Saturday, 26 March 2016

Diet for children academician A.D.Ado

 Diet for children academician A.D.Ado


  • Hypoallergenic diet for Ado
  • Diet for Ado for children and its basic principles

Recently the problem of allergies in children is becoming more common. Students preschoolers, infants and newborns suffer different kinds of allergies. In the first year of life in children is most common food allergy after the first year of life increased the frequency and other types of allergic reactions to pollen allergy, house dust, fur and animal skin particles, drug allergies, and more. Compliance with hypoallergenic diet is one of the basic principles of treatment for all types of allergies.
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Hypoallergenic diet for Ado

Hypoallergenic diet plays a particularly important role in the elimination of food allergies.

The general non-specific hypoallergenic diet is a diet of Academician AD Ado for children. It was built on the exclusion from the diet foods that have a high allergenic capacity. Diet for Ado does not account for the individual characteristics of a child who is sick allergy (can occur in rare cases, allergic reactions, and those products that are permitted diet). Ado diets for children, the presence of any type of allergic reaction in a child is recommended for all age groups. General principles you need to follow a diet for children with infants up to 3 years of age, inclusive, especially when there is a family history of allergies.

 Diet for children academician A.D.Ado
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Diet for Ado for children and its basic principles

During an exacerbation of allergy and for the next 1-2 weeks after the improvement is necessary to completely eliminate from the diet of baby foods that have a high allergenic capacity. These products include:

  • fish (both river and sea), seafood and fish products (caviar, crab sticks, canned);
  • all citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruit, lime);
  • nuts;
  • cocoa and products containing cocoa (candy, chocolate, confectionery);
  • coffee;
  • Meat and poultry products prepared therefrom (including soups);
  • all kinds of meats;
  • spices and condiments (including mayonnaise, mustard, hot and sweet peppers, vinegar);
  • mushrooms;
  • sharp vegetables (horseradish, radishes, radish, daikon);
  • eggs and egg products with a high content of eggs (protein creams, pastry, homemade cakes);
  • tomatoes and eggplant;
  • honey;
  • strawberries, strawberry, pineapple, melon;
  • whole milk;
  • alcoholic beverages (and confectionery products that contain alcohol).

After the arrest the aggravation of allergies may be the gradual introduction of (small portions of the 1st) these products if their child is not bad moves. But even in the absence of acute allergies and tolerability vysokoallergennyh products frequency of their inclusion in the child's diet should not exceed 1 second per week. All products with a high allergenic capacity quite undesirable to eat for children up to 3 years.

If a hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions during acute allergies, according to the diet of children Ado recommended limit, and some other products. They are brightly colored fruits, vegetables and berries (red - pomegranate, raspberries, beets, cherry, black - blackberry, black currant, orange - carrots, pumpkin), as well as fruit drinks and juices from them.

The following products are allowed for use in food in and out of aggravation:

  • Boiled lean beef;
  • cereals and vegetable soups, cooked in beef broth secondary (mostly vegetarian);
  • vegetable oil and butter (vegetable: sunflower oil and olive oil);
  • Fresh milk products (cheese, yogurt, yogurt with no colors or flavors, yogurt);
  • dairy and dairy-free cereals (buckwheat, oats, rice);
  • cucumbers;
  • baked apples, stewed apples, plums, currants, cherries, dried fruits;
  • watermelon;
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • herbs - dill, parsley;
  • nesdobnoe white bread;
  • tea;
  • sugar.

Groundlessly prolonged use of a hypoallergenic diet for children, especially after 3 years, can lead to micronutrient and protein-energy malnutrition, and, subsequently, to a violation of the physical development of the child. Because severely restrictive diet should be considered as starting. Further, depending on the cause and the identified range of significant products and results of the survey formed the individual hypoallergenic diet. In the period of partial or complete remission diet for children should gradually expand through personalized assessment of sensitivity to one or the other foods indispensable recording appeared allergic reactions in a food diary.

 Diet for children academician A.D.Ado

Diet for a child with allergies

 Diet for a child with allergies


  • Hypoallergenic diet for a child - what is its essence?
  • Three product groups
  • How can manifest allergies?

If your child suffers from allergies, you have to try and be vigilant, because an innocent child's desire to eat something tasty can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, there is a special hypoallergenic diet, a good way to deal with allergies. Its purpose - to find hidden food intolerances or allergies the child to any meal. Hypoallergenic diet for a child mainly includes products that do not cause allergic reactions.

Parents need strict control over the child's diet to prevent the body baby of forbidden products.

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Hypoallergenic diet for a child - what is its essence?

Conventionally, pediatricians hypoallergenic diet divide into two phases: removal and the introduction of possible allergens. It is necessary to find out which of them the child has allergies or hypersensitivity.

The first phase is to be removed from the child's diet all products that can cause the symptoms of allergy. The duration of the first phase of 3 to 6 weeks, for a child who eats only food allowed.

In the second phase of the diet in the diet of the child's return products previously excluded, but strictly on one and controlled by the body's reaction to the food introduced. Next welcome new dishes for the child is only allowed at least 36 hours if there were no manifestations of allergy. If you have symptoms, you should stop taking this product in the food and again wait for recovery. Thus, the two phases are alternated until until all possible identified allergens to which the child has a higher sensitivity.

Do not forget that those products that are identified allergy, should be excluded from the diet for life, as the allergy will not disappear over time. For example, if increased sensitivity is detected on tomatoes, then the child can not eat them either at an early age or when he grows up.

There is a second embodiment of detecting allergen in children. You need to make a list of three groups of products. The first group - food, which are safe and should not bring harm to the baby. The second group - foods with moderate effect on the baby. A third group - dangerous vysokoallergichnye products which should be completely excluded from the diet. So you turn to child nutrition products in the first group, with caution and in the absence of allergy products in the second group and the third group is completely excluded.

 Diet for a child with allergies
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Three product groups

Foods that should be completely excluded from the diet:

  • eggs;
  • whole milk, dairy products;
  • Citrus;
  • pickles;
  • canned foods;
  • red fruits and vegetables, exotic vegetables, celery, cabbage;
  • raisins;
  • dates;
  • seafood;
  • sausages;
  • smoked;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • Some varieties of fish;
  • chicken;
  • honey and its derivatives;
  • cocoa, coffee.

As part of the group sredneallergennuyu power?

The use of these products should be introduced gradually and limit. This group includes meat products: horse meat, pork, lamb, poultry (turkey), rabbit meat. Because fruits and vegetables can be listed bananas, beans, corn, potatoes. From cereals should pay attention to wheat and rye.

Products which are a group of low-allergenic:

  • meat is low-fat varieties boiled;
  • homemade yogurt, dairy products;
  • offal (liver, kidney, tongue);
  • cod, sea bass;
  • buckwheat, rice, barley, oatmeal;
  • courgettes, cucumbers, turnips;
  • vegetable oil, sunflower oil and olive oil;
  • dried fruits (apples, prunes);
  • dull berries and fruit drinks from them;
  • tea.

But remember that sometimes there is an allergic reaction to the product in this group, so if you do not celebrate the positive effects of a diet, it is necessary to turn to remove from the diet and these products.

 Diet for a child with allergies
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How can manifest allergies?

  1. Atopic dermatitis. If your child suffers from this disease, you should take care not only about the hypoallergenic diet, but also to establish a hypoallergenic life. Vividly disease is manifested in the cold season. The main symptoms - is the emergence in the natural folds of skin on the cheeks and flaky skin rash;
  2. Hives. Most often this form of allergy occurs when increased sensitivity to any food in the diet of children. The symptom is that the advent of widespread rashes on the body of a baby on her back, arms and legs in the form of "burns from nettle," all of us are familiar with childhood;
  3. Eczema. Its symptoms - is the appearance of various parts of the body (back, neck, arms, legs) bubbles with clear content that can burst and covered with a crust, accompanied by itching.

