Wednesday, 16 March 2016

How to care for a hamster: learn to love pets

 How to care for a hamster: learn to love pets


  • How to choose a cage for a hamster?
  • What to feed a hamster at home?
  • How to properly care for a hamster breeding period?

There is no child who has ever uttered the phrase: "I want a hamster! "In fact, observe these small animals is a pleasure: small fluffy lumps with a button-eyed, that funny little face wash tiny paws. In addition, hamsters care is not difficult: they completely unpretentious. However, buying the little animals, do not forget that it is a living being that needs attention and love. In this article we will talk about how to care for hamsters and how to create the optimal conditions for a stay.

To begin with I would like to remind you that there are several varieties of these animals. Most often in our apartments you can find the Siberian hamsters Dzhungarikov, Campbell or Roborovski hamsters. Hamsters - solitary animals, they thrive without relatives. And if you do not plan to get soon a bunch of small rodents, then buy the pair is not necessary.

So, you came home a little pussy. Naturally, the question arose - how to properly care for a hamster? Let's try to understand all the intricacies of the contents of this cute rodent.

 How to care for a hamster: learn to love pets

How to choose a cage for a hamster?

First of all it is necessary to equip the animal house. Unfortunately, many people associate it with a three-liter jar or glass aquarium. However, in such circumstances, the pet will be quite comfortable. It's best to buy a specially equipped cell. Its dimensions should not be less than 50x30 centimeters, and the bars are arranged horizontally. Make sure that the gap between the bars was not too large, otherwise the animal can easily get through between them.

To the appearance of the family pet was not accompanied by obnoxious odor, you need to choose the right filler for cells. Newsprint and wool immediately move to the side, because your pet deserves the best litter, is not it? He was exactly like granulated or extruded filler, which perfectly absorbs all odors. You can sprinkle sawdust on the floor cells - hamsters love to dig into a pile of to sleep.

Be sure to take care of the drinking and feeding bowls. The latter must necessarily be two: dry and fresh food. Rodent teeth regularly wears away, so get into the cell space for the mineral stone. Toilet animal define himself, you have to be just in time to change the litter. Remember that hamsters are very active. If possible, equip the running wheel in the cage. Exactly like your pet! Just make sure that it has a solid surface, otherwise the animal can seriously injure the foot.

It is desirable site for a new member of the family to choose once and will not swap cell from place to place, hamsters do not differ love to frequent change. Of course, a cell with a rodent should be out of reach of small children, as well as possible from drafts.

Sooner or later the necessary capital cage cleaning. In this case, the guest should be transplanted to another location (here may be useful notorious three-liter jar). Litter is completely discarded, and the cells can be washed with soda or a special detergent. This procedure is usually carried out once every two weeks, and the feeding, watering and toilet seat wash when dirty.

 How to care for a hamster: learn to love pets

What to feed a hamster at home?

Watch as the hamster eating - a pleasure! And increasingly, caring hosts, trying not to deprive favorite, pulled him through the bars of the cage is sweet sticks, the bread, the pieces of sausage or fried potatoes. The animal is pleased to be offering, and after all this is very bad for him. If you care about your pet and you want it to be healthy, I do not give him anything from the table! Otherwise, the animal may be seriously ill.

Feed the hamster in the home should be twice a day, morning and evening. And the evening portion of the day should be more, because the hamster - a nocturnal animal. The main part of the diet are cereal mixture. Now any pet store offers a wide range of food for rodents, so you can easily pick up the right. The amount of feed is about two tablespoons Tolowa Language. It all depends on the size of the animal. Observe how much grain eats your pet, and try to fill in such a way that was a little bit of grain in reserve.

Fresh food, which can rapidly deteriorate, it is better to give the hamster in the morning. It can be various vegetables, fruits or herbs. The only exceptions are exotic fruits and citrus. In general, if the owner adheres to the principle - "not sure - do not feed", the hamster will please him with his presence for a long time.

How to properly care for a hamster breeding period?

If you live in the house a couple of cute rodents, additions to the family pet will not take long. To offspring did not bring too much trouble, you need to know how to care for a hamster, just be born. Below we talk about it.

The first thing that needs to be done - urgently otsadit future mummy to another cell. The new house should be based on fresh litter - from her mom to build a nest for babies. Vata for these purposes can not be used as foot kids easy to get lost in the fibers. This can lead to serious injury or even death to the animal.

Often people try to make a nest as gently as possible - instead of using straw fabric, but it's not the best option. Fabric promotes the growth of bacteria, so the newborn hamsters can easily pick up an infection. Once you have noticed that the baby was fur, and they have their own travel to a cell, you can give them fresh herbs. At home, hamsters grow quickly - after 1.5-2 months can be deposited into a separate cell.

Here we have reviewed the main points of care for small rodents in the home. As you have noticed, there is nothing particularly complicated about them. The main thing is to love your pet and create all the conditions for normal life. Every pet needs attention and care - remember this and to accustom themselves to that of their children. And if you are not willing to devote enough time to your pet, it is better to hold off on buying it, otherwise no joy it will bring you.

 How to care for a hamster: learn to love pets

We strongly recommend to read: How to care for aquarium and fish

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