Monday, 1 February 2016

Coding of alcohol addicted

 Coding of alcohol addicted


  • Dovzhenko method
  • Tool coding
  • The chemical (pharmacological) coding
  • Support encoded by

Alcoholism - a disease which is now recognized as a scourge of our society.

A person suffering from alcohol dependence, are often unable to cope with the problem, because alcohol inhibits the willpower. The official medicine can not offer treatment of this disease, but there is an alternative - coding of alcoholic dependence. About encoding heard everything, even those who did not have friends and relatives with such dependence, but not all are what is behind this word.

In Addiction, the term "coding" ("encoding") is a generic and refers to methods of suggestion, whose purpose is the treatment of alcoholism or drug addiction in a single session. All of these methods are related to the fact that the patient fearsome threat of death in the case of reception of alcohol or drugs. Many professionals involved in the coding of alcoholic dependence, understand the term is much broader.

Today, there are three types of coding:

  1. With the help of psychotherapy: lectures, videos, conversations with the doctor. It is rarely used alone, as in this case, a person must have a strong desire to stop drinking, and a strong will. This includes the so-called method Dovzhenko, who was created in the Soviet Union in the 80s of XX century.
  2. With the help of instrumental effects: magnetic resonance, and laser therapy. By using hardware techniques unloaded locus of excitation in the central nervous system that occurs when taking alcoholic drinks. And pathological craving for alcohol disappears.
  3. Using pharmacological effects: drugs "Torpedo", "block", "Esperal." They provoke a person up to the unpleasant symptoms of suffocation and spasms after drinking alcohol.

 Coding of alcohol addicted

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Dovzhenko method

The classic way of psychotherapeutic coding for alcohol dependence. Suitable for people with elementary or middle stage of alcoholism. A prerequisite for voluntary encodes a desire to stop drinking and sober for 10, the best 15 days.

The method is based on hypnosis or deep psychotherapeutic impact on the patient, resulting in his subconscious is formed installation on a healthy lifestyle and desire for acceptance of alcohol is reduced and eventually completely disappearing. In this regard, the person subjected to the encoding for alcohol dependence arises aversion to taste and smell of alcohol beverages.

The entire process takes about 3-4 hours and is divided into several stages:

  1. Personal conversation with the doctor, during which the specialist finds out the patient the reasons why he decided to stop drinking.
  2. Group lessons (in the group must not be present more than 20-25 people). In fact, it's lectures, which adjusts to the success of therapy.
  3. Direct encoding, in which an expert spends hypnotic suggestion, supported by some physical action, forming a negative reflex to alcoholic beverages. The suggestion made at any particular period of time (at least 1 year).

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Tool coding

One of the most popular methods of encoding alcohol dependence using instrumental impact at the moment is a laser technique. Special medical laser works on acupressure points that are responsible for the functioning of internal organs and a variety of physiological processes.

Encoded so in different degrees of alcohol dependence, even in the chronic stage, and in all cases the results are sufficiently stable and effective. Center depending on the alcohol blocked and thrust him naturally suppressed after a single session of laser acupuncture. This method is used not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in Europe, America and Japan, it is considered the safest and helps even in cases where other methods are deemed inefficient.

 Coding of alcohol addicted
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The chemical (pharmacological) coding

The basis of this method is introduced into the human body of certain medications that increase sensitivity to alcohol, his intolerance. Craving for alcohol is not suppressed, but the reception physically unpleasant or impossible. This method of exposure may be used no more than 3 times as with time the body gets used to the action of these drugs and ceases to respond to them. Before starting the drug is mandatory not to drink from 3 to 7 days. The method is divided into several subtypes:

  • Intravenous blocking. Drugs such as "Torpedo" and its variants are administered intravenously. All the drugs used for this coding for alcohol dependence, differ from each other only by the amount of active ingredient. Therefore, we can be coded for a period of 1 to 3 years. They take effect 30 minutes after administration. With this encoding human provocations after entering the drug that he felt the unpleasant symptoms that accompany alcohol intake.
  • Intramuscular lock. With this type of encryption products, for example, "Esperal-gel", "Vivitrol", "Delfizon" administered intramuscularly. The advantage of this method over intravenous blocking is that the drug enters the bloodstream through the 1, 5-2 hours, and its effect is softer.
  • Subcutaneous lock. The drug, for example, "Narkoron" sewn under the skin in the area of ​​the blade. The impact is similar to the intramuscular blocking: starts to act through 1, 5 hours, has a benign manifestations.

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Support encoded by

All the experts who deal with coding, highlight not so important, what method to fight the disease you have chosen. The main thing is that the patient did not go through this process alone. If you decided to quit drinking alcohol addicted, the support of friends and relatives will be able to give him strength . And in this case it will be much more determined to, which is very important to deal with any kind of dependencies.

 Coding of alcohol addicted

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