Friday, 16 September 2016

Satisfying menu: Kremlin diet for those who do not like to starve

 Satisfying menu: Kremlin diet for those who do not like to starve


  • The essence of the Kremlin diet
  • Products "non grata"
  • Products following
  • The Kremlin diet: contraindications

Do you know why the calendar spring comes earlier this heat? She warns women that need to brush up, to pull out of the closet short skirts, high heels to try and lose weight .... As the winter holidays often leave behind not just pleasant memories but the extra weight. But you and I do not need too much, right? So let's put himself in order to meet armed with heat.

To start with the diet. Given the fact that few people like to starve offers well-fed the Kremlin diet. Why do well-fed? Yes, because the Kremlin diet menu consists of meat, cheese and eggs. Hunger will not stay, but it does not put you to bring the figure in order. Why the Kremlin? Just this system of weight loss held by many members of the government. Hence the name. But she had not called, the main thing - its essence. The Kremlin diet reduces the intake of carbohydrates to a minimum, resulting in the body begins to use his hypodermic stock, but simply put, the fat that we have acquired over the winter. As you can see, the circuit is simple. The main thing - to choose the right menu and lose weight without starving.

The essence of the Kremlin diet

But there are some difficulties. For example, as a conventional female develop diet if it about carbohydrates only at school and hear? How do you know what product they are less likely, and it is best to postpone the shelf of the refrigerator? Will table of the Kremlin diet, which described in detail the composition of each product. You just have to find their meal in the list and resolve it suits you or not.

But if the woman is often necessary to dine out? Or just too lazy to dig into papers and figures? Then we can make a rough menu Kremlin diet, from which it will become clear which products banned, but that still is possible. That is what we are now you turn. So, first make a list of what is prohibited.

 Satisfying menu: Kremlin diet for those who do not like to starve

Products "non grata"

  • First you have to give up sugar, and to do so completely. If you put in your tea instead of the usual three cubes refined one, it does not mean that you lose weight. Rather - tricky. But the trick does not eliminate the extra kilos, believe me. So put the sugar in the side, and better and clean the house to avoid temptation.
  • The second "out of favor" get bread and all flour products. Well, with this clear. Even schoolchildren know that the bun - not the best friends of a slim figure. Although it would be nice if the cake with whipped cream helped to lose weight! And while nutritionists scratching their heads over Pirozhkova diet all flour postpone aside.
  • The third rule of the Kremlin diet says, no rice! And it's strange, because rice - cereals pretty harmless. But doctors know best.
  • Fourth potatoes disappear from the tables and all the dishes prepared from it.
  • And if the potatoes all sort of clear rules of the fifth paragraph of the Kremlin diet you of the surprise. During the weight loss you have to give up the fruits, many vegetables and juices all except tomato.
  • The sixth rule is standard for all systems of weight loss - not the 3 hours before bedtime. By the way, if you have become accustomed to fast, then try not to eat after six in the evening, then reset the kilos faster.
  • Under the 7th taboos fall almost all dairy products: milk, yogurt, kefir. At least, nutritionists do not recommend eating them in the first three days of the diet. Once the body gets used to the limits, you can afford a cup of yogurt for dinner, but only low-fat and without fruits.
  • Alcohol will also have to give up. And it is not because you are intoxicated throw empty the refrigerator. Just beer and all kinds of liquors are very high in calories and carbohydrates. The only alcoholic beverage that you can not afford to once a week - a glass of dry red wine.
  • The ninth condition of the Kremlin diet is perhaps the most pleasant. It prohibits feel hunger. Would you like to have? Snack. But this, of course, does not mean that you'll be running around all day around the refrigerator. Everything is good in moderation.

Products following

Now you're probably at a loss. Vegetables can not have fruits, too. Even the rice, and the taboo. The time to eat? On this question we try to answer in the next paragraph

  1. The first product will please you for sure. This meat. Chicken, pork, beef, mutton - it does not matter. The main thing is that it is low-fat and boiled.
  2. Next to list the fish menu. It can be as a cook, and fry. What is important is not to exceed a single rule is not more than 200 grams of fish at a time.
  3. Cheese also is possible and necessary. Of course, not a home, with a high percentage of fat, and no sour cream as we used to.
  4. The next get out of the refrigerator cheese. But it will certainly be a hard variety, and not just our favorite cream. The fact that the processed cheese contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which the Kremlin diet to avoid.
  5. From vegetables nutritionists allowed to leave the cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, eggplant, cabbage and normal color.
  6. But the key to success - it is a liquid. That it helps the body to restore carbohydrate metabolism, deduce the excess salt from the body and, eventually, to lose weight. Drink as often as possible, just remember that you can not sweeten beverages.

 Satisfying menu: Kremlin diet for those who do not like to starve

The Kremlin diet: contraindications

Every person is different. That's why the same diet can bring a long-awaited one person losing weight, and another aggravation of existing diseases. How not to hurt yourself? How to lose weight and get in a hospital bed? First of all, you need to consult a doctor. After some gentle it did not seem to be the Kremlin diet, and it has its contraindications.

Limit yourself to the consumption of carbohydrates is strictly forbidden for people with any chronic illness, and those who have problems with blood vessels, heart, stomach and kidneys. Also, do not stick to the Kremlin diet for pregnant women. But it is rather a warning for those who used to be a supporter of the low-carbohydrate food, so it is used, and with the onset of pregnancy did not have time to change their preferences. Cute future mom, now you need to eat for two, so gradually introduced into the diet previously forbidden foods.

But who really fit this diet, it's a family of women. Think about it: you can boil the chicken for myself and for my husband, and in addition, prepare beloved side dish (most of the potatoes have to give up). And it is full, and you stick to the diet. And hunger not have to lose consciousness (active slimming girl will understand us). So do not waste your time and makes its own menu, which will help you to become slim summer.

 Satisfying menu: Kremlin diet for those who do not like to starve

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