform a professional navel piercing or intimate piercings should contact the professionals who perform the procedure with a guarantee of quality. But where to find a professional, you tell the search portal for masters of beauty

 Everything you wanted to know about piercings, but were afraid to ask

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