Very often, hypoallergenic diet for children is used in acute manifestations of the disease and in remission allergists can assign your children conduct allergy tests. To do this, the inside of the forearm and shoulder are sometimes applied to the allergen, and then goes observation. The appearance of the skin swelling, redness and itching indicates hypersensitivity to any product.

What else can you recommend?

Being on such a diet, children can not overeat. It is not necessary to repeat the same foods day after day, it is best to alternate them. If your child is longing for sweets, prefer apples or dried fruit, but do not give your child candy, chocolate. Not always the allergen causes a reaction on its entry into the body immediately, sometimes it accumulates, and only upon reaching a certain concentration manifests itself symptomatically.

If allergic reactions are revealed the baby who is breastfed, then stick to hypoallergenic diet is its nursing mom. If you notice any symptoms you need to contact the experts, who will make an individual program and diet for your baby.

 Diet for a child with allergies

Symptoms of whooping cough, depending on the period of the disease

 Symptoms of whooping cough, depending on the period of the disease


  • Whooping cough: symptoms of the disease each period
  • Complications of pertussis
  • Treatment for whooping cough in children
  • Preventive measures

Whooping cough - an acute infectious disease, with severe attacks of spasmodic cough.

If this disease is very important to determine the exact diagnosis. Diagnosing pertussis from the first day of the disease is almost impossible, and children are usually long treated for bronchitis, tracheitis and SARS.

The source of the infection is the only man - the children who become ill with atypical and typical forms of pertussis, and healthy bacillicarriers. The most dangerous are patients in the early stages of the disease.

The infection is only transmitted by airborne droplets. In susceptible people in contact with patients developing the disease at a frequency of up to 90%. More often ill children of preschool age. More than half of cases in young children is due to the lack of maternal immunity and lack of transplacental transfer of specific antibodies. In addition, there was some increase in the incidence in autumn and winter.

Pertussis coli got into the body by airborne droplets, is attached to the walls of the airways, causing the first light there inflammation (runny nose, red and sore throat, slight cough). But the basic and more severe symptoms of pertussis occur only after 10-14 days, when bacteria are released into the lumen of the bronchi and the blood of a large number of its toxin. This leads to irritation, not only the airway mucosa, but also of the central nervous system. That is why children who become ill with pertussis become very cranky, sleep poorly, have disturbed appetite.

 Symptoms of whooping cough, depending on the period of the disease
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Whooping cough: symptoms of the disease each period

The period from the date of entry into the body of infection before the onset of symptoms (incubation period) can be from 6 to 20 days, but is usually 7 days. The disease usually occurs within 6-8 weeks.

There are the following periods of the disease: catarrhal period, paroxysmal (or spastic) during the period of the return (or permits) and the period of recovery.

Catarrhal period

Usually it lasts 1-2 weeks. It occurs in different ways and does not have any specific features. The symptoms of this period are: a weak cough, runny nose and a slight fever. The child may experience heavy viscous nasal mucous character. The body temperature can rise or slightly or remain normal, but in severe cases may rise to 38-39ºS.

From the severity of the disease it depends also on the severity of intoxication - from minor ailments, irritability, anxiety and loss of appetite to a significant breach of the general health of the patient. During this period, the main symptom is cough pertussis. The cough is dry and when receiving symptomatic treatment is not reduced, the evening is enhanced and acquires the character attacks.

Catarrhal period in mild cases lasts 11-14 days, and in the most severe course - up to 8 days.

 Symptoms of whooping cough, depending on the period of the disease

Paroxysmal (spasmodic) period

Cough worse and becomes more frequent. A characteristic feature of this period is the emergence of a series of repeated shocks 5-10 cough during one exhalation, followed by a sudden and intense breath, which is accompanied by a whistling sound. There are other features of this period: the baby's face reddens or becomes cyanotic, the tongue hangs down, his eyes are rolled out, there salivation, swollen veins in the neck.

Some children during attacks occurs involuntary eruption of urine and feces, can be observed cramps and fainting. Ends attack release of large amounts of thick, sticky mucus, sometimes with vomiting. Severe bouts of coughing can continue for as long as the child does not stand out the viscous mucus that violates the airway. Vomiting in this case refers to the typical signs of the disease.

At this stage of the disease the combination of coughing with vomiting is so characteristic that pertussis is necessary to suspect in these cases is always, even if there is no whistling breath after coughing. Cough is very exhausting child, he becomes frightened and wary. The cough can cause sneezing, swallowing, exercise, offer a drink or food, as well as the harsh light, strong sudden noise, excitement or fear the child. In between fits of coughing children do not give the impression of seriously ill and feel quite well. They can play safely, interested in others.

All children feel an attack coming on cough: seniors complain of chest scrapes, sore throat, lower start to cry, lose interest in toys, running to his mother, become restless.

Number of coughing depends on the severity of the disease. Thus, in mild pertussis number of seizures is 8-10 times a day, with no vomiting. The general health of the child with the good.

When the number of whooping cough moderately severe attacks of coughing up to 15 times a day, they are usually accompanied by vomiting. Between bouts of child well-being is improved, but not completely normal: the child refuses to eat, remains sluggish, trouble sleeping, become moody. The face becomes puffy, swollen eyelids, appear hemorrhages on the conjunctiva.

When the number of whooping cough severe coughing spells may exceed 20-25 times a day. Develops oxygen deficiency, the skin becomes pale, appears bluish tint nasolabial triangle. You may see anguish and ulcer on the tongue-tie due to the stress and trauma of the lower incisors. In very severe cases can cause stroke, loss of consciousness, convulsions, respiratory rate, which usually take place during the recovery period.

In the absence of timely treatment of spasmodic period lasts from 2 to 8 weeks or even more. By the end of this period the amount of coughing is reduced, they become softer, and the disease goes into the next period.

Period of return (resolution) and recovery

Lasts 2 to 4 weeks. Coughing fits become rare, without vomiting. The child brings them much easier, it improves overall health and condition.

The recovery period can last from 2 to 6 months. At that time still retained a weakness, irritability, anxiety, children's susceptibility to other infections. When the disease other respiratory infections, such as SARS, cough can be resumed.

 Symptoms of whooping cough, depending on the period of the disease
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Complications of pertussis

In young children, pertussis occurs much harder than in older children. The incubation period is reduced, and lasts less catarrhal and convulsive becomes longer. Whooping cough, in many cases there is no, but there are anxiety attacks, crying, sneezing. The child may pose the fetus.

Often there are delays of breath, which can last from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, or even stop breathing. They can occur outside the attack, during the attack, and even in his sleep. In very young children instead of vomiting may be regurgitation.

Very frequent complications of pertussis in young children are a cerebrovascular accident with paralysis, psychomotor development disorders, bronchitis.

The most common complication of pertussis is pneumonia, which is caused by pertussis stick or secondary bacterial infection. 90% of deaths among children under 3 years due to pneumonia is. There may come and worsening tuberculosis. Other complications of pertussis can be acute laryngitis with stenosis of the larynx, bronchiolitis, encephalopathy, rupture of the diaphragm, inguinal or umbilical hernia, prolapse of the rectum. In adults, complications are rare.

Vaccinated children the disease is only mild, without complications and consequences, most often in the erased (SARS) form.

 Symptoms of whooping cough, depending on the period of the disease
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Treatment for whooping cough in children

Children with moderate to severe disease should be treated only in a hospital.

It is important to respect the content and nutrition of sick children. It should remove all external stimuli, to ensure the child a calm environment, to enable him to engage in quiet play. The room was a sick child should be frequently and well ventilated, install it in a humidifier. Or at least to place containers with water, hang wet towels.

If a child has a normal body temperature, then it is possible to walk, but be sure to avoid contact with other children. In the summer you can walk at any time, in the winter - with no wind and an air temperature not lower than 12 ° C.

Power of the child shall be a full, fractional and gentle on the preparation. Infants important to keep breast feeding, increasing the number of feedings and reduce the one-time amount of milk. The same should be done and when artificial feeding. Child after vomiting need to finish feeding. During the illness need to provide the child plenty of fluids. In addition, the food cold food should be deleted, as it provokes coughing, irritating the back of the throat.

