Friday, 12 February 2016

Rice diet for 7 days. Preparing for the holidays

 Rice diet for 7 days. Preparing for the holidays  Contents:

  • Which figure is most useful?
  • Rice diet for 7 days
  • Two variants of the cleaning rice diet
  • Which leads to the results on the rice diet?

More than half the inhabitants of our planet each day eat rice. After all, when properly prepared, the product does not get bored, on the contrary, can serve as an excellent side dish to many dishes. And, of course, no way not to mention the benefits of rice to the human body. What is it unique? First of all, rice blends well with both meat and fish as well as vegetables and fruits. Moreover, it is a source of energy because it contains many of the desired trace elements for human health: carbohydrates, vitamins B, various acids, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc.

For people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors even recommend to use rice for food, because it creates in the stomach a special protective film. The same researchers proved use of rice in the prevention of cancers, in treating people with intolerance to gluten and vegetable protein, which is not contained in the rice. All these advantages will surely make this product are always relevant. But the most important advantage of rice is that it greatly helps to lose weight and cleanse the body, with little or no harm to health. Rice diet is the first place in popularity, and today we will talk specifically about it. But first, you need to focus on the rice and understand what is best suited to become the most effective diet.

Which figure is most useful?

It all depends on the processing of rice. For example, white polished rice is not so useful, than the wild or untreated, even though it is most commonly used in cooking. Why is that? Before you get to the shops, rice is cleaned and processed, it is to ensure that the finished product is stored for longer. And useful properties "leave" from it in the process of purification. Therefore, rice diet will be more effective and useful if used in her rice brown, brown. You can buy it in any supermarket. Of course, it is an order of magnitude higher than white rice. But your health is priceless, right?

 Rice diet for 7 days. Preparing for the holidays

Rice diet for 7 days

So, we come directly to the description of the diet. Duration of your "hunger strike" will be only 7 days, for the sake of a beautiful figure can be patient for a week, the more that is not such a strict diet and. We begin, as usual, from Monday ...

On Monday

  • Breakfast: boiled rice - 60 grams, flavored with lemon juice or zest, apple, green tea without sugar;
  • Lunch: rice with olive oil - 60 grams, vegetable soup, vegetable salad;
  • Supper: rice steam with carrots and zucchini - about 150 grams, vegetable broth.


  • Breakfast: boiled rice, just 60 grams, filled with low-fat sour cream, orange;
  • For lunch and dinner the same: any vegetable soup and about 100 grams of boiled rice.


  • Breakfast: boiled rice with cinnamon, apple, unsweetened green tea;
  • Lunch: rice stew with mushrooms, salad of fresh cucumbers, olive oil, vegetable broth.
  • Supper: rice steam with the addition of broccoli, a glass of broth.


  • Breakfast: boiled rice, seasoned with a teaspoon of grated almonds and a handful of raisins;
  • Lunch: rice with carrots, steamed - 150 grams, lettuce, radishes and vegetable broth;
  • Supper: rice with parsley and a glass of broth.


  • Breakfast: rice porridge with milk, fruit salad and rice cereal;
  • Lunch: 150 grams of steam rice with vegetables and any herbs, broth;
  • Supper: rice, seasoned with grated walnuts, celery, green onions. Spinach.


  • Breakfast: salad of rice, dates, couples, couples walnuts, figs and pears;
  • Lunch: rice with vegetables - 60 grams, absolutely any vegetables, you can add mint and olive oil;
  • Supper: a portion of rice with apples, you can season with honey, vegetable broth.


  • Breakfast: a portion of 60 grams of rice with yogurt, lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey;
  • Lunch: a portion of the steam is 150 grams of rice with tomato and green beans, vegetable broth;
  • Supper: a portion of the steam rice, 150 grams of olives and zucchini, seasoned with olive oil. Vegetable broth.

Here's a not particularly strict diet. Of course, it is a little monotonous, but the effect is excellent. In just 7 days you lose 5-6 kilos, but it's not so bad, you will agree! The peculiarity of the rice that it brings a feeling of satiety and allows for a long time not to feel hungry. Besides rice diet is good also by reducing the need for sugar and fat, while retaining all necessary energy to the body.

 Rice diet for 7 days. Preparing for the holidays

Two variants of the cleaning rice diet

The first diet lasts three days, during which you have to eat only boiled rice. Every day - one glass of this useful cereal without any seasoning. A portion is divided into several equal parts, washed down with juice - apple or orange. The diet is very strict, so it can not hold more than three days. You can repeat not earlier than in a month. This rice diet allows you to reset approximately kilogram per day. Good to sit on such fasting on the eve of the holiday, the New Year, for example, to your favorite dress turned out just in time.

The second option, which can offer a cleansing diet rice is not as strict, it is designed for seven days. One day diet requires a pound of boiled rice, which you can add lean meats, fish, vegetables and fruits. The main thing, the percentage of these products should not be more than 200 grams per day. You can drink mineral water, natural juices self cooking, green tea without sugar. This rice diet involves repetition of fourteen days, if necessary.

Which leads to the results on the rice diet?

As mentioned above, the rice diet gets rid of the extra kilos in just a few days, and it takes place without harm to health, on the contrary, the body is cleansed of toxins unnecessary to him, and you will feel more alert and healthy. To diet results please you as much as possible, within the first two to three weeks after the application is necessary to limit itself in the use of meat, fat and dairy products.

Of course, in this article are not all variants of diet on rice, you can choose the diet that suits you best. By the way, before you start a diet consult a dietitian, he certainly will tell you how to proceed to get a stunning effect!

 Rice diet for 7 days. Preparing for the holidays

We recommend that read: Rice diet for weight loss

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