Monday, 29 February 2016

The means and methods to combat acne on the face

 The means and methods to combat acne on the face


  • It is necessary to determine the cause
  • Other causes of acne
  • Treatment and disposal of acne at home
  • Acne treatment methods of traditional medicine
  • Other means of combating skin imperfections
  • Use of face masks and prevention of rashes
  • What else should be considered?

At all times, women have paid a lot of attention to their appearance. Hours spin front of the mirror, creating her image - the favorite activity of any female. And everything seems to be done: hair, makeup, clothes. But something still is haunted. And it is - acne that can not only spoil the mood for a few days, but also cause unpleasant and even painful. What is acne and where does it come? This question interests many.

And most importantly, how to get rid of pimples on your face? What you need to do, how you should eat and what you can not do?

Acne - is the result of clogging of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Interacting with oxygen, they form at this point, the white or black point. When injected into the clogged place any infection and the inflammatory process begins that is characterized by the appearance of purulent wounds in red, which later burst.

The most common place for acne can be considered the face, especially the forehead, wings, nose and chin area. This is due to the fact that in these locations significantly larger sebaceous glands, and the closer they are to the skin surface, the greater the likelihood of inflammation of these glands. How to get rid of this problem?
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It is necessary to determine the cause

There are many different means to combat acne on the face, but before you start treatment, it is important to determine the root cause of their appearance, or treatment may be useless.

The causes of acne on the skin can be very diverse. To determine the exact causes of this must be consulted with a specialist (dermatologist or beautician), who will prescribe the right course of treatment.

So, one of the most common causes of acne is the period of puberty in boys and girls. It justifies this large release of sex hormones, resulting in enhanced activity of the sebaceous glands and pores of the skin become clogged with sebum. Thus there is a tube, which is under the influence of different infections can become inflamed.

It is not less common causes include poor diet. Excessive consumption of unhealthy foods can lead to active acne on the face. Acne may also be the result manifestations of allergic reactions. Spicy foods, fatty, starchy foods, excessive sweets, alcohol, caffeine - all this only contributes to the appearance of acne on the face and body.

 The means and methods to combat acne on the face
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Other causes of acne

Considerable influence on the appearance of acne and have experience frequent stress. In our time, they are very difficult to avoid, because we are faced with them constantly. Our organism must somehow respond to this, so it allocates times of stress even more sebaceous glands, which provoke the clogging of pores on the skin and causing pimples.

By the way, as though it may sound strange, but sometimes the cause of acne may be the sun. All the sun affects very differently. For example, for someone the sun - a way to get rid of acne, because it dries them and makes the skin smoother, but someone on the contrary suffers from the sun, as it affects exactly the opposite. Always in the period of solar activity is applied to the skin of the face and body protective creams. Even if you do not suffer from acne, sunscreen prevents skin dryness, premature aging and the appearance of burns on it.

Very often, pimples on the face are the result of improper skin care. Many forget a very important rule - always wash off makeup before bed and clean skin. This is necessary in order to get rid of the large quantities of germs keratinized skin particles and dust that has accumulated during the day. To skin is not clogged by all these particles, be sure to clean it, otherwise the skin may become inflamed and ducts on the face of pimples appear.
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Treatment and disposal of acne at home

Before talking about the ways and methods of treating acne is to say about the most important rule - never squeeze pimples. This may be engaged only beautician, using extrusion sterile instruments, and it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of infection. Squeezing pimples yourself, you put yourself at risk of a very large and very easy to put on the wound infection.

First, extruded from a pimple you can remain a scar that will "decorate" your face the rest of his life. Secondly, on the site of one of the extruded acne can be many other smaller. Third, the worst thing that can happen - a blood infection, which is very difficult and sometimes impossible to cure.

In our time, the pharmacy just overwhelmed by various means of acne. No matter how good any tool (and the price is very different), it can not save you from acne in a short time. It takes usually carry out comprehensive treatment, which can last for months or even years. Why spend a lot of money if you can get rid of the problems with conventional means, in the home? So what are the tools help solve this problem and to make skin clean and beautiful?

 The means and methods to combat acne on the face
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Acne treatment methods of traditional medicine

It has long been known that a solution of 1-2% salicylic acid is considered to be a good remedy to combat acne on the face and the body. It has antibacterial, dried and exfoliating. This tool is available to absolutely everyone, it is very cheap and you can buy it at any pharmacy. It is necessary to wipe the skin of the face and body with this solution with a cotton pad, but it should be no more than twice a day. Right will do a variety of moisturizing facial masks, because salicylic acid is very dry out the skin. But the mask is done only when the acne will be cured, or they can become inflamed again.

An excellent means of getting rid of acne is considered to be an infusion of chamomile. Chamomile flower has a number of medicinal properties, it is able to reduce inflammation and irritation to the skin. The infusion is prepared as follows: chamomile flowers (they are sold in every pharmacy), pour boiling water and infuse for 20 minutes. With a cotton pad should do warm compresses on the face, paying special attention to the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin. These packs can make an infinite number of times per day.

So, 5-6 times a day can be considered the norm. Very useful for wiping the skin with ice from the infusion of chamomile. This not only saves you from acne, and tones the skin, making it more elastic.

Parsley juice and aloe flower great help in the fight against skin imperfections. For best effect it is necessary to wipe the skin juice in the morning and evening. But remember that both of juice mix with each other is not necessary, it is better to choose for themselves alone.
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Other means of combating skin imperfections

It is very beneficial for the skin and are effective in the fight against acne clay facial mask. The clay can be purchased at any drugstore and cosmetic shop. Prepared mask is easy enough to dissolve the clay with warm water (preferably boiled) to the consistency of thick cream. Apply a thin layer of clay is necessary, and after 15-20 minutes rinse with warm running water. Mask of clay can not only cleanse the skin, but also to pull dirt from the pores, dry up pimples, reduce inflammation and redness.

Deep clean pores and dry pimples, get rid of them and is able to remove dead skin cells mask concoctions. Once applied to the skin so the pores are saturated with oxygen masks, lost shine. Prepared mask is very simple: it is necessary to dissolve the powder concoctions (you can buy it at the pharmacy) with warm boiled water to obtain a slurry. The following put a mask on your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Bodyagi cosmetology has excellent properties.

After application of such masks, facial skin is more supple, toned, youthful. The pores on the face open and are cleansed, the skin begins to breathe. It is important to know that after a mask of facial skin concoctions may blush a little, so it's best to make a mask for the night. People with sensitive skin this mask should not do.

Mask of honey is considered to be excellent tool in the fight against skin imperfections. Honey - a great antiseptic that contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the skin. After a honey mask on your skin pores are narrowed, it becomes more soft and silky. The recipe of a mask is as follows: you must mix 50 g of honey, 50 g of olive oil and 1 egg yolk. All thoroughly mixed, and then applied to the face, neck and décolleté. After 20-25 minutes the mask can be washed off.

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Use of face masks and prevention of rashes

All of these face masks, as well as many other very useful and effective in the fight against acne. But to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to apply them regularly, at least 1-2 times per week. Perhaps it will take some time before the results become noticeable. But to solve the problem using only masks unlikely to succeed. To get rid of acne, you need a comprehensive treatment, including proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, fresh air and proper cleaning.

Let's start with cleansing. As already stated, every morning and every evening you must clean the skin by removing dirt from it. To make better use of special cleansing agents for washing, the selection of which is now huge. It can be various gels, foams. Ordinary soap should be avoided because it dries the skin much. After the procedure, wash special means should be wiped with a cotton pad face special lotion dries and then apply a moisturizing cream. Cream is to select a type of skin according to age.

1-2 times a week is recommended to do facial peels. This helps to remove dead skin cells and deep cleanse the pores. It is not necessary to use a ready means for peeling, and you can cook it yourself. One of the recipes for such tools involves the use of coffee grounds, which must be mixed with one tablespoon of yogurt. Apply to face with circular movements needed hands massaged for about 2 minutes, then rinse with warm running water. Skin cleanser should be gentle, to avoid damaging it.
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What else should be considered?

To keep your skin is healthy and beautiful, it is necessary first of all to eat. Excessive alcohol consumption, fatty, salty and spicy food, sweets - all this will necessarily be reflected on your skin. In order for the skin to be healthy, you need to eat as many fruits, vegetables and cereals. Daily consumption of large amounts of clean drinking water a positive impact on the health of your skin. Fried dishes better to replace the guy.

Do not forget about dairy products, as one of the causes of rashes can be a problem with the intestines. Enough to drink before going to bed a glass of kefir, which will provide your intestines healthy bacteria.