Treatment at the initial stage of pertussis is the use of antibiotics, since at this stage they still can suppress the development of the pathogen, and may occur even a complete cure without a transition to the next stage of the disease. If the next stage already occurred and there was spasmodic cough, antibiotics will not be able to effectively influence the pertussis wand. That is why antibiotics are not administered in the second period of the disease.

Treatment pertussis fresh air and the use of antibiotics is not limited. There are many drugs that help when you cough, but because they have no one that can greatly facilitate the course of the disease. Selection of a particular drug in the treatment of whooping cough - it is the doctor.

Please be aware that if the medication prescribed by the doctor does not help in terms of the parents of a sick child, it does not mean it inappropriate reception. Most expectorants phlegm. Coughing baby, maybe less will not, but the likelihood of complications of the disease significantly reduced, since it is a thick, viscous mucus violates the patency of the bronchi, causing the development of inflammation of the lungs.

Pertussis toxin and cause sensitization of the whole body of the child, so the treatment can be used allergy medications. Your doctor may prescribe antihistamines and calcium supplements, which also have anti-allergic effect.

To liquefy thick mucus can be assigned to the inhalation of proteolytic enzymes, but only for children from 3 years.

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Preventive measures

The most reliable preventive measure is the creation of pertussis immunity by vaccination. Vaccination calendar for compulsory vaccinations of DTP vaccine. Vaccinations begin to make children with age of three months, along with diphtheria and tetanus. Moved vaccine is quite difficult, the child experiences after vaccination fever, malaise, loss of appetite. Vaccinated children also suffer from whooping cough, but it is much easier, so the diagnosis of whooping cough is put in the tens of times less than the disease actually occurs.

Whooping cough isolated for 25 days. Children in contact with pertussis patients, especially in the first year and up to 2 years old unvaccinated introduced donor normal immunoglobulin. The child care center during registration on children sick with whooping cough imposed quarantine for 14 days after the isolation of the patient.

The doctor must attend a sick child at home 1-2 times per week for suspected whooping cough, and when confirmation - depending on the patient's condition. In every case of the disease reported in child care, the child is attending, and SES. Children under 7 are in contact with the sick, and children under one year of coming into contact with sick RELEASE 14 days of isolation. If the patient is not isolated, then the duration of the quarantine is increased to 25 days from the occurrence of the first signs of the disease ill.

Children older than 7 years (whooping cough) and children older than 1 year (when parakoklyushe), adults can not be divisive, but for them to be installed under medical surveillance for 14 days and if they continue to deal with an infected person, the observation can last more longer.

Feature pertussis - the complete absence of innate immunity to it, so sick of this disease can even newborns. But after the treatment produced a very strong immunity that persists throughout life.

Thus, whooping cough - a rather dangerous infectious diseases that can get sick every person. And if the above symptoms appear, treatment should begin as soon as possible. But do not self-medicate. If you suspect pertussis should immediately consult a doctor, who, after laboratory tests can confirm the diagnosis and or eliminate pertussis. Symptoms characteristic of whooping cough can be a symptom of other diseases.

Therefore, only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment. In time prescribed treatment can prevent the development of various complications that often arise in whooping cough. And, of course, do not forget about preventive measures in time to make children vaccinated.

 Symptoms of whooping cough, depending on the period of the disease

What to do with urinary incontinence in children

 What to do with urinary incontinence in children


  • What should parents do if a child wets the bed more often than every 3 weeks
  • What not to do

Urinary incontinence (enuresis) - a problem with which the deal about 80% of parents of preschool children and 10% of the parents of those children who have attained the age of 7-10.

Views of pediatricians in this regard agree on one thing: incontinence in children 5-6 years old - is not a disease, but the result of an immature work of the brain that is responsible for "inclusion" function of bladder control. It has been observed that children often wet the bed in 3-5 hours in the morning, because at this time of the human sleep is deepest. If a child wets at night, it is simply not aware of the processes that occur in his body, and up to 6 years of talking about the problems of a physiological nature is not necessary.

97% of all cases of urinary incontinence in children of preschool age have taken on a strictly psychological reasons.

Only 3% of the children can not delay the urine of organic causes (inflammation of the sphincter, etc.). This means that parents need to pay attention to the psychological atmosphere in the family, find out whether the little man is experiencing stress among peers, not any lurking inside him jealous (for example, due to the emergence of new family members).

 What to do with urinary incontinence in children
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What should parents do if a child wets the bed more often than every 3 weeks

  1. Do not drink before going to bed. If the baby will drink tea 3 hours before bedtime - this will be the normal time to bedtime to go to the bathroom and stay dry at night.
  2. If doshkolenok night worrying about urinary incontinence, then support him, explain what mom and dad, being his age, too, is sometimes described.
  3. Tell me, what in the world there are many people who are experiencing bedwetting.
  4. Ask your toddler to hold urine in the daytime. If you can tolerate a little man, the night incontinence - the result of inner feelings.
  5. If a child complains of pain, burning sensation when urinating - show it to the pediatrician - he will tell you what to do if bedwetting not only cause trouble.
  6. Talk to a kindergarten teacher that your child needs a special approach in the organization of daytime sleep. Mentor in any case should not publicize the problem of urinary incontinence the other guys, obscure mattress oilcloth for other pupils. If the actions of the teacher will be an additional stress point - feel free to go to the manager, complain to the district education department.

 What to do with urinary incontinence in children

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What not to do

  1. In no case can not be shamed child. Children who are worried about incontinence, experiencing enormous stress, and if also the closest people are they blame and shame for what they can not control, you guys can even fall into a deep depression and for many years to lose confidence in their native language.
  2. No need to share experiences about bedwetting with friends in the presence of children themselves experiencing such a problem - it is very hurt them and cause worry. Speak Better problem enuresis where children will not hear your conversation.
  3. Do not talk about the problem of urinary incontinence in the presence of other children who may tease the child then, and mocked him.
  4. Do not delay visit to the doctor if you have something disturbing behavior, mood and well-being of your children.

Remember! Urinary incontinence - is often a psychological aspect, which is plagued by both children and parents. Only love, mutual trust and good relations can solve the situation with the "Night puddles." If you will support the children in their quest to wake up dry, then for your common endeavor, you will surely achieve this goal!

 What to do with urinary incontinence in children

How to travel with your child

 How to travel with your child

Going on vacation, we often decide to leave their children with her grandmother in the country, believing that it would be less of a hassle. And then we repent of their decision and begin to miss them. Out of this situation is: can and should travel with children. Here are some useful tips on how to make traveling with the child interesting and covsem burdensome.

A place to relax

Independent travel - it is the best way of organizing the holiday. So you essentially save and be able to fully realize their ideas for travel.

Parents often do not dare to plan a trip themselves, fearing to spend too much time. But you can simplify your task by using the ready-made solution otmetapoiska momondo. His option "Where to go? "Allows you to search for the most popular places for a holiday with your needs in mind. You specify your budget on airfare, desired date of travel and is determined with their interests and mood. Finder will select the most suitable place for your vacation in any season. Moreover, it will show, and some useful information about each site, such as the cost of food, or interesting facts.

 How to travel with your child

However, we recommend that you think about what it would be interesting to your child. Kids will like to frolic in nature or the beach, where there will be a comfortable, cool weather. Older children with great pleasure perceive active entertainment, such as amusement parks. Children from 6-7 years old will appreciate the cultural and entertainment program with entertaining excursions and trips to museums. Thanks to the choice of the weather in the options "Where to go? "You can pick up and the optimal climate for your trip: hot (26), heat (+ 14-25 ° C), moderate (+ 6-13 ° C) or cool (+ 5 ° C and below).

In general, the vacation with children requires a quiet place, without extreme and exotic. Aim for the selection of the mild climate, not much different from the usual weather for your household. So your kid will be much easier to get used to new surroundings.

