- About buckwheat and kefir
- Menu buckwheat diet
- To help losing weight
- Why am I not losing weight?
- Summarizing
Have you ever see a picture - the girl in the shop looks around eagerly put up shelves delicacies, sighs, sends in his basket a package of yogurt and a packet of buckwheat and goes to the checkout? If yes, then you are faced with a man who will test themselves on the buckwheat diet. What kind of diet, how many days need to sit on it, and what results can be expected? Why do expose yourself to such torture?
According to the highly experienced "professionals", thoroughly reviewed all the existing methods of losing weight, sitting on the buckwheat diet for a week, you can get rid of the extra kilos 6-10. Agree to 7 days the results very impressive! I have something to suffer! Only here is it true? Let's deal.
About buckwheat and kefir
Two major product included in the buckwheat diet - is the very buckwheat and kefir. Why should they? Buckwheat is considered one of the most useful cereal. It contains many proteins, potassium, iron, iodine, and phosphorous, as well as vitamin P, B6, B1, B2. This low-carb product dietitians recommend regularly included in the diet for those who suffer from hypertension, anemia and various diseases of the liver. Fiber present in buckwheat, plays the role of a sort of "broom", effectively rids the body of toxins. Secondly nutritionists and beauticians. They think that it is just "a storehouse of beauty", which helps to nourish and maintain in good condition the hair, skin and nails.
Yogurt - useful fermented milk product which contains calcium, protein and vitamins B12, A, B2. It improves digestion and, consequently, concluded toxins. A lactic acid bacteria successfully combat putrefactive processes in the intestine. The combination of these two products allows you to not only lose weight, but also to normalize the bowels, cleanse the liver and reduce the appearance of skin diseases such as dermatitis. What else you need to know about kefir? Buying it, look closely at the date of manufacture. The product was made less than 24 hours, usually has a laxative effect and, moreover, can cause flatulence. But if kefir is already more than three days, it can cause constipation.
Menu buckwheat diet
Buckwheat diet belongs to the category of hard, and seven days - the term is not small. And in order to have the results did not disappoint, it should be approached with the utmost seriousness. For example, cereal should be prepared in a special way. However, there is nothing complicated here. In the evening, before going to bed, measure the necessary amount of buckwheat groats - usually one cup a day is enough. Pour boiling water over it. Drain. Pour another portion of boiling water at the rate of 1, 5 cups of liquid to 1 cup of cereal. Wrap the pot with a warm blanket and leave until morning. Buckwheat is ready. Cook it is not required.
Diet menu is very simple. During the seven days allowed to eat as much buckwheat as you want. You do not have to feel hungry - eat at least every hour! However, there are also disadvantages - from a variety of sauces, condiments and even salt will need to be abandoned. Yes, and the last meal should be at least 4-5 hours before "lights out." In an extreme case, before bedtime can drink a little yogurt. And then - not desirable.
Now yogurt. For this you must use a low-fat diet, 1%. One day - one liter. Ideally, you'll have to drink it, or half an hour before or half an hour after eating. But if you feel that there is a mess "dry rations" not out - do not worry. You can drink it or pour yogurt.
Next time - drinking. The day you need to drink at least 1, 5 liters of fluid. Only in this way for seven days you will be able to achieve the desired effect. From drinks fit - green tea, mineral water without gas, herbal teas. If desired, they can be added lemon. But sugar, naturally, include in your diet should not be. If you can not live without coffee or black tea - treat yourself to a cup. But no more than two times a day! Yes, do not forget about multivitamins! During this course they must be taken.
To help losing weight
Of course, ideally, if you can strictly follow all recommendations, and you have the willpower not to change the menu. Then the results are guaranteed. But what if after a few days you will feel that to even look at the buckwheat did not you? In order not to break and not greedily pounce on fried potatoes and bread rolls with butter, you can afford a small indulgence. Choose one:
- A few dried apricots or prunes. You can eat them with porridge, and can consume individually. Dried fruits, not only will bring some variety to the meager diet, but also provide the body with natural sugars that are essential for brain function, vitamins and fiber.
- Cabbage salad. Cabbage, in general, very interesting vegetable. You know that it is negative calorie? That is, the processing of cabbage your body expend more energy than it acquires as a result of its assimilation.
- Greenery. It is, it is not afraid to "lubricate" the effect, it can be eaten with porridge, as well as separately.