So, what to do, so that the skin was attractive? Maintain a healthy lifestyle, to spend more time in the fresh air, eat right and properly care for their skin, cleaning it and taking care of her. All the problems come from the inside. Watch out for your health, because healthy skin - a pledge of beauty. And it is so important for any girl. Following these simple rules will help you get rid of acne and solve this problem once and for all.

 The means and methods to combat acne on the face

How to protect the most defenseless skin?

 How to protect the most defenseless skin?

Spring - a difficult time for women with sensitive skin. Warm sunny days alternating rainy and windy, and sometimes even in the morning frost. In April and May the weather changes frequently and sharply, bringing to women with sensitive skin considerable discomfort. As a rule, especially suffering facial skin: it arise irritation, itching.

In the spring, even normal skin often exposed to the dangers and how to become sensitive due to the influence of the environment (bad weather, dry by heating, improper care), and for internal reasons (frequent stress, decreased immunity, hormonal metabolism).

All experts on means of facial agree that sensitive skin requires special attention. Caring for her to be very careful, especially in the spring.

What you should avoid

First of all women with sensitive skin should be excluded from any aggressive care products cosmetic products: • Exfoliating - scrubs, peels hard;

  • cosmetics that can cause allergies;
  • products containing perfumes, dyes, and other stimuli.

In addition, it is not recommended to go out immediately after applying moisturizer on the skin, because even a gentle breeze can cause irritation to the skin moisturized.

What should strive

Sensitive facial skin needs special protection. Means for care should strengthen natural resources protective skin to thicken hydrolipid film. Moreover, they must contain materials that provide skin intensive nutrition during the day: • an oil; • unsaturated fatty acids; • vitamins.

 How to protect the most defenseless skin?

If you experience discomfort due to sensitive skin, you can approach innovation from NIVEA - Nourishing cream for dry and sensitive skin. It is based on formula enriched almond oil which acts effectively particularly in combination with oleic acid, identical skin lipids. In addition, the cream contains a filter SPF, which protects the skin on a sunny day and prevent premature aging.

Spring women tend to devote more time to his body, preparing for the summer holidays. Do not forget the sensitive skin of the face, exposed to the greatest risk, because it is always in sight - in winter and summer!

 How to protect the most defenseless skin?

How to remove facial hair at home?

 How to remove facial hair at home?


  • Hair styles and kinds of excess body hair
  • How can home to remove facial hair yourself?
  • The methods of hair removal
  • Other methods

What is the fair sex did not notice at the hairs on his face? However, someone they can be completely invisible, and does not cause much discomfort.

Facial hair in women are the cause of inconvenience if they are tough, long and dark.

What areas of the face more often exposed to them growing thick "vegetation"? Manifested facial hair in women in different areas. These areas include the chin, the area above the upper lip, cheeks, brow area.
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Hair styles and kinds of excess body hair

Hair on the face, as in any other area of ​​the body, two types of grow:

  • Vellus, grow a particular type of hair follicles. The structure are thin, short and sweet. Increased growth of vellus hair is called hypertrichosis. This change does not relate to the action of hormones. It can be caused by a metabolic disorder (malfunction of the thyroid gland caused by puberty, pregnancy, menopause), taking certain medications (eg, minoxidil), congenital features of the constitution. Although the increased growth of vellus facial hair can occur in healthy women without endocrine disorders.
  • Rod for their growth corresponds to a completely different type of hair follicles. Hair coarse, stiff, thicker, have pigmented shade. The growth of hair in women in excess of the core due to the influence of androgens (male sex hormones), called hirsutism.

The overabundance of male hormones in women will have an effect on hair follicles type 1, making them the 2nd bulb. Which, in turn, will contribute to the growth of coarse hair rod type.

The gynecologist-endocrinologist will help clarify the nature of the abundant growth of hair on the face. It will assign the correct treatment regimen. In the case of endocrine disruption solve the problem of hairiness on the face alone epilation fail: they will appear again, if not more. Those women who do not have hormonal problems, it can make use of household ways of getting rid of hair in this article.

 How to remove facial hair at home?
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How can home to remove facial hair yourself?

Going to the beauty salon to make even a single procedure (for example, laser hair removal), you will very expensive. And the surprises of such a procedure can not be avoided in the form of redness and peeling of the skin, and a 100% guarantee for complete freedom from hair on the rest of your life you will not find one. The hair will start to grow again after a certain period of time. So why not use alternative methods of hair removal household, whose effectiveness has been proven more than one generation of women? And the big financial expenses you do not have to.

  • Shaving

Shaving is an affordable and popular for hair removal from the face of fashion. Only the result of its application is not comforting. Shaving is splitting hairs at the tips, which makes the hair thicker and noticeable. If you decide to make your choice in favor of this method, then you should know that you have to carry out the procedure podbrivaniya hair almost every day, increasing their growth and irritating the skin.

  • Plucking

Another equally well-known way to remove facial hair. Just like the first method, the effect of its application is not the one that you expect to receive. In the process of plucking the hair follicles are damaged, which can lead to irritation, small scratches and scars. Plucking also entails a thickening of hair and enhance their growth.

Plucking should choose those with a small number of stem hairs on the face. It is possible that on the site of a hair-thin predecessor appears thicker hair. If you are facing a dilemma: to shave or pluck hairs on the face, then use the second option. Because of its use hair grow much more durable.

 How to remove facial hair at home?
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The methods of hair removal

  • Hair removal using a thread

The method is popular in the East, and Asia. He has lots of advantages:

  1. Hairs become weak and become much thinner, thin hair is naturally almost disappear;
  2. Absence of inflammation (unlike tweezing);
  3. The cheapness of the process (required reel of cotton thread of any color);
  4. Quick, but effective: just 1 minute you can remove all your unwanted hair.

Important: do not use silk thread, they can cut your fingers.

First, clean cotton pad area required face of makeup. Next you need to disinfect the skin at the site of the future removal of hairs. To do this, use antiseptic, preferably not alcohol (e.g. Miramistin, chlorhexidine). Apply baby powder (talc). Measure the thread length 30-40-50 cm (length of the individual). Take the two ends of the thread, and connect them together, tying the knot at the ends.

The thread has to form a circle. This range is necessary to twist the middle two or three times to get the shape of eight. Each semicircular eight must be strung like this: right hand fingers (thumb and forefinger) of the right hand and the left, respectively, on the thumb and forefinger of the left.

First you need to be trained to perform simple finger movements: one connecting the thumb and index finger, at the same time you need to push your thumb and index finger on the other. This movement must be brought to automaticity. They need to move the center of eight twisted, capturing them and cutting off his hair. That is the thread here works on the principle of scissors.

The first hair removal can be painful. Redness of the skin will disappear after 15 minutes.

  • Waxing

Melt the wax in the cosmetic and fire using sticks apply it to the hair. After solidification of the wax, remove it with your fingers with hair stuck to it. To reduce pain wax is recommended to apply the skin with small strokes, to be able to tear them one by one. Hair begins to grow again only after 2 weeks. The maximum period for which the holding results - 1 month.

  • Hair removal with sugar

Sugar hair removal is performed about the same as the wax. Melted sugar flat stick, apply on the skin where there is hair. Cured film remove sugar from the face of his fingers.

  • Discoloration

Gentle bleaching method is using lightening cream (supra). After the procedure of facial hair becomes virtually invisible. And over time, they are noticeably thinner.

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Other methods

  • Unusual way: removing hairs walnut shells

The ash from burnt walnut shells dissolve 1 tablespoon of water and apply on problem skin with hairs. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.

  • Tool with pine nuts

2 tablespoons pine nuts shells chop, connect them with 1 cup boiling water. Boil the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes to cool and strain. Wipe problem skin with hairs.

  • Home clay to remove hairs

1 kg of sugar pour into the pan. Mix half cup of vinegar and a half cup of water, add to the sugar solution. Put the contents of the pan on low heat. Gently stir, bring the solution to a syrup medium thickness. Stir, pour in 1/3 bubble green fodder. Bring the mixture until smooth. Turn off the heat and cool the syrup.

In less profound capacity (seledochnitsu, bowl) Pour syrup on the bottom of the pre-bed polyethylene. Separating the small pieces of the frozen mass, remember them in his fingers. Softening (but not rasteksheysya) clay smeared with a thin layer on the skin and then it take off. Making fast - one after another pasting.

  • The use of iodine-based solution and an alcohol

Connect 1, 5 ml iodine, 30 ml of medical alcohol, 2 ml of liquid alcohol, 5 ml of oil castor oil. Leave the mixture in a dark place. When it becomes colorless, it can be used. Apply it twice a day.

  • Cream for hair removal

Another cheap way to remove hair. The substances contained therein, influence the proteins, and after some time, the hairs fall off. Impact cream does not hurt the hair follicles. Therefore, its application does not slow down hair regrowth. The result from its use does not last long, and also causes irritation cream on the treated skin.