In plane

Many airlines do discount tickets for children, and hotels do not charge for lodging quite tiny tots. For example, flights to the Russian domestic flights are free for children up to 2 years, and are often provided on the outer significant discounts. But note that you have to keep your child in his arms during the entire trip. If you have a place at the beginning of the cabin, the plane you are free to provide a cradle for the baby. And if you have two children, then they will have seats on the plane, but in this case, you pay half the cost of a ticket for "adults".
Sometimes airlines give their young passengers nice gifts. Kids will be delighted with the new teddy bear or a cute set of road.


It is best to find a hotel in the city center. So you'll have more freedom in movement and can, for example, go for a walk, leaving the child with her husband.

When choosing a hotel, read the reviews of other visitors with the kids. So you can find out in advance about the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen hotel. Details, like the play area for children and animators will help your child does not get bored.

Here, for example, in France, Italy, Sweden, Norway or Denmark is recommended to rent accommodation. As it turns out, and the savings and convenience, because the hotels in these places often do not provide a solution for families with children.

 How to travel with your child

A Practical Guide

  • Children need a little more time

When you stay with your child, you get used to that time with the children spent a little more than usual: a trip around the city, museums, guided tours ... Plan your time properly, adding a little extra minutes to your every action.

  • Be able to negotiate with your husband

Try to agree in advance with your husband all actions "on the bank." For example, suppose that when you go shopping, your husband will sit with the child. And vice versa. And so no one was not mad, make a graph of your actions.

  • Airport for children

In most air travel season, some airports offer families a separate queue. So you can very quickly go through the necessary procedures. Yet do not forget about the children's play areas at airports, where the baby can frolic while you relax before the flight.

  • The most friendly country for families with children in the "off-season"

It is believed that the best autumn vacation with children on the beach - in the countries on the Mediterranean coast. Autumn here comes the velvet season, and you can swim even before the end of October. This so-called «child friendly» countries, as there are excellent special conditions for children (like food and extra beds at the hotel). Moreover, in the Mediterranean - and the wonderful sightseeing tours, equally interesting how your daze, and you. In October and November have a good rest in Thailand, where you expect a wonderful weather and warm sea. Since November, you can travel to the United Arab Emirates, where at this time as the time decreases the stifling heat.

Throw away all the false doubt and go travel with your children. Believe me, it is quite easy, and then your long vacation infect the entire family in a good mood and will bring you all new thrills!

 How to travel with your child

Tablet for boys and girls ... and their parents

 Tablet for boys and girls ... and their parents

One of the main requirements of any child - to be like a senior. There are parents fashion plate? Hence, I have to be so! As a result, you have to go to the store for a new device for themselves, which can result in a considerable amount. But there is another option - you can buy a child for a special plate that is more appropriate for the price and age.

 Tablet for boys and girls ... and their parents

The main difference from the usual children's plates - bright body colors and user-friendly interface designed specifically for children.

Here, for example from a brand new Turbo, a children's plate - MonsterPad. Housing bright, like flowers on a zebra or leopard, a choice - looks very fresh and unusual. Features at it too good - perhaps not every "adult" such device can boast.

 Tablet for boys and girls ... and their parents

But the main difference MonsterPad - Parental Control! You can set the device so that your baby can not play at night or watch everything online. It is enough to set the time when you can go to the network, to participate in virtual races or just include MonsterPad.

On the children's tablet can not only play and have fun, but also learn. Puzzles math, dictation on the Russian, key foreign languages ​​and many other applications, to help develop your child. And all - in the form of games, "under the lash" the child does not have to be forced to do it.

 Tablet for boys and girls ... and their parents

We need more programs? You can go to a special application store on the Internet. Although most people have this desire does not arise in the device, and so all abound.

If your child has a skin ado- child easily unplugged. And it will be the usual tablet Android c original and striking design. By the way, now, with this power toy, parents themselves may wish sometimes he borrowed MonsterPad-om! Why not, the tablet is something universal.

 Tablet for boys and girls ... and their parents

Want to know more? Go visit the tablet

 Tablet for boys and girls ... and their parents

Dress the baby in the cold

 Dress the baby in the cold

The arrival of winter, and with it the appearance of frosts and snow drifts on the streets make parents puzzled preparing winter wardrobe for your child. After daily walks and playing outdoors need younger body, regardless of the weather outside. So how do you properly prepare the child to take to the streets on frosty winter days?

Select outerwear

If your child still does not walk on their own feet and go to breathe fresh air, lying in a stroller, you should make sure that his dream while walking was comfortable. In this case, separate sets consisting of a jacket and pants, it is better not to buy. Ease of lying in a baby stroller provide winter overalls envelope through which the child will be under the back flat surface, without any drops or lumps, which means that nothing will interfere with his sleep.

But for the older children, who may have to walk and even run, pants set - this is what you need for active play in the snow. However, it should be able to choose correctly. After all, modern manufacturers offer outdoor clothing with different fillings, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages and is designed for different kinds of temperatures and activities. In order not to get lost in all this variety and choose the right outer clothing for your child, you must have an idea of ​​the proposed insulation.

First of all, they are divided into natural (down, sheepskin) and synthetic (sintepon, hollofayber membrane).

  • Pooh -   reliable, good heat retaining material which easily recovers its shape after crushing. Clothes based on it turns out ultra-light, while it is able to warm its owner in the most severe frosts - up to -35 ° C. However, a significant disadvantage of down things is the need for chemical cleaning: washing at home can warp thing. In addition, down products can cause exacerbation of symptoms of allergies in children with allergies.
  • Lambskin   - Durable and wear-resistant material capable of sustaining the body heat when the outside temperature to -25 ° C. But the clothes with the heater quite heavy on weight, and hence is not well suited for everyday wear and for the more active games.
  • Sintepon   lost its former glory, while the more modern materials for the production of the top winter things. Gets wet, it loses up to half its thickness, and therefore begins to worse keep warm. Clothing with this insulation is able to withstand frost is not lower than -10 ° C. Therefore, overalls and jackets using it more suitable for the demi-season than the winter cold.
  • Hollofayber -   perhaps the best kind of filler for the production of children's winter clothing. Light on weight, as down, it perfectly keeps heat at temperatures up to -32 ° C. At the same time it is much more practical down, since it is based on things not deformed and can be washed at home.
  • Membrane   - The latest development to create an easy and even fine, but the warm winter clothes. There are two varieties of it: it can be the thinnest laminated film attached to the wrong side of the upper fabric of clothing, or a special impregnation, applied to the tissue. These things allow the skin to breathe and wicks moisture away from the body, not allowing it to become too cold. Light and thin, it is convenient for sports in the open air, for example for skating or skiing. But for games in the snow, it is not very suitable, as is fairly easy to get wet. With frequent washing membrane teplosohranyayuschie things lose their properties, so it is better to hand over to the dry cleaners.

 Dress the baby in the cold

Winter underwear for children

Selection of underwear for a child in winter has its own characteristics. If your baby is very small and is only moves in a wheelchair, then begin his duties on the street is a dressing cotton underwear - body with legs or T-shirts, and sliders, as well as the cotton bonnet. These things keep body heat and will not allow things to prick woolen baby's tender skin.

If you're an older mom restless age, worn under cotton is better to leave things and do not use until the spring. Greater comfort for your child during the winter cold will create baby underwear. Unlike cotton things that absorb moisture, thermal underwear takes her away from the body. After the child to remain on the street after a wet winter in the run game and things - not the best way to take care of his health. Children's thermal underwear - socks, tights, turtlenecks - high quality at an affordable price you can buy here on the site online travel hypermarket "Superpohod." By the way, you can choose underwear for walks and sports activities on the street, not only for the child but also for the whole family.

