Friday, 16 September 2016

The Japanese diet - 13 days separates you from the slim figure

 The Japanese diet - 13 days separates you from the slim figure


  • Preparation of the hunger strike
  • Important Limitations of the Japanese diet
  • Menu the first week of the diet
  • Menu the second week of the diet
  • Some features of the "Japanese"

The Japanese diet is surrounded by a variety of speculation and rumors. Some argue that it developed into a well-known weight loss clinic in Japan, and some believe that this technique invented by the women themselves land of the rising sun. But be that as it may, this diet quickly spread around the world and has become very popular.

The Japanese diet for 13 days calculated on Persistent women finished in the pursuit of beauty and harmony to make many sacrifices. I must say these victims is quite justified, because "Japanese" allows you to reset 8-12 kilograms. And all this for some two weeks! The main thing to "enter" into the diet, and also the right of her to "go."

Preparation of the hunger strike

First of all, adjust yourself to the fact that within 13 days you will become slim and beautiful, will be able to wear your favorite dress and without shame the swimming pool or the beach. On the eve of the diet is not necessary to load the body dense dinner. Prepare something easy, not calories. For example, boil a little bit of wild rice and make vegetable salad with olive oil. Already in the evening, you can try to eat without salt, or at least turn down her number several times.

A good 'helper' you will chopsticks. Get them in advance and try to have dinner with them. Many women say that only one kind of cutlery makes you to feel light and weightless, like a bird.

 The Japanese diet - 13 days separates you from the slim figure

Important Limitations of the Japanese diet

The main thing - in any case do not give up the diet started. Do not change your food, eat only those that are listed in the menu, even if you think that the replacement of everything not affect. "Japanese" is aimed at the restoration of metabolic processes, and all the products are selected with great care. In the days of hunger strike, discard the products listed below.

  • Salt, as it has the ability to hold fluid in the body;
  • Sugar, which is the first enemy of harmony;
  • Bread. Especially because of higher wheat. You can eat only those bakery products which are in the menu;
  • Alcoholic drinks. A glass of wine drunk over dinner, will bring all your efforts to nothing. Alcohol has the ability to change the work of the organs are not for the better, and it slows down the excretion of toxins.

During the diet you must drink plenty of water, preferably mineral without gas. So you will save yourself from dehydration. Young nursing mothers is not recommended to injure your body diets. Set aside the issue of weight loss, until the baby grows up.

Menu the first week of the diet

Well, here we have learned the basic rules, and now let's look at the menu on the day of the Japanese diet.

The first day

  • Breakfast - coffee black. For your own good, it would be useful to organic coffee. It contains antioxidants. Soluble "Burda" use is not recommended, regardless of whether you're sitting on a diet or not;
  • Lunch - egg and vegetables. Boil two eggs, preferably boiled. Make a salad of steamed cabbage (you can take the Beijing), his arch olive oil. Incidentally, this salad can be eaten in any quantity, not limiting themselves;
  • Dinner you have a fish that day. Buy any fish to your taste. The main thing that it was not too oily. The fish can and cook, and fry in olive oil.

Second day

  • Breakfast - coffee with rye croutons;
  • Lunch - fish and vegetables. Cook fish on the first day. Garnish make coleslaw, cucumber and radish. Optionally, you can add the tomatoes;
  • Dinner meat. Boil a piece of beef - 150 grams eat it with pleasure and drink a glass of kefir or yogurt (low-fat).

Day Three

  • Breakfast is the same as yesterday;
  • Lunch vegetable. Take the zucchini or eggplant, cut into slices and fry in olive oil. You can use sesame oil - it will give the dish a special flavor;
  • Dinner - eggs, meat and vegetables. Cook beef and a couple of eggs, make coleslaw. This time can be used for filling corn oil.

Day Four

  • Breakfast - just coffee;
  • Lunch is permitted to use a little bit of cheese - 20 grams, not more. As well as two raw carrots and boiled egg. By the way, carrots can be mixed with grated cheese and season with any oil - get a delicious and healthy salad;
  • Dinner that day fruit. You may eat any fruit except bananas and grapes. Do not cram much. It is better to split the dinner for two times, so will feel less hungry.

Day Five

  • Today, hearty breakfast - big raw carrots, grated on a coarse grater and seasoned with lemon juice;
  • Lunch Fish. Fry or boil 150 grams of any fish, wash down with tomato juice;
  • Dinner, like yesterday - fruit.

Day Six

  • Breakfast is still the same coffee;
  • Lunch meat. Only now we eat chicken. Doormats breast boil if there is no breast fit any part of the chicken, but without the fat and skin. Served with salad of cabbage or carrots (raw);
  • Dinner of boiled eggs and carrots.

The seventh day

  • For breakfast, drink a cup of herbal or conventional green tea;
  • Lunch - boiled beef and vegetables (except bananas and grapes);
  • Dinner - any of those already listed.

 The Japanese diet - 13 days separates you from the slim figure

Menu the second week of the diet

The first half of the diet has gone, the menu repeats itself:

  • Day Eight repeats the sixth day;
  • The ninth day repeats the fifth day;
  • Tenth day same as the fourth;
  • Eleventh - third;
  • Twelfth - the second;
  • And the last - first.

That came to an end the Japanese diet. Now the main thing right out of it. No need to immediately go for too sweet, salted and smoked delicacies. Let your menu for the next 3-4 days includes the same products as in the diet. Enter the normal diet gradually, and then lost weight will not return ever.

Some features of the "Japanese"

  • Quick reset weight observed in the first half of the diet in the following days, the plummet is not more than 200 grams per day;
  • You can change the coffee to green tea - it will be useful for the organism. However, the effectiveness of the diet will decrease;
  • Sitting on such a diet can not be more than 13 days, and it can be used no more than once a year;
  • If you are bothered headaches and weakness, more often in the fresh air, try not to overwork;
  • Ideally, before the start of the diet should consult a doctor.

Yes, the Japanese diet is classified as strict diets. To sustain its not everyone can. But if you are still able to hold out for the right time, be sure to revise your future diet and overall lifestyle. Try to walk on foot, sign up for any physical training or the school dance, eat only natural foods - then your figure will always look perfectly, and feel you accordingly!

 The Japanese diet - 13 days separates you from the slim figure

We advise to check: Japanese salt-free diet

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