After procedures for hair removal using a nourishing cream. Can children.

The best way to remove hair on the face of a waning moon. It is believed that at the time the procedure to get rid of anything unnecessary to bring a positive result.

 How to remove facial hair at home?

Use a grenade to the female body

 Use a grenade to the female body


  • Pomegranate to restore health
  • Pomegranate Beauty
  • Pomegranate for certain groups of people

Pomegranate is a sweet and sour berry, which is known not only for its taste, but also useful properties, which are widely used for the treatment of various diseases. Even if a person does not know all aspects of the possible use of a grenade, for sure he is aware, what is useful grenades. This berry considered complex of vitamins and minerals, because it was found 15 amino acids, various minerals (potassium, iron, iodine, silicon, calcium), vitamin 4. Pomegranate can be consumed even in the fasting days.

 Use a grenade to the female body
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Pomegranate to restore health

In folk medicine widely used pomegranate fruits, including pomegranate juice and seeds, leaves and flowers, peel and roots of the tree.

Let's see what is useful grenades in various diseases and how to use it properly for a quick recovery. For example, if you overcome the common cold, it is advisable to drink pomegranate juice, because this berry is characterized by an abundance of vitamin C and antipyretic properties. We can also gargle decoction of the rind or diluted pomegranate juice, if you are worried about the pain in my throat. Medications based on the flowers of the berry is used in diseases of the nose and throat.

In diseases of the blood grenades it is quite effective, because it contains an abundance of iron and therefore is able to raise the level of hemoglobin. When anemia is recommended to drink unconcentrated juice with 100 ml in half an hour before meals. Take this medication should be 3 times a day for 2 months. When hypertension are advised to eat pomegranate juice, which helps reduce the pressure slightly. If you ask to get rid of anxiety, restore sleep, relieve nervous stress, regularly drink tea with dried pomegranate membranes.

Some eye problems and help solve the juice from pomegranate seeds. If you begin to notice that the worse you can see in the dark, you should consume daily one glass of juice. Due to the content of anthocyanin in pomegranate, increases production of pigment in the eye, which improves nutrition and hydration eye and stimulates their adaptation to dusk. In addition, regular consumption of juice protect against cataracts.

Hormonal disorders that are characteristic of the female body during menopause, can be cured if you take this fruit pits, because they have oil, stimulating hormonal activity and thus restoring the balance of hormones. Besides bones help to forget about the other manifestations of menopause: headaches, sudden change in blood pressure, irritability.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and appetite, various parts of the tempting fruit. The uniqueness of pomegranate is that it is used for the treatment and diarrhea, and constipation. To stop the diarrhea should eat three times a day, a pinch of dried and ground bark of garnet after eating. Children can enjoy a freshly squeezed pomegranate juice (pre-diluted with water 1: 1). Get rid of some locks can be, if you eat a few seeds of this fruit because they contain a sufficient amount of fiber. To improve the appetite may pomegranate seeds.

Garnet is considered to be a useful means of some infectious diseases. Medications ingredient is pomegranate extract, can slow the multiplication of microbes paratyphoid fever and tuberculosis, typhoid and cholera, E. coli. Doctors suggest using an ointment from pomegranate peel to get rid of infections, including staphylococcus. Foliage pomegranate is known for its antibacterial properties and, therefore, prepared decoctions and infusions to help in the fight for health.

 Use a grenade to the female body
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Pomegranate Beauty

Cosmetologists also use pomegranate because aware, what is the use of garnet for solving aesthetic problems such as freckles, age spots, acne, sweating feet, dandruff. If you are worried about dandruff, you need to regularly rinse hair decoction of pomegranate peels. Prepare a broth is very simple: peel with two grenades crushed, pour a liter of boiling water, boil for a few minutes, then cool and drain. In addition, a cosmetic product will give shine to your hair.

Remove freckles, age spots will pomegranate juice, which is known for its bleaching properties. The beneficial effects of juice and has the status of a problem skin thanks to the bactericidal properties. A mask made from crushed toasty pomegranate peel in conjunction with olive oil and eliminates shine, skin rashes. Dried peel is considered an effective remedy for cracks, scratches and even burns. To forget about sweating of the feet, use a decoction of pomegranate peel.

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Pomegranate for certain groups of people

If you decide to improve their health with the help of a grenade, then be guided by the principle of "do no harm" and never increase the dosage proposed. If you begin to notice vision problems, the emergence of seizures and dizziness, high blood pressure, better to change the dosage or suspend your treatment. Do not forget to follow the advice of dentists and concentrated pomegranate juice diluted with water to protect the enamel of your teeth. Please note that the grenade is particularly beneficial effect on the health of those who:

  • smokes. Pomegranate is rich in vitamin C, which is so necessary to smokers. For each cigarette reduces the amount of this vitamin in the human body.
  • learning. This berry is concentrated vitamin B1. This element improves memory, increases resistance to stress of the nervous system, stimulates the brain. These properties of pomegranate are particularly relevant for students, students who often have stressful situations during their studies or examinations.
  • playing sports. Vitamin B6, which is found in the garnet, stimulates the absorption of magnesium. Therefore, if you want to have the relief muscles, the grenades will help you achieve results. The abundance of vitamin B6 helps to avoid cramps, muscle pain, the cause of which is the strain during training.
  • working in the office, or is constantly working at the computer. Vitamin B3, which is rich in pomegranate help preserve vision for those who are constantly tired eyes. In addition, office workers, who often use chips, sandwiches and have a high level of blood cholesterol, can normalize this indicator due to nicotinic acid pomegranate.
  • He sings, singing professionally. Some studies suggest that pomegranate juice has beneficial effects on the voice, making it more powerful, melodic.

Thus, pomegranate - a special berry. It stands out among the rest not only for its unique taste, but also useful properties that pomegranate is an indispensable ingredient in various recipes of traditional medicine and cosmetology. Remember that in this miraculous berry useful in all its components. The main thing - it correctly and to use them effectively.

 Use a grenade to the female body

Looking for the perfect cleanser

 Looking for the perfect cleanser

In skin care facial cleansing - the first and most important step, because in many respects it determines the effectiveness of all the other's Skin funds. Proper daily cleansing and prepares the skin for the application of moisturizing creams and supply, and helps skin retain youthful and healthy appearance.

It is difficult to find the ideal cleanser, because using them women face a number of challenges:

  • irritation of the skin around the eyes;
  • inefficient removal of make-up;
  • stickiness and an oily film, even after rinsing with water;
  • allergic skin reaction with high sensitivity.

 Looking for the perfect cleanser

Given these shortcomings, it is possible to deduce the formula of an ideal cleansing agent:

  • gentle cleansing of all skin types;
  • versatility in use - effective make-up removal, toning properties;
  • compatibility with other cosmetic products.

If you are looking for effective but very gentle cleanser, we recommend you try the innovative product from NIVEA - micellar water 3 to 1. Action novelties unique softness and effectiveness. Micellar water perfectly cleanses the skin by removing excess oil and makeup residues, and heals and moisturizes it, due to the content of panthenol. Grape seed oil as part of its formula strengthens cell membranes and is a natural antioxidant.

 Looking for the perfect cleanser

Lose weight properly - once and for all

 Lose weight properly - once and for all

Today, the topic is relevant if the weight loss is not for everyone, for most women. And the results of the fight against excess weight, some are very different. What are the secrets to know one, and does not take into account the other?

Why do we get better?

The high pace of life, frequent meals "on the run", the abuse of fast food, sandwiches, chips, and other harmful foods, sedentary work, low physical activity, low intake of water in its purest form, bad habits - all these actions contribute to the accumulation in the body different harmful substances. They provoke failures in the digestive system and disrupt our metabolism. Only cleanse the body of harmful ballast that can achieve effective weight loss.

The elements of an effective weight loss?

Thus, it becomes apparent the three pillars on which to build effective scheme of weight loss: nutrition, exercise, and cleansing of the body.

Where to start?

As mentioned above, first of all displays the body of harmful toxins, and then make sure they do not fall back into the body with food. Of course, this division is conditional - sport, proper nutrition and cleansing of the body can be connected to losing weight immediately, at the very moment when you decide it's time to change your life for the better. The main thing - not to exclude from the scheme none of the factors.

 Lose weight properly - once and for all

How to clean the body of toxins?

Substances capable to bind and excrete all the "hazard" are called sorbents. Of the total number submitted to date sorbents can distinguish "Karbopekt" - a natural enterosorbent triple action. The drug not only binds and removes from the body a variety of toxic substances (cholesterol, urea, bilirubin), but also restores the microflora and an adequate functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Natural components of the drug to effectively cleanse the body and prepare it for weight loss.
Take "Karbopekt" to cleanse the body better course: 4 capsules 3 times a day for two weeks. Further requires a two week break, after which, if necessary, the course may be repeated.