Stratification in baby clothes

Having defined with a choice of outer clothing for your child and for having bought him a couple sets of thermal underwear underwear, it's time to think about, what garments to combine these things. First of all, it should be said that often the parents of their first child, at gatherings on the street wrapped the child so that he can not move normally. Parents mistakenly believe that the more clothes on it, so it is warmer. Meanwhile, their fumes is not only warm, but a little too hot and sweaty and steaming, it can catch a cold very quickly.

Number of items on a child depends on his age. On grudnichka is put on one thing more than himself, because he is still sleeping in the stroller; a more active adult and child should be one less thing than you, do not hesitate to nothing of his movements, and he did not become hot during active play on the playground. At the same clothes the child of any age should be composed of several layers - underwear; light knitted things - tights and turtlenecks; followed by a layer of warmer clothes - pants, sweaters, sweatshirts and cardigans; Finally, on top of everything is put on the upper street clothes.

To choose the right clothes for the child for the winter, you can be sure about his health, and staying in the open air will bring him only benefit and high spirits of the games with friends in a fluffy and soft snow.

 Dress the baby in the cold

Friday, 25 March 2016

Acupuncture human foot

 Acupuncture human foot


  • Foot terms acupuncture
  • The foot in terms of modern medicine
  • Contraindications to acupuncture foot

Acupuncture (also igloukalyvaie, acupuncture, reflexology) - direction of the non-traditional (alternative) medicine, in which the effect on the body is carried through the singular points of the body through the introduction of these needles and subsequent manipulations. It came to us from China, Japan, but also a long time (more than 4 thousand years) is used in India. The points on the human body are located on meridians, which circulates the energy of life. They call these biologically active points. There are about 150 basic points on the human body. The method is designed to normalize the functioning of all body systems.
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Foot terms acupuncture

One of the varieties of acupuncture - a foot acupuncture.

Foot special place in acupuncture as it is rich in nerve receptors and therethrough get access to any part of the body. Of all the biologically active points on the foot is approximately 60. The soles of the feet is considered as a small map placement of internal organs. Points are connected to all internal organs.

If this is taken as a basis, then it is possible to easily affect the whole body by using acupressure or acupuncture using needles. It is known that the human foot - is the basis, the foundation, which receives and distributes the load of the whole organism, when we move. Ankle assembly - one of the most unique perpendicular to the body. A large cluster of nerve endings and weave creates a lot of reflex points that are used in acupuncture and foot. The inner edges of the foot are responsible for the spine, the outer surface - for the front part. The ends of the fingers are connected with the head. The sole of the foot corresponds to the rear side of the torso. Heel part is responsible for the buttocks and the lower part of the heel of the genitals.

 Acupuncture human foot
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The foot in terms of modern medicine

Modern medicine looks at the stack as an important network of blood vessels (microcirculation). On foot a lot of nerve nodes, it responds well and has a beam transmission. It has a more complicated structure than the surface of the hands. Muscle is more dense layer. When walking, due to muscle activity, the blood vessels expand and contract. At the time when the blood vessels are dilated, the downward flow of blood is easy and feeds the foot. When muscles contract, blood vessels, blood is pushed into the upper part of the body. Consequently, it becomes possible movement of blood from the most distant places of the heart. Pump operates on the principle that normal circulation is accelerated. Stops are sometimes referred to as a second heart.

Due to the fact that modern people walk less and less, to reach normal operation of the pump is not possible. Therefore, there are obstacles to the circulation. Modern people, on average two-thirds of their time sitting or standing. No effect on the active points. A consequence of this becomes that the harmful substances which are found in the body, under the influence of gravity settle in the human foot. This leads to poor circulation.

Not surprisingly, the aging of the human body starts with the feet. In an age of progress, when the development of technology, engineering, people are less and less often go on foot. As for the women, walking in high heels increases the load on the foot. And the further, the less opportunities to use their feet to the destination.

Therefore, from the point of view of modern medicine, reflexology foot markedly improves microcirculation and helps enrich the body with oxygen.

 Acupuncture human foot
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Contraindications to acupuncture foot

Many studies conducted by scientists have shown that reflexology of the foot has a positive effect at any age. We remember that this method can not replace necessary treatment of classical medicine. But successfully used as a supplement. But if anyone can carry out such treatment? Note that when such treatment the doctor uses a needle, improper administration of the skin which can be painful and cause a number of complications.

Without experience and sufficient skills to practice acupuncture is not recommended. Before you begin treatment, you should check whether you have contraindications. This is primarily bleeding disorders, pregnancy, acute infectious diseases, severe disorders of the liver, chronic infectious diseases in acute, venous thrombosis, embolism at the time of exacerbation, the presence at the site in terms of skin pathology.

In the acupuncture points can be influenced by self-massage . This type of massage is recommended to perform for 10 minutes. It is possible to use a cream or oil. This massage will remove the tension in the leg muscles and tones the human body. In summer, as soon as possible try to walk barefoot.

 Acupuncture human foot

Injections of hyaluronic acid for lip augmentation: does it work?

 Injections of hyaluronic acid for lip augmentation: does it work?


  • Component of youth and beauty
  • The mechanism of action of injections of hyaluronic acid
  • What consist injection?
  • Indications and contraindications
  • This procedure can not be done?
  • What effect can we expect?
  • What are the pros and cons?
  • Reviews injections

Quite often the fair sex dream about plump and expressive lips. This is not the nature of each awarded such. But today, plastic surgery and cosmetology offers a wide range of services through which you can adjust the number of their appearance for the better.

Botox and silicone have long since fallen by the wayside when it comes to increasing the volume and lips. At this point there was a radically new material for injection: hyaluronic acid.

What is it and what can be achieved with its help? So, how to increase lip hyaluron?
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Component of youth and beauty

As we know, the human body to a large extent made up of water. The liquid in this context is almost synonymous with life. Perhaps this expression somewhat exaggerated, but still can not underestimate the importance of water to humans. Especially it concerns the issue of youth and beauty. For example, what will happen in the human body if it there is a shortage of liquid? In this case, it will start to become flabby skin lose its firmness and elasticity. Will wrinkles and other age-related changes in the skin.

Someone will ask, where is hyaluronic acid? The thing is, hyaluronic acid belongs to the group of glycosaminoglycans, which are an important component of the epidermis. Simply put, it is a kind of liquid "springs" that keep the skin firm and elastic to the state.

With age, the production of hyaluronic acid, slows down, and so begins the aging process. Slow down these changes and is capable heroine of today's story. But recently, it began to be applied not only to fight against aging, but also to adjust certain parts of the body. For example, lips. Hyaluronic acid may also be used for correcting the shape of the lips, and for filling wrinkles, caused by age.

 Injections of hyaluronic acid for lip augmentation: does it work?
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The mechanism of action of injections of hyaluronic acid

Thus, the skin, consisting of collagen, "supported" by using hyaluronic acid. As mentioned above, it serves as a peculiar "springs". There will be no hyaluronic acid - will begin to crumble and collagen. Injection of hyaluronic acid acts like a ruined filling stations. Injection itself consists of fillers, which are based on hyaluronic acid biosynthetic. It is injected under the skin and then spreads it, creating support collagen fibers.

Specialist (beautician) should pinpoint the injection site, as it should be administered with mathematical precision. That is why it is better to apply to specialized clinics.

Under the influence of the injection with hyaluronic acid the skin is stretched and straightened. As for the lips, their outlines become clearer, they themselves become more attractive, increasing their size. Summary of the charm of injection is that in human organism falls substance which is familiar to him and is not alien, for example, silicon. And overdo it with hyaluronic acid is more difficult than with silicone. Hardly in this case will turn out, "duck" lip or "lip-dumplings."
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What consist injection?

Different agencies use different formulations, which include hyaluronic acid. There is a list of the most common types of injections. It is worth to pay attention. Each of them has its own purpose and features.

Species composition

  • Composition "Repleri"

This composition is stabilized with hyaluronic acid type. "Repleri" is used for correction of small-sized and shallow wrinkles and folds in the skin. As for the lips, this composition is applied only on their shape. So he makes clearer and a little more. On the surface of the lips themselves "Repleri" does not apply.

