Friday, 2 September 2016

Himself designer or plan kitchen with balcony

 Himself designer or plan kitchen with balcony


  • Practical Association balconies and kitchens
  • Conditional Association kitchen and balcony
  • General design rules

Often the kitchen in our homes is not as great as we would have liked. And even sadder that the possibilities of expanding this tiny room not so much. However, there is an option of planning and re-planning the kitchen, which was lucky to realize the happy owners of a kitchen with a balcony. In general, if your kitchen has a balcony, the problem can be regarded as almost solved.

Kitchen Design with a balcony - a great opportunity to do this premise is not only spacious, but also roomy and bright, comfortable and cozy. However, not everyone knows how to use that extra space wisely. And even fewer of those who really imagine how much easier and better to become a kitchen, a balcony if you use off-label, and as part of the kitchen interior.

Note that the design of the kitchen with a balcony does not assume limitless variety of options. Here we have only two possibilities. The first - is to make alterations and combine the kitchen with a balcony. And the second - to leave the balcony separate room, but make it part of the kitchen. However, both of these possibilities can be realized in different ways. Let's look at this in more detail.

 Himself designer or plan kitchen with balcony

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Practical Association balconies and kitchens

So, the first option - the union of space kitchen and balcony. This option is the most labor intensive in all respects. Firstly, its implementation will require you to dismantle the wall that separates the kitchen and loggia. And this, in turn, will lead to harmonization of the operations with the service BTI. And yet the fact that the dismantling of the wall you will be allowed. Although, of course, no question of complete demolition of the walls is not - it is because the carrier. But take out the balcony frame, remove the window and the door and make an open aperture is likely.

Secondly, a balcony, which became part of the kitchen, you definitely need to insulate. And it must be done first. And this process - it is not only the installation of double-glazed windows on loggias warm, but insulation of walls and floors, installation of an additional radiator and electrical work. As you can imagine, this process is quite cost, not only financially, but also prolonged in time.

But after these works you can start remodeling, repairing and decorating. If you are concerned about a literate and stylish kitchen design, combined with a balcony, then you should know that, according to the trends made visually highlight the balcony. To do this, use a variety of techniques: installation of decorative arches and walls, laying different for these zones flooring.

Combining the kitchen with a balcony so that when retracted only the frame and sill remains in place, you can post it on the dispensing table or bar. If the site appears a large arch opening, then the best option would be located in a common space dining area. If you combined a balcony large enough, then it is possible to place a part of the kitchen units.

If the size of the balcony allow you to completely (or mostly) to move it a kitchen area, the kitchen itself can become a dining room or living room. Of course, this would be appropriate in the interior of the house, where he lives is not a lot of people, and which serves not often and not much.

Do not forget that the design of the joint space must be performed in any particular style. Well, if it is modern, the furniture and accessories should match the style. And if you prefer cozy rustic, then give preference to wood furniture and natural materials.

 Himself designer or plan kitchen with balcony

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Conditional Association kitchen and balcony

This design will cost you much cheaper! In addition, this option allows you to use the balcony space as part of the kitchen, but not venturing a grand total dismantling of walls and redevelopment areas. Balcony just will not be used for its intended purpose, but will significantly "unload" the kitchen space.

The only problem - the presence of the door, which significantly limits the possibility of placing the furniture. To cope with this problem in several ways:

  • Back swing doors on sliding;
  • place in the sector opened the door cabinets are rarely used;
  • put in a "dead zone" washing machine or dishwasher with a front-loading;
  • remove all door retaining frame and insulate with the balcony.

Now, let's consider the options of using the balcony space as part of the kitchen.

Balcony, pantry

The most sensible option - to use the balcony as a pantry. Here you can store not only the preparations for the winter, but also cereals, vegetables, as well as the overall and rarely used dishes. In this case, you can release the cooking space by removing a portion of the cabinets and shelves, and make a more spacious dining area.

Arrange a balcony, pantry can be conventional for such a utility room shelves or cupboards and boxes for storing vegetables and various useful things. If you allow the size of the balcony and conducted communications, here you can also put the washing machine. The interior design of the store room does not have to fully comply with the stylistic decisions cuisine. But for lovers of stylish interior, and there is room for creativity.

Balcony Garden

The second, less efficient, but more romantic version - the transformation of the balcony in the winter garden. However, to talk about the release of additional space in the kitchen in this case is not necessary. But here you get a lovely sitting area. By the way, loggia or balcony, in this case, too, must be insulated and equipped with additional lighting. In addition to the colors in a garden, you can grow herbs, or even to organize a mini-beds with vegetables.

It is the right solution for the conversion of the balcony in the winter garden is a setting of the balcony opening fully glazed frame (and the door and window). It is also advisable not dense curtain window and long curtains. But windows on the balcony desirable curtain - a surplus of light for indoor plants is not always useful.

 Himself designer or plan kitchen with balcony

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General design rules

So, let's sum up. Design kitchen with a balcony can be carried out redevelopment areas or the conservation of individual space kitchen and balcony. One thing is undeniable for sure - either way you will be able to expand the kitchen space actually or visually. After balcony - it is a whole, albeit small room.

Stylistic decision depends entirely on your taste. You can choose the same style of the interior, which is appropriate in a combined form, or stop at different styles.

And most importantly - try to evaluate various options for the interior design. What's more you want? Redevelopment and dismantling the dividing walls of the kitchen and a balcony? Or release of kitchen space by an additional separate room? You decide, and live in a home with an updated kitchen too you. So what approach to take action responsibly, and all you get!

 Himself designer or plan kitchen with balcony

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