Thursday, 3 December 2015

The most delicious snack on sandwiches

 The most delicious snack on sandwiches


  • Herring oil with carrots
  • Recipe with mustard oil and milk
  • Herring oil with eggs

Snacks, sandwiches, canapes - oh, how we all love on the holiday table! One of the favorite snacks of the Russian people are certainly sandwiches with herring oil.

The recipe he has a pretty simple, especially if you have at hand all the necessary ingredients. However, there are still some of the subtleties. So how well do herring oil? As home to make all your favorite snack? Here are some simple and useful tips on cooking it at home.

 The most delicious snack on sandwiches
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Herring oil with carrots

Recipe extremely simple. For this dish we need: 3 small herring average salinity, 2-3 medium carrots, 200 grams of butter.

First we have to chop the carrots, after having washed it and cleaned. You can do it on a small grater, but it would be better if you do it in a blender. Then the mass will be more homogeneous. Next we will have to clean a herring, gut it, remove all the guts, cut off the tail and head. Bones also need to be removed. First, you must cut the ridge, and then gently best tweezers, remove any small bones. It is better to do it under a lamp or in front of an open window, because the bones are very small herring, may be skipped, and then this delicacy, you may receive an unexpected "surprise".

Now we need to cut the herring pieces and send in a blender, where we lay shredded carrots. And promolot it all together. Now we can add the softened butter, it should be soft but not flowing from the knife! To do this, it must lie down for 3 hours in the kitchen at room temperature. All good mix, and it can be spread on bread! And if a snack to put in the refrigerator, it can be as conventional oil, cut in small plates and put on the same loaf.
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Recipe with mustard oil and milk

Ingredients for cooking are: butter - 200 g, salt herring fillets - 60 g, mustard to taste, a little milk.

Herring at home need to pre-soak in milk. Lay it in him to be from one hour to two, then get, wet cloth and grind in a blender is a fillet. You can also twist the fillets in a meat grinder. Now add prepared mustard (you can buy your favorite mustard at the store), softened butter and beat it all again in a blender for a smooth paste. Done! You can remove it in the refrigerator and then cut, as usual, on sandwiches. This recipe is very simple, but it is not for everybody.

 The most delicious snack on sandwiches
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Herring oil with eggs

The recipe for this oil is rooted in the Soviet past. He has prepared for Brezhnev, and he was very proud that such a recipe and go to our descendants.

What we need to cook at home a snack? And for this you need: 200 g butter, 1 fat herring, 2 regular eggs, one medium garlic clove, small red onion, a bit of chopped herbs (parsley and dill), 1 teaspoon of mild mustard.

Butter need to put in the kitchen at room temperature to sufficiently softened. Meanwhile, cook 2 eggs. In herring remove the backbone, guts, cut off the head and tail, remove all the things that we do not need, we obtain small bones with tweezers and carefully wash it under running water. Again, take a miracle device - a blender, put in a peeled eggs and melted butter, stir it all.

Add the finely chopped garlic finely. It can grate. Very melenko chopped red onion, pour boiling water to the whole of it left bitterness and also add to the weight. Put to the herring, which we previously passed through a meat grinder. Rolling in chopped greens, mustard spoon. To spice you can add a pinch of black pepper. Now all this stir until smooth and put this mixture in plastic wrap. You can wrap a sausage, then it will be easier to cut it. Put the sausage in the fridge for 2 hours, and after two hours you can enjoy a wonderful meal!

Undoubtedly, herring oil - a very high-calorie dish, so it should consume or only on holidays or in the morning when our bodies need to stock up on the necessary protein and energy for the whole day. But if you use this recipe every day, and only occasionally to indulge yourself this delicious snack, then the figure you'll be all right! Especially that little weaknesses are so good and tasty, we are uplifting and positive charge!

 The most delicious snack on sandwiches

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