We introduce the structure in the middle layers of the skin. It relates to formulations of non-animal origin. According to its consistency - viscous.

  • Composition "Stylage"

The composition of the group is implants. It is injected under the skin, and then expanded inside. Used at medium and deep layers of the skin. Suitable for a significant correction in the form of lips. The preparation contains hyaluronic acid, refers to the products of non-animal origin.

  • Composition "Belotero"

This drug is aimed at correcting the skin deeper. It is a gel based on the hyaluronic acid. That "Belotero" is used for direct lip augmentation. During exposure to the drug is increased not only the size of the lips, but also smoothed the different bumps on them, wrinkles or other changes.

By the way, its effect is longer than that which can be achieved with the previous composition. On the very same duration of the injection of hyaluronic acid will be discussed later.

There are three types composition "Belotero": to be inserted into the upper layers of skin at the treatment of wrinkles, to be administered into the middle layers of the skin and for injection into the deep layers of the skin to increase the size and shape of the lips.

 Injections of hyaluronic acid for lip augmentation: does it work?
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Indications and contraindications

Conventionally everybody to resort to the injection procedure of hyaluronic acid in the lips can be divided into two main groups.

So, the first are those who do it just for aesthetic reasons. This group has not faced with any sign of aging of the skin of the lips. These include women up to 25 years. With rare exceptions, this may include women of other ages (hereafter becomes clear why). They may have the following reasons in order to make this procedure:

  • The natural shape of the lips narrow objective, needs some work by interfering contouring;
  • lips by nature have an asymmetrical shape, which prevents the holder;
  • shape of the lips affected after any negative impact, that is not innate imperfection, and is the result of a trauma.

The second group includes those whose shape is deformed lips with age: there were wrinkles, depressions and other signs of aging.
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This procedure can not be done?

Yet the patient's desire - is one thing, but the opinion of a doctor - is another. So, who is contraindicated procedure hyaluronic injections for the lips? This intervention can not be carried out at:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitive to the components of the drug;
  • diseases related to the immune system;
  • the presence of other substances in the lips;
  • allergies to anesthesia drugs;
  • herpes and other chronic and acute diseases of the skin;
  • inveterate scars or scars on his lips.

At the time of treatment, the patient must be healthy, should show no colds, especially accompanied by fever.

 Injections of hyaluronic acid for lip augmentation: does it work?
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What effect can we expect?

An interesting question is how is the result? As to how much is enough effect on the procedure, there is a great deal depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the organism as a whole. External effects are rare who grieves. Lips become noticeably chubby expressive and younger. It should be noted that it looks pretty natural. It does not create the impression that something is not quite done harmoniously.   Moreover, in most cases quite noticeable interference only if no compare photo before and after the procedure.

The average duration of hyaluronic injections of one year. After this time, the drug is completely eliminated from the body, and his lips are the same as they were before the procedure. The very same process of resorption agent starts approximately 4-8 months after the injection.

You should know that after the introduction of the drug in the mouth on the surface necessarily formed edema. This is a completely normal reaction, so it should not be afraid. In good circumstances swelling goes a half to two weeks. During this period you need to make periodic visits to the doctor, that he examined the lips. If the swelling had not slept in two weeks, it is necessary to consult with experts. Perhaps this is an allergic reaction.

The procedure is performed only in patients over 18 years. Required and physiology, and some aspects of the law, because the patient is a contract to carry out the intervention.
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What are the pros and cons?

As with any phenomenon, from injections of hyaluronic acid in the mouth has its pluses and minuses. It is important to know those, and others, to take the necessary decisions for themselves, weigh.

Pros and Cons of injection

First, consider the advantages that exist in the procedure. The main positive side, of course, is that you can significantly transform its appearance. You no longer need complexes about neustraivaet appearance, and you can safely enjoy the new features.

Another advantage of the procedure due to the fact that the effect of it lasts a lifetime. For example, a woman may not like the result. However, she knows that this is not forever. In addition, you can afford it as an experiment (something like a temporary metamorphosis). Women it is always striving to improve and change their appearance.

In addition, it introduced only on the lips hyaluronic acid has the ability to spread a small amount on the entire body, so you can expect a general rejuvenating effect of light on areas close to the lips.

A significant advantage is the fact that hyaluronic acid - a natural component. Yet natural substances are always better than those that are foreign to man. Yes, and they are perceived by the body is much more loyal.

And what are the disadvantages of this type of intervention have? Perhaps someone will want a more lasting effect than the one who gives the injection of hyaluronic acid.

And the cost of the procedure is not acceptable to all. It is around 1000 conventional units. Not everyone can afford it. But at least it is within reason.

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Reviews injections

The opinions of those who made the hyaluronic injection in her lip, very different. Still interesting to know them.

Are those who dared to prick?

Most people agree that this procedure is not as painful as unpleasant. In some cases, it may be difficult to operate a pain reliever, but it is a question for the anesthesiologist.

After the injection, some women indicated that edema were observed long enough (more than 12 of these days). In some of the women even appear bruises, which after a certain time passed.

Most of the ladies happy with the result after injection. They claim to have reached the desired size and shape of the lips. The parameters have been chosen in advance by the photos on the consultation with a specialist.

As in any other situation, there are those who are dissatisfied with the result. As a rule, the two claims. The first is that women do not notice any changes in their lips. They did not change either in size or in shape.

The second claim is based on the fact that the procedure made her lips worse than before the surgery. Perhaps this is due to the individual case, as well as the incompetence of a specialist to perform the work.

One way or another, but any feedback and opinions are taking place. To sum up, the majority of women still satisfied that an injection of hyaluronic acid in the lips.

Well, now it's every - is to decide for yourself whether there is a need for injection gilauronom. It has been given enough facts to help with the decision. But one thing is for sure. Injection of hyaluronic acid - a unique technique that is able to give beauty, youth, and, most importantly, happy. So why not give it all his beloved? One can only wish the successful results and excited about the new look.

 Injections of hyaluronic acid for lip augmentation: does it work?

Defects in the skin, and modern methods of correction

 Defects in the skin, and modern methods of correction


  • Scars on two different types of
  • The following types of scars
  • The main methods of treatment of scars

In today's world, the treatment of scars - this is a very real possibility, available to everyone.

It is not that you can quickly and easily get rid of any defect in the skin. Typically, the treatment takes a long time and requires much patience. Some scars are difficult to correct, but even they can minimize, smooth, choose an appropriate treatment strategy. Proper skin care during this period is of great importance: it must be cleaned daily and wash, moisturize nourishing cream.

Scars represent virtually the same. Scars - a different definition of domestic scars. From a medical point of view, they are formed by the regeneration of the skin at all sorts of injuries (burns, skin diseases, mechanical impact).
Treatment of scars carried out both dermatologists, cosmetologists and surgeons.
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Scars on two different types of

Physiological - this type of scars that have arisen after the injury, characterized by the fact that they are gradually beginning to fade and become indistinct and reduced in volume.

Pathological - here the opposite occurs, the scar becomes bright red or blue, its area increases.

The second type of scarring the most complex, difficult to treat and requires immediate intervention of a qualified professional.

In the treatment of skin blemishes, especially, should define their appearance. This will help you choose the most optimal method for correcting the problem area.

 Defects in the skin, and modern methods of correction
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The following types of scars

  • Atrophic scars. Located below the surface of the surrounding skin with flabby fabrics look. May be formed by rough squeezing boils, the boil. A common example of atrophic scars are striae or stretch marks. Treated filling the "holes" special trains with hyaluronic acid or hardware peeling.
  • Normotroficheskie scars. Is flush with the skin, they are flexible and flat, have pale or flesh colored. There are thin or wide and stretched. In the treatment of scars normotroficheskie not recommended radical measures (surgery). The maximum correction can be achieved with the help of peels or microdermabrasion.
  • Hypertrophic scars. This type is characterized in that above the surface of the skin, has a pink color. Formed by an overabundance of collagen. Excellent treat. Optimal results in the correction of hypertrophic scars provides surgical excision of the scar tissue and hormonal injections of funds into scar tissue, elektrofonoforez hydrocortisone, Contractubex. Small scars can be removed by chemical peels, laser resurfacing and dermabrasion.
  • Keloid scars. There are fan-shaped or star-shaped, rough, painful, can cause itchy, sensitive. After the treatment can give a relapse, continuing its growth. To deal with keloids is very difficult. Only a qualified doctor will be able to choose the best treatment option.

