- And why increased labia?
- How is resection of the labia?
- Existing methods of correction
- Preoperative
- The postoperative period
For hypertrophic labia characterized by an uneven increase in the size of small relative to large labia. Labia reduction, rejuvenation of them is done by a special operation called labiaplasty.
The operation has one goal - to improve the appearance of the genitals in women. The form of genital aesthetically improved without any negative impact effects on the body, and this operation will allow the woman to bring back to normal the anatomical condition of the genitals.
Reduction of labia for aesthetic reasons operable by the first was produced in 1983. Technological improvements and modification operations were performed not long ago: in 1998 and 2005 These innovations allowed to prevent the development of complications, getting a good result from the cosmetic point of view.
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And why increased labia?
There are many factors that contribute to the labia minora. It happens that a woman is born with this anomaly, the other is acquired with age.
Increased labia may occur after vaginal delivery, for example, formed as a result of hematomas. Labia piercing can also lead to asymmetry of the lips.
Unique operation - labiaplasty, which is aimed at correcting the sizes and shapes, as described above, appeared relatively recently. However, religious circumcision has been for many hundreds of years of practice in some Arab countries.
Opting for surgery should be taken by women themselves. The main reasons for resectable intervention include the following factors:
- heredity. Excessive skin occurs during puberty, and the teenager comes to the conclusion that the genitals are different in shape from the norm. Often it turns out that small enlarged labia like "peep" from the large, making it almost impossible to narrow wearing underwear. In addition, many girls begin to complex, experiencing fear of intimacy, refusing access to the public baths or swimming pools.
- acquired anomaly due to mechanical damage and age-related changes. Basically, it manifested after birth at break and strains of the birth canal (vagina is reduced, returning to its original size, and the skin of the lips is slack).
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How is resection of the labia?
How to reduce the labia? The form may be corrected under general or local anesthesia. As a rule, the operation lasts less than an hour. Type of anesthesia chosen individually, depending on the complexity of the operation, the general condition of the patient and individual preferences. Although general anesthesia even if hospital treatment is required.
Labia may decrease the traditional method of using a scalpel or more new tools, such as a laser or radionozh. Each method has its advantages, and the choice is characterized by the structure and condition of the tissues of the lips. When planning an intimate plastics better to focus on the selection of a good doctor, as the success mainly depends on the degree of training of the surgeon. Examining the patient during the consultation, the doctor himself will advise the best way to resolve problems.
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Existing methods of correction
- Resection of the central triangle. This method allows you to get pretty good results. During the operation, the triangular portion removed labia. Benefits include the preservation of natural forms and corrugated outer edge. Among the shortcomings highlighted the violation of innervation of the genital, loss or impairment of sensitivity, which manifests itself in numbness of the labia.
- Amputation. Old and very bad method in which a small lips cut off. They may be deleted entirely or partially. Partial removal may be a violation of natural species due to the lack of corrugated edge, deterioration of sensitivity genital nerve damage Turned condition inside of the labia minora. Complete removal is absolutely unacceptable, because it leads to a severe impairment of the structure of the genitalia, their functioning, disruption of intimate life and sensitivity, loss of erogenous zones, vaginal dryness.
- Laser plastic. This procedure is considered to be one of the most progressive.
- The most widely used method in recent years. Perhaps achieving complete symmetry of the labia minora. There has been no violation of innervation. The result is able to meet almost any patient.
- De-epithelialization. This method is described in detail in 2000. It is based on the removal of the epithelium of the outer and inner part of the labia minora. The operation can be performed with a laser. Among the shortcomings can be identified sizeable increase in the width of the labia majora.
- The combination of plastic clitoris with a reduction of the labia minora. This method is used in hypertrophy of the labia minora, which is combined with thickening of the skin located over the clitoris, which leads to difficulties during its stimulation of intimacy and as a result - a reduction gets positive emotions. Correction of the labia and the clitoris of plastic - the most acceptable way out of this situation.
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Any intervention is operable as resection of the labia, requires a number of procedures:
- approval time and date of the transaction. It is necessary to carry out at least 10 days before the start of menstruation;
- delivery of the clinical analysis of blood and urine tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis (a doctor if necessary, may designate additional or other tests);
- not taking water and food for 12 hours before surgery (especially important for general anesthesia);
- body cleansing using enemas the night before and the morning before surgery.
If there is any excitement, you can ask a doctor to make an appointment as a mild sedative, which is compatible with the anesthesia.
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The postoperative period
The recovery period in the favorable outcome of the operation is typically 7-11 days. During this time must exactly comply with all medical prescriptions and carefully follow the hygiene, otherwise it may be a manifestation of inflammatory processes.
Intimacy is not valid for 20-30 days after surgery. The whole process of reduction of the labia is safe. With proper care, serious complications and long-term disability is not observed.
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