- Causes of points on the nails
- Traditional recipes and methods of treatment
Manicure is the pride of every girl. The daily care of nails, strengthening enamels, oil hand ... And then one day you notice white spots on the nails.
People subject says that the white spot on the nail - good luck, but what are the real reasons for their occurrence? The most frequent and erroneous explanation for this phenomenon - nail fungus.
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Causes of points on the nails
Of course, this is one of the main reasons, in fact, prerequisites for such a variety of disease:
- Strict diets. Popular now monodiets cause great harm to your health. Indeed, the weight goes, but at what cost? The body does not get the required amount of vitamins, proteins and amino acids for normal development, and white dots on the nails - this is just a harbinger of future problems, your body's signal that something is not right.
- Incompatibility of vitamins and minerals. Our body is designed is extremely difficult, and even if you carefully watch their diet, then these problems are taking place. With food we have a huge number of micro - and macronutrients, vitamins, which can interfere with each other assimilated. This problem can be solved by taking supplements after consulting with a specialist.
- Gastrointestinal disease ,. Problems with the digestive system are reflected on your nails. Not all substances (A, C and E, vitamins of group B, silicon, calcium, iodine, zinc, iron, selenium), necessary for healthy and strong nails, digested. But do not with excessive zeal to fill the lack of them in the body - an excess of nutrients also leads to problems with the nails.
- Deficiency of proteins. Proteins derived from our body through the kidneys, respectively White dots on the nails may be harbingers of kidney disease.
- Mechanical damage. Damage to the nail matrix during a manicure, a strong bruise can also remind yourself white spots on the nail plate. Often the spots that emerged for this reason are not otherwise manifest themselves after a complete change of the nail.
- Anemia. If you are seriously engaged in the problem of white spots on nails, it makes sense to do a complete blood count, as one of the causes of their appearance understated hemoglobin. To raise its level can be eating meat products, pomegranate juice, and with the help of popular recipes: ½ stkana buckwheat, ½ cup walnuts milled in a blender and 3 tbsp honey.
- Stress. Emotional experiences are the cause of problems with the nails. In such cases, the council one - as far as possible avoid stress.
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Traditional recipes and methods of treatment
In order to forget about such a problem as white dots on the nails, you can use the following popular recipes:
- tablespoons of chamomile decoction of oak bark and mixed with a little water. Next nails should be deleted in the bath for 5-10 minutes, brush with apricot cuticle or olive oil and wear cotton gloves.
- broth parsley, sea salt and water are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, the bath should be taken 20 minutes. Then re-greased or vitamin A.
The methods are effective, but to get rid of the problems with nails that is not enough. We need to eliminate the root cause of the appearance of the points and go through treatment. Only then your nails will be strong and beautiful!
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