- Fruit. Two or three pieces. Of course, it unsweetened. If you stop your choice on a green apple, you can add them directly into the buckwheat. But everyone else is better to use separately - as an extra "bite".
And a few more tips:
- Salt-free diet, which include buckwheat, help cleanse the body of excess fluid and the conclusion. But due to the sharp limit salt intake, you can begin to experience headaches and fatigue. It may also lower your blood pressure. After seven days - this is quite a long time! If you notice a deterioration in health - do not hurt yourself! A little salt another batch of buckwheat or add soy sauce.
And even if the results are a bit worse - that, however, it is not necessary - you save your health. And it is much more important! Pay particular attention should monitor their well-being to those who play sports. Incidentally, in the summer, in hot weather, to observe the salt-free diet is not recommended.
- If you feel weakness, it is recommended to eat honey. Of course, you should not overeat - one teaspoon would be enough. You can divide this amount by several methods. Honey is recommended not to swallow, but slowly dissolve. It can be the other way - dilute the dose in a glass of water and drink throughout the day. Do not be afraid, it's a small digression will ruin the whole effect - Glucose goes on brain food.
- Sitting on buckwheat diet, you do not have to suffer from hunger. If the thought of buckwheat starts you nauseated, feel free to add to it lemon juice, garlic and herbs - like more.
Why am I not losing weight?
Quite a lot of women try out the buckwheat diet, complain of the same problem - in the early days a lot more pitches than the next. What is the reason? The answer is very simple. During the first two or three days, the body gets rid mainly by excess fluid. Therefore, the results are much more noticeable - arrow moving down the weights of fun. But then comes the turn of fat. And get rid of it is much more difficult. But if it succeeds, the effect will be quite persistent.
If in the early days of the diet works worse than we would like, most of all, it has its reasons. What kind? There may be more. Here are the main ones:
- you've just finished a course other salt-free diet and immediately "got close" on buckwheat;
- you are waiting for the "critical days" and your body actively keeps the water;
- you abuse soy sauce, which contains salt;
- Buckwheat - is not "your" product, you've never eaten it before, and the body simply "not friends" with her.
Another important question - how to keep the results. To have worked so hard not to back the lost weight back within a few days, you should take some precautions. Out of buckwheat diet should be smooth and gradual. Time it takes just as much and the course - seven days.
Do not immediately after the end of "reward yourself for all the suffering" - jumped on sweet and fatty. During the diet your stomach is reduced in volume. Try not to overload it. Eat small amounts several times a day. If possible, replace the salt and soy sauce - it helps to avoid edema. Try to make the last meal was for 4-5 hours before bedtime.
Make a rough menu for this period. For example, for breakfast - an egg and a bit of low-fat cottage cheese. At lunch - a piece of chicken breast with steamed vegetables. At dinner - all the same buckwheat. Gradually included in the diet of fish, meat and vegetables. Do not forget about yogurt. Repeat the course can be no earlier than a month. But periodically - once in 7-10 days - to arrange a fasting day on buckwheat and kefir is possible.
So let's "reduce the debit with the credit" - that is, to evaluate all the pros and cons of this method of struggle against excess Zhirkov.
- Perhaps the biggest plus - a performance buckwheat diet. Judge for yourself - just seven days you can lose weight by six - ten kilograms. The result, no doubt, will not go unnoticed!
- And buckwheat and kefir - very helpful. They include the necessary human vitamins and minerals. Moreover, these products have any store and are relatively inexpensive.
- The diet is very simple. As long as you stick to this diet, you will have time to rest from the endless process of cooking. Yes, and get lost in the menu is not possible - something ingredient only two! You do not have to adjust your schedule under the strict diet "on the clock" - eat when you want. And buckwheat porridge and yogurt is quite possible to bring to the job. You do not need to calculate the kilocalories - eat as much as you want. In general - a real pleasure!
Of course, they also have:
- Within seven days your food is not balanced. This means the body does not get all the necessary vitamins and minerals it.
- As a rule, on the third day of the diet of the word "buckwheat" and "yogurt" begin to cause bouts of mild depression.
- In the diet has its contraindications, and before you sit on it, you should consult your doctor. The main contraindications include - any chronic disease, low blood pressure, decreased hemoglobin, gastric ulcer, gastritis, duodenal ulcer. And, of course, pregnancy and lactation. And it is - not a complete list. At first sight, the benefits of this diet still outweigh the disadvantages. However, to decide, of course, you. Although the girl from the supermarket, most likely, already buys new jeans - smaller.
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