Saturday, 5 March 2016

As the eyelashes yourself at home?

 As the eyelashes yourself at home?


  • Initiation into the secrets eyelash
  • Materials needed for the beauty salon at home
  • Getting Eyelash
  • Everything has two sides

For women visit beauty - an exciting event, especially when it comes to eyelash. No one can guarantee quality results, as it depends on many factors: the skills and experience of the master, the quality of the materials used (adhesive lashes). It is quite another - eyelash in a warm home. A woman can relax and mentally prepare for the procedure and the patient, as the process itself will take a lot of time and effort. Besides, deciding on eyelashes at home, you can save considerably.
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Initiation into the secrets eyelash

Before you undertake such a responsible procedure as eyelash extensions, you need to understand some of the subtleties. Depending on the thickness of a hair, and material build-up, the following types:

  • Mink;
  • Sable;
  • Columns;
  • Silk;
  • Silicone.

This list can include lashes from natural human hair. They are manufactured in a special treatment. These cilia are very elastic and light, they will not burden the eyelids will not create puppet effect. They can, without any harm to increase even at a very stubby and chipped cilia. They are recommended for very frail and thin lashes, which the procedure is contraindicated capacity.

"Mink", "sable", "columns" - it's just the name of synthetic analogues. The fact is that each type has a certain thickness, which coincides with the thickness of the pile of a fur-bearing animal. The most light and thin eyelashes are considered "mink". They are great to build on the fine hairs and help to create the effect of natural, not made up, but the fluffy eyelashes. "Silk" and "columns" a little thicker "mink", yet they are the most popular because they allow to achieve a result of her painted eyes, which exempts from applying makeup everyday.

"Sable" - on the contrary, have a thick hair and are quite heavy. Suitable for owners of healthy, but rare in nature cilia. Increasing "sable", you can visually adjust the shape of the eye, and give the look of depth and expressiveness. Thus, sorting out the varieties of eyelashes and determine the state of your own, you can proceed directly to the nail home.

 As the eyelashes yourself at home?
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Materials needed for the beauty salon at home

To become eye "center", eye-catching enough about 50 cilia. In this case, the amount will be incomplete, but naturally.

To heighten the effect, you can use about 80 hairs. Focusing on the value of your own lashes, you need to pick up three lengths of hair. Short cilia (to the inner corner of the eye), medium (for the main part) and long (to the outside corner).

You will also need glue, made from natural resins. It can be black, which is used for dark eyelashes and transparent - to the light. It is important to purchase a quality product, it is advisable to buy only in specialized shops or salons. In the market of such "things" do not look, as it is likely to spoil their eyelashes and get a strong irritation. In addition to a core set, you will need:

  • Curved forceps or tweezers;
  • A needle or toothpick to separate the eyelashes;
  • Adhesive tape (paper);
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Cotton pads.

For added convenience, you can prepare a piece of glass or a dish in which you can "squeeze out" the glue.
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Getting Eyelash

Sleight of hand and a sense of proportion - usually the main building. Before you begin the process, you need to thoroughly clean the face and eye makeup on. It is advisable to wash with soap and water, of course, to degrease ever. The next step - "neutralize" the lower lashes. In order that they do not stick together with the top hairs and do not interfere with the growth, they need to stick with adhesive tape to the lower eyelid.

Pasting lashes is necessary in the direction from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. It is important to alternate the length of the cilia.   First, the long, medium and short then. To do this, using tweezers to take a single hair or a beam and a dunk in the adhesive base. If a lot of glue, you must get rid of the surplus - to hold cilium glass or saucer. Then the needle to separate the desired eyelash and glue it on the top or side (between the lashes) artificial at a distance of 1-2 mm from the beginning. Increase should carefully cilia are constantly dividing, preventing them from bonding together.

In the case of unsuccessful gluing enough to moisten the hair with oil and wait a while. Then he comes off easily, but we can not use it, we must take a new one. So cilium of cilium, minute by minute, and the result will not be long in coming. The main thing - is to keep the symmetry. Eyelash home - a very painstaking work that requires attention and concentration, as well as a sense of proportion and sleight of hand.

 As the eyelashes yourself at home?
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Everything has two sides

His eyelashes - good and accrued - beautiful. Eyelash home has both pluses and minuses, based on which, the woman will be able to make the only right choice for themselves. Benefits:

  • The expressive eyes, lush and long eyelashes, which will hold more than one week with the correct capacity;
  • The opportunity to attend bath, sauna, swimming pool and do not worry about that ink will flow or fall off the cilia. It is only important not to overdo it;
  • Eliminates the need to do eye makeup;
  • No need for twisting, as eyelashes and without bending. In addition, it is possible to choose the power of the navel;
  • It is safe for the eyes, except for individual intolerance of some of the elements that make up the glue.


  • Do not use cosmetics, which include various oils;
  • Do not rub the eye when washing frequently touch the eyelids and eyelashes, as they quickly osyplyutsya;
  • Should sleep on your side or back, otherwise the hair is broken or severely deformed;
  • After building the "native" lashes are less expressive and require additional care.

Thus, to be irresistible and fascinate his view of others, quite a bit of patience and time. Knowing all the nuances of this fascinating procedure can achieve gorgeous results at home. But do not forget that every coin has two sides.

 As the eyelashes yourself at home?

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