Surgical intervention in this case is ineffective, excision of keloid scar leads to the production of collagen and further relapse. The most acceptable way of correction is considered to be an introduction to scar corticosteroids (90% efficiency). Give good results cryotherapy and radiotherapy.

Modern cosmetology employs a large number of different methods of treating scars that give a good effect and make less visible and bulky existing defects.

Correction of defects is carried out according to the variety of the scar, the age and characteristics of the skin.

 Defects in the skin, and modern methods of correction
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The main methods of treatment of scars

  • Plastic scar skin

It is used when dealing with a large area scars arising as a result of injury or surgery. The technique consists in the excision of scarred tissue overlay cosmetic sutures. A more extensive lesions autodermaplasty used, ie Shred healthy skin from other parts of transplanted to the defective area.

  • Mesotherapy

It is used to treat post-acne scars in the affected tissue is introduced special injection containing the active, regenerating and rejuvenating the skin components.

  • Cryotherapy or kriodermabraziya

Cryodestruction method is to use liquid nitrogen at low temperatures. On the surface of the scar is fixed a special tip, which is gradually cooled from -40 to -80 ° C. The procedure is almost painless, perhaps only a slight burning and tingling. Dead tissue rejected for several weeks. After 3-6 months, a new skin, very sensitive and gentle.

  • Drug therapy

This group includes interferon and the introduction of hormones. Treatment should be qualified specialist, there is a risk of side effects.

  • Laser skin resurfacing

Tripe is composed of connective tissue, and the laser beam vaporizes them. When atrophic scars grind them first, and then filled with collagen or gels. The procedure quickly and painlessly. It will take about 4-6 sessions of laser resurfacing to achieve the best effect.

  • Hardware chemical peels

There are superficial, median and deep peels, depending on the size and depth of the scar. Consists of a hardware and treatment of damaged tissue, at which the resurfacing of scars and skin regeneration.

  • Sand microdermabrasion

Method of treatment of the same peeling. By removing scar lesions and stimulates the regeneration of healthy skin is formed.

  • Dermotoniya (vacuum massage)

Special massage conducted under vacuum to restore lymph and blood circulation in the tissues, leading to a decrease in scarring and alignment.

  • Outdoor treatment

This method is suitable for young (not more than six months), scars. Preparations for external treatment is very small. It may be silicone gel sheeting or adhesive bandages, hydrocortisone ointment.

  • Traditional methods

Postoperative defects can be corrected ointment badger fat and herbal infusions (flowers of calendula, kalanchoe juice and wormwood herb dandelion, milkweed). For the treatment of scars are widely used beeswax and infusion of marshmallow root.

All treatments are carried out under the supervision of specialists and hospitals. Before any procedures necessary to complete a full examination, to find out the presence of contraindications and no allergies to medications administered. After treatment sessions required to comply with all recommendations of the doctor and careful skin care.

It is important to find the surest and safest way to correct, to help get rid of the problem and see the positive result.

 Defects in the skin, and modern methods of correction

Everything you wanted to know about piercings, but were afraid to ask

 Everything you wanted to know about piercings, but were afraid to ask  Navel piercing, like intimate piercing - A full operation, which is to puncture the skin for the subsequent wear at this location ornaments. To perform this procedure was safe and healthy, and then looked aesthetically pleasing result, the piercing should be done only in the audited stores, where there is a license and certified equipment.

Female Intimate piercing involves piercing of the clitoris and the labia majora, and in the case of male piercing is pierced in the foreskin of the penis or the bridle.

Before the procedure area for piercing scrutinized specialist, selected individual decoration, which would correspond to the anatomical structure of the navel. Typically, inlay navel is 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm. Specialist and the customer previously discussed, a piercing is selected - either primary or secondary. For the primary need of the gold alloy 750 or titanium. For secondary piercing (in case of puncture zazhivshim) can be used earrings of 585 samples and 300 samples of steel. Please note that gold and silver low sample are not suitable for piercing, because they are composed of substances that may cause an allergic reaction or pigmentation.

Intimate piercing It involves the use of local anesthesia when insulin syringe injected anesthetic. For navel piercing pain relief is almost never used.

Preparation for the procedure includes sterilization decoration by placing it in a drying cabinet, or simple UV box lubrication in a special solution. Puncture is performed disposable needle. Pre-master with a special marker making markup for piercing and pierceable place is fixed terminals. At the crucial moment the client should take a deep breath, and quickly master carries a puncture and inserts decoration, screwing it into the hole. After this procedure, a pierceable place is treated antibacterial wipes.

How to care for piercings

Piercing navel piercing and intimate need of special care. The most common remedy for the treatment of wounds after the data manipulation - hlorgeksidinmerimistin. Due to the absence of alcohol as part of the solution, it does not burn wound and takes care of the damaged area. In contrast, the same alcohol or hydrogen peroxide (processing with them leads to a darkening near the wound), it does not burn hlorgeksidinmerimistin epidermis. Caring for your piercing is relatively simple - healed puncture clean every time you receive a soul, earring gently rotates and moves, thus disappears sweat and dirt. Additionally, you can buy a special cosmetics for the piercing.

Note that after the puncture is not recommended to use the swimming pool, sauna, steam room, at the time, should refrain from swimming in ponds. If the piercing tired, you can always remove the earring, and the puncture site formed a small, delicate, pale scar.

If you need to perform a professional navel piercing or intimate piercings should contact the professionals who perform the procedure with a guarantee of quality. But where to find a professional, you tell the search portal for masters of beauty

 Everything you wanted to know about piercings, but were afraid to ask

How to remove scars laser?

 How to remove scars laser?


  • Neodymium method
  • Carbon dioxide method
  • Contraindications to scar removal laser

Every woman aspires to be beautiful, and that sometimes it is very difficult to achieve if the body and face are the scars.

It may be the scars of acne scars on the body are frequent from appendicitis. From them can be removed and replaced with normal skin. In this regard, such a procedure as removing the scars has become increasingly popular.

Modern medicine offers several methods of removing scars, apply the chemical and mechanical effects on the skin. However, the increasing popularity of laser scar removal technique, which has a number of advantages. The fact that only the impact of the laser starts the intensive production of collagen and promotes skin cell renewal. Thus, not only removed the scar, but the skin is also getting younger. It should be noted that only laser ablation provides bactericidal effect, which eliminates infectious contamination. In addition, such a procedure is painless. When removing scar laser treatment complications are extremely rare.

It should be noted that the laser scar removal is always done individually. Much depends on the type of scar tissue, the condition of the skin. What matters is the patient's age and many other factors. At present, there are several methods of laser scar removal, they all have their advantages and disadvantages. We must talk about the features of each technique. The greatest distribution was received laser resurfacing of scars by using neodymium and carbon dioxide units.

 How to remove scars laser?
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Neodymium method

Neodymium laser is part of the non-ablative medical equipment. Acting on the skin, it does not damage the fabric top, which is one of the main advantages of such a laser. Its beam penetrates the scar and acts on it from the inside, which gives a greater effect. If this operation provides a qualified specialist, it is possible to remove any scars, including keloid, and atrophic, which removes the other methods is difficult.

It is noteworthy that the neodymium laser scars of different kinds of impacts differently. So, if you need to remove the keloid scar, then it affects extra-long laser pulse, blood vessels are destroyed at the same time, the nutrients are no longer suitable to the scar, stops the synthesis of collagen. As a result, the scar stops growing, which leads to its reduction, and after a while, and to its complete disappearance.