What is good nutrition?

To illuminate this question in detail the need, perhaps, a series of separate articles. Now let's say the main thing: it is not fasting, it is not excluded from the diet of a group of substances (and fats, and carbohydrates required by the body for normal functioning, and must be included in the diet). Takeout is from excessively fatty, spicy foods, fast food, sandwiches and other "hazards". Portions better reduce and frequency of meals on the contrary increased. Fractional power - a reliable assistant in parting with excess weight.

 Lose weight properly - once and for all

Sports: what and how much?

Here it is better to be guided by their own desires. An hour salsa lessons can give much better results than three hours with a barbell in the gym, if you like salsa, and "iron" - no. Go in for fun and be sure to give yourself a break. Daily heavy loads without adequate recovery more harm than help.

The secret - in the complex!

As you can see, only a comprehensive approach to the issue of weight loss can give reliable results. Employing all the necessary arsenal of tools and actions, you not only say goodbye to not petition the guests in the form of extra pounds, but also prevent them from returning.

 Lose weight properly - once and for all

The arrows on the eyes - make them beautiful

 The arrows on the eyes - make them beautiful


  • The draw arrows on the eyes?
  • Options arrows for different types of eyes
  • Tips how to draw arrows on the eyes

Arrow always been fashionable. Skill to draw them accurately and beautifully comes with experience. The arrows on the eyes make the eyes more prominent and expressive, and, if desired, with their help, you can make adjustments and change something. Fashion draw arrows came from ancient Egypt. They wore religious meaning, because reminiscent of the eyes of cats, which the Egyptians worshiped. Therefore, the pharaohs and priests, and wealthy Egyptians tried to repeat the magic cat eyes using cosmetics.

In those days, to make the dark paint for the eyes mixed clay, henna and silt from the bottom of the river. Make-up arrow to the eye - is a chance for women to attract attention. And elements of this make-up will make it possible to view the women demonstrated a puzzle, sensuality and temptation.

The draw arrows on the eyes?

The arrows in the eyes can be represented in various ways, using a variety of cosmetics. It is necessary to determine for themselves what means to draw a beautiful arrows for you. The cosmetic departments many shops you will find a variety of tools for drawing arrows eye. There is some preference to use various means to make the arrow to the eye. There are many options:

  • ordinary pencil or waterproof effect
  • liquid eyeliner
  • Helium eyeliner
  • dry eyeliner (shadow)
  • eyeliner-pen

The main thing is to learn how to properly and benefit from one or another means to achieve the ultimate goal. To eyeliner or pencil easily and uniformly formed must always apply foundation on the upper eyelids. A few tips: makeup for day should be chosen shade of pastel colors. Well, evening makeup should look bright and even defiant. So feel free to try to trim a bright palette of colors, using a metallic or pearlescent.

Experienced make-up artists are advised to first try to make arrows with a soft pencil, which can be shaded. To the line was clear and it is necessary to fine-sharpened pencil. But do not overdo it, the skin on the eyelids is very delicate, it can be easily hurt. Draw an arrow starting from the middle of the upper eyelid, and then spend it clear to the outside corner of the eye. When we draw the arrow, it is better to the eyelid (which draw) was open, then there will be fewer errors. Depending on the makeup of the arrow can be made as light and dark pencil. Pencils come in a variety of colors, but in favor, of course, the classics - black.

The hardest part of drawing arrows considered liquid eyeliner .  In this case, you need patience to learn the process and learn how to sum up the arrow on the eyes .  Substantially liquid eyeliner with a brush tip .  The color scheme is not as saturated as in pencils .  Liquid eyeliner painted black, brown, blue and green .  Voobshche you can use several colors .  To learn how to sum arrow beautifully and without blots, should be released from the brush and excess lumps of paint, and then start drawing .  If you are afraid to mess up, you can help yourself .  To do this, perform the pre-sharpened pencil thin line, then on top of the beautiful can draw an arrow .  The arrow on the eyes with eyeliner draw a straight line on the upper eyelash growth, gradually raising it to the outer corner of the eye .  In general, remember that you need to mix color with color shadows eyeliner, your eyes, skin, and even hair .  Mascara should not be lighter liner .

There is another option liner - gel, it combines the properties of a pencil and liquid eyeliner. Make it easier on the eyes of the arrow, and it is applied by a beveled brush. On recruit gel brush tool and draw arrows, pressing it to the middle of the century, the more money, the greater the arrow. She has a feature that it dries quickly. Make up your eyes with this eyeliner is a pleasure. Arrows are drawn beautifully, it can be said perfect.

Dry Eyeliner is easy to apply for this use either the applicator or brush. Make-up artists are advised to work with the baked shadows. If you want the arrow is bright, you can wet the brush with water, put it in the shade and spend a lifetime on. And if muted tones, you do not need to just cover the entire eyelid shadows.

Eyeliner - pen is very easy to apply and dries quickly. It is convenient that it is not necessary to dose the paint and it saves you time. When drawing felt-tip pen, lift the corner of Century fingers and draw a clear line and draw the line with confidence to the outer corner of the eye. You can repeat once again, draw the arrow from it your eyes will look more expressive.

If properly draw arrows using the liner, you can experiment. The main thing to do so as not to look ridiculous and do not emphasize your flaws.

Make a beautiful makeup - then take into account all the nuances of the application of the shooter. How to draw an arrow on the eyes depends on many features. Consider the form and shape of the eyes, you can correct them, it will give your look expressive. The arrows are all important to find your own version, when you paint them. Cleopatra times long gone, and eye makeup with arrows, as always in fashion. Arrows do women face younger and look open and expressive.

Take some tips when drawing arrows on the eyes.

 The arrows on the eyes - make them beautiful

Options arrows for different types of eyes

Small eyes and arrows for them

In order to visually enlarge small eyes, you can use bright eyeliner. And draw an arrow in front of you only on the upper eyelid. Start arrow strike anywhere from the middle of the eye and the line carefully and precisely deduce to the outer corner. Do not forget, if the line does not display the arrow beyond the outer corner of the eye, it reduces the visual eye.

Arrows for round and large eyes

In this case it is recommended to sum the arrow, both the upper and the lower eyelid. To change the shape of round eyes, you can use the arrows in the make-up eyeliner, ideal for large eye will be black. With its lengthen corners of the eyes, the line needs to be done a little higher corner, visually as if rounding it. Line arrow to the eye to do soft and feathered.

FROM The arrow for the close-set eyes

If you have close-set eyes, the arrow should start doing fine with the middle of the eye, and then make the line thicker towards the outer corner. If you wish, the same can be done and the arrow on the lower eyelid. Then the effect will open eyes, eyes that visually expand.

Arrows for wide-set eyes

To these eyes were closer together, hold the arrow exactly thick line along the entire length of the upper eyelid, drawing a beautiful line from the inner corner of the eye to the outside. At the same time it is necessary to draw the inner corner.

Narrow your eyes and draw arrows to them

To make the look more narrow eyes open, a line is drawn along the entire length of the century. And in the middle it should be made thicker, and the corners of the eye shadows to make up bright palette of colors.

The eyes of the ideal form of arrows and options for them

If you are the owner of the eyes, you're in luck, in his make-up, you can afford a variety of arrows. There is an option in place of Marilyn Monroe. Arrow paint on the upper eyelid close to the eyelashes, bringing the line of the outer corner of the century and slightly tapering upwards. The lower eyelid is not full colored. Such arrows on the eyes create a sexy look.

There are some kinds of makeup, which are very popular not only among music and movie stars, but are especially in demand among women in their daily lives. This make-up smoky eyes «smoky eyes" and "cat's eye"

Makeup "smoky eye" It tops the list for a long time the most famous make-up techniques. It originated at the beginning of the last century. Women take an example from the stars of silent movies, have adopted the skill to imitate the image of "vamp". This image of the fatal beauty with bright expressive eyes and natural lips. The basis of this make-up - dark shadows, but this is not necessarily black or dark gray tone.

The color scale should be selected accordingly shade your eyes, skin, hair. In order to get a "smoky" effect eye makeup successfully use a pencil, he draws softer and lighter shade. Pencil must match the color of the shadows. Arrow spend closer to the growth of eyelashes, the thickness of the arrows should taper from the outer edge to the inner eye. And when we paint the lower eyelid, choose a pencil in the same color, but lighter shade pencil line should be shaded. On the upper eyelid plot the light shadows, perhaps even pearlescent. A dark basic tone of the shadows on the upper eyelid moving, then shaded the shadows so that they are uniformly mixed with eyeliner.

