- Forms of gastritis
- What causes gastritis?
- The symptoms of gastritis
- Learn more about erosive gastritis
- Nutrition for erosive gastritis
- Treatment of gastritis traditional medicines
Today from such diseases as chronic erosive gastritis, is suffering a significant portion of the Russian population. Of course, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. But if so it came to disease, at least, should be at least in general terms, to understand what it is, what are the symptoms and signs, and then what diet should observe a person suffering from gastritis.
Forms of gastritis
There are acute and chronic gastritis.
- Acute gastritis
Such gastritis occurs under the influence of irritating food products, allergenic and ingestion acid, alcohol and certain drugs. The process is developing very fast, nausea rises, then starts vomiting. Man feels the general weakness, cramping pain in the stomach.
In acute course of the disease caused by ingestion of stale food or some allergens, talk about the so-called catarrhal gastritis. This will affect the surface layer of the mucosa, respectively, so gastritis fairly easy to treat.
With the defeat of stomach acids and toxic substances developed erosive gastritis. In this case, not only affected by the surface layer of the mucosa, the process involved in the deeper layers. As a result, it may develop a peptic ulcer, possibly scarring.
- Chronic gastritis
It is a long inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, which may occur after acute gastritis, and also due to the constant violations of diet, alcohol abuse, constant exposure to various irritants to the stomach.
In addition, it distinguishes gastritis with low gastric secretory function (say at home - reduced acidity) and higher. In the first case there is a loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea and other symptoms. With increased acidity of people experiencing pain after eating, at night, it hurts heartburn, belching, constipation. If you have these symptoms, in any case, do not delay the visit to the clinic.
What causes gastritis?
As already mentioned, gastritis - a fairly common disease in which inflammation of the notes of the gastric mucosa. This may be caused by a number of reasons. However, most disease is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. But this is usually preceded by disturbances in eating habits, stress, alcohol abuse, smoking.
Adversely affect the gastric mucosa and certain medications. In particular, aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as diclofenac group. All of them contain acids that affect the state of the stomach. Under the influence of these factors, the mucous becomes very vulnerable, and these bacteria in a short time exacerbates the disease.
By the way, the involvement of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the development of gastritis was discovered relatively recently. Research conducted by medical scientists, have radically changed the approaches to the treatment of diseases such as erosive gastritis, ulcers, cancer of the stomach.
And one more reason that causes gastritis, which I would like to mention - this increased aggressiveness of the immune system. In this case, the immune system does not suppress pathogenic microbes, and struggles with his own body, destroying cells. This so-called autoimmune diseases.
The symptoms of gastritis
Symptoms indicating problems with the stomach, it's a pain (on an empty stomach or after eating), nausea, vomiting, stool problems (constipation, diarrhea). When these symptoms should immediately go to a doctor who will conduct an appropriate examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Warning: sometimes gastritis proceeds without pronounced symptoms, so it is necessary to monitor their state of health, and at the slightest discomfort in the digestive tract to go to the clinic. The sooner treatment begins, the sooner and easier, you can get rid of this unpleasant disease.
Learn more about erosive gastritis
Typically, the condition of patients with erosive gastritis quite difficult. They usually complain of discomfort in the upper abdomen. Severe pain and blood in the gastric contents - it is the first serious signs of acute erosive gastritis. Another symptom - a dark, almost black chair, indicating that there is a internal bleeding.
Treatment of erosive gastritis is conducted in a hospital. In most cases patients can be cured. An important role in this issue played a timely reference to the doctor, correct diagnosis and adequate treatment of erosive gastritis. However, in severe cases, severe bleeding could end up fatal.
Stomach bleeding erosive gastritis occur more often due to increased vascular permeability and gastric mucosal lesions, and is meant is not the surface layer, and the depth of the lesion. Generally hemorrhagic gastritis - is the most dangerous stage of the disease and treatment should be carried out only in a hospital.
Erosive gastritis quite a serious disease and to treat it lightly in any case impossible. As noted above, when the first symptoms of the disease, be sure to visit the profile of the doctor who will put the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Neither of which self-medication is not out of the question. Only a doctor on the basis of a full medical history will be able to choose the appropriate drugs. Tips for friends and acquaintances who were treated for erosive gastritis, should be banned. Selection of drugs - it is the prerogative of the doctor and the doctor only.
Nutrition for erosive gastritis
Proper diet, a balanced menu - an important component of treatment for diseases gastritis. Quite often it is the disease itself arises as a result of eating disorders. There are a number of rules that must be followed by all people suffering from gastritis.
- Fractional power - at least 6 times.
- Small portions.
- Thorough chewing.
- Exclude fried, salty, spicy dishes.
- Food should not be neither too hot, nor too cold.
- Exclude all rough, irritating the stomach food. Priority is given to frayed puree dishes.
Gastritis should be completely excluded from their diet alcohol, carbonated beverages, coffee, and smoked, canned, nourishing broth, fat meat. Adhering to these simple rules, you will be able to quickly deal with the disease.
Nutrition for erosive gastritis, as already mentioned, a very important component of treatment. But it does not do as well without any special medications that help protect the stomach lining and defeat is quite a serious illness.
Treatment of gastritis traditional medicines
Traditional healers treat gastritis with the help of herbal medicine. And such treatment certainly has the right to life. However, just want to emphasize that to cure gastritis solely by means of traditional medicine is hardly possible. They are good as a supplement to medical treatment.
In addition to herbs in the arsenal of traditional medicine is and bee products, which also have a beneficial effect on the state of the gastric mucosa. This, in particular, aqueous solutions of honey, propolis. At low acidity before meals take honey, dissolved in cold water, - it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. If the acidity is increased, it shows a warm solution of honey. A beneficial effect on a sick stomach as propolis, royal jelly.
However, all these treatments be sure to discuss with your doctor. And of course, they are contraindicated for people who have an allergic reaction to bee products.
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