- Why and when there are warts?
- How to avoid the appearance of warts and their transformation into tumor?
- Laser wart removal
In modern cosmetology laser wart removal is very popular, this method is suitable even for children.
On the cause and location of such entities, and their removal via laser will be discussed in this article.
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Why and when there are warts?
There are growths on the skin is in contact with the human body papillomavirus. For example, more than 60 varieties of the virus can trigger their appearance. The virus is transmitted through a handshake, touch, through any household items after the infected contact with them.
When the virus enters the skin, it is through microcracks on it enters the body and settles in nerve tissue, which explains the frequent appearance of warts after the period of stress and depression, disorders and nervous tension. Often on the soles of the feet warts appear due to wear low-quality footwear, provoking excessive sweating.
Warts are always associated with uncleanliness and dirt, causing disgust in others. With such tumors necessarily have to fight, because, besides the fact that they spoil the appearance of the skin, some species can develop into malignant tumors. Most appear during the weakening of immunity, experiences, but there are people-carriers of the virus who have warts on lifelong learning is not being felt.
To avoid infection, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water after a walk on the street, after touching the rail public transport and door handles.
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How to avoid the appearance of warts and their transformation into tumor?
Before giving advice on the prevention of warts, you need to tell what they are, depending on where they occur.
- common warts or benign, most often appear on the hands, especially on the fingers. Basically, these warts occur in childhood. Thus, the wart can get out one or the whole cluster.
- warts on the soles of the feet look a little different than on the hands: they are flat and can be difficult to distinguish from calluses.
- on the face often appear thread-like warts, they are narrow and long. Favorite place for their education are the eyelids, neck and lips.
- On the neck, scalp, usually appear irregularly shaped wart. They may be on a narrow stalk, and oblong.
- on the external genitals warts, warts appear. Externally, they resemble a large red and pink bubbles than common warts.
In order not to provoke the appearance of warts, their growth and regeneration of the tumor, should ensure the hygiene of the body to avoid moisture and sweating. It is also very important to follow the scratches and cuts: they "facilitate" entry papilloma virus in the body tenfold.
If there was a body of any entity in any case it is impossible to dig and remove yourself: it will provoke, or its further growth, or it will be elsewhere. In addition, due to the risk of mechanical damage to the degeneration of cancer is greatly increased.
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Laser wart removal
Today there are many ways to remove skin formations: it is a special plaster and removing liquid nitrogen and traditional methods. Removal of skin formations traditional methods almost always brings the desired result: the warts occur again soon. Moreover, this can cause them to self-accelerated growth and reproduction. The most effective way to remove warts is laser. Removal of skin formations laser - the most safe and effective method. Its benefits include:
- absolutely painless procedure: a special nozzle, built-in laser, cool place its effects on the skin. The maximum that can be felt - a slight tingling.
- The laser beam penetrates to a predetermined depth of a specialist, so the surface is removed not only education, but also its root. This is a very important point: the risk of further occurrence of formations on the skin is reduced to a minimum.
- The laser acts directly on the wart itself, without damaging surrounding skin. After the procedure does not leave any scars or white spots, and just pure beautiful skin.
There is a procedure for removing this: on the spine and the wart itself affects the laser beam and coagulate protein structures. All living cells are killed warts, and a week later she falls off.
If you encounter this problem, do not delay treatment: warts can deliver not only uncomfortable with their appearance, but also bring pain in the future (especially plantar).
It is important not just come in the beauty parlor, which has all the necessary equipment, but also to get to the skilled artisan that properly assess the situation and eliminate the warts forever.
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