Thursday, 31 December 2015

Rice diet for 3 days: Down with the extra weight!

 Rice diet for 3 days: Down with the extra weight!

Have you ever thought about why rice diet is so popular? It is difficult to find at least one girl, watching their weight and never try to "lose weight on rice." There is a rice diet for 3 days diet "five volumes of" soft-week diet - and that's just the ones on hearing almost every one of us. And all the reviews about these diets are usually always the same: first we excitedly talk about the lost weight and then show podtyanuvshiesya sides, and finally boast trendy jeans in which to get into the diet was unreal. Common situation?

On the Internet so much advice for dieters that it is easy to get lost in them. Be that as it may, the rice diet is always the most popular among women of all ages and habitats. There is virtually no forum on women's portals, which would not discuss the following topic: rice - a wizard, which will help to lose weight and digestive organs in order lead. That's why more and more women around the world to solve their problems with the help of a rice diet. Is not it time and we know more about how to use this cereal to become more slim and healthy?

What is the secret of "Saracen wheat?"

So what's so magical in the rice diet that causes people to lose weight by leaps and bounds? Why rice cereal is considered the most valuable and useful to the human body? We have something you are used to treat this cereal is quite easy: think, rice! And for many other peoples of rice - it's almost a sacred cereal crops, which are used to treat respectfully.

So, we all know about rice? The fact that the Chinese love it that the children of a cook delicious milk porridge, and adults - a fragrant pilaf. The fact that it is low in calories and it is a part of many diets. All? Let's try to look at the product so familiar to us a little bit wider and understand why rice cherishes the entire eastern continent of our planet. Here are some interesting facts about rice that can "shed light" on the situation:

  • The first information on rice are very ancient period - about fifteen thousand years ago. Grow it learned there, where now is located in South Korea. In Russia, the figure appeared only when Peter the Great, the people nicknamed him "Saracen millet."
  • About five hundred million tons of rice is produced throughout the world each year. They grow and process it for about one billion people consume - three billion.
  • In order to grow just one kilo of rice requires about five thousand liters of water.
  • According to scientists, there are about seven thousand varieties of rice.
  • In Japanese, the word "rice" and "eat" mean the same thing, but in China there is a saying "break a cup of rice" - it means "losing their jobs."
  • Rice is very nutritious, it gives a person a lot of energy. At the same time it malokalorien contains no fat, sodium and cholesterol. In one cup of regular white rice contains only one hundred and sixty calories.

It turns out that the popularity of rice diet completely is not accidental, because the product consumes more than half of humanity on our planet. A rapid weight loss with such a diet is because the properties of this cereal allows to excrete toxins, salts and toxins, restore the normal functioning of the digestive system, speeds up metabolism. And besides, that figure is useful, he is just very tasty! So any diet for him and satisfying, and rewarding.

Many varieties of rice - choose on taste

Having decided to go on a rice diet, the first thing that has to do - buy himself Fig. And right in the store, standing in front of a shelf with all kinds of varieties of rice, the question arises: what, in fact, choose? Would it not be more slimming effect if, instead of the usual rice Krasnodar to select an exotic variety of red or brown? Indeed, any major supermarket shoppers can please a wide variety of rice - sometimes there are about a dozen varieties of completely unknown to us.

Of course, you can find time to meticulously study the characteristics of each variety of rice, but the idea is more suitable for connoisseurs of cuisine, and we have with you a completely different task. All we need to know - is there a special kind of rice, helping to lose weight more effectively. And doctors, nutritionists believe that there is. If you take the shelf brown brown rice - take it without hesitation. This is where the high content of different nutrients, its shell and the seed layer are rich in folic acid, fiber, B vitamins more in this rice quite a lot of useful minerals: copper, iodine, phosphorus and zinc.

But do not despair, if where you live, find brown rice does not work: an ordinary white variety will fit perfectly to the diet. Moreover, it is much less exotic counterpart, so you and lose weight, and save a little money. Also, do not forget the wisdom of our grandmothers: you need to be treated that grows on their land. It is possible that a diet of rice for this saying is also true.

 Rice diet for 3 days: Down with the extra weight!

Pickles: three days you forget about me

Express diets have always been very popular. That's a three-day diet of rice treat those who are willing to short period of time to lose a couple of extra kilos. Reasons for such haste is enough: someone needed a few days to get into a new dress, and someone wants to hit a new acquaintance thin waist. Especially that such an inexpensive diet is also very convenient: a small amount of rice can always take to school or work, and diet will not be disturbed.

There are two most popular types of rice three-day diet. One of them is elementary - there can only rice, drinking water and green tea. The second - more gentle, includes a menu for all three days. How to choose - you decide, do not forget only the following: rice salt in any case impossible, and carbonated soft drinks - is also taboo. So do dety:

  1. The secret to a strict three-day diet of rice in the fractional power. You need to cook one cup of rice and eat it during the day only in small portions. Because the rice grains are very nutritious, and they will have you at certain intervals, hunger you will not. You can drink green tea without sugar and non-carbonated mineral vodu.Saditsya on such a diet may be no more than once a month to lose weight during this time can be three kilograms. However, if you need to lose a little more, you can extend the diet for up to seven days. Just do not forget to include in the diet for two or three hundred grams of stewed vegetables and fresh fruit every day, otherwise you will seriously harm your body. In general, it is necessary well very much like rice, to voluntarily extend the diet after three days.
  2. Next rice diet is also a three-day, but it is much softer than the previous version. With it, you can lose two - two and a half kilograms. Just as in the mono-diet, rice during cooking can not be salted. In general, it is best to cook for a couple - so it saved a lot more nutrients. So, the diet itself:
  • First day

Breakfast: one hundred grams of rice with the addition of lemon zest
Lunch: soup of fresh vegetables (open to all vegetables, except potatoes), vegetable salad - 150 grams of rice with fresh herbs, season with a teaspoon of olive oil - 100g
Dinner: soup with fresh vegetables, boiled rice with carrots, fill it with one teaspoon of sour cream - 100 gr

  • Second day

Breakfast: rice with fresh herbs, seasoned with a h. Spoon of sour cream - 100 grams, orange
Lunch: vegetable soup, a piece of boiled rice - 100g
Dinner: a portion of boiled rice - 100 grams of fresh vegetables, steamed

  • Third day

Breakfast: a portion of boiled rice, cinnamon, one grapefruit
Lunch: vegetable broth, salad cucumbers, dressed with a tsp. Olive oil - 100 g, a portion of boiled rice with stewed mushrooms 150g
Dinner: a portion of boiled rice - 100 g broccoli, steamed - 150g

Grasp the rice diet, do not get carried away too much: around the need to know the measure. What would be useful and nutritious diet was neither, but for most of us, any starvation - it is a lot of stress for the nervous system. Agree, it is very difficult to maintain good spirits during a regular diet - everything around annoying and unnerving. Therefore, in order not to jeopardize his mental state, and the whole body, do not be too hard on her figure and do not sit on a diet long position. After all, a woman is bound to be a beautiful, happy and loved - more than anyone and she did not have to.

 Rice diet for 3 days: Down with the extra weight!

We recommend that read: Effective monodiets

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