Friday, 30 September 2016

Trends - not a sentence! How not to be like everyone else, but to follow fashion?

 Trends - not a sentence! How not to be like everyone else, but to follow fashion?

How interesting and attractive fashion would not have been the world he has in the 21st century is one problem - mass predictability. But in fact, the effect is to expect quite the opposite: he who follows the "freshest" fashion trends, must stand out from the crowd and be seen "per kilometer", whereas now we can see those who are on these trends "are not carried out." Let us recall the maxi skirt - the clearest example! Before the boom came in the spring of last year, paced the street girls in skirts to the floor could be called a freak from the last century or dressed "in the grandmother's things." Now - it's a fetish, and must have in the wardrobe of every fashionable woman, regardless it is for you or not. So what are the trends and how to understand when you really should borrow a granny skirt?

 Trends - not a sentence! How not to be like everyone else, but to follow fashion?

Of course, one reason for this promotion and the arrival of trends in weight can be considered online. There is nothing that can slip past the watchful eyes of a monster network. Information enters the network in seconds that instantly leads to the emergence of new collections of today's popular online shops. Obvious examples are the Russian Asos, Lamoda, Yoox and Wildberries. Having come to these sites, the first thing you can see and feel - a message «Whether in the trend!" Even things visually divided into trend, that is, hits and ordinary goods. Of course, after, or follow along with the online and the range of non-virtual shops. Well then do not get into the trend? Even if not specifically?

Here are several tips, we will not call them "rules". So, going to the point: How could I not be like everyone else, but to follow fashion?

Fashion historian Alexandre Vassiliev tirelessly repeats: "Follow fashion is ridiculous and foolish not to follow." If you think you can do for yourself is one simple conclusion - follow reasonable! Okay, in the trend floral print on the whole, than the only possible - buy decoration in the form of a flower or, eventually, use fresh flowers to create a summer hairstyle! Without things fashionable shade of mint fashionista life is not possible? - Buy a bright accessory, but do not run to buy pants, sweaters and socks fashionable colors! Maxi - fetish fashion-world, but you can not decorate it? Do not try to buy the skirt to the floor, select sundress Midi and do not forget the observance of proportions - oversize waist, choose the right top. And, of course, do not rush to put on the anchor chain only because of the massive decorations in fashion - just choose bright accessories. In fact, sees the root: grab an idea, but do not copy the style!

 Trends - not a sentence! How not to be like everyone else, but to follow fashion?

Do not waste your whole paycheck on trends. It's even funnier than to dress "as a blueprint." I'm sure that some of your long-forgotten (or mother's) wardrobe can usually turn into a fashion hit of the season! And if this was not found and buy something just need to - use rates. Following the online shopami has long followed promotional codes sites. Check discount Promokodabre and your wallet will maintain and affordable trends.

And finally - never follow what you do not like or is not just because it is fashionable. Brighter you this does not become a thing does not decorate, and will be safely forgotten in the wardrobe. Always choose the right styles and follow the already developed style.

Do not be mistaken by saying last banality: stay on their own and it will be a major factor in distinguishing you from the crowd!

 Trends - not a sentence! How not to be like everyone else, but to follow fashion?

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