Thursday, 31 December 2015

Green milk tea for weight loss

 Green milk tea for weight loss


  • 3 basic ways to prepare molokochaya slimming
  • How useful diet for molokochae

If you score over the winter period a few extra kilos and want to get rid of them without too much trouble, to lose weight you perfectly podoydet.zelёny tea with milk. This drink tastes good, it can reduce appetite and satisfy hunger. With it, you can easily get rid of excess weight in a short time.

Green tea with milk - a healthy beverage, whose main components are tea and milk. Molokochay recommended to use for people with kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, as well as for weight loss. When used it can be a long time to maintain their normal weight. Milk, on the one hand, increases the useful properties of tea, and on the other - it reduces the negative impact. Tea, in turn, contributes to a better absorption of the milk. A diet molokochaem suitable for almost everyone - except for those people who suffer from food allergies to milk, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Created on diet molokochae I was in Russia, dancer Margarita Blinovskii that crossed the threshold of the 90th anniversary, while still slim, graceful and elegant. As she says, the former dancer look great all his life it helped molokochaya use to which it remains true to this day.

3 basic ways to prepare molokochaya slimming

  1. 1 liter of milk to warm, not boiling. Cover it 3-5 tablespoons green tea. Insist 20 minutes, then strain.
  2. 0, 5 liters of water to boil, add 4 teaspoons of tea. Let stand for 5 minutes, then add 0, 5 liters of milk.
  3. In a well-heated cup pour 1/3 milk and 2/3 strong tea solution (the method invented the British).

To prepare molokochaya for weight loss is best to use a green leaf tea, but also large-suit and black. Do not forget about the teas flavored with natural additives - they are also suitable for the preparation of molokochaya.

Green teas there are so many. You can purchase any on your taste. This green tea contains a lot of nutrients that have a positive effect on the body. After all, no wonder the Chinese and the Japanese, who are considered experts in the tea ceremony, give preference to green tea.

Milk in tea for weight loss is better to take skim or low-fat (1%). For a taste of the finished molokochay can add 2-3 teaspoons of honey. Keep molokochay best in the refrigerator, as it spoils quickly (especially in the warmer months). Diet for weight loss involves eating molokochaya in an amount not less than one and a half liters a day in the cold or hot.

Drink fasting days for weight loss molokochay at any time, but it is best to drink 1 glass every two hours. Since molokochay has strong diuretic effect, together with it is recommended to use an additional fluid such as plain or non-carbonated mineral water (2-3 liters per day).

With the help of this magic potion you can lose from 0 5 to 2 kg per day. Do not make fasting days on molokochae more often than 1 time per week. The greatest effect is achieved, as a rule, on the first day, and in the days that followed the body gets used to drink. In the fasting days on molokochae cleansing of the body is enhanced. On the eve of this day should not eat fatty foods in large quantities. It is better to have dinner with something light and low-calorie. Molokochay can be consumed throughout the day as the only "meal" and you can drink it only in the evening, replacing dinner. This will also contribute to weight loss of 2-3 kg per week.

There are a few rules to help achieve maximum results and weight loss does not harm their health by using molokochaya:

  1. Do not discharge more than 1 day per week.
  2. Diet is not in the fasting days should be special. It should abandon the use of fatty, starchy foods and try not to eat after 18.00 hours.
  3. Within a week use molokochay slimming as dinner.
  4. In the fasting day do not eat anything except water and molokochaya.
  5. For effective weight loss fasting day on molokochae should be combined with regular exercise (fitness, shaping, etc.).
  6. Diet molokochae preclude the use of excessively fatty and high-calorie foods and alcoholic beverages. Alcohol, if we drink green tea for weight loss, it is necessary to exclude or minimize, since it also contains a lot of calories.

 Green milk tea for weight loss

  How useful diet for molokochae

  • Regular consumption molokochaya reduces the risk of cancer;
  • Molokochay strengthens the immune system and normalizes the body's metabolism;
  • Tea with milk - soothing agent, which means it can be drunk with stress and insomnia;
  • This diet is good for the skin, making it more healthy, soft and smooth;
  • Molokochay has a cleaning effect on many important body systems: circulatory, nervous, urogenital, as well as on the gallbladder and liver;
  • Milk, a part of this wonderful drink is a source of vitamins and minerals, tea and allows the best way to learn these elements;
  • Molokochay great for weight loss, as it significantly reduces the appetite and well satisfies hunger. Therefore, the diet with this useful drink is not painful, and will become a pleasant variety of diet;

However, abuse molokochaem for weight loss is not worth it: the frequent use of this drink may be the risk of kidney stones and disrupt the gastrointestinal tract. More molokochay lowers blood pressure. So if you suffer from low blood pressure, it is not desirable to use this drink. With frequent application molokochaya the body will be displayed too much fluid, threatening metabolic disorders. In addition, the fasting days for weight loss on molokochae can be carried out mainly at the weekend because he has a strong diuretic effect.

But if you do on fasting days molokochae not very often use this drink in reasonable quantities, we can not be afraid to harm their health and reduce weight without painful sensations of hunger.

 Green milk tea for weight loss

We recommend that read: Diet Green Tea

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