If the scar is removed atrophic type, neodymium laser is set otherwise, that is, the laser beam stimulates the intensive production of collagen. Scar after such exposure is smoothed, becoming more flexible, fully comparable with the surface of the skin. The pulse rate and the strength of the energy is controlled by a computer specialist. One of the characteristics of a neodymium laser is that it can penetrate the skin to 2 mm and more, wherein the epidermis is minimal impact.

 How to remove scars laser?
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Carbon dioxide method

For ablative carbon dioxide laser equipment is, it affects the tissue destructive way. Pain during this procedure is not felt, as in front of it is a local anesthetic. It can be an anesthetic cream or injection into the base of the scar. The basis of this procedure is to run the active synthesis of collagen, which rejuvenates the skin, caused by the rapid division of healthy cells. So it turns out the formation of new skin tissue.

The difference between this method of removing scars compared to the first is that the laser beam impacts directly on the surface of the skin. But in place of the removed skin very quickly, a new, healthy tissue, which can be achieved thanks to the synthesis of collagen. Removal of scars such as carbon dioxide laser is unique in that you can adjust all kinds of scars. It should be noted, however, that the result after such a procedure becomes noticeable within a week after the conference, it is a time necessary for the recovery of the skin. Fully skin is restored in 3-6 months depending on the depth and size of the scar. As long as the skin has not been fully restored, it is necessary to observe the necessary precautions, in particular, should not be allowed to have impacted on the skin to direct sunlight.

This method is good for the fact that age-related wrinkles disappear, the skin is smoothed.

Laser scar removal procedure is efficient and painless, and the results in most cases excellent.

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Contraindications to scar removal laser

It should be noted that not all the scars can be removed with a laser. We have such a procedure and contraindications:

  • skin diseases (inflammation, psoriasis, eczema, allergy);
  • diabetes (if it occurs in severe);
  • cancers of the skin.

You should not use this method if a woman is pregnant.

He also has some side effects, and above all it should be noted hyperpigmentation of the skin. However, this can be prevented if you do not sunbathe for a while, and before going out to enjoy the sunny weather, UV filter. After laser resurfacing is finished, the doctor prescribes a medication that will help to accelerate the renovation of the skin and prevent its pigmentation. Within 7 days after such a procedure is necessary to take into account the following:

  • must necessarily take those antibiotics that are prescribed physician;
  • sauna, solarium and sauna in that period of time are not permitted;
  • skin needs nourishing and moisturizing appropriate means;
  • skin care contra-use preparations containing alcohol;
  • after such a procedure, some time may be pain, swelling, but fear on this occasion should not be a maximum of 10 days all this will pass.

Resorting to such a procedure, as the laser scar removal, you can expect to achieve a good cosmetic effect, if you follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

 How to remove scars laser?

Types of Aesthetic gynecology

 Types of Aesthetic gynecology


  • Forms intimate plastics
  • Changing the size and shape of the labia
  • Intimate Plastic clitoris
  • Indications for surgical defloration
  • Operation of the plastic sheath

Intimate plastic - this is an area of ​​medicine related to gynecology, surgery and, not surprisingly as it may sound, with psychiatry. After defects of genitals can cause not only health problems but also psychological problems related to dissatisfaction with their sexual life. And as you know, the sexual sphere - it is an integral part of human life, which affects not only the health, but also psycho-emotional state. Therefore, the operation in the field of aesthetic gynecology has long been actively practiced in America and in Europe. In Russia - this is still a relatively new phenomenon, but the demand for such a medicine is gaining its momentum.

More recently, women hesitated to talk about intimate plastic genitalia, it was simply not accepted. But now the situation has changed. Women want to be perfect and beautiful in every way. This concerns not only the face and body, but also more intimate parts. Very often external genitalia defects negatively affect the sexual life of women. There are facilities, the woman begins to be ashamed of their bodies and express themselves in sex and all that affects the relationship with the partner. Of course, the field of plastic surgery in gynecology fundamentally changes nothing in the life of patients, changes occur in the state of mind that is important.
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Forms intimate plastics

All operations in the field of plastics intimate body parts in women conventionally divided into 2 groups. The first group includes surgery, which aim to correction of the appearance of genitalia (labia reshaping - labiaplasty, restoring virginity - Hymenoplasty operations on the clitoris). The second group includes the operation to restore bodily functions that have been lost after the gestation, birth, and after diseases (surgery on the vagina, deflowering surgical methods, correction stretching the perineum, etc.).

Whatever the operation, should be very serious about the choice of the clinic, which will be run by experienced doctors and follow all the rules of sterility.

After intimate plastic, made by unqualified experts, can lead to both of infection and nerve damage.

 Types of Aesthetic gynecology
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Changing the size and shape of the labia

Everything in our body is designed to sense. And the structure of the genital organs is not an exception. The normal position of the labia is considered when the labia majora cover small. This situation limits the penetration of infection in the vagina. In addition, the labia create a certain temperature regime genitals. By labiaplasty women resort when they are not happy with the size and shape of the labia. During the operation to change the shape of the labia is often either removed excess fat or, conversely, the labia are filled with fat. Usually surgery is performed under local anesthesia and its duration is about 30 minutes.

The most demanded aesthetic surgery in gynecology is considered intimate plastic labia minora. It is carried out at an elongation or asymmetry of the labia. If the length of the lips when traction is greater than 4-5 cm, the lips are considered to be increased, but it is worth noting that the size and shape of labia majora - is a characteristic of every woman, which can vary with age and after childbirth.

Surgery to correct the labia minora lasts about 40 minutes under local anesthesia, and then superimposed intradermal cosmetic seams. This intimate plastic leaves virtually no scars, as the genitals have a very good blood supply. After surgery, the patient will be required to process the edges of wounds or chlorhexidine miramistinom several times a day for 10 days. We'll have to forget the 2-3 weeks of the swimming pool, sauna and gym, as well as sexual intercourse.

Intimate Plastic labia - this is the most popular procedure for women, which facilitates the process of personal hygiene, makes it possible to wear a candid underwear, thanks to aesthetic kind of genitals.
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Intimate Plastic clitoris

The clitoris in women - a small sexual organ, has a huge impact on sex life, because of its sensitivity plays an important role in achieving orgasm. Sometimes some women from birth or after birth injuries and the clitoris is hidden or fold of skin or scars. And this causes problems when a woman had sex in getting sexual sensations. In such cases, intimate plastic clitoris is an outcrop of the clitoris. Sometimes women are conducting operations to increase or decrease the clitoris.

 Types of Aesthetic gynecology
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Indications for surgical defloration

Surgical defloration shows women whose deflowering not occur naturally due to the nature of the structure of the hymen. Also known cases of imperforate hymen when the menstrual blood can not get out and accumulates in the vagina. This pathology is called atresia. In cases of atresia surgery is necessary. And the sooner the better.

Surgical defloration performed under local anesthesia. A week after this surgery, the patient can live a normal sexual life.
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Operation of the plastic sheath

Sometimes postpartum complications, such as the omission of the vaginal walls, scarring at the site perineal, the increase in the vagina, a woman forced to seek medical advice. These complications not only become a hindrance to sexual intercourse, but also affect the well-being of women as the cause of pain, constipation and incontinence.

Depending on the degree of complication doctor chooses surgery technique. In any case after the surgery the patient will have to comply with certain conditions. It is forbidden to sit for 10 days, it is necessary to exclude sex for 1, 5 months and do not forget to carry out daily douching using antiseptic solution.

Thus, intimate plastic is carried out not only for aesthetic reasons, but also from the point of view of medical indications. Of course, on the one hand, why change something that is natural, especially if cosmetic defects intimate places have no effect on health. But, on the other hand, women increase his lips, breasts, do plastic surgery on the face, although it is not quite natural. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be beautiful in all, the main thing - to be in harmony with your body and soul.

 Types of Aesthetic gynecology