To achieve the "smoked" effect your eyes need to transition from light to main base pitch dark it was smooth, but at the same time visible. The final touch for eye makeup apply two coats of black mascara. Lips should look natural, so choose natural color lipstick beige, peach (can take even clear glitter). After all, the main emphasis is given to the eyes.

Makeup "cat's eye" was popular in the middle of the last century. Many famous women choose style cat in his make-up. The main element of this makeup has an arrow through which you can change or emphasize the form and shape of the eyes. Try the arrow in the style of Audrey Hepburn. It will be a broad, clear line with the tail on the upper eyelid of your eye. So up eyes look mysterious.

Means for performing such a make-up should be chosen, based on many factors. It is necessary to consider what you're doing this up: to enter the job, the official release of the party or a visit. We need the shadows of three colors (eg, dark - brown, medium brown, light brown), soft pencil, eyeliner and mascara. First, prepare your eyes. On the upper eyelid should apply foundation that mattes or light shade. We start with the fact that we take the darkest shade of shadow from the fact that we have chosen, and continue to put them closer to the growth of eyelashes and shade. Then we put light tone closer to the corner of the outer edge of the century, quite a light color shadows take out of the border of the eye. Top line of light shadows inflict dark shadows and it should also go beyond the edge of the eye. But at the center of the movable portion of the upper eyelid is necessary to apply the lightest shade.

Paying attention and lower eyelid, perform detail eyeliner dark shadows. Now proceed to the main element of make-up "cat's eye" - arrows. For this purpose, we take a soft pencil and start drawing slowly and very carefully arrow, very close to the growth of eyelashes. Line arrows must be raised, and then bred further beyond the edge of the eye. The next step may seem difficult for you, but you do not worry, all that did not happen at once, it can be corrected with a swab or wipe. Take a waterproof pencil and summarize the arrow on the inside of the upper eyelid. Then you can use a liquid eyeliner and correct makeup.

Getting eyeliner draws a line on the inner corner of the eye. Then gently and slowly continue to move to the lower eyelid, draw a line to the outer corner of the eye, and combine them. To complete the image, it is necessary to tint the lips and apply black mascara on the eyelashes. Now choose where to go ...

 The arrows on the eyes - make them beautiful

Tips how to draw arrows on the eyes

  • To draw an arrow beautifully and accurately you need good lighting and good large mirror. At the same time, it is not necessary to keep in the air, and it is better to put on the table.
  • When we draw arrows on the eyes, eyelid skin should be pulled up using your fingers, eyes should be thus parted.
  • First, try to make a thin arrow, you can always restore the contour of the top fatter.
  • Do not forget that the area between the lashes and the arrow itself must be filled.
  • To save an arrow with a clear line of beautiful during the day, it is desirable to put on top of the shadows close in color shade.
  • Success is all make-up, when the tip of the arrow is pointing up.
  • It is better to draw an arrow parts from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner.
  • Both arrows should be done exactly symmetrical, otherwise it will look strange
  • as - as if a woman has a defect in appearance.
  • It is best not to let the lower eyelid liquid eyeliner, it may seem vulgar to others.
  • The arrows in the lower eyelid will always be dyed line is thinner than on the top.
  • To view seemed deeper and more expressive, you can paint over the inner lower eyelid white cosmetic pencil.
  • A small trick if you want to visually open the eyes you have to paint the upper eyelid with one color and the bottom a few shades lighter.
  • The final stage of any successful makeup - is thoroughly dyed lashes mascara. If you have a desire, you can apply makeup false eyelashes.

Look at the celebrities and movie stars. It seems that to create a make-up they have no trouble. But we do not always realize that the way of the stars working makeup artists. A simple girl have to apply persistent efforts to learn how to draw an arrow on the eyes.

Acquire skills and knowledge in the drawing arrows on the eyes is not difficult. Just for that, you need to find the style, methods and tools to achieve a fashionable make-up arrow. You will need patience, diligence and creativity in achieving the goal. There's nothing to be done - the beauty demands victims. But the ultimate goal for us - a beautiful and expressive eyes.

 The arrows on the eyes - make them beautiful

We strongly recommend to read: How to make a beautiful makeup

Make-up tips: how to draw an arrow in front of eyeliner?

 Make-up tips: how to draw an arrow in front of eyeliner?


  • Modern means of cosmetics
  • Forms arrow
  • Choose a color eyeliner
  • Technique of ideal arrows
  • How do we draw arrows on the eyes?

With luxurious expressive eyes girl becomes more attractive. This was known in antiquity. Therefore, from the time the girls have tried in every way to give depth to his look with makeup. They eyeliner and draw arrows using the soot. Today's lucky ladies a lot more, because now at their disposal, there is plenty of cosmetic products in order to apply the arrow on the eyes.

Today it is possible to use a liquid eyeliner pencil or shadow. But if you want the arrow to get a clear and bright for a long time kept on the eyelids, better use for these purposes liner. Then your face will become more sensual and sexual. All you have to do - make the right choice of liner and "fill" the hand so that you can easily draw arrows on the eyes.

Modern means of cosmetics

Means that today we can use for drawing the arrows, are divided into several groups:

  • compact eyeliner;
  • liquid eyeliner;
  • gel or cream eyeliner;
  • pencil drawing arrows;
  • eyeliner shades.

Liquid Eyeliner

This type of liner is available in the form of a felt-tip pen in a bottle with a fine pointed brush. Liquid eyeliner is used in eye makeup to create a vivid expression of arrows, draw it is quite simple. However, liquid eyeliner, there is one drawback. It dries very quickly, so is not suitable for beginners because correct past failures will not happen.

But no matter what, liquid eyeliner is convenient to use. It is more stable than a pencil. Anyway, there is a watertight skin nicer than waterproof pencil drawing from which a feeling, as if the lid lies a thin strip of clay.

Compact hoses

With it you can draw arrows on the eyes bright, but not as flashy as when applying liquid eyeliner. This cosmetic product is not slipping and not lubricated. The majority of compact eyeliner waterproof, so it keeps perfectly in his eyes all day long. It comes in the form of pressed pudropodobnogo product, causing a damp brush.

So you can draw an arrow right through a compact eyeliner, you need to have a lot of experience, because this type of liner is used mainly by professionals. That is why the brand of professional cosmetics company made a special liquid for their application. However, most compact podvodok applied thin brushes that are soaked in ordinary water.

Cream or gel eyeliner

Cream or gel eyeliner applied more easily than liquid because by almost creamy texture glides on Brush century that allows you to draw a perfect line. Adjust arrows that were drawn by such means, quite simply. Cream liner is best applied with a flat brush with synthetic asymmetric edge. The color scheme of creamy eyeliner pencil and significantly inferior to liquid eyeliner, the choice of which is more diverse.


Pencils are the hardest tool to draw arrows. Due to the fact that they are not smeared and easily corrected, they are suitable for beginners who quickly learn to draw an arrow on the eyes. The range of cosmetic pencils incredibly broad. In addition to pencils of all colors, there are also pearl and matte pencils with different hardness.

What is different hardness, you ask? For example, in order to be able to draw a more intense and soft lines, it is important to use a soft pencil. Especially it is necessary to color the inside of the century. To create a clear line, which will be held in front of long, use a solid stick.

However, this pen has one drawback. When the inaccurate application arrows such means can damage the delicate skin of the eyelids. But remember that you can not use the arrow drawing pencils-kayaly because they are too soft, and quickly smeared.

Eyeliner shadows

This version is not the last in popularity. This became especially important after the emergence of baked shadows when it was possible in one easy motion to cover the entire eyelid and shadows more saturated colors draw an arrow. In principle, many of the conventional pressed shadows make it possible to draw the same thick arrow, as if you were drawing it with a damp brush.

In order to enable you to draw the eyes of these cosmetics, you need a compact dry shade the darkest shades and a thin brush with a pointed tip.

 Make-up tips: how to draw an arrow in front of eyeliner?

Forms arrow

To create a bright eye makeup you need to choose the right direction, which, in fact, and you will draw. Otherwise, you just highlight the deficiencies. But the need to emphasize the advantages! That's why you should study in detail all invented stylists arrow to the eye and as much as possible to experiment. In this case, you will be able to find a perfect suitable for you. It takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it. Appropriately named her makeup look a woman gets exciting and intriguing.

Basically allocate these types of arrows, like cat eyes, invisible arrows and arrows with split ends.

Cat's eyes

This kind of arrow is the most common. In this case, the eyes must be fully outline and arrow with his story up. As a result, the eyes seem somewhat slanted. This image is perfect owners of eyes round shape. If you have small eyes, the "cat" look you are strictly contraindicated. If you draw the arrows, then your eyes will become invisible.

In order to visually enlarge the eyes, do not draw an arrow from a corner, and somewhere in the middle of the century. This will visually make eyes more. You can enhance the effect by drawing a thin line to the corner of the century white pencil. If necessary, reduce the size of the eyes and bring them visually possible, putting the arrow in the corner of the lower eyelid. However, it should be noted that this embodiment is not suitable for everyone. So before you go out into the street, try to pre-try every type of shooter.

Arrows invisible

Young girls do not use a lot of cosmetics, you can draw arrows invisible. They are applied between the lashes liquid eyeliner or pencil, by creating a bitmap. Keep in mind that these points can not be connected to each other, otherwise create the effect will be spoiled. After applying the cilia points should be carefully paint and ink to add gloss. That will have quite touching and cute image of a gentle lady. And invisible arrows allow you to create the impression as if you have an unusually thick lashes and absolutely no makeup.

If you have any difficulty with what arrows to choose the best use of their traditional view when the tip of the two arrows closes, and the eye looks clear-cut. This type of makeup is suitable even for work. However, too much abuse they should not.

Arrows with forked tips

This kind of shooter is ideal for parties. Here the upper end should fly upward, and the bottom to go almost exactly. Arrows with forked tips have one peculiarity lies in the fact that to create them takes a lot of diligence and good coordination of movements. We need to train a lot. If you do everything correctly, the arrow on the eyes will look just perfect, and your view will be biting and alluring.

Highlights at drawing arrows on the eyes

To learn how to properly and confidently draw arrows, you need to train a lot. And not every girl immediately draw arrows manage perfectly the first time. If you have something does not work, do not worry. More practice and you will succeed. In order to properly apply the eyeliner requires a steady hand, a brush that is comfortable to hold, and the mirror in which you can see the result obtained from all sides. To the hand did not tremble, you need to put the elbow on a hard surface, and only then can be applied to the arrow.

Those who do not know how to use eyeliner, it is better to draw the arrow in front of pencils and not liquid eyeliner. In addition, using a pencil opens more possibilities - you can create lines and shade them.

Choose a color eyeliner

By the choice of color eyeliner must be approached very carefully, because it affects the way you look. We have the following range of colors eye liner:

  • Classic black. But the most soft option, in particular for natural makeup is brown or black-brown. Makeup is best to use cold shades dark blue;
  • Green. There are many applications of green eyeliner. And to make up half of the species has its own shade of green;
  • For a festive makeup perfect silver and golden color eyeliner;
  • Optical zoom in and open the eyes can be when applied to the extension century bluish or white pencil.

Technique of ideal arrows

It all depends on what you are drawing arrows. If you are using liquid eyeliner, you should pre-applied to the skin or dry powder shadows. Then eyeliner will not crack when dry. Dyeing eyelashes need in the least, after the liner is applied. Place the brush on the side without pressing strongly for a century. For lower eyelid better to use a clear liner.

Makeup Artists recommends applying liquid liner in two stages. Better to start from the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the century, and then bring the arrow to the outer corner of the eye, and only then give it the desired shape. Once the eyeliner is applied, it is necessary to wait at least twenty seconds, and all this time try not to blink, his eyes downcast. It is necessary to ensure that the hoses are not smeared, while there will be dry.

 Make-up tips: how to draw an arrow in front of eyeliner?

How do we draw arrows on the eyes?

  1. If you want to carry out the contour of the arrow, then it should be done, sitting in front of a mirror and always in bright light because each movement must be clearly visible.
  2. At the time of performing eye makeup eyelid skin should be lightly put off to the side and up. Then, when applied to the eye line of the arrows will turn more smoothly. This is done very easily. You need to throw his head back slightly, and the eye on which you will draw the arrow, hold the half-open. In this position, you will see possible irregularities.
  3. You start by drawing a thin arrow, because it can always be made wider. But if you draw a thick line immediately, it will be more difficult to remove the irregularities. So better to draw arrows thin, and if necessary, to thicken them.
  4. If you decide to use a pencil to draw arrows, it should be remembered that his pencil must be well sharpened and you must keep it perpendicular to the century.
  5. When using the liner (liquid liners) should be aware that when dry it lightly tightens the skin. That is why it is best to put on dry shade or a powder, but only before the ink will be used. The line will turn out smooth and fine, if to brush by tilting it to one side. You draw a line of liquid eyeliner? In this case, try to be extremely careful. Open your eyes need only after the line is completely dry.
  6. Hell need to try to keep as close to the lash line. In this case, breaks the circuit will be hidden, and visually it will seem that you have incredibly thick lashes.
  7. Always point the tip of the arrow up, not to get the effect of sad eyes. Therefore, when choosing the direction of better focus on the lower lash line. It should seem that the tip of the arrow as it extends this line, rising up. To avoid visual reduce eye arrow should always display the edge of the century.
  8. Once the entire path will be drawn, you will need to spend a few more fine lines on the outside of the eye. But the inside of the circuit should be subtle and barely noticeable.
  9. If turned irregularities, they can be eliminated by using cotton swabs, which are dipped in a liquid makeup remover. You have to be not very smooth line? No problem. You just need to put the arrow over the lines dark shadows and shade them towards the outer edge of the eye.
  10. To make your eyes look more deeply, always apply a few coats of mascara or use false eyelashes. Bright arrows will look harmonious if they are combined with equally striking lashes.

No matter what technique and option you choose, remember that there is nothing difficult in drawing arrows on the eyes. This is the power of each girl. You just need to have free time, a little patience and a great desire. Try, learn, experiment, and then the question of how to draw an arrow on the eyes and eyeliner pencil, you will no longer be disturbed. Good luck to you, ladies!

 Make-up tips: how to draw an arrow in front of eyeliner?

We strongly recommend to read: How to use liquid eyeliner

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Attractions great Italy

 Attractions great Italy


  • Eternal Rome Attractions
  • Romantic Venice
  • Business and fashion Milan
  • Capital of love - Verona
  • Other attractions in Italy

Beautiful Italy - "living gallery", write a lot about it and dream. The country holds a huge number of cultural monuments and ruins of the ancient Roman civilization. It remembers every corner of the great geniuses of Michelangelo, da Vinci, Raphael, Dante, Boccaccio ... That is why in Italy are concentrated more than half of all European cultural values. And in order to explore all the sights of this magnificent country, and not enough life. Of course, and describe verbally separate cultural area can be infinitely long.

In turn, all these masterpieces in no way inferior to the rich natural beauty of Italy. Snow-white slopes of the Alpine mountains, golden beaches of the Mediterranean and Adriatic coasts, scenic parks and reserves, as well as the clear northern lakes and the southern volcanoes will not leave indifferent to this country any tourist.

 Attractions great Italy
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Eternal Rome Attractions

Every city in Italy - certainly a unique world. That there is only one Rome! The heart of Italy - the city to which all roads lead. Estvestvenno, to think about what to see first is the magnificent Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheatre) - the largest Roman amphitheater. Built around the 80th year n. e. It contained a hundred and seventy thousand people of different classes because of its intricate design. Undoubtedly, at the time the amphitheater was a miracle of architectural thought and served as a place for people of various entertainment events, such as gladiator fights.

The mysterious ruins of the Forum - an ancient area of ​​Rome, once there were public events, town fairs and even public trials. The square was the largest sizes of about 500 square meters. m. And it is built along the Sacred Way, which forms the religious ceremony and the warriors returned to the city. Once on the square was a place for the People's Assembly (Komitsium) and for the building, the seat of the Senate (Curia). Today on the site of the Curia is a layout to give tourists an idea of ​​the construction.

In the center of the square is the least popular place - the remains of cleft Curtius. Now they covered the plate, but about 362 BC. e., according to legend, there was formed a giant chasm. Anxious Romans appealed to the oracle who advised throw in the crevice all the most valuable thing they have. People were carrying and threw gold and jewels, but nothing has brought results. Then the soldier threw himself into the abyss Curtius, all in uniform and on horseback. Immediately cleft delayed and made it clear to citizens that the most expensive for the city - it is they do.

About the Temple of Castor and Pollux and Saturn are now resemble a column. And of the Basilica Emilia, is used to market transactions and litigation, can tell only ruins. It is best preserved in the Forum Arc de Triomphe and the Temple of Vesta, where the burned unquenchable fire. Not far from the Temple of Vesta, the remains of the Temple of the Divine Julius, which was burned body of Julius Caesar. More tourists' attention at the Forum attracted the navel of the earth, where, according to legend, was accomplished Romans connection with the underworld, and the Golden Mile, from which starts counting the distance of the Roman Empire.

Palatine Hill. Excavations prove that it has been inhabited since the 10th century. BC. According to legend, on this hill it was found wolf brothers Romulus and Remus. It began to emerge from this great Rome. The most monumental works on the hill is the Flavian Palace. Here you can see the ruins of the baths, the source, the stadium of Domitian, and Farnese Gardens Stole richest museum that tells the story of the hill and meet emperors of different times.

To the north-west of the Capitol, the Palatine Hill rises. The life of ancient Rome was centered here. On Capitol Hill, the Romans repelled an attack by the Gauls, thanks to the famous "sacred" geese out of the temple of Juno. Here minted money and Augustus built the altar of the Lord firstborn after rend the heavens above him. To the left of the altar should pay attention to the wooden Baby Jesus. It is believed that he is able to heal the sick. If at the request of his lips were red, it means that he is able to help, we just need to believe. Otherwise, the case is hopeless. Later Greek monks built a monastery there, and put the Benedictine church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, which quickly gained popularity. From the foot of the hill to the church is a steep staircase. As it is necessary to go on his knees to win the lottery.

As a tourist, it is impossible not to walk past the magnificent Pantheon - a temple of the gods, in which lie the first rulers, kings and Italian is a modest grave of Raphael. The building is unusual because of its massiveness and a huge hole in the dome. Below that in ancient times was a sacrificial altar. There is a legend that the original holes in the dome was not, and struck his evil spirits to hear the sounds of the first mass. Today, Pantheon is crowned beloved and mythical hole only gives a beautiful light effect room.

Another attraction in Italy believe Saint Peter's Square - this is one of the biggest and most famous squares of Rome, although officially it is a large part of the territory of the Vatican City. Named in honor of the area standing next to St. Peter's Cathedral. According to legend, at the place where now the cathedral, was executed by the apostle Peter. Pearl of the cathedral - a unique sanctuary with a passage leading to an underground tomb of the Apostle Peter. Ancient temple once considered the largest in the world, but after 1990 the title was the cathedral city of Yamoussoukro.

In addition to all these unique places in Rome, you can walk on the Campo de 'Fiori, see the Altar of the Fatherland, photographed against the backdrop of fountains Palazzo Venezia and Trevi, climb the Spanish Steps and smell the orange garden on the Aventine. And how not to visit the Vatican with his sights!

 Attractions great Italy
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Romantic Venice

The famous city on the water attracts tourists from all over the world. A beautiful city located on 118 islands and is connected to more than 400 bridges. What a romantic does not dream to get into a gondola and go to meet their dreams, contemplating unsurpassed medieval architecture, fabulous palaces and cathedrals. The tour through the city will be remembered for a long time! One has only to see the magical at sunset Cathedral of San Marco! This historical and architectural monument, perhaps, the most visited in Venice. It boasts a unique painted and gilded altar can not every church. Near the cathedral is beautiful in its own area of ​​the same name, which is the center and heart of the city.

All tourists eager to witness one of the most beautiful and unusual buildings - Doge's Palace, for centuries served as the seat of government. The palace is rich in exquisite, precious paintings and, no doubt, will impress any visitor. Another work of art is called the Bridge of Sighs, which connects the Doge's Palace, which hosted litigation and prison. The author of the bridge is a famous Italian architect Antonio Conti. As you can guess the name of the bridge that allowed convicted sighs, the last time looking at the beautiful Venice ...

 Attractions great Italy

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Business and fashion Milan

The capital of fashion - Milan - primarily attracts tourists significant events such as fashion shows, grand exhibitions, cultural events ... In this city, be sure to visit the two main attractions: the Duomo and the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Cathedral just attracts tourists from all over the world. The huge structure of rare white marble kandoliyskogo with elegant spiers and an abundance of statues can accommodate up to 4 thousand people! The Duomo - the second largest in Italy.

Construction of the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie lasted about a quarter of a century, and it was built in the XV century. The church is considered to be the most beautiful church of the Italian Renaissance. By the walls of the temple is adjacent monastery, which still kept a work of art - a fresco by Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper." This work, though suffered a lot of restorations, but still cause the visitors a powerful emotional response. It should be noted that access to this masterpiece is not very easy. It should be pre-booked visit, which will last no more than 15 minutes.

 Attractions great Italy
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Capital of love - Verona

This city is on a par with Venice can compete for the status of "most romantic in the world." It was here, according to Shakespeare, dramatic events were the sad tale of Romeo and Juliet. Today, Juliet's house - the most attractive place for tourists. All the lovers in a hurry to leave the main recognition on the arch at the entrance to the garden and enjoy the balcony with a pseudo-Juliet, who now and then sends kisses to the camera. Today the house is a museum, which can be reached in a couple of euros, and if you're lucky, see the temporary exhibition. In the city there is also the tomb of the young Juliet in the courtyard of the monastery on Via del Ponthierry.

Despite the romance of Verona is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites. Attractions of this luxury city considered to be one of the most beautiful in Italy. For example, the Verona Arena (Arena di Verona) era of ancient Rome, which at one time could accommodate 30 000 spectators! The scale he might be compared to the Roman Colosseum. Today the Arena di Verona - the largest opera theater in the open air.

While in Verona, we can not visit the beautiful Cathedral, which has the status of the main Catholic Cathedral. In addition to the refined interior, kept in a very valuable piece of art - the altarpiece "The Ascension of the Virgin Mary", which is remarkable in the fact that the Virgin Mary is not looking to the heavens and the earth, to the common people. Also stored in the cathedral works of art of great value, "Adoration of the Magi" and "The Entombment." Visiting the chapel Madzanti can see the tomb of Saint Agatha.
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Other attractions in Italy

It is difficult to imagine without picturesque Italy Leaning Tower of Pisa at the Miracle field.   The tower, the slope of which now stands at 3, 54 degrees, is a five-meter bell tower of a Catholic cathedral. It was built for 200 years, so the soil sags over time and made the angle of inclination more. Even their attractions boasts resort town of Rimini. In addition to the theme parks you can visit the main attractions: the Tempio Malatestiano, area Brioli with Clock Tower, Plaza del Arengo, Teatro Comunale.

It is very rich in sights of Florence. Renaissance is here in all its architectural splendor. The visiting card of the city is the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. World-famous cathedral has brought a huge octagonal dome. Even in the Santa Maria del Fiore kept two priceless paintings - "Lamentation of Christ" by Michelangelo and "Mary Magdalene" by Donatello. And from the observation deck, which is located on the top of the cathedral, it is possible to contemplate the other attractions of Florence. It attracts tourists and unique church of Santa Croce, which houses more than 300 tombs of the great Florentines such as Michelangelo and Galileo Galilei. Very famous landmark - the 84-meter high bell tower of Giotto and the slender tower of the Signoria.

Admire Italy's values ​​can not be exactly as described in their article or book. And to find out only the main attractions of the country, you need to see Italy in all its glory and with his own eyes. That is why the "great museum under the dome of the sky," a huge number of visiting guests!

 Attractions great Italy

Attractions Athens

 Attractions Athens


  • Acropolis - is history
  • Attractions: Tower of the Winds, Plaka, Kerameikos Cemetery
  • What else will surprise us Athens?

Greece - one of the countries that attract the tourists a variety of entertainment: vacation on the beach, hiking, walking through the ancient streets. But most people visit Greece as the true cradle of Western civilization.

Coming here, you will plunge into a kind of world where trying to get on the centuries-old traditions and the modern pace of life.

You see it by visiting the Greek capital, where among a large number of transportation, new buildings and branded stores increasingly difficult to feel the spirit of ancient Greece majestic. This fact is a tourist must take as a given, and then a trip to ancient Athens and the world will be without frustration.

His heyday of Greece, particularly Athens, reached during the reign of Pericles. It is in the V century BC then rapidly began to develop science and culture. In the capital of Greece worked Aeschylus, Herodotus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and other prominent figures. But of the times of glory suggest ancient buildings erected with the grandeur of the Acropolis and other attractions.

 Attractions Athens
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Acropolis - is history

The main attractions for which to visit Athens, located in the acropolis. It annually attracts thousands of tourists to witness the temples, theaters and a monumental gate. Almost the entire complex of buildings was built in the fifth century BC. Much has changed since then - from the former greatness remains very small. But seeing the sights of the acropolis even then, dilapidated as it is easy to imagine the power that possesses Athens and Ancient Greece.

The most famous and majestic temples are considered the Parthenon and the Erechtheion. The first was built in honor of the goddess Athena. Once near the Parthenon statue of the goddess. Time (as well as the people themselves) did not spare the temple. It was almost destroyed in the XVII century by the Venetians, who fought against the Turks. In the XIX century the British have taken valuable attractions - decorating the pediments of the temple, the image of the gods.

Erechtheion is situated on the north side of the Acropolis. His sanctuary dedicated to the king Erechtheus, Athena and Poseidon. The temple is decorated with porticos on the southern side, supported by caryatids - statues of girls. Despite the fact that the original article is thousands of kilometers away from Greece, England, Museum, copies that are installed on the temple, look no worse.

