- How is dermotoniya?
- Dermotoniya body
- Dermotoniya persons
- Indications and contraindications
- Questions and answers
Many women face the problem of cellulite and sagging skin. Especially frustrating to realize the existence of this problem in the warmer seasons, when you want to wear short shorts, light dresses and a bikini. But taking care of women's health and beauty, beauticians have developed a procedure known as dermotoniya.
Methods dermotonii has its origins in the modern philosophy of the recovery operation of the body because the skin - a body which works in unity with other agencies and with the entire human body as a whole. Not for nothing is said that all diseases of internal organs are reflected on the face.
Dermotoniya - a vacuum reflex-therapeutic method aimed at combating cellulite. The procedure is intended to revive the microcirculation in the tissue to deliver nutrients and oxygen to stimulate the metabolism in the cells and remove toxins. The object of influence are the dermis and hypodermis. As a result, the procedure activates venous-lymphatic circulation, arterioles dilate and toxins are derived.
Resorted to this procedure, if necessary, treatment of stretch marks for postpartum recovery of body shapes and regenerative correction of breast shape, for the treatment of scars and varicose veins.
How is dermotoniya?
Since the procedure does not provide for the use of cosmetic products, the risk of allergic reactions is zero. Duration of the course is always individual, but more often from 8 to 15 sessions. Schedule of visits daily, or one day.
This cosmetic procedure is hardware. Nozzles for massage adapted to the structure of the body, constant and pulsating modes contribute to the reduction of volumes, modeling silhouette and improve skin condition. In the study, which will be held dermotoniya, a specially selected light and turn on nice music for relaxation.
The procedure takes place in four phases:
- Examination of the patient, identifying areas of skin with fibrous tissue (zone dermatonii);
- Reflexology. Processing of biological points of the body easily absorbed regime apparatus;
- Massage. The device continuously impact force absorption is determined by the sensitivity of the individual patient, and from the area of the procedure. In cultivated areas there is a slight feeling of warmth. Exposure causes an improvement of metabolic processes, increases the tone of the tissue, has defibrosing impact.
- Drainage. The unit pulsed. First held the opening of the lymph nodes (processing areas of the projections of the lymph nodes) after -limfoottok and final action is closing the lymph nodes.
The procedure is perceived by women as quite pleasant. In the supine position the device acts on the stomach, chest, arms, front of the thighs, and in the prone position - on the back of the thighs and legs, buttocks, waist, back.
Dermotoniya body
Dermotoniya body - the process of mechanical action on the skin and muscles of the human body. Exposure is performed by hardware using ebony sticks that are moving towards each other (swinging movement). Speed and amplitude specified. Sticks gently grasp the skin folds and also affect different areas of the skin. Vessels and tissue while completely traumatized. During dermotonii body, it improves the microcirculation in the epidermis and dermis, which increases elasticity, while improving the process of lipolysis begins to occur burning fat.
Basic dermotoniya helps reduce the volume of the body, say goodbye to the local fat deposits, helps get rid of cellulite, helps to restore skin elasticity and relieving pain. The frequency of exposure - 50-70 Hz, providing an analgesic, decongestant and lymph drainage effects. Capillary flow during the procedure increases five times, lymph - three times.
Dermotoniya persons
Dermotoniya face - the procedure of aesthetic treatment smoothes wrinkles, remove the double chin, "bags" and dark circles under the eyes, swollen eyelids total removal. Use dermotoniey should, if there has been a weakening tone facial muscles, causing the appearance of a double chin. Violation of lymph circulation causes swelling of the eyelids and dark circles under the eyes, it also will help the procedure.
The saving procedure can be in the fight against fine wrinkles caused by facial expressions as an active and natural skin aging, and in the fight against weakening the circular muscles of the eyes. What does this procedure? Women noted the improvement of complexion, increase softness and elasticity of the skin, changes in facial contours for the better.
Indications and contraindications
This procedure is not so many contra-indications, but not to mention they still can not. Here's what could serve as a hindrance:
- Inflammation of the skin;
- Skin diseases;
- Infectious diseases of the skin;
- Fungal diseases of the skin;
- Education on the skin (eg, tumor);
- Thrombophlebitis;
- Fever;
- Hypertensive disease of 2-4 degree;
- Coronary artery disease;
- More than six months pregnant;
- Acute respiratory infections.
Indications for dermotonii:
- Circulatory disorders;
- Impaired metabolism;
- Abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract;
- The presence of postoperative scars;
- Burns;
- Adhesions:
- Pain syndromes;
- Prevention of bedsores;
- Prevention of striae (stretch marks);
- Local fat;
- Cellulite;
- The severity and leg swelling;
- Capillary mesh;
- Circles under the eyes;
- Double chin;
- Eyelid edema;
- Sagging skin;
- The folds and wrinkles;
- Unhealthy complexion.
Questions and answers
And now we give answers to the most frequently asked questions about the procedure dermotonii women.
- Can I remove the fold on the belly, which is the result of the completeness or pregnancy?
This fold - deformation of the anterior abdominal wall. The people call it "hanging fold" or "apron". The excess skin and fat, resulting from excessive completeness or pregnancy dermotoniya not able to remove. Help can only surgery.
- Will the procedure for weight loss when it excess?
If you will be a comprehensive treatment of overweight, then by removing excess fluid dermotonii procedure will be a good assistant in this difficult matter.
- How long dermotonii and the required number of sessions?
The procedure involves an individual approach to each patient depending on the susceptibility of the organism and skin condition. The processing procedure of the body takes approximately one hour and fifteen minutes, and processing entity - thirty minutes. The number of sessions - 5-12 visits.
- Is it possible to combine the process of vacuum massage with other treatments and resources?
An integrated approach to care for the body does not contradict dermotonii procedure, but on the contrary, it helps to ensure a more sustainable impact.
- What to do to effect preserved as long as possible?
Comments about this procedure, leave not only cosmeticians, but already past her patient. To achieve a good result you need to go 2 full rate for the year. The effect is quite long, as the metabolism is normalized.
We advise to check: how do vacuum massage
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