- Primary treatment
- Preparation of mushroom soup
- Recipe buckwheat soup with porcini mushrooms and potato dumplings
- Country gribovnitsa
Soup with dried mushrooms, the recipe of which has different options for cooking, loved by many people.
The taste and flavor of the mushroom broth depends on the type of mushrooms that are used in cooking.
Those who tried the fragrant and rich mushroom soup, yet time will return to this dish, which is very well-prepared in early spring, when the body requires something special. The first dish can be prepared from any of the first category of dried mushrooms. It can be white mushrooms, dried themselves. They can be bought in a shop, in a bag or compressed into a cube. Recipes of mushroom soup ingredients differ in their use: they add different cereals, pasta, home-made pasta, cheese. Processing of mushrooms and mushroom cooking broth are the same everywhere.
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Primary treatment
Before cooking the soup from dried mushrooms should be taken of them and soak in milk or cold water. Since they are much swell, the purchase taking on one of the cooking ¼ of cake or package. If there is a home-cooked mushrooms, the 6-8 pieces would be sufficient. Soak them overnight to them in the morning you can start working. But 4 hours - enough time is that they have absorbed water and swelled. To determine the availability, you can touch them. They must be smooth and convex. The water in which soaked mushrooms, not poured and filtered through a double gauze and used for cooking broth, which is produced nourishing, flavorful and delicious.
Mushrooms should be before laying the broth fry until golden brown. They were allowed to drain and spread on a pan in hot oil. They absorb a lot of oil, and it should be taken into account during cooking, make sure that they are not scorched. Once the mushrooms fry them on the plate was removed, and the remaining fried vegetables ibid. Onions, carrots, tomato if desired, stir fry until golden brown.
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Preparation of mushroom soup
For the preparation of bouillon used water remaining after soaking fungi. Mushroom soup recipe recommends to bring it to a boil and remove foam several times. Then, in the mushroom broth add potatoes and cook it for 10 minutes, then add sauteed mushrooms. Continue to cook for another 10 minutes, add the rice, bay leaf and vegetables. After 5 minutes, the dish is ready. It added pepper, herbs and leave to reach the plate. Rice should be slightly undercooked. He has the ability to swell in boiling water. A strong swollen cooked rice taste deteriorates. Eating a first dish with sour cream.
This is the basic recipe for mushroom soup. There are many variations of recipes in which rice can be replaced with other cereals.
Soup of dried porcini mushrooms with beans - rich in vegetable protein first meal.
Pre-soaked beans boiled until tender. Fried with plenty of onions ready for cooking swollen white mushrooms until golden brown. Then everything is mixed, pour broth and stew at low temperature for about 10 minutes, at the end of cooking add finely chopped greens.
Soup with dried mushrooms with pearl barley like to cook in the post. There high content of vegetable protein, which successfully replace meat.
Pearl barley poured first into the cold filtered water, which will prepare the mushroom broth. After 20 minutes of boiling, add the potatoes, another 10 - roasted mushrooms, then fried vegetables, bay leaf, 5 minutes, black pepper and herbs.
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Recipe buckwheat soup with porcini mushrooms and potato dumplings
To prepare this dish you will need to 1, 5-2 liters of water:
- 250 g soaked porcini,
- 1 \ 3 cup of buckwheat,
- onion,
- small carrots,
- bay leaf, parsley, pepper, salt.
To prepare the dumplings:
- 4 potatoes,
- 1 egg,
- 4 tbsp. tablespoons flour,
- a pinch of salt.
Peeled potatoes should be boiled until tender and mash. Add to the cooled mashed egg, flour, salt and form a dumpling.
Buckwheat to sort, wash, lightly fry in a dry hot pan. Dried porcini mushrooms soaked and cut and fry until golden brown. Separately, fry the vegetables. In a boiling water first throw buckwheat, 10 minutes dumplings and mushrooms. After 5 minutes of rest. After another five minutes of mushroom soup with dried mushrooms will be ready.
Some first courses of dried mushrooms included the cream or grated cheese. The recipes suggest adding it to the pureed mushroom soups. For their preparation boiled potatoes passed through a blender, mushrooms fried with vegetables. The hot mushroom broth introduced in order mushrooms, vegetables, everything boils 5-10 minutes on low heat. At least introduce mashed potatoes and grated cheese. Bring to the boil again, add spices and off. Serve, sprinkled with herbs. Cheese can not enter into the broth, and just sprinkle it on top of a ready dish with herbs.
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Country gribovnitsa
In villages like this first meal. In the spring, in the post, the soup is prepared from the dried porcini mushrooms - gribovnitsu.
Cook the mushroom broth for about an hour, along with a whole onion. Then this rich broth add potatoes and continue to cook for another 20 minutes. Thereafter, remove from heat, and served to the table.
The recipe gribovnitsy can add homemade noodles. She kneaded on one egg, add as much flour as necessary to obtain a hard piece of dough. It is divided into several portions, each of which is rolled out very thin. Sprinkle Roll the cake flour, fold the roll and cut into thin rings. These rings easily deployed into thin noodles, which are added to the mushroom soup before the end of cooking. After 5 minutes, the noodles cooked and the first dish you can eat.
Serve with sour cream gribovnitsu sure.
All mushroom dishes contain a lot of vegetable protein. Therefore, the addition of meat in them is not necessarily. It is enough to sprinkle with herbs and enjoy a delicious and hearty.
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