The oldest Greek Theatre, Theatre of Dionysus, also located in the Acropolis, at its southern slope. Since its construction in the IV century BC there were performances, dedicated to the god Dionysus. These were special days when Greece celebrates the feast associated with this deity. But on the west side of the Acropolis is a temple of Nike, wingless Victory. Why wingless? At this goddess had been cut off the wings, so she never left Athens.

If we talk about what the sights worth seeing in the first place after the monuments of architecture, it is the capital's museums. Even those who do not like such a walk will be amazed by the ancient works of art, which has Greece. To feel the atmosphere of ancient Greece, it is enough to visit the National Archaeological Museum. It presents valuable exhibits in the spirit of the time.

As we mentioned, the Erechtheion temple elements are represented in the London Museum. And this is not the only monument of culture, brought in his time outside the country. Such a fate befell the frieze of the Parthenon, and many truly iconic products. It happened in the XIX century, with the permission of the Turkish sultan, who ruled at the time of the Ottoman Empire. The Ambassador of the King of England has taken out all the best in his opinion, the important sights, valuable products and sold to the local museum. Of course, Greece is trying to return the treasures to their homeland, but to no avail.

 Attractions Athens
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Attractions: Tower of the Winds, Plaka, Kerameikos Cemetery

Tower of the Winds is called the world's first weather station, because it is built astronomer Andronicus Kirrskim in the II century BC Tower 12 meters high and 8 meters in diameter, has eight faces, the respective sides of the world. Inside were located sunny and the water clock, the remains of which have survived to this day. Stay friezes adorn the structure and allegory depicting the eight winds.

Plaka - a district, the oldest part of the city of Athens. It is located at the foot of the Acropolis. Yes, there is an infrastructure of shops, tavernas. But that does not stop everyone who came here as much as possible to plunge into the past. For example, a house on the street №5 Scola allow one eye to look in the XVIII century, when Greece was ruled by the Ottoman Empire. It is the building at the time served as a police station. Across the street, Topu, is building, which houses the first University of Athens. Now it is a museum of history.

Plaka is also known to all Orthodox Christians thanks to the church of St. John and Ayion Anargiron, because this is where the sacred fire were transported to the churches of Greece and other countries. In addition to the temple, then there are many other ancient churches.

Kerameikos Cemetery is also the attraction of the city of Athens. Previously, the area was called Kerameon Kerameikos. You do not like that word? Yes, the term "ceramic" is derived from the name is Greek pottery town. It was an area famed for the number of potteries, which is located next to the cemetery. Officially, it exists from the II century BC, but the first burial took place here around 4700 BC

It is in this area, archaeologists discovered a large number of ancient pottery, which are presented in the local museum. To see these sights can be, having been here from April to October - this time Greece takes a large number of tourists.

 Attractions Athens
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What else will surprise us Athens?

The above are the most visited attractions, but not all tourists like to spend time in this way. Many who like walking, visiting cafes and restaurants. For example, few people are indifferent view from the hill Likavitos, walk around the block to Monastiraki, which is full of cafés and small restaurants. If the Acropolis Museum and you will feel the spirit of history, then walk around the city will open to you the modern Athens, something that today people live, their traditions, cuisine, etc.

By the way, the title of the sights can be awarded and the Athenian kitchen, because it is considered the most delicious in Greece. To explain this love of tourists to the dishes prepared in the Athenian institutions is very simple: The local cuisine combines the most interesting culinary solutions from different parts of Greece. A variety of cheeses, including feta, gravera; pork chops or beef (brizoles), skewers, octopus and, of course, moussaka - everything is cooked in every tavern. Immediately offers excellent home-made wine.

After a nice dinner you can go to the theater or cinema in the open air. If you are inclined to favor the second, go to the area Deksamenis. Surely you have not had to watch reel sitting in the shade of flowering laurel trees and listening to the chirping of birds, right? That is why you need to be sure to go to Athens, not only to visit the sights and relax, as Greece - a wonderful country!

 Attractions Athens

Brazil: a paradise for impressionable tourists

 Brazil: a paradise for impressionable tourists


  • General information about Brazil
  • Architecture, culture and history
  • Sporting attractions
  • Nature Brazil reserves and national parks

Brazil - the fifth country in the world by area and the largest country on the continent. A significant part of the country is the Amazon - the largest river basin in the world. There is a large part of the tropical forests that supply the entire planet with oxygen.
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General information about Brazil

The country is so great that it can travel more than a year, and still not see all of its beauties and monuments.

One only beaches in Brazil over 2000. Located along the coast, the beaches of Brazil are able to satisfy any request. Among them are remote and almost deserted, which is so easy to step back from everyday problems and stresses and in silence to reflect on the eternal, looking at the endless horizon.

There are a huge number of well-equipped beaches, located right in the city or near populated areas. On ocean beaches surfers can enjoy a longer wavelength, and the fans more relaxing holiday with pleasure located on the beach on the shores of the lagoons and bays. But if you want to visit the attractions of Brazil, the rest on the sand of time left. Just because in Brazil there is something to see.

 Brazil: a paradise for impressionable tourists
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Architecture, culture and history

The most visited tourist city - Rio de Janeiro. Here, apart from the famous beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema, and a dozen other smaller attractions are located a constellation.

The most famous, have long since become a symbol of the country - the giant statue of Christ the Redeemer, as if hugging and blessing the city. A huge monument is installed at the top of Corcovado Mountain, at an altitude of 700 m. The size of the statue itself is impressive: 38 m high, with the weight of almost 2,000 tons. From the foot of the statue of a fabulous view of the city. You can get there in several ways:

  • on Little Engine by rail;
  • by car;
  • walk on specially built tourist trail.

Not far from Rio, in the town of Niteroi Museum of Contemporary Art, designed by the great architect Oscar Niemeyer. The exposition is constantly updated, so there is always something to see. From the windows of the building offers a beautiful view of the ocean and Rio de Janeiro ..

National History Museum offers to get acquainted with the material evidence of the history of the country.

66 km from Rio has a magical beauty of the city of Petropolis Museum, where you can admire the beautiful examples of architecture of the XIX century.

There are in Brazil and other cities included in the list of World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO:

  • vintage El Salvador;
  • Ouro Preto;
  • Olinda;
  • modern capital of Brasilia, Niemeyer built a genius, and others.

The list of interesting archaeological sites include the ruins of the Ruins of São Miguel das Missões, ancient Pedra Pintada with the cave, rock paintings and archaeological sites, Amazon Stonehenge Archaeological Park and other attractions of Brazil.

 Brazil: a paradise for impressionable tourists
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Sporting attractions

Brazil - a country of football. Fans of the popular game will be interesting to visit the Museum of Pele, which contains exhibits related to the life of a legend of world football. The giant Maracana stadium is also worth attention.

If you are lucky to get in Rio during the famous carnival, without visiting the Sambadrome simply can not do. Here championship samba, where thousands of participants compete in skill execution incendiary dance and luxury suits.

 Brazil: a paradise for impressionable tourists
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Nature Brazil reserves and national parks

For nature lovers and naturalists Brazil - a real paradise. There is a number of unique protected places, beautiful national parks and natural monuments, and that the year is not enough to explore them all.

The most famous natural attractions:

  • Iguazu Falls, located on the border with Argentina. From the width of the water stream Flowing Iguacu far superior famous Niagara Falls.
  • Nature reserve Lensua Maranhao: fantastic landscape of huge sand dunes, which are scattered among many small lakes and ponds with azure and turquoise water.
  • Bird Park: about 4 hectares of tropical forest, which contains a collection of more than 500 species of birds from different regions, as well as many other animals.
  • Bonito. Beautiful countryside, where you can:
  1. visit the caves and underground lakes;
  2. dive diving in the crystal clear waters;
  3. make excursions on the tops of the trees;
  4. fish;
  5. live at this hacienda;
  6. horseback riding and enjoy life in paradise.
  • Pantanal - a huge reserve, located near the border with Paraguay and Bolivia. In waterlogged savannah inhabited by a myriad of birds and animals.
  • National Park Chapada dos Viadeyros, which has a very special place: the Moon Valley. Quartz, for many years are being eroded, acquired unusual shape, due to which the landscape looks ethereal.
  • Aguas Kentes: valley with thermal springs. It is believed that water sources are heated dormant in most of the surrounding jungle underground volcano. It built many hotels, tourists are offered a variety of excursions, in addition to bathing in hot springs.

There are dozens of national parks and reserves, where ecotourism lovers will be able to touch the generous and lush nature of South America.

In this large and hospitable country, good climate, friendly people and a highly developed tourist infrastructure. It should fly over the ocean to become better acquainted with Brazil and its attractions.

 Brazil: a paradise